Proof Of The Bible

This thread shows a pattern very similar to all the ''pwoof of the gods'', threads. Many pages, no pwoofs.

This thread shows a pattern very similar to all the ''pwoof of the gods'', threads. Many pages, no pwoofs.

Doctors and psychiatrists agree that believers have better mental (and physical) health than unbelievers. Also much longer lifespan.

2 Timothy 1:7
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

This should (but likely won't) tell you how we think about things. :)

Not exactly "pwoof" but compelling evidence. Interesting that belief in a 'myth' can provide such benefits. :bowdown:
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You're welcome.

After the wind piled up the water on both sides the Israelites crossed "dry shod".

Interesting that both science and the bible uses the same term for this phenomenon.
1300 feet straight down.
1300 feet straight down.
This is interesting.

This is interesting.

The Exodus is a great story but that is all it is, why does it need to be more? There is no evidence a large number of Jews left Egypt and no evidence a large number of Jews arrived in Palestine.
The Exodus is a great story but that is all it is, why does it need to be more? There is no evidence a large number of Jews left Egypt and no evidence a large number of Jews arrived in Palestine.
There's no evidence of evolution either but millions believe in it. ;)

Believers live longer and better than unbelievers, so creation has bested evolution in the important matters.
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Which idol worshipping nation was going to document an event that embarrassed their idol worship?
How many Jews left Egypt? I've heard huge numbers, numbers that would have made an impact on Egypt and an even greater impact on Palestine. The archeology of Palestine during that period shows no such influx. Where did they go?
How many Jews left Egypt? I've heard huge numbers, numbers that would have made an impact on Egypt and an even greater impact on Palestine. The archeology of Palestine during that period shows no such influx. Where did they go?
They assimilated and became Egyptians just like Jews do in America.
How many Jews left Egypt? I've heard huge numbers, numbers that would have made an impact on Egypt and an even greater impact on Palestine. The archeology of Palestine during that period shows no such influx. Where did they go?
Only 3 million Jews entered into Canaan.
You're welcome.

After the wind piled up the water on both sides the Israelites crossed "dry shod".

Interesting that both science and the bible uses the same term for this phenomenon.
So, ''pretty shallow'' is not a ''scientific term''.

What term is used in science for supernatural events?
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This is interesting.

Music and brightly colored graphics are soothing for some but a fundamentalist Christian ministry is inevitably going to make, manufacture and invent a narrative that supports their fundamentaisst views.
They assimilated and became Egyptians just like Jews do in America.
So they brought plagues on Egyptians, including killing of the first-born sons, fled Egypt, wandered for 40 years, and then turned around and went back? Yeah, that's believable. I'm sure the Egyptians welcomed them with open arms.

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