Proof Of The Bible

Only? You'd think there would be some evidence of new cities or displaced people but there isn't. There were Jewish settlements in Palestine before and after the Exodus that didn't significantly change throughout this period.
When populations run for their lives into Gaza or Egypt, they leave everything behind.
What was going to change? They were getting Internet service?
Few so-called Christians rely on prayer alone to cure serious disease. Most pray for God to guide the hands and bless the efforts of the doctors. And as stated before are more likely to follow doctor's orders than unbelievers.
When were you tasked with being the spokes-religioner for most so-called Christians?

Where did you get your certification as the mostest, bestest christian who understands ''true Christianity?
When populations run for their lives into Gaza or Egypt, they leave everything behind.
What was going to change? They were getting Internet service?
They'd have to build new homes and farms wouldn't they? Or did they kill the Jews already living there?
You said "They assimilated and became Egyptians just like Jews do in America". How else can that be read?

One of us is confused. So they didn't leave Egypt or go to Palestine?
20% of the Jews left Egypt and 80% assimilated into Egypt.
There was no Palestine in Canaan at the time.
The P'lish-tim lived in North West Gaza.
What is meant by dirt is the earthly elements, not the heavenly. When we decompose we return to the dirt; we become dirt.

Ecclesiastes 3:20
All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again.

dust is not dirt -

as in - desert religion forgeries and fallacies - the periodic elements are the same throughout the known universe wherever they might be ...


primordial earth not a lot of dirt - life is what makes soil, as well the necessity of H2O, contrary to c bible, everything in the universe is heavenly - except christians.
dust is not dirt -

as in - desert religion forgeries and fallacies - the periodic elements are the same throughout the known universe wherever they might be ...

View attachment 639571

primordial earth not a lot of dirt - life is what makes soil, as well the necessity of H2O, contrary to c bible, everything in the universe is heavenly - except christians.
"Dust" in this bible usage and context means that part of the earth/ground that sustains life i.e. organic soil.
When were you tasked with being the spokes-religioner for most so-called Christians?

Where did you get your certification as the mostest, bestest christian who understands ''true Christianity?
Someone's gotta do it. :)
What are the subjects convenient to deny?

"Hebrew literature is permeated with concepts and figures derived from the didactic treatises of Egypt",[21] with Amenemope often cited as the foremost example.[1][22] Even in his first brief publication of excerpts from Amenemope in 1922, Budge noted its obvious resemblance to the biblical wisdom books.[23] He amplified these comments in his 1923 and 1924 publications, observing that the religiously based morality of Amenemope "closely resembles" the precepts of the Hebrew Bible, and adducing specific parallels between Amenemope and texts in Proverbs, Psalms, and Deuteronomy.[24] Others soon followed his lead.

(Proverbs 22:20): "Have I not written for you thirty sayings of counsel and knowledge?" (ESV)
(Amenemope, ch. 30, line 539): "Look to these thirty chapters; they inform, they educate."[29]

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