Prosecute me Lynch, I DARE YOU.

Can you show specific rhetoric you would want prosecuted?
Calling for the murder of police must have been asleep also

How about Michael Brown's "father" or sperm donor inciting a mob of mindless parasites to "burn dis bitch down" when rational people decided the cop that neutralized the bastard he didn't give enough of a fuck about to teach simple fuckin ethics too chose to commit strong armed robbery and attempt to disarm and fight some honky cop.

That mob destroyed tens of millions of dollars worth of property, but in the "minds" of bed wetting libturds that was justified.

Can you show specific rhetoric you would want prosecuted?
Calling for the murder of police must have been asleep also

How about Michael Brown's "father" or sperm donor inciting a mob of mindless parasites to "burn dis bitch down" when rational people decided the cop that neutralized the bastard he didn't give enough of a fuck about to teach simple fuckin ethics too chose to commit strong armed robbery and attempt to disarm and fight some honky cop.

That mob destroyed tens of millions of dollars worth of property, but in the "minds" of bed wetting libturds that was justified.

How about the premise of this thread fails as ignorant idiocy.
Can you show specific rhetoric you would want prosecuted?
Calling for the murder of police must have been asleep also

How about Michael Brown's "father" or sperm donor inciting a mob of mindless parasites to "burn dis bitch down" when rational people decided the cop that neutralized the bastard he didn't give enough of a fuck about to teach simple fuckin ethics too chose to commit strong armed robbery and attempt to disarm and fight some honky cop.

That mob destroyed tens of millions of dollars worth of property, but in the "minds" of bed wetting libturds that was justified.

How about the premise of this thread fails as ignorant idiocy.

You realize we realize you're all blather and no substance, right?
No, she said she would prosecute speech that "edges toward violence". Sounds like the Mississippi to me. Broad and muddy.

It's an intimidation tactic. Nothing more.

The US ATTY General should be removed from office. Attempting to intimidate Americans? What in the monkey fuck is that sociopath "thinking"?

I'm not intimidated. Fuck that imbecile, fuck libturds who support her, and fuck the cult of slavery, death and conquest.

You seem upset that you would not be allowed to advocate for violence against muslim-americans.
No, she said she would prosecute speech that "edges toward violence". Sounds like the Mississippi to me. Broad and muddy.

It's an intimidation tactic. Nothing more.

The US ATTY General should be removed from office. Attempting to intimidate Americans? What in the monkey fuck is that sociopath "thinking"?

I'm not intimidated. Fuck that imbecile, fuck libturds who support her, and fuck the cult of slavery, death and conquest.

You seem upset that you would not be allowed to advocate for violence against muslim-americans.

One notes with amusement that Lynch did not state that she would equally prosecute speech by Muslims that "edges toward violence" against Americans.

One can but ponder the reason. :laugh:
You idiots know that you can't be prosecuted for saying mean things about Muslims right ?
They know if people keep criticizing Islam, even mildly, there will be more attacks and more senseless slaughter.

I disagree. If they sense that Americans are getting fed up and willing to change the political system in order to combat jihad effectively they will decrease violence. If the PC turds get their way and people become afraid of muzbots and afraid to complain then evil wins.

Hard to push Islam as a religion of peace if the bodies of infidels keep piling up, so they will try to avoid more terrorist attacks by silencing those who don't believe Islam is good.

They have no concern about convincing anyone about the cult of slavery, death and conquest having ANYTHING to do with "peace" as long as our government bends over backwards in the blood of our own countrymen to intimidate people from being openly hostile to that sick cult. The left WANTS more terror attacks to advance a gun control agenda while importing not only more muzbots, but more turd world MS-13 type thugs who don't give a fruit fly's fuck about our gun laws anymore than our own domestically grown parasites do..


Getting people to remain silent and convincing them that Islam is the best religion seems to be the plan to win the war on terror. After all, if we all embrace Islam then all we have to do is obey sharia law to the letter and everything will be just fine.

I think you're falling under the idea that the left wants to push islime on us. The left is using islime to destabilize us. Sure lots of bed wetters will "convert" from being anti-Christian, wiccan, or trendy atheist but the left doesn't want people to be dedicated to a higher power than the state. It is because moonbats are weapons grade stupid that islime will overpower them if the rest of us allow it.

That's why I say, FUCK YOU Loretta Lynch, Fuck Your "messiah" and Fuck your sycophants. I DARE YOU to attempt to prosecute me in light of the shit you have allowed libturd rabble rousers to get away with.

It's not tough. It just shows that lynch is a racist.

Stop trying to flatter that criminally insane totalitarian sociopath by insinuating the only thing wrong with her is that she considers black people superior.

Her hatred isn't the issue here, the abject stupidity is the problem and the reason she should be expelled from the earth's gravity via a massive trebuchet.

They know if people keep criticizing Islam, even mildly, there will be more attacks and more senseless slaughter.

I disagree. If they sense that Americans are getting fed up and willing to change the political system in order to combat jihad effectively they will decrease violence. If the PC turds get their way and people become afraid of muzbots and afraid to complain then evil wins.

Hard to push Islam as a religion of peace if the bodies of infidels keep piling up, so they will try to avoid more terrorist attacks by silencing those who don't believe Islam is good.

They have no concern about convincing anyone about the cult of slavery, death and conquest having ANYTHING to do with "peace" as long as our government bends over backwards in the blood of our own countrymen to intimidate people from being openly hostile to that sick cult. The left WANTS more terror attacks to advance a gun control agenda while importing not only more muzbots, but more turd world MS-13 type thugs who don't give a fruit fly's fuck about our gun laws anymore than our own domestically grown parasites do..


Getting people to remain silent and convincing them that Islam is the best religion seems to be the plan to win the war on terror. After all, if we all embrace Islam then all we have to do is obey sharia law to the letter and everything will be just fine.

I think you're falling under the idea that the left wants to push islime on us. The left is using islime to destabilize us. Sure lots of bed wetters will "convert" from being anti-Christian, wiccan, or trendy atheist but the left doesn't want people to be dedicated to a higher power than the state. It is because moonbats are weapons grade stupid that islime will overpower them if the rest of us allow it.

That's why I say, FUCK YOU Loretta Lynch, Fuck Your "messiah" and Fuck your sycophants. I DARE YOU to attempt to prosecute me in light of the shit you have allowed libturd rabble rousers to get away with.

Was being facetious. I do think there are some who actually want the US to be a Muslim country. Certainly, the Muslims here have participated in polls that show an alarming trend. CAIR seems to have way too much influence in Washington and I don't trust them one bit.

The left will use any means to push gun control and I believe the far left won't be content until guns are confiscated and banned completely. The dream of their perfect country means ceding quite a few rights.

It is encouraging to see polls that show the majority of Americans are displeased with Obama's efforts to stop ISIS. It is a concern. Mass shootings have increased under Obama and some cities remain dangerous due to violence. The left feeds off that and forever tries to use it to advance their agenda, but yet refuse to address the root problem. This country has always had guns yet we didn't see this kind of violence back in the day. It's people that have changed. The mindset of some has gotten worse with each generation and too many people might be permanently affected by depression drugs. There are lots of factors, none of which the left is willing to talk about. Their preferred solution is to force people to obey their will and they will stop at nothing to exert control over us.

For now, the violent people play into their agenda and they need these shootings so they can push for gun control. I think they actually want them to happen to prove that it's out of control. I know the left thinks the right wants terrorist attacks to prove Obama is wrong. Not so. Only people that need to be convinced of that are the liberals and nothing will change their minds. It's bad enough that people die needlessly without having the spin put on it by the left. Radical Muslims are a problem that we don't need. ISIS and other groups have already advanced too far and talking about it is in the best interest of the country. The majority of the country knows it's a problem and we don't need to import more problems. Got enough already. Last thing any administration should do is silence the people when he should lead the way in talking about the problem with radical Muslims.

Gun control won't stop terrorists anymore than it will stop the other crazies.
Drama Queens...the bunch of you....especially the republican congress critter....

don't you ever get embarrassed by following every single thing your beloved bloggers and right wing media tell you that you should be upset about, all based on comments taken out of context?

Now obviously this is a country that is based on free speech, but when it edges towards violence, when we see the potential for someone … lifting that mantle of anti-Muslim rhetoric, or, as we saw after 9/11, violence against individuals who may not even be Muslims but may be perceived to be Muslims … When we see that, we will take action.

Context is everything.

"There have been hundreds of links, videos, quotes and images posted of black lives matters people calling for killing whites and cops over the last several months, yet every couple days you demand proof again like you think these stories will just disappear.
Fuck off!"

More ignorance, hate, and stupidity from the right.

Hate speech is Constitutionally protected, as long as that speech doesn't advocate for imminent lawlessness or violence it can't be subject to criminal prosecution.

It makes no difference whether someone is advocating that law enforcement officers be killed or Muslim Americans be killed, that speech is immune from government interference.

Hence the stupidity of the thread premise, and the idiotic lie that Lynch is trying to 'silence' bigots expressing their unwarranted fear and hatred of American Muslims.

What about farrakhans bigotry and racist hatred of whites. Oh yeah, you forgot.

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