Prophet Muhammad Birth !

Thing is, I don't think location of information trumps content of information. Is the account valid or not?

I'm not sure. But he is interpreting what I said in his way. I didn't say that at all. I said the religon Islam which was taught by Muhammad doesn't have these kind of fatwas. Anyone can try to declare there own fatwas. That doesn' attach itself to Islam

No, you said only Al Qaeda does these fatwas, I proved you wrong.

Just for the laughs I also said some people declare their own. Look again fool right after that sentence

did you see the definition of the word.... all?

You're an athiest. What's so hard about saying Judaism and Christiantity are cults? Just those two. All i ask it to say those two religions are cults. It would make it more believable you're an athiest, athiests bash all religions not just one.

Why just those two... my you are bigoted against them aren't you.

What problem do you have with the word ......all?

I'm not bigoted, you are a true bigot who only declares Islam as a cult and then try to openly profess you're an athiest. And athiest should have no problem doing that. I asked you that because I already know you will never declare those two as cults. Until then, I'm not believing you're an athiest and your claim that you aren't a bigot. It's a simple question
Post a link not Wikipedia. And scumbag shut the fuck up with calling people lairs over and over you are the lair and I'm looking at the hypocrisy thread and even Christians know you're a moron. Your own Christians think you're a fucked up idiot.

Thing is, I don't think location of information trumps content of information. Is the account valid or not?

I'm not sure. But he is interpreting what I said in his way. I didn't say that at all. I said the religon Islam which was taught by Muhammad doesn't have these kind of fatwas. Anyone can try to declare there own fatwas. That doesn' attach itself to Islam

muhammad was just a man..... sad to see what the cult that followed has done.

the clerics are muslim... they follow islam.... their word is law.... the islamic muslim clerics fatwas are calling for deaths with bounties on said deaths.

muhamaad may not have spouted the fatwas... but he sure spouted some other shit just as bad.
Thing is, I don't think location of information trumps content of information. Is the account valid or not?

I'm not sure. But he is interpreting what I said in his way. I didn't say that at all. I said the religon Islam which was taught by Muhammad doesn't have these kind of fatwas. Anyone can try to declare there own fatwas. That doesn' attach itself to Islam

muhammad was just a man..... sad to see what the cult that followed has done.

the clerics are muslim... they follow islam.... their word is law.... the islamic muslim clerics fatwas are calling for deaths with bounties on said deaths.

muhamaad may not have spouted the fatwas... but he sure spouted some other shit just as bad.

Don't divert. Until you directly claim those two religions as a cult. Ill respond to you
By the way, fatwas have been issued since the foundation of the Islamic state in Madinah. Under Sharia law any scholar is able to issue an opinion, and it carries all the weight of a piece of paper, unless someone follows it. The difference between these fatwas and the fatwas of Mohammad is that he got his collected by a bunch of idiots after he died.
Thing is, I don't think location of information trumps content of information. Is the account valid or not?

I'm not sure. But he is interpreting what I said in his way. I didn't say that at all. I said the religon Islam which was taught by Muhammad doesn't have these kind of fatwas. Anyone can try to declare there own fatwas. That doesn' attach itself to Islam

No, you said only Al Qaeda does these fatwas, I proved you wrong.

i proved him wrong on that one before you did....... :tongue: He still is having a problem coming to terms with what his religion does.
I'm not sure. But he is interpreting what I said in his way. I didn't say that at all. I said the religon Islam which was taught by Muhammad doesn't have these kind of fatwas. Anyone can try to declare there own fatwas. That doesn' attach itself to Islam

No, you said only Al Qaeda does these fatwas, I proved you wrong.

Just for the laughs I also said some people declare their own. Look again fool right after that sentence

Some.... muslims.... declare their own...

See the common link here?
By the way, fatwas have been issued since the foundation of the Islamic state in Madinah. Under Sharia law any scholar is able to issue an opinion, and it carries all the weight of a piece of paper, unless someone follows it. The difference between these fatwas and the fatwas of Mohammad is that he got his collected by a bunch of idiots after he died.

You moron no, not any fatwa is approved by all scholars. The scholars can all falsify the fatwa and declare it as not a approved or accepts fatwa. Don't act like you are an expert on Islam. Go respond to Unkotare about Christians. Which you know most about it. He's been waiting for you to prove him wrong
You're an athiest. What's so hard about saying Judaism and Christiantity are cults? Just those two. All i ask it to say those two religions are cults. It would make it more believable you're an athiest, athiests bash all religions not just one.

Why just those two... my you are bigoted against them aren't you.

What problem do you have with the word ......all?

I'm not bigoted, you are a true bigot who only declares Islam as a cult and then try to openly profess you're an athiest. And athiest should have no problem doing that. I asked you that because I already know you will never declare those two as cults. Until then, I'm not believing you're an athiest and your claim that you aren't a bigot. It's a simple question

sure you are bigoted... you are affronted that i call islam a cult....

it would make you feel better if i call the religions you are bigoted against cults as well...

you asked what religions are cults.....AGAIN.... what problem in understanding do you have with the word ..... all.

after all....i did provide you the definition of the word you know.
No, you said only Al Qaeda does these fatwas, I proved you wrong.

Just for the laughs I also said some people declare their own. Look again fool right after that sentence

Some.... muslims.... declare their own...

See the common link here?

No i see you're a bigot still. Until you directly declare Judaism and Christianity as cults. You can make me look really stupid if you directly say either these two religions are cults or say something like Christianity and Judaism are cults in my opinion
I'm not sure. But he is interpreting what I said in his way. I didn't say that at all. I said the religon Islam which was taught by Muhammad doesn't have these kind of fatwas. Anyone can try to declare there own fatwas. That doesn' attach itself to Islam

muhammad was just a man..... sad to see what the cult that followed has done.

the clerics are muslim... they follow islam.... their word is law.... the islamic muslim clerics fatwas are calling for deaths with bounties on said deaths.

muhamaad may not have spouted the fatwas... but he sure spouted some other shit just as bad.

Don't divert. Until you directly claim those two religions as a cult. Ill respond to you

I did.... that is unless the world ALL does not relate to religions you seem to be bigoted against.

Why just those two... my you are bigoted against them aren't you.

What problem do you have with the word ......all?

I'm not bigoted, you are a true bigot who only declares Islam as a cult and then try to openly profess you're an athiest. And athiest should have no problem doing that. I asked you that because I already know you will never declare those two as cults. Until then, I'm not believing you're an athiest and your claim that you aren't a bigot. It's a simple question

sure you are bigoted... you are affronted that i call islam a cult....

it would make you feel better if i call the religions you are bigoted against cults as well...

you asked what religions are cults.....AGAIN.... what problem in understanding do you have with the word ..... all.

after all....i did provide you the definition of the word you know.

An atheist bashes all religions. I haven't seen you at all bash any other religion. You can't hate Islam all you want I don't care girl. Just make it believable you're an atheist.
I'm not bigoted, you are a true bigot who only declares Islam as a cult and then try to openly profess you're an athiest. And athiest should have no problem doing that. I asked you that because I already know you will never declare those two as cults. Until then, I'm not believing you're an athiest and your claim that you aren't a bigot. It's a simple question

sure you are bigoted... you are affronted that i call islam a cult....

it would make you feel better if i call the religions you are bigoted against cults as well...

you asked what religions are cults.....AGAIN.... what problem in understanding do you have with the word ..... all.

after all....i did provide you the definition of the word you know.

An atheist bashes all religions. I haven't seen you at all bash any other religion. You can't hate Islam all you want I don't care girl. Just make it believable you're an atheist.

I suggest you open your eyes.
muhammad was just a man..... sad to see what the cult that followed has done.

the clerics are muslim... they follow islam.... their word is law.... the islamic muslim clerics fatwas are calling for deaths with bounties on said deaths.

muhamaad may not have spouted the fatwas... but he sure spouted some other shit just as bad.

Don't divert. Until you directly claim those two religions as a cult. Ill respond to you

I did.... that is unless the world ALL does not relate to religions you seem to be bigoted against.

Just say Christianty and Judaism are cults. Don't use the word all. I want to know if you really mean it. So directly state it and make me look really stupid

sure you are bigoted... you are affronted that i call islam a cult....

it would make you feel better if i call the religions you are bigoted against cults as well...

you asked what religions are cults.....AGAIN.... what problem in understanding do you have with the word ..... all.

after all....i did provide you the definition of the word you know.

An atheist bashes all religions. I haven't seen you at all bash any other religion. You can't hate Islam all you want I don't care girl. Just make it believable you're an atheist.

I suggest you open your eyes.

You open your eyes dumbass. You went so far to claim your arguments against Christians are my battle. Are you retarded?
By the way, fatwas have been issued since the foundation of the Islamic state in Madinah. Under Sharia law any scholar is able to issue an opinion, and it carries all the weight of a piece of paper, unless someone follows it. The difference between these fatwas and the fatwas of Mohammad is that he got his collected by a bunch of idiots after he died.

You moron no, not any fatwa is approved by all scholars. The scholars can all falsify the fatwa and declare it as not a approved or accepts fatwa. Don't act like you are an expert on Islam. Go respond to Unkotare about Christians. Which you know most about it. He's been waiting for you to prove him wrong

you seem not to understand how your own religion works..

if the clerics approve of their own fatwas.... issue their own fatwas what other approval do they need? ...the Popes?

your religion is a group of rogue clerics all doing their own thing and a law unto themselves.....
By the way, fatwas have been issued since the foundation of the Islamic state in Madinah. Under Sharia law any scholar is able to issue an opinion, and it carries all the weight of a piece of paper, unless someone follows it. The difference between these fatwas and the fatwas of Mohammad is that he got his collected by a bunch of idiots after he died.

You moron no, not any fatwa is approved by all scholars. The scholars can all falsify the fatwa and declare it as not a approved or accepts fatwa. Don't act like you are an expert on Islam. Go respond to Unkotare about Christians. Which you know most about it. He's been waiting for you to prove him wrong

you seem not to understand how your own religion works..

if the clerics approve of their own fatwas.... issue their own fatwas what other approval do they need? ...the Popes?

your religion is a group of rogue clerics all doing their own thing and a law unto themselves.....

Nope. Again don't speak about something you think you know about. But still that's diverting. Until you directly say Christianity and Judaism are both cults, then I will take you more serious. I never seen atheist who isn't willing to do that. It would just make me look stupid. I don't want to anger you syrenn but you need to make it believable and lift that veil of bias

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