Zone1 Proof that Democracy is mathematically impossible

That is like saying to me you like a movie actor and that makes them a star. The united states of America operates with 51 Governments. only 1 is in DC. I have voted for John Kennedy and it did not mean it was a democracy.
I will give you an example. Most Americans never voted for the many issues representatives vote for. Take Kamala Harris who voted against Fracking yet oil firms frack. She voted to open the border. America does not want open borders. I think some call us a Democracy to make them selves feel important. But we are definitely a Republic.
Okay, well, I explained it, how you act on it is your decision. Best of luck to you.
The USA is "Ostensibly " a Democracy but NOT a DIRECT DEMOCRACY as was Rome. It is "SUPPOSEDLY" an INDIRECT DEMOCRACY aka ; DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC thanks to the Electoral college, but that is not correct either.

The USA is "Ostensibly " a Democracy but NOT a DIRECT DEMOCRACY as was Rome. It is "SUPPOSEDLY" an INDIRECT DEMOCRACY aka ; DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC thanks to the Electoral college, but that is not correct either.

Ancient Greece was the direct democracy. Rome was a Republic but not a democracy. It was an oligarchy. The people didn't elect representatives to the Senate, it was comprised of the powerful and wealthy elite.

Robert W , there is nothing wrong with America being both a Republic and a democracy. These terms aren't at odds with one another, they describe different aspects of government. We could be a Republic and an oligarchy like the Roman Republic but instead every citizen at the age of 18 gets to vote for representatives in local, State, and federal government. This makes us a Republic and a representative democracy.
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Ancient Greece was the direct democracy. Rome was a Republic but not a democracy. It was an oligarchy. The people didn't elect representatives to the Senate, it was comprised of the powerful and wealthy elite.

Robert W , there is nothing wrong with America being both a Republic and a democracy. These terms aren't at odds with one another, they describe different aspects of government. We could be a Republic and an oligarchy like the Roman Republic but instead every citizen at the age of 18 gets to vote for representatives in local, State, and federal government. This makes us a Republic and a representative democracy.
Calling the USA a Democracy is the lazy preaching by Democrats. Would you call your wife a call girl because you bring her money for sex?
Calling the USA a Democracy is the lazy preaching by Democrats. Would you call your wife a call girl because you bring her money for sex?
Lazy preaching and call girl are pejoratives and your analogy doesn't make any sense. What's lazy is your argument that begins and ends on name calling. Try an intellectual response.
Today I want to introduce this forum to a concept about what is called Democracy. First what is it? It literally means we all are citizens. We all have the ability to vote on each and every issue that is tasked to Government. Think of it as you think of marriage. The husband and wife have equal voice in all family issues. If they allow one of the pair of parties to do all decisions, they are not following democracy. Assuming the wife or husband is in perfect agreement is proven wrong by simply looking at reasons for divorces. Even happy marriages do not always operate in happy harmony. This is my introduction to all here to democracy.
Others come at this with fully developed explanations. To help you all learn about this, this video will be helpful.

Democracy is simply state power invested in the people, they vote representatives to make laws on their behalf. More direct democracy is Switzerland where the people hold referendums with legal binding results. The likes of the UK and US simply just elect representatives.

As for marriage, it's like a ballroom dance. The man leads but all the eyes are on the lady. When marriages fail, it's because they're trying to run one shop with two managers.

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