Prosecute me Lynch, I DARE YOU.

Members of the #FYF911 or #FukYoFlag and #BlackLivesMatter movements called for the lynching and hanging of white people and cops. They encouraged others on a radio show Tuesday night to “turn the tide” and kill white people and cops to send a message about the killing of black people in America.

Black Activists Call for Lynching and Hanging of White People and Cops

sure the mobs that chanted

"fuck the police

Assuming mobs did chant "Fuck the police", is that the same as advocating violence against cops?

No. No it isn't.
Members of the #FYF911 or #FukYoFlag and #BlackLivesMatter movements called for the lynching and hanging of white people and cops. They encouraged others on a radio show Tuesday night to “turn the tide” and kill white people and cops to send a message about the killing of black people in America.

Black Activists Call for Lynching and Hanging of White People and Cops

sure the mobs that chanted

"fuck the police

Assuming mobs did chant "Fuck the police", is that the same as advocating violence against cops?

No. No it isn't.

they actually called for killing of cops

OH Fuck! How many times are you going to call for links to stories you've ignored for months now?

His argument is sarcasm and condescension. Unfortunately, that's all he has.
Members of the #FYF911 or #FukYoFlag and #BlackLivesMatter movements called for the lynching and hanging of white people and cops. They encouraged others on a radio show Tuesday night to “turn the tide” and kill white people and cops to send a message about the killing of black people in America.

Black Activists Call for Lynching and Hanging of White People and Cops

sure the mobs that chanted

"fuck the police

Assuming mobs did chant "Fuck the police", is that the same as advocating violence against cops?

No. No it isn't.
Members of the #FYF911 or #FukYoFlag and #BlackLivesMatter movements called for the lynching and hanging of white people and cops. They encouraged others on a radio show Tuesday night to “turn the tide” and kill white people and cops to send a message about the killing of black people in America.

Black Activists Call for Lynching and Hanging of White People and Cops

sure the mobs that chanted

"fuck the police

Assuming mobs did chant "Fuck the police", is that the same as advocating violence against cops?

No. No it isn't.

they actually called for killing of cops

OH Fuck! How many times are you going to call for links to stories you've ignored for months now?

I haven't ignored anything. I've been paying close attention to you nutbags freaking out about shit that isn't true for years.

Prove you fucknut claims. That is all I am asking.
I'm hopeless? You want to charge a movement with incitement. The only example you can give - and i do think it's valid - is of a podcast that nobody has ever heard of.
If you want more people to be charged, you'll neex more examples
Where the fuck did I say I wanted to charge anybody with anything? It's you and Lynch that want to selectively prosecute free speech.
So you also have a problem with incitement laws and sedition laws. Ok. Like i said, i can respect that. But then your problem isn't with lynch, it's with Congress
WTF???? Fuckit I'm done with you.
If you think that speech inciting violence should not be illegal your issue is not with the attorney general but with congress, since they have the power to change the law.

The attorney general merely said she would prosecute those that break the law
I'm joining the crowd..........BYE BYE............Same BS from you on the other thread..............

Reason is difficult for you to see, isn't it? Best to just stick your fingers in your ears and hum.
Where the fuck did I say I wanted to charge anybody with anything? It's you and Lynch that want to selectively prosecute free speech.
So you also have a problem with incitement laws and sedition laws. Ok. Like i said, i can respect that. But then your problem isn't with lynch, it's with Congress
WTF???? Fuckit I'm done with you.
If you think that speech inciting violence should not be illegal your issue is not with the attorney general but with congress, since they have the power to change the law.

The attorney general merely said she would prosecute those that break the law
I'm joining the crowd..........BYE BYE............Same BS from you on the other thread..............

Me too :)
It's amazing! The man(?) is totally devoid of self awareness. He has no idea how stupid his argument is. (I'm certain Lone Laugher is about to ask for a link)
Oh FUCK I give up. You are hopeless.
I'm hopeless? You want to charge a movement with incitement. The only example you can give - and i do think it's valid - is of a podcast that nobody has ever heard of.
If you want more people to be charged, you'll neex more examples
Where the fuck did I say I wanted to charge anybody with anything? It's you and Lynch that want to selectively prosecute free speech.
So you also have a problem with incitement laws and sedition laws. Ok. Like i said, i can respect that. But then your problem isn't with lynch, it's with Congress
WTF???? Fuckit I'm done with you.
If you think that speech inciting violence should not be illegal your issue is not with the attorney general but with congress, since they have the power to change the law.

The attorney general merely said she would prosecute those that break the law
It's easier to take some right wing bloggers word on what lynch said and meant and their propaganda spin than actually read what she did say in context.....

Pure laziness.
sure the mobs that chanted

"fuck the police

Assuming mobs did chant "Fuck the police", is that the same as advocating violence against cops?

No. No it isn't.
sure the mobs that chanted

"fuck the police

Assuming mobs did chant "Fuck the police", is that the same as advocating violence against cops?

No. No it isn't.

they actually called for killing of cops

OH Fuck! How many times are you going to call for links to stories you've ignored for months now?

I haven't ignored anything. I've been paying close attention to you nutbags freaking out about shit that isn't true for years.

Prove you fucknut claims. That is all I am asking.
There have been hundreds of links, videos, quotes and images posted of black lives matters people calling for killing whites and cops over the last several months, yet every couple days you demand proof again like you think these stories will just disappear.
Fuck off!
"Former Congressman Unleashes on Attorney General in Rant Against Islam: ‘Go Ahead and Prosecute Me. I Dare You.’"

This is stupid, ignorant, and hateful.

As already correctly noted: Lynch was referring to speech intended to incite imminent lawlessness or violence not subject to First Amendment protections – no one is 'overstepping' anything, no one's First Amendment rights are being 'violated.'

Racists and bigots needn't worry, they remain at liberty to express their fear, ignorance, and hate with impunity.

And conservatives remain at liberty to contrive and propagate their ridiculous lies, this thread being one of many examples.

"There have been hundreds of links, videos, quotes and images posted of black lives matters people calling for killing whites and cops over the last several months, yet every couple days you demand proof again like you think these stories will just disappear.
Fuck off!"

More ignorance, hate, and stupidity from the right.

Hate speech is Constitutionally protected, as long as that speech doesn't advocate for imminent lawlessness or violence it can't be subject to criminal prosecution.

It makes no difference whether someone is advocating that law enforcement officers be killed or Muslim Americans be killed, that speech is immune from government interference.

Hence the stupidity of the thread premise, and the idiotic lie that Lynch is trying to 'silence' bigots expressing their unwarranted fear and hatred of American Muslims.
More 'fake Republican tough guy syndrome'. They loooooove to carp and foam at the mouth on various things like a gorilla throwing luggage around it cage.

But that is all it ever is. Phoney bravery. They are heartless and cowardly in real life.
Assuming mobs did chant "Fuck the police", is that the same as advocating violence against cops?

No. No it isn't.
Assuming mobs did chant "Fuck the police", is that the same as advocating violence against cops?

No. No it isn't.

they actually called for killing of cops

OH Fuck! How many times are you going to call for links to stories you've ignored for months now?

I haven't ignored anything. I've been paying close attention to you nutbags freaking out about shit that isn't true for years.

Prove you fucknut claims. That is all I am asking.
There have been hundreds of links, videos, quotes and images posted of black lives matters people calling for killing whites and cops over the last several months, yet every couple days you demand proof again like you think these stories will just disappear.
Fuck off!

Saw those links. They were not BLM. They were black people. guess is ( no links needed for guesses ) that they were contacted by law enforcement and dealt with accordingly.

You think that you can continue to say things that are not true.....and by some miracle of life....think intelligent people will suddenly accept them as fact. That's because you live in a dummy bubble.
"Prosecute me Lynch, I DARE YOU."

This renders those agreeing with the wrongheaded thread premise either ignorant or liars.

Ignorant: Conservatives are ignorant of First Amendment jurisprudence, where speech advocating for imminent lawlessness is not entitled to Constitutional protections, or;

Liars: Conservatives know that Lynch's statements are perfectly Constitutional and would in no way 'violate' free speech, but they propagate the 'overstepping' lie anyway in the hope it's perceived to be 'true.'

Either way, conservatives are once again wrong.
they actually called for killing of cops

OH Fuck! How many times are you going to call for links to stories you've ignored for months now?

I haven't ignored anything. I've been paying close attention to you nutbags freaking out about shit that isn't true for years.

Prove you fucknut claims. That is all I am asking.
There have been hundreds of links, videos, quotes and images posted of black lives matters people calling for killing whites and cops over the last several months, yet every couple days you demand proof again like you think these stories will just disappear.
Fuck off!

Saw those links. They were not BLM. They were black people. guess is ( no links needed for guesses ) that they were contacted by law enforcement and dealt with accordingly.

You think that you can continue to say things that are not true.....and by some miracle of life....think intelligent people will suddenly accept them as fact. That's because you live in a dummy bubble.
What isn't a guess, but a fact, is that references to 'BLM' and the like fails as a red herring fallacy; understandable given the thread premise has failed.
Former Congressman Unleashes on Attorney General in Rant Against Islam: ‘Go Ahead and Prosecute Me. I Dare You.’

Walsh continued to slam Lynch in his video for the comments she made at Muslim Advocate’s 10th anniversary dinner one day after law enforcement officials say two people opened fire at a holiday party in San Bernardino, California, leaving 14 people dead and more than one dozen injured. According to reports, the wife pledged allegiance to the Islamic State on her Facebook page just moments before the attack.

You know what?

I wholeheartedly support that idea.

Islime is a sick cult of slavery, death and conquest.

Are all muzbots "warriors" or jihadists?

Of course not. Not all Americans are soldiers, not all members of primitive tribes were warriors either. Not all Christians were Crusaders, not all Japanese were Kamikaze, not all Germans were Nazis, and not all Russians were commies. However as social animals we all support the groups we belong in, except for bed wetters who always support the enemy.

Muzbots draw no distinctions between warrior or innocent civilian. It's time that the people of the world who are sick of being involved in conflicts started by primitive lunatics who kill indiscriminately to rise up and purge their regions of these assholes. They contribute NOTHING, they take everything they can get their asswiping hands on, and if you're lucky they'll kill you quickly.

So FUCK YOU LYNCH, you fascist PIG, Fuck You and your meat muppet faggot boss, and fuck all the sniveling parasite bed wetters who empower sick sociopaths like you. I DARE YOU to try and prosecute me for resisting the asinine policies that endanger innocent people.

Go ahead and report this post to your moonbat messiah bed wetters. If the criminally insane sociopaths you vote for were so confident that their intimidation was working, they wouldn't be so desperate to undermine the 2nd Amendment.




So you also have a problem with incitement laws and sedition laws. Ok. Like i said, i can respect that. But then your problem isn't with lynch, it's with Congress
WTF???? Fuckit I'm done with you.
If you think that speech inciting violence should not be illegal your issue is not with the attorney general but with congress, since they have the power to change the law.

The attorney general merely said she would prosecute those that break the law
I'm joining the crowd..........BYE BYE............Same BS from you on the other thread..............

Me too :)
It's amazing! The man(?) is totally devoid of self awareness. He has no idea how stupid his argument is. (I'm certain Lone Laugher is about to ask for a link)

(I'm certain Lone Laugher is about to ask for a link)


good one
I said if people didn't threaten those things.
Lynch only said that those who did would be prosecuted, so what's the beef? Where's the overstep?
She actually said 'edging toward'. Can you tell us what that means exactly?
In context it's pretty clear she's talking about inciting violence.
“Now obviously this is a country that is based on free speech,” she said. “but when it edges towards violence, when we see the potential for someone lifting that mantle of anti-Muslim rhetoric or, as we saw after 9/11, violence against individuals… when we see that, we will take action.”
AG Loretta Lynch Promises to ‘Take Action’ Against ‘Anti-Muslim Rhetoric’
But at what point does something 'edge towards'? Sounds like before you commit the crime, whilst you're 'edging toward' it, you have now committed a crime? Nothing clear about it whatsoever.
What she's saying is if someone is out there spreading rhetoric that inspires others to act violently they'll be prosecuted.
If it's not clear to you it's because you want it to be something it's not
Oh. You mean like what Brown's step dad did.
Lynch only said that those who did would be prosecuted, so what's the beef? Where's the overstep?
She actually said 'edging toward'. Can you tell us what that means exactly?
In context it's pretty clear she's talking about inciting violence.
“Now obviously this is a country that is based on free speech,” she said. “but when it edges towards violence, when we see the potential for someone lifting that mantle of anti-Muslim rhetoric or, as we saw after 9/11, violence against individuals… when we see that, we will take action.”
AG Loretta Lynch Promises to ‘Take Action’ Against ‘Anti-Muslim Rhetoric’
But at what point does something 'edge towards'? Sounds like before you commit the crime, whilst you're 'edging toward' it, you have now committed a crime? Nothing clear about it whatsoever.
What she's saying is if someone is out there spreading rhetoric that inspires others to act violently they'll be prosecuted.
If it's not clear to you it's because you want it to be something it's not
Oh. You mean like what Brown's step dad did.
Yep. I would have no problem with him being prosecuted. I wonded why the state hasn't done so.
She actually said 'edging toward'. Can you tell us what that means exactly?

Good catch. Sounds like she is embracing those Muslims who feel that any criticism of Islam should be illegal.

While BLM and others called for the death of cops and their followers instantly killed cops, the administration showed no outrage.

Even the slightest criticism of Islam is treated like a major crime which is why the left wasn't outraged when Muslims attacked twice over cartoons. They blamed those who made the cartoons and pretty much said they got what was coming. Same when someone burns a Koran. The left says you're asking for trouble.

So, it's no surprise that any language even edging toward hate speech will cause them to pounce on you. And by hate speech, they don't mean calling for killing, they mean things like using the term "radical Islamists." If you call a Muslim terrorist a terrorist, they claim you are inciting violence against them. Meanwhile, the left tries to vilify all those on the right and Christians and say it's all freedom of speech. They labelled the Colorado shooter a rightwing terrorist, and did so without fear of being attacked. It was dishonest of them to do that, but they know that they can use the most vile language and get away with it. They even tried to claim the San Bernardino terrorists were white racists. Didn't even hesitate and yet they weren't concerned about the vitriol they were spreading. It was okay for them, not only to say the most vile things, but to outright lie while doing it. Then when it turns out to be radicalized Muslims, they freaked out. How dare you call them terrorists or radicals when those type of terms are reserved for those on the right? Did they worry that they might incite violence toward pro-life people or gun owners? Hell, no! Just like they didn't care when black leaders incited violence that ended the lives of many cops and innocent people.

They know if people keep criticizing Islam, even mildly, there will be more attacks and more senseless slaughter. Hard to push Islam as a religion of peace if the bodies of infidels keep piling up, so they will try to avoid more terrorist attacks by silencing those who don't believe Islam is good.

Getting people to remain silent and convincing them that Islam is the best religion seems to be the plan to win the war on terror. After all, if we all embrace Islam then all we have to do is obey sharia law to the letter and everything will be just fine.
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