Proof that American doesn't need affirmative action

What do you mean? Would you explain?

I just hate racism everywhere. Everywhere all over the world there are discrimination against chinese.

I wouldn't say 4 data points. In Berkeley most students were chinese.

I would be concerned with lack of affirmative action if government funding is disproportionately used for certain act that disproportionately benefit only certain group.

For example, minimum wage may benefit mainly white and hurt black. School has government funding and we may wonder.

But really, government funding and minimum wage sucks in the first place.
What do you mean? Would you explain?

I just hate racism everywhere. Everywhere all over the world there are discrimination against chinese.

I wouldn't say 4 data points. In Berkeley most students were chinese.

I would be concerned with lack of affirmative action if government funding is disproportionately used for certain act that disproportionately benefit only certain group.

For example, minimum wage may benefit mainly white and hurt black. School has government funding and we may wonder.

But really, government funding and minimum wage sucks in the first place.

A consent decree is a written document produced by the City Manager, County Administrator, mayor or governor to create equal opportunity for protective classes, with a goal to have the work force of every agency reflect as closely as possible the demographics of the State or subdivision of the state.
You remember African Americans before AA, pre-1960s. Without AA, we'd right back there again. An Oriental Asian can immigrate even from North Korea, the most oppressive country on the planet, and do just fine without preferences. But, AAs need AA even when they grow up in America with the most expensive public education in the country.

Asians don't need AA (a program for the genetically less able classes). But, if Asians are so smart, why didn't a team from Asian take the top spot?
A consent decree is a written document produced by the City Manager, County Administrator, mayor or governor to create equal opportunity for protective classes, with a goal to have the work force of every agency reflect as closely as possible the demographics of the State or subdivision of the state.

So, the town's demographics of "minorities" is the quota. So, like, if there's 80% whites, 10% blacks, and 10% chimps in town, an agency must have at least 10% blacks and 10% chimps, regardless of how many better qualified whites must be discriminated against to achieve the quota.

I'd have to have a simian's IQ to not notice that quotas are a contradiction of "equal opportunity".
You remember African Americans before AA, pre-1960s. Without AA, we'd right back there again. An Oriental Asian can immigrate even from North Korea, the most oppressive country on the planet, and do just fine without preferences. But, AAs need AA even when they grow up in America with the most expensive public education in the country.

Asians don't need AA (a program for the genetically less able classes). But, if Asians are so smart, why didn't a team from Asian take the top spot?

Blacks didn't need AA before 1954. Many Black communities were thriving. And, doing business among themselves kept the dollar in those communities longer. Mom and pop stores proliferated in Black communities starting back in 1896 after Plessy vs Ferguson became the law of the land. As far back as 1900 or earlier three outstanding Black enclaves stood out as economic marvels. Among them was Greenwood Oklahoma, Rosewood Florida, and HARLEM, NY. Then came integration and kicked the economic bucket from beneath the feet of Black enterprise. Blacks swarmed to white businesses , eager to have the "privilege of shopping in White owned stores. The Black business sectors were devastated and were doomed to never recover. Former employees had to find work in White areas and the sparks began to fly. Store owners liked that Black money but they also knew Blacks had to have jobs to have money to spend. They also knew Backs had proven themselves to be good entrepreneurs in the three places I just mentioned. But hiring blacks was problematic since doing so would put them in competition with Whites. The fix came during the 1960s with civil rights legislation and AA. But ALL minorities and White women were included. White women, being larger in number, took full advantage of AA And didn't look back. Asians did too. Just ask yourself how any Asians were in US colleges and Universities prior to AA. How many were hired in good paying jobs Prior to 1964? It is clear that AA opened the door and a flood of Asians and White women took over. Some Blacks did benefit from AA but not all that many. And before too many could, the Bakke decision de-nutted the program with claims of reverse discrimination.
What do you mean? Would you explain?

I just hate racism everywhere. Everywhere all over the world there are discrimination against chinese.

I wouldn't say 4 data points. In Berkeley most students were chinese.

I would be concerned with lack of affirmative action if government funding is disproportionately used for certain act that disproportionately benefit only certain group.

For example, minimum wage may benefit mainly white and hurt black. School has government funding and we may wonder.

But really, government funding and minimum wage sucks in the first place.

A consent decree is a written document produced by the City Manager, County Administrator, mayor or governor to create equal opportunity for protective classes, with a goal to have the work force of every agency reflect as closely as possible the demographics of the State or subdivision of the state.

Here s a great article entitled “The Legality of affirmative action plans
and consent decrees in the light of recent court decisions.” The article explains the purpose and limitations of consent decrees.

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