Prophet Talks Politics

Jesus said not to be a prick as well.

Jesus told the truth, a practice that is despised by leftists like you.
Jesus did tell the truth. Too bad the evangelicals didn't like what he said. They could be putting all that energy into helping the world not be such a harsh place instead of praying for God to smite people.
The political terms "right and left" did not originate until the 17th century. The terms as used in the bible were shorthand for those who followed religious law and those who did not.

God is not bound by time. He knew way back when what the terms would mean and that's why he put them in the bible.
Jesus said not to be a prick as well.

Jesus told the truth, a practice that is despised by leftists like you.
Jesus did tell the truth. Too bad the evangelicals didn't like what he said. They could be putting all that energy into helping the world not be such a harsh place instead of praying for God to smite people.

The left's mistaken narrative of Jesus is that he was a guy that was loving and accepting of everyone and every behavior. Nothing could be further from the truth. He condemned sin and encouraged people to abandon their sin and to repent and to follow God. He also told his disciples to "not cast your pearls" and to "shake the dust from your sandals" with regard to unbelievers that REJECTED Jesus' message.

If Jesus were here now and telling people to stop sinning and engaging in immoral lifestyles, he would be hated and many would celebrate his death.
Trump exposed the evangelicals as a right wing political movement that would crucify Jesus all over again if he came back with his hippy socialist love, grace and charity crap. They themselves have done more to destroy religiosity in America than any militant atheist could dream of.
Jesus beat hell out of the money lenders in the temple...thats why they killed him...messing wi dey money
Jesus did tell the truth. Too bad the evangelicals didn't like what he said. They could be putting all that energy into helping the world not be such a harsh place instead of praying for God to smite people.
You think you know more about religion than the Evangelicals do?
The political terms "right and left" did not originate until the 17th century. The terms as used in the bible were shorthand for those who followed religious law and those who did not.
But, if a certain someone was omnipotent...

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