Prophetic Vision of The Future Pope by Dumitru Duduman

A more recent news report on China's plans:

China preps military for 'short, sharp war' with Japan, US Navy analyst says | Fox News

It’s alleged that in the past year, China has increased its military activity, including high-profile actions in the South China Sea as well as combat drills in the south Philippine Sea.

“[We] concluded that the PLA has been given the new task to be able to conduct a short, sharp war to destroy Japanese forces in the East China Sea ..."
- Capt. James Fannell, U.S. Pacific Fleet
Fannell's comments were reported by the U.S. Naval Institute, an independent professional association founded in 1873 which closely follows navy matters.

“There is growing concern that China’s pattern of behavior in the South China Sea reflects an incremental effort by China to assert control of the area contained in the so-called 9-dash line despite the objections of its neighbors, and despite the lack of any explanation or apparent basis under international law,” Fannell also said.

Japan has in recent months accused a Chinese warship of locking its missile-targeting radar onto one of its warships, Fannell noted. China first denied the claim, but later admitted it while downplaying any danger the incident posed.

Retired U.S. Army Lt. Col. Ralph Peters said China has a habit of bullying its neighbors with intimidating military drills, though exercises aimed at Japan are a new and worrisome wrinkle.
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Then there is this article from a little over a week ago. March 2014! What would motivate the media to ask such a question at this particular time? Any ideas?

What would America do if China invaded Taiwan? - The Week

Ever since Chiang Kai-shek's nationalist government fled Mao Zedong's communist takeover of mainland China in 1949, relocating to the island of Formosa (henceforth renamed Taiwan), the United States has tacitly guaranteed the island's security. The arrangement became more explicit with the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979, which included a commitment to "resist any resort to force or other forms of coercion" against the island. Over China's strenuous objections — the People's Republic considers Taiwan to be its sovereign territory — we've backed up that pledge by selling the Taiwanese government significant numbers of weapons over the years, most recently a $5.8 billion package of military hardware in 2011.

So what happens if China, having noted our reluctance to stand up to Assad and complete unwillingness to challenge Moscow militarily, decides to test us by taking Taiwan? read more on link above...
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Personally I thank God Almighty we didn't invade the Ukraine militarily. The author of the news article is a bit clueless as to the determination and ruthlessness of Vladimir Putin. Neither should be under estimated. It is time to pray for America, people. We're running out of time.
Gis, knowing Bible prophesy does not equate to fear. Jeri knows where she's headed. And she'll give you a big hug when she runs into you there. :)

I'm not judging GISMY even though according to 1 Corinthians 5 - 6 I have grounds. It should be pointed out however that telling a Pastor on a religion thread that he thanks God the Pastor left the ministry is appalling, Irish Ram. There are no little people in the world. Everyone counts. Including the Pastor who had the misfortune of reading those words. Ugh. What must that Pastor be thinking?! The gifts are without repentance.
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This is from Michael Boldea Jr.

Three men in a Field -

Three Men in A Wheat Field

I dreamt I stood in front of a large wheat field. By the golden hew the wheat stalks had taken on, in my dream, I knew that it was close to harvest time, either late summer or early autumn. It was beautiful and peaceful watching the wheat sway gently in the breeze under a picture perfect blue sky. As I grew familiar with the scene before me, I began looking around and saw three men, evenly spaced at the edge of the field. One man stood on the left corner of the rectangular field, the second man stood in the middle, and the third man stood on the far right edge.
All three men were dressed in white, and since I was seeing them from behind I could not make out their faces. Each of the three men held something in their right hand. The man on the left held a burning torch, the man in the middle held something that looked like a wineskin, and the man in the far right corner held an old fashioned sickle, and a basket lay on the ground next to him. I recognized the sickle, because I used to play with one in my adolescence while living in Romania.
As I stood and watched this strange scene before me, the man on the far left tipped his torch slightly, and touched one of the wheat stalks with the lit torch. Suddenly about one third of the entire wheat field burst into flame. The fire went out as quickly as it began a sudden burst of flame, followed by the scorched remnants of a once beautiful wheat field.
As I continued watching, the second man uncorked the wineskin, raised it about shoulder level, and tipped it slightly. One solitary drop of water poured out of the wineskin, but as it made contact with the wheat another third of the field was leveled as though a great wave had just swept through it.

I did not understand what I was seeing but I continued to watch the scene unfold. I was expecting the third man to do something as dramatic as the first two, but instead he simply bent from the waist, grabbed a handful of wheat stalk with his left hand, and with a practiced swing of the sickle cut through it. He then laid the wheat he had cut in the basket. Although there was a solemnity in the actions of all three men, the gentleness and care with which the third man laid the wheat in the basket stood out for some reason. The man continued the process of cutting wheat and putting it in the basket until it was full, then with practiced ease, tied the wheat into a small bushel with a piece of twine he removed from his waist. He laid the bushel aside, and returned to swinging the sickle and filling the basket. This went on for some time as the man methodically and quickly made bushel after bushel of wheat.
For the first two nights, this is where my dream ended, and as I knew this could not be the end of it, I began to pray that I might either see the conclusion of the dream, or receive the interpretation.
On the third night, the dream began as the previous two nights, with the first man setting fire to one third of the field, the second man flooding one third, and the third man meticulously harvesting the last third, I thought it would be the same dream yet again, until the man with the sickle turned, looked at me and said, the world will know hunger, the faithful will know the power of their God. I recognized him; I had seen him in both my dreams and my visions before. continue reading on link....
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This is Dumitru's grandson, Mike Boldea Jr.'s most recent prophetic dream. From June of 2013. All of these dreams have the same theme and warning.

A Telling Dream

I dreamt I was standing beside a path leading into a forest, and although snow blanketed the ground, the path was still visible, clear, and well defined. Although I wasn’t cold in my dream, I could seem my breath and as I looked around trying to understand what I was seeing and why I was seeing it a beautiful buck made its way up the path toward me.Although I can’t say I’ve seen many bucks up close this seemed like a fine specimen, regal in its bearing, almost prancing up the path with its head held high.
I stood beside the path unmoving, not wanting to spook the animal in any way. If it saw me it did not let it show as it passed by and continued trotting down the path.
I continued to watch it follow the path toward the forest until suddenly it veered off and began to make its way through the packed snow. Although its pace slowed and it was having a difficult time making headway once it veered off the path, the buck seemed stubborn in its insistence, and though progress was slow, it continued its march.
I started to look around for something else, not really understanding what I was seeing or why I was seeing it when a sharp crack drew my attention back to the buck. Although the animal was a good distance from me, I could see what had happened with great clarity.
The buck had stepped into a hole which had been masked by the snow, and had snapped its front left leg.

I didn’t know what else to do, so I just stood and watched as it forced itself up, and though evidently in great pain, it began to continue on its journey away from the path.Its progress was slow, and I could hear the echoes of its bleating, but wounded as it was the animal was insistent in its purpose.After some time the buck stopped suddenly and began to sniff at the air. An instant later the mournful sound of howling wolves reached my ears, and I understood what the buck had smelled.With renewed vigor the buck tried to run, but hampered by its wound, its progress was slow.
I was so focused on the buck that at first I did not acknowledge the movement in my peripheral vision, but as they drew closer I shifted my focus and I could see the source of the howls approaching swiftly. At first it was one wolf, then two, then five, then an entire pack, all in a semi-circle chasing down the wounded buck as it tried to flee.
I was anxious to see what would happen, I strained to see every detail, but as the wolf pack drew closer and closer to the buck, I woke up.
Troubled by the dream I’d had, I prayed a prayer and tried to go back to sleep but no sleep would come.

The next morning we made our way to Lake Havasu, and after having our evening meeting, and a late night dinner, I went to sleep only to dream the exact same dream again. Everything was the same, from the path and the snow, to the buck and its broken leg, to the howls and the wolves, and to waking up fully alert just as the wolves were closing in on the buck.

Once again I prayed and tried to go back to sleep, and once again sleep would not come.

The next morning we had church, then drove a couple hours to a place called Aguila Arizona where we had some wonderful fellowship, then drove back to Las Vegas where we would catch our flight home the next morning.
It was already past midnight when we got in, and having preached twice and driven for about seven hours that day, I was as exhausted as a man can get.
I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, and once again the same dream began to play out. Just as the wolves were ready to attack and take down the buck I was awoken by a loud noise coming from the pullout sofa in the room. It was Gene. He was snoring.
I was halfway to throwing a pillow at Gene and telling him to roll over, when I saw the man standing at the foot of the bed, arms crossed over his chest, and a half smile on his face.

"Ask your question,’ he said.

‘Why can’t I see what happens? Why can’t I see the end of the dream?’ I asked.

‘Because it is inconsequential,’ he answered.

‘The instant the animal wandered off the path and wounded itself, its end was a certain and foregone conclusion. It matters not which wolf fells it. Once it is felled, they will all feast. The same can be said of this nation with one exception. The animal had no one to help it, this nation rejected the help offered it believing it could heal its own self of the wounds it had inflicted upon itself. The wolves have gathered. They sense the weakness, they smell the blood, and they are confident in the outcome of their endeavor.’

In an instant the man was gone, and I found myself standing halfway out of bed with a pillow in my hand pondering what I had just heard.

We reject repentance at our own peril. We reject righteousness, sanctification and the pursuit of holiness to our own detriment. Though there is safety on the narrow path we’ve taken it upon ourselves to blaze our own trail, indifferent to the untold perils and dangers awaiting those who stray.

I wish with all my heart I could write happy things in my letter to you today, I wish I could tell you the sun will come out tomorrow and the storm clouds will pass, but our refusal to accept God’s help, our refusal to submit and humble ourselves before Him only hastens judgment.

The wolves have gathered, the hunt begins, and this weakened nation is the prey.

I will now repeat what I preached on during one of the aforementioned meetings because I believe it is relevant, timely, and apropos. The level of your relationship with Christ today, will determine whether you stand or fall by the wayside tomorrow. continue reading on link.........
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Gis, knowing Bible prophesy does not equate to fear. Jeri knows where she's headed. And she'll give you a big hug when she runs into you there. :)

I'm not judging GISMY even though according to 1 Corinthians 5 - 6 I have grounds. It should be pointed out however that telling a Pastor on a religion thread that he thanks God the Pastor left the ministry is appalling, Irish Ram. There are no little people in the world. Everyone counts. Including the Pastor who had the misfortune of reading those words. Ugh. What must that Pastor be thinking?! The gifts are without repentance.

Any "pastor" that denys the truth of God's word had best find something else to do fast!!! Why curse yourself??
I read a couple of the Pastors posts, that he was no longer in the ministry. He was quite open about it. I would not expect Jesus to say I'm so glad to hear that news. You know, GISMY? I'm not here to argue with you. We can agree to disagree. I don't believe he needed to hear that. Let the LORD show you. *** The Pastor GISMY is referring to was on another thread and is no longer in ministry. This is not a discussion about Boldea or Dudumans ministry.
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I read a couple of the Pastors posts, that he was no longer in the ministry. He was quite open about it. I would not expect Jesus to say I'm so glad to hear that news. You know, GISMY? I'm not here to argue with you. We can agree to disagree. I don't believe he needed to hear that. Let the LORD show you.

So you really think God would want any of his church to be pastored by a pastot that denys the truth of GOD'S WORD???????????? THOUGH TODAY THERE ARE MANY BUT THOSE Jesus says he will spew from his mouth!!!
It is written,

Make every effort to live at peace with all men and to be holy, without holiness no one will see the LORD.

Hebrews 12: 14

New Testament Teaching, GISMY.

Why no answer??? fear??? shame??? guilt??===OH!!! DO YOU LIVE IN FEAR??? DOUBTING YOUR SALVATION???? WHY not just believe God's word????????

If you believe the Word of God then you must do what it says, GISMY. It is not just believing the Word of God that saves you but "obeying and keeping the Word of God" AFTER accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior that saves you.

Satan and his demons believe the Word of God is true! So what?! They are still going to spend an eternity in hell full of misery and suffering - along with those they have duped into serving Satan instead of Jesus.

If Jesus is LORD over your life you'll keep his commandments. Why call Him LORD if you are not willing to do what he says? He is one day going to tell that crowd, Depart from me you workers of iniquity, I never knew you.

I TAKE God at His word,and God's Word says I am saved(I HAVE NO DOUBTS OR FEAR ABOUT THAT TRUTH)
Why no answer??? fear??? shame??? guilt??===OH!!! DO YOU LIVE IN FEAR??? DOUBTING YOUR SALVATION???? WHY not just believe God's word????????

If you believe the Word of God then you must do what it says, GISMY. It is not just believing the Word of God that saves you but "obeying and keeping the Word of God" AFTER accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior that saves you.

Satan and his demons believe the Word of God is true! So what?! They are still going to spend an eternity in hell full of misery and suffering - along with those they have duped into serving Satan instead of Jesus.

If Jesus is LORD over your life you'll keep his commandments. Why call Him LORD if you are not willing to do what he says? He is one day going to tell that crowd, Depart from me you workers of iniquity, I never knew you.

I TAKE God at His word,and God's Word says I am saved(I HAVE NO DOUBTS OR FEAR ABOUT THAT TRUTH)

I TAKE God at His word,and God's Word says I am saved(I HAVE NO DOUBTS OR FEAR ABOUT THAT TRUTH) NO DEMONS CONDFESS AND REPENT OF SIN. YES!!! THEY know god is real but they do not accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior!!!
This is an enactment of a dream Michael Boldea Jr had some yrs ago. It was a prophetic vision about America's future. Michael Boldea Jr. was Dumitru Duduman's grandson.

[ame=]Michael boldea Vision of Americas Future - YouTube[/ame]
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