Prosecutors Lost A Fight To Keep A Set Of Jan. 6 Capitol Surveillance Videos Under Seal

These trash Trumpers destroyed our Capitol in a disgusting display of disgrace.

Trumpers are trash and I hope this trash gets 10 year minimum.
Those weak Trumpers won't be able to handle prison, they'll be fuckin food. Everyone in prison knows they are weak.
The Capital was "destroyed"? Congress was in session the very next day. How was that possible in a destroyed Capital? Duh? The protestors broke a few doors and windows. Get a grip...
These trash Trumpers destroyed our Capitol in a disgusting display of disgrace.

Trumpers are trash and I hope this trash gets 10 year minimum.
Those weak Trumpers won't be able to handle prison, they'll be fuckin food. Everyone in prison knows they are weak.
The scum demonRATS destroyed our Capitol in a disgusting display of disgrace.

scum demonRATS are trash
Democrats must maintain their lies at all costs. You little sheeples have no business knowing facts.

Hey dumb fuck, we all saw many, many videos of the violence on 6Jan21. Liars like you cannot hide those. And we will see them again as this investigation continues. And again as the inevitable criminal trials that result from the investigation take place. And the treasonous fat senile old orange clown will be in the docket in at least one of those investigations.
The scum demonRATS destroyed our Capitol in a disgusting display of disgrace.

scum demonRATS are trash
My goodness, you lying asshole, America saw live exactly what happened there. It was treasonous asshole like you assaulting the Capital police and desecrating our nation's Capital, and shitting all over the place.




No he isn't, not even close. Those so-called patriots who invaded the capital are now looking to blame someone else for their actions. To make it seem like nothing worth sending people to jail happened. Good thing they filmed themselves committing crimes to such a ridiculous extent. We all got to see the right with their mask off. Can't put the genie back in the bottle now.

Yeah, right, those committing crimes look exactly like the folks rioting all last year in various Democrat-led cities.

Even you have to admit that instead of a riot, it looks more like folks snapping grandma selfies. Little wonder that this failed administration tried desperately to keep these videos from seeing the light of day.

This is the Republicans RIOT.




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They did not have much plans other than to go there and be there. They got let in and when rotunda was full the Pelosi plants arrived and hell broke loose. The participants never thought of it as an insurrection, libs made up the label.
Hey dumb fuck, we all saw many, many videos of the violence on 6Jan21. Liars like you cannot hide those. And we will see them again as this investigation continues. And again as the inevitable criminal trials that result from the investigation take place. And the treasonous fat senile old orange clown will be in the docket in at least one of those investigations.
My goodness, you lying asshole, America saw live exactly what happened there. It was treasonous asshole like you assaulting the Capital police and desecrating our nation's Capital, and shitting all over the place.
then obviously, your lack of a brain missed the cops giving the escort into the city, of busses loaded w/ criminals of black flies matter and antifa--care of pig-lousi and the scum demonRATS...
so, you lying ASSHOLE, you can deny all you want...thats what makes you a brain dead piece SHIT, and a anti-AMERICAN, communist asshole .....enjoy your day shit 4 brains
Meanwhile back in reality you can search in vain for democratic support for anyone who broke the law while protesting. .
Meanwhile back in reality--a brain dead shit stain-YOU--live in denial that the scum demonRATS didn't encourage the criminals to destroy AMERICAN cities....
you are 1 fucked up , retarded, scum demonRAT
Meanwhile back in reality--a brain dead shit stain-YOU--live in denial that the scum demonRATS didn't encourage the criminals to destroy AMERICAN cities....
you are 1 fucked up , retarded, scum demonRAT
Look at what your steady diet of outrage has done. You'll never be happy again no matter what. You're just another scared moron that went too far down the right wing rabbit hole. Now you are doomed to self-sabotage your peace of mind for the test of your miserable life.
Look at what your steady diet of outrage has done. You'll never be happy again no matter what. You're just another scared moron that went too far down the right wing rabbit hole. Now you are doomed to self-sabotage your peace of mind for the test of your miserable life.
like i'm supposed to take seriously anything that comes out of your anti-AMERICA, fucked up would be a cold day in hell b4 i did that...
you, asshole, support the riots in all the AMERICAN cities last will never amount to anything worthwhile, because you are SCUM.... you are doomed to self-sabotage your peace of mind for the test of your miserable life.
like i'm supposed to take seriously anything that comes out of your anti-AMERICA, fucked up would be a cold day in hell b4 i did that...
you, asshole, support the riots in all the AMERICAN cities last will never amount to anything worthwhile, because you are SCUM.... you are doomed to self-sabotage your peace of mind for the test of your miserable life.
Don't have a stroke. Why are you willingly doing something that pisses you off this much? Are you a masochist or something?
Don't have a stroke. Why are you willingly doing something that pisses you off this much? Are you a masochist or something?
awww...did i hit a TRUTH you can't deny? what a pity for you...Don't have a stroke.
The pearl clutching by the left over Jan 6th is kind of scary.

The Democrat party have proven CANNOT handle any sort of adversity.

Can you imagine how these faggots would run and hide if we were threatened by an actual insurrection.

Lefties, why are you such useful idiots?

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