Proof That The Right Has Truth On Its Side

no thanks----BROAD GENERALIZATIONS -----east is east and west is west and
never the twain shall meet------are IDIOT PLATITUDES.

Stalin was left and Adolf was right----------your universe makes no sense

Wrong again.

Stalin and Hitler were both Leftists.

You wouldn't know truth if it hit you in the face.

Let's see how difficult it is to prove you a simpleton.

This was the previous post of mine....

The OP was evidence of falsity on the left....

"All You Have To Know About Obama

  • Best president in over 50 years
  • Saved country from Bush Financial Collapse
  • Killed America's Enemy #1
  • Won 2 landslide elections
  • Prevented Iran from amassing nuclear weapons
  • Corruption-free administration, compared to Reagan's most corrupt.
  • Restored respect for America globally
You still suck at this, and that's why once again I'm kicking your ass up and down the forum."
All You Have To Know About Obama

All lies, bluster and DNC talking points.

And the truth....from the Right:

.... offenses of this President, that has led to the disaffection in the electorate:

1. "Intense verbal attacks on police officers labeling them racists who hunt down young black men.

2. A porous southern border where narcotics and human smuggling continue unabated.

3. A stagnant economy where workers have little bargaining power.

4. A growing jihadist terror threat that the Democratic Party refuses to define...not even using the words 'Islamic Terrorism'

5. A Democratic President who, after he announces the beheading of an American citizen by ISIS, goes out to play golf.

6. A culture that now demands political correctness even if it goes against sincerely held religious beliefs.

7. A legal system that may actually harm a business owner if he or she refuses to participate in a gay marriage, or Catholic nuns who don't want to distribute birth control.

8. A press corp that embraces Liberalism and uses its constitutional privilege to diminish non-Liberals who have the temerity to speak out.

9. An education system dominated by Leftist teachers and administrators who impose their view of the world on defenseless children.

10. And a grievance industry promoted by the media thus allowing anti-American zealots to define this country as evil and oppressive, i.e., that America is the real problem in the world."
O'Reilly: Media Trying to Demean Trump & Supporters With 'Fascist' Talk

And, voila!

It's all true.

Feel busted, huh?
Walls of text is not ripping anyone to shreds
In any universe.

Here's a plan you'll find novel.....try reading the text.
Your talking a lot but you're not saying anything. _David burne
The talking heads.

Au contraire.

The OP was evidence of falsity on the left....

"All You Have To Know About Obama

  • Best president in over 50 years
  • Saved country from Bush Financial Collapse
  • Killed America's Enemy #1
  • Won 2 landslide elections
  • Prevented Iran from amassing nuclear weapons
  • Corruption-free administration, compared to Reagan's most corrupt.
  • Restored respect for America globally
You still suck at this, and that's why once again I'm kicking your ass up and down the forum."
All You Have To Know About Obama

All lies, bluster and DNC talking points.

And the truth....from the Right:

.... offenses of this President, that has led to the disaffection in the electorate:

1. "Intense verbal attacks on police officers labeling them racists who hunt down young black men.

2. A porous southern border where narcotics and human smuggling continue unabated.

3. A stagnant economy where workers have little bargaining power.

4. A growing jihadist terror threat that the Democratic Party refuses to define...not even using the words 'Islamic Terrorism'

5. A Democratic President who, after he announces the beheading of an American citizen by ISIS, goes out to play golf.

6. A culture that now demands political correctness even if it goes against sincerely held religious beliefs.

7. A legal system that may actually harm a business owner if he or she refuses to participate in a gay marriage, or Catholic nuns who don't want to distribute birth control.

8. A press corp that embraces Liberalism and uses its constitutional privilege to diminish non-Liberals who have the temerity to speak out.

9. An education system dominated by Leftist teachers and administrators who impose their view of the world on defenseless children.

10. And a grievance industry promoted by the media thus allowing anti-American zealots to define this country as evil and oppressive, i.e., that America is the real problem in the world."
O'Reilly: Media Trying to Demean Trump & Supporters With 'Fascist' Talk
just like I said ....

10. And a grievance industry promoted by the media thus allowing anti-American zealots to define this country as evil and oppressive, i.e., that America is the real problem in the world."
O'Reilly: Media Trying to Demean Trump & Supporters With 'Fascist' Talk

O'Reilly's an authority on what?

Bare faced lies.....he tells the best.

So.....where are the lies in here?

1. "Intense verbal attacks on police officers labeling them racists who hunt down young black men.

2. A porous southern border where narcotics and human smuggling continue unabated.

3. A stagnant economy where workers have little bargaining power.

4. A growing jihadist terror threat that the Democratic Party refuses to define...not even using the words 'Islamic Terrorism'

5. A Democratic President who, after he announces the beheading of an American citizen by ISIS, goes out to play golf.

6. A culture that now demands political correctness even if it goes against sincerely held religious beliefs.

7. A legal system that may actually harm a business owner if he or she refuses to participate in a gay marriage, or Catholic nuns who don't want to distribute birth control.

8. A press corp that embraces Liberalism and uses its constitutional privilege to diminish non-Liberals who have the temerity to speak out.

9. An education system dominated by Leftist teachers and administrators who impose their view of the world on defenseless children.

10. And a grievance industry promoted by the media thus allowing anti-American zealots to define this country as evil and oppressive, i.e., that America is the real problem in the world."
O'Reilly: Media Trying to Demean Trump & Supporters With 'Fascist' Talk
no thanks----BROAD GENERALIZATIONS -----east is east and west is west and
never the twain shall meet------are IDIOT PLATITUDES.

Stalin was left and Adolf was right----------your universe makes no sense

Wrong again.

Stalin and Hitler were both Leftists.

Please don't take away their hopes that Hitler was right. They hold on to those stories much like others do of Loch Ness and Bigfoot.
no thanks----BROAD GENERALIZATIONS -----east is east and west is west and
never the twain shall meet------are IDIOT PLATITUDES.

Stalin was left and Adolf was right----------your universe makes no sense

Wrong again.

Stalin and Hitler were both Leftists.

Please don't take away their hopes that Hitler was right. They hold on to those stories much like others do of Loch Ness and Bigfoot.

I believe you'll find the posts on this page to your interest:
How Simple Is It To Hide The Truth....?
no thanks----BROAD GENERALIZATIONS -----east is east and west is west and
never the twain shall meet------are IDIOT PLATITUDES.

Stalin was left and Adolf was right----------your universe makes no sense

Wrong again.

Stalin and Hitler were both Leftists.

not really------you might CLAIM a questionable case for
STALIN---based on the communism issue-------but Stalin's
brand of "communism" had nothing to do with communal
control------it was FASCIST STALIN CONTROL-----same is
true of the "NATIONAL SOCIALISM" of ADOLF------nothing
remotely MARXIST about it----all TOTALITARIAN CENTRAL
CONTROL <<<< fascism----- You are confused by the term
"SOCIALISM"-------nothing actually SOCIALIST about
THE GULAG or Auschwitz with all the hallmarks of fascism ----
including the secrecy and denial

Actually those are the essence of communal control.
Stalin was left and Adolf was right----------your universe makes no sense
Don't waste your time. PoliticalChic suffers from willful stupidity on this point.

Nope. Leftwingers are the ones who are willfully stupid about the issue. Their entirely universe depends on Hitler being a right-winger. In other words, it depends on a lie.
Stalin was left and Adolf was right----------your universe makes no sense
Don't waste your time. PoliticalChic suffers from willful stupidity on this point.

Nope. Leftwingers are the ones who are willfully stupid about the issue. Their entirely universe depends on Hitler being a right-winger. In other words, it depends on a lie.

One of those interesting facts that helps verify that Hitler was as much a Leftist as Stalin is that Hitler made MayDay his Nazi holiday, too.

The Nazis sought to gain support of workers by declaring May Day, a day celebrated by organized labour, to be a paid holiday and held celebrations on 1 May 1933 to honour German workers Life and Death in the Third ReichFirst Edition Edition
byPeter Fritzsche p. 45

The regime also insisted through propaganda that all Germans take part in the May Day celebrations in the hope that this would help break down class hostility between workers and burghers.[13]Songs in praise of labour and workers were played by state radio throughout May Day as well as an airshow in Berlin and fireworks.[13]Hitler spoke of workers as patriots who had built Germany's industrial strength and had honourably served in the war and claimed that they had been oppressed undereconomic liberalism.[14]Berliner Morgenpostthat had been strongly associated with the political left in the past praised the regime's May Day celebrations.[14]
Volksgemeinschaft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's Stalin's version....

And, Stalin helped Mussolini set up his May Day celebration...

'The youngest prime minister in Italian history,....Mussolini was showered with accolades from sundry quarters.... Stalin supplied Mussolini with the plans of the May Day parades in Red Square,to help him polish up his Fascist pageants....He conquered Ethiopia, madea Pact of Steel with Germany, introduced anti-Jewish measures in 1938,came into the war as Hitler's very junior partner,..." The Mystery of Fascism by David Ramsay Steele

Socialist, fascists, Nazis, communists......Leftist all.
As are Progressives and Modern Liberals.
no thanks----BROAD GENERALIZATIONS -----east is east and west is west and
never the twain shall meet------are IDIOT PLATITUDES.

Stalin was left and Adolf was right----------your universe makes no sense

Wrong again.

Stalin and Hitler were both Leftists.

Please don't take away their hopes that Hitler was right. They hold on to those stories much like others do of Loch Ness and Bigfoot.
Hitler was a conservative.
no thanks----BROAD GENERALIZATIONS -----east is east and west is west and
never the twain shall meet------are IDIOT PLATITUDES.

Stalin was left and Adolf was right----------your universe makes no sense

Wrong again.

Stalin and Hitler were both Leftists.

Please don't take away their hopes that Hitler was right. They hold on to those stories much like others do of Loch Ness and Bigfoot.
Hitler was a conservative.

Yeah, right, because conservatives were big supporters of socialized medicine, government funded childcare, government pensions and free education.
no thanks----BROAD GENERALIZATIONS -----east is east and west is west and
never the twain shall meet------are IDIOT PLATITUDES.

Stalin was left and Adolf was right----------your universe makes no sense

Wrong again.

Stalin and Hitler were both Leftists.

Please don't take away their hopes that Hitler was right. They hold on to those stories much like others do of Loch Ness and Bigfoot.
Hitler was a conservative.

Yeah, right, because conservatives were big supporters of socialized medicine, government funded childcare, government pensions and free education.
Only if they were smart.
no thanks----BROAD GENERALIZATIONS -----east is east and west is west and
never the twain shall meet------are IDIOT PLATITUDES.

Stalin was left and Adolf was right----------your universe makes no sense

Wrong again.

Stalin and Hitler were both Leftists.

Please don't take away their hopes that Hitler was right. They hold on to those stories much like others do of Loch Ness and Bigfoot.
Hitler was a conservative.

Yeah, right, because conservatives were big supporters of socialized medicine, government funded childcare, government pensions and free education.
Only if they were smart.

A smart person would never say what you just posted.
Wrong again.

Stalin and Hitler were both Leftists.

Please don't take away their hopes that Hitler was right. They hold on to those stories much like others do of Loch Ness and Bigfoot.
Hitler was a conservative.

Yeah, right, because conservatives were big supporters of socialized medicine, government funded childcare, government pensions and free education.
Only if they were smart.

A smart person would never say what you just posted.
Really? one just did. opposed to Leftist drones, like this one: This was a recent post by an infected Leftist....

"All You Have To Know About Obama

  • Best president in over 50 years
  • Saved country from Bush Financial Collapse
  • Killed America's Enemy #1
  • Won 2 landslide elections
  • Prevented Iran from amassing nuclear weapons
  • Corruption-free administration, compared to Reagan's most corrupt.
  • Restored respect for America globally
You still suck at this, and that's why once again I'm kicking your ass up and down the forum."
All You Have To Know About Obama

All lies, bluster and DNC talking points.

Now for truth.

On 3/9, Bill O'Reilly provided a memo which outlined some of the offenses of this President, that has led to the disaffection in the electorate:

1. "Intense verbal attacks on police officers labeling them racists who hunt down young black men.

2. A porous southern border where narcotics and human smuggling continue unabated.

3. A stagnant economy where workers have little bargaining power.

4. A growing jihadist terror threat that the Democratic Party refuses to define...not even using the words 'Islamic Terrorism'

5. A Democratic President who, after he announces the beheading of an American citizen by ISIS, goes out to play golf.

6. A culture that now demands political correctness even if it goes against sincerely held religious beliefs.

7. A legal system that may actually harm a business owner if he or she refuses to participate in a gay marriage, or Catholic nuns who don't want to distribute birth control.

8. A press corp that embraces Liberalism and uses its constitutional privilege to diminish non-Liberals who have the temerity to speak out.

9. An education system dominated by Leftist teachers and administrators who impose their view of the world on defenseless children.

10. And a grievance industry promoted by the media thus allowing anti-American zealots to define this country as evil and oppressive, i.e., that America is the real problem in the world."
O'Reilly: Media Trying to Demean Trump & Supporters With 'Fascist' Talk

And that is, I would say, a pretty well supported explanation of why so many Americans see an avenger in Donald Trump, one who will "stop the madness, and give voice to the millions of angry Americans."

Good job by O'Reilly: succinct, factual and illustrative.
LMAO Mr. Inside Edition is your source for knowledge. Too, too funny. :uhoh3::rolleyes-41::rofl::rofl:
Fascism is about as far right as is possible.

Imagine if you had an actual education.

Perhaps you'd like to explain Mussolini's affection for Karl Marx.

And this....

David Ramsay Steele wrote an erudite essay on Fascism, focusing on Mussolini. ....
And, right from the start, notice the references right from the start, the personification of Fascism, Mussolini, and his affinity for Karl Marx...

Arriving "in Switzerland in 1902, 18 years old and looking for work,Benito Mussoliniwas starving and penniless. All he had in his pockets was a cheap nickel medallion ofKarl Marx.

... achieving fame as an agitator among the Italian migratory laborers, he was referred to by a local Italian-language newspaper as "the great duce [leader] of the Italian socialists."
The Mystery of Fascism by David Ramsay Steele

At the forefront we find Fascism, Marxism, and Socialism.....
God you're stupid.
Please don't take away their hopes that Hitler was right. They hold on to those stories much like others do of Loch Ness and Bigfoot.
Hitler was a conservative.

Yeah, right, because conservatives were big supporters of socialized medicine, government funded childcare, government pensions and free education.
Only if they were smart.

A smart person would never say what you just posted.
Really? one just did.


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