Proof positive that the President conspired with the Russians, treason

What is worse, Sessions talking to Russians or Obama promising Putin special treament?

  • Obama

    Votes: 32 82.1%
  • Sessions

    Votes: 7 17.9%

  • Total voters
Jeff Sessions: "I didn't have — did not have communications with the Russians"

Bill Clinton: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky"
Sorry....this one flopped as well. You have nothing. ZIP ZERO NADA!
Iran buys their nuke material from Russia and Hillary and Obama gave it to them to sell. Then they green light Iran to go forward. And the left and the progressive right wants to investigate Sessions? LMFAO
Sessions lied before Congress, dimwit
You need to go back and listen to the question asked by Franken....word for word.
It was a very precise question and the answer was as precise.

Did you hear the part that Sessions volunteered?

Franken: "CNN just published a story alleging that the intelligence community provided documents to the president-elect last week that included information that quote, ‘Russian operatives claimed to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump.’ These documents also allegedly say quote, ‘There was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump's surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.’

"Now, again, I'm telling you this as it's coming out, so you know. But if it's true, it's obviously extremely serious and if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?"

Sessions: "Senator Franken, I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn't have — did not have communications with the Russians, and I'm unable to comment on it."

What Jeff Sessions told Al Franken about his Russia contacts - POLITIFACT
Exactly, it wasn't on behalf of the Trump campaign but, with his duties as a Senator.

Really? Then we must know what was discussed. Investigate!
I think the American people are paying attention to how the Dems are acting, they may lose more seats in the House in two years. I doubt Schumer will have a job or that nut job Pelosi
Do you mean to tell me OBAMA SPOKE WITH THE RUSSIANS????? He should be impeached or recused or something....
Well if there is talk of Trump being impeached then why wasn't there talk of impeaching Obama when he clearly made a promise of special treatment, against the will of the people, after he won the election?

Exactly....the Left has been screaming of Trump & his cabinet communicating with Russia, demanding to overthrow the government 'because it's sooo unfair & treasonous'.....yet they clam up when the shoe is on the other foot
Did Obama give any special treatment?

Did Trump?
Why did Sessions lie? Who knows what Rump did
did he lie? You can imagine anything Trump might of done. We hear with our own ears what Obama did.
Do you mean to tell me OBAMA SPOKE WITH THE RUSSIANS????? He should be impeached or recused or something....
Well if there is talk of Trump being impeached then why wasn't there talk of impeaching Obama when he clearly made a promise of special treatment, against the will of the people, after he won the election?

Exactly....the Left has been screaming of Trump & his cabinet communicating with Russia, demanding to overthrow the government 'because it's sooo unfair & treasonous'.....yet they clam up when the shoe is on the other foot
Did Obama give any special treatment?

Did Trump?
Why did Sessions lie? Who knows what Rump did

He didn't lie. Yes he spoke with Russians, right along with China, Japan, UK & about 20 other nations......while doing his job in the Senate as a member of the Armed Services Committee.
NO he didn't whisper sweet nothings in Russias ears conspiring the election..

As for Obama's comments to Russia.......just what did he need the 'more flexibility after the election' for anyway? He wasn't brushing the guy off, they were making a deal

This whole mess is about Sessions recusing himself from the investigation of Russian's a stretch, but I can go with it, but all this other nonsense is just that......non-sense
Do you mean to tell me OBAMA SPOKE WITH THE RUSSIANS????? He should be impeached or recused or something....
Well if there is talk of Trump being impeached then why wasn't there talk of impeaching Obama when he clearly made a promise of special treatment, against the will of the people, after he won the election?

Exactly....the Left has been screaming of Trump & his cabinet communicating with Russia, demanding to overthrow the government 'because it's sooo unfair & treasonous'.....yet they clam up when the shoe is on the other foot
Did Obama give any special treatment?
He promised he would. So yeah, I bet he did.
I think the American people are paying attention to how the Dems are acting, they may lose more seats in the House in two years. I doubt Schumer will have a job or that nut job Pelosi

No, they will be setting themselves up to run for President in 2020......right along with Oprah. If you think things are crazy now, just wait for that circus. :badgrin:

I'm telling ya, the whole damn country has lost it's ever loving mind.
A sitting president telling a Russian that he'll have more flexibility after the election isn't treason - because there was no quid pro quo. Nothing happened.

Yes there was uranium for their bombs, for money to the clinton foundation and the obama campaign.
The Democrats will use this bs story about the Trump campaign and the Russians just like the Republicans used Benghazi.. It will go on forever.. Just another example of how American politics are mired in self interests and political one upmanship.. Please do your job and put the American people first.
Wasn't that what Rump was supposed to do?

He's trying to, see his speech the other night, but the Dems are trying anything they can to stop him. They are trying to stay relevant. The Dems have no power and they are stooping to political lows never seen before.

All that's left for them are lies. That's pretty much all they ever had.
Now its out that several trumpery people were meeting with Russians AT THE RNC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This ain't going away.

Someone told me tonight on the phone that Trump's speech the other night was the greatest speech in American history. I didn't hear it but I do hear the numbers began to soar after his speech. Sounds like a two term president to me.
Wasn't that what Rump was supposed to do?

He's trying to, see his speech the other night, but the Dems are trying anything they can to stop him. They are trying to stay relevant. The Dems have no power and they are stooping to political lows never seen before.
So for you, its just fine if Sessions lies. I am sure you would fell the same way about Obama

As far as I know, Sessions didn't lie about meeting with the Russian Ambassador about the campaign, he met with him as was his duty being on the Senate Armed services Committee.
Cut the crappo. He was specifically asked if he met with the Russians and he said "NO".
He was asked if he talked about the campaign and he did not
Does that make it OK for Sessions to lie?
He did not lie....Putin got what he wanted from Obama and Hillary. Our Uranium to sell to Iran you duped idiot.
Iran doesn't need uranium, there nuclear program has ended
That's a Naive statement, very parochial.
prove me wrong. I will wait

Iran's nuclear program will only accelerate after Obama gave them billions of dollars. If you think for one minute Iran will halt their program, well.. I don't want to insult you...
The Iranians plan to use the cash Obama sent them for purely humanitarian purposes. That is why it was sent in the middle of the night and were actual currency not a bank transaction. Me thinks if a private company did the same there would be investigations.
The Democrats will use this bs story about the Trump campaign and the Russians just like the Republicans used Benghazi.. It will go on forever.. Just another example of how American politics are mired in self interests and political one upmanship.. Please do your job and put the American people first.
Wasn't that what Rump was supposed to do?

He's trying to, see his speech the other night, but the Dems are trying anything they can to stop him. They are trying to stay relevant. The Dems have no power and they are stooping to political lows never seen before.

All that's left for them are lies. That's pretty much all they ever had.
That and fake polls, photo shopped pics of Hillary's rallies which averaged 200 people or less. She didn't win the popular vote. The MSM has lost all credibility if ever they had any.
The Democrats will use this bs story about the Trump campaign and the Russians just like the Republicans used Benghazi.. It will go on forever.. Just another example of how American politics are mired in self interests and political one upmanship.. Please do your job and put the American people first.
Wasn't that what Rump was supposed to do?

He's trying to, see his speech the other night, but the Dems are trying anything they can to stop him. They are trying to stay relevant. The Dems have no power and they are stooping to political lows never seen before.

All that's left for them are lies. That's pretty much all they ever had.
Here is the problem for the left wing. Yes, Obama took a lot of heat, because he did things that should cause him to take a lot of heat, and the left ignored it. Now they are trying to do the same but they have to fabricate their protest out of sail cloth. The American people are on to them that is why they are trying even harder to be relevant.
Very funny that drumpf accidentally let it slip that Sessions 'could have been accurate'.

Pretty much can hear him say that he will sell his sole once he wins the election. Disgusting display of treason.

President Obama still intimidates you, doesn't he?

Not in the slightest, but your defense of him, and your pathetic attempt at deflection show that you are intimidated by the trumpster. And badly.

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