Prosecutors Say Trump Directed Illegal Payments During Campaign

"The checks don’t change the basic facts at issue in the hush money scandal. Cohen pleaded guilty last year to violating campaign finance law by paying off Daniels shortly before the election. And we’ve known for quite some time that Trump reimbursed Cohen for this afterward.

But the big unanswered question is whether prosecutors in the US Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York hope to pursue the hush money case further — by implicating the Trump Organization or even the president himself.

According to legal and campaign finance experts, the checks themselves don’t prove a crime. But they could be one piece of evidence in a potential case against Trump."

The question asked in the article is answered now. The NY AG is pursuing the case. But, Team Trump has taken the matter to court claiming Trump can not be investigated for any crime he may have committed. That's right, not just the claim legal authorities can't prosecute him, that he can't even be investigated.

Assuming you are even remotely correct, investigate him for what? Paying off someone to shut up is NOT illegal in any way. As you can see, the money came from HIS account, so how are campaign funds involved?
Michael Cohen paid off Trump's hookers with $280,000 of his own money. He paid them off so you dumb rubes wouldn't know about them, thereby helping Trump get elected. Therefore, they are a campaign contribution.

The amount of money he used to pay off the women exceeded the $2,700 limit on personal contributions.

All caught up now?

Paying off hos is NOT a campaign contribution. Such a transaction would be covered as attorney-client privilege even if it was!

Has your side ever investigated how Obama attended college as a foreign student despite being a US citizen?
He has committed so many crimes

that you cannot even name ONE.....


Trump is clean, which is why your side had to ABUSE ITS POWER and "weaponize" Homeland Security to "spy" on his campaign and set him up with Manafort and Page....

You got NOTHING on Donald Trump, and that's what pisses you off the most.....
So there's a violation of campaign finance law, obstruction of a federal investigation, obstruction of a congressional investigation, and.......

Trump’s Hold on Ukrainian Military Aid was Illegal

‘Let me make something 100% clear’: FEC chair lays down the law on foreign help

.........just off the top of my head.

Notice the date on that check from Individual 1's personal bank account to Michael Cohen? It was written while the Orange Messiah was prez. It's part of Cohen's compensation for paying off Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal. It represents the commission of a felony.
"Federal prosecutors said on Friday that President Trump directed illegal payments to ward off a potential sex scandal that threatened his chances of winning the White House in 2016, putting the weight of the Justice Department behind accusations previously made by his former lawyer.

The lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, had said that as the election neared, Mr. Trump directed payments to two women who claimed they had affairs with Mr. Trump. But in a new memo arguing for a prison term for Mr. Cohen, prosecutors in Manhattan said he “acted in coordination and at the direction of” an unnamed individual, clearly referring to Mr. Trump."
Prosecutors Say Trump Directed Illegal Payments During Campaign

The commission of that felony is in addition to the felony of conspiring to violate campaign finance law. The crime for which "Individual 1," known to Trumpette's as the Groper-in-Chief, was named as an unindicted co-conspirator.

I see a check for $35,000 to Cohen from Trump. That is all. I see nothing of what you claim.
President Trump’s checks repaying Michael Cohen for hush money, explained

I had no idea you folks were so helpless, needing info to be spoon fed to you.
VOX!!!! This is the same leftist clap trap that just fired a bunch of journalists.
Please proceed with your factual refutation of what Vox reported. Or...........STFU.

Please support documentation for your claims first. You have not done so. Epic fail!
"The checks don’t change the basic facts at issue in the hush money scandal. Cohen pleaded guilty last year to violating campaign finance law by paying off Daniels shortly before the election. And we’ve known for quite some time that Trump reimbursed Cohen for this afterward.

But the big unanswered question is whether prosecutors in the US Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York hope to pursue the hush money case further — by implicating the Trump Organization or even the president himself.

According to legal and campaign finance experts, the checks themselves don’t prove a crime. But they could be one piece of evidence in a potential case against Trump."

The question asked in the article is answered now. The NY AG is pursuing the case. But, Team Trump has taken the matter to court claiming Trump can not be investigated for any crime he may have committed. That's right, not just the claim legal authorities can't prosecute him, that he can't even be investigated.

Assuming you are even remotely correct, investigate him for what? Paying off someone to shut up is NOT illegal in any way. As you can see, the money came from HIS account, so how are campaign funds involved?
Michael Cohen paid off Trump's hookers with $280,000 of his own money. He paid them off so you dumb rubes wouldn't know about them, thereby helping Trump get elected. Therefore, they are a campaign contribution.

The amount of money he used to pay off the women exceeded the $2,700 limit on personal contributions.

All caught up now?

Paying off hos is NOT a campaign contribution.
Actually, it is. It was to help Trump get elected, therefore a campaign contribution.

Has your side ever investigated how Obama attended college as a foreign student despite being a US citizen?
Oh, wow. It figures you're a birther. That explains so much.

I totally nailed it: It's A Birther Thing
"The checks don’t change the basic facts at issue in the hush money scandal. Cohen pleaded guilty last year to violating campaign finance law by paying off Daniels shortly before the election. And we’ve known for quite some time that Trump reimbursed Cohen for this afterward.

But the big unanswered question is whether prosecutors in the US Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York hope to pursue the hush money case further — by implicating the Trump Organization or even the president himself.

According to legal and campaign finance experts, the checks themselves don’t prove a crime. But they could be one piece of evidence in a potential case against Trump."

The question asked in the article is answered now. The NY AG is pursuing the case. But, Team Trump has taken the matter to court claiming Trump can not be investigated for any crime he may have committed. That's right, not just the claim legal authorities can't prosecute him, that he can't even be investigated.

Assuming you are even remotely correct, investigate him for what? Paying off someone to shut up is NOT illegal in any way. As you can see, the money came from HIS account, so how are campaign funds involved?
Michael Cohen paid off Trump's hookers with $280,000 of his own money. He paid them off so you dumb rubes wouldn't know about them, thereby helping Trump get elected. Therefore, they are a campaign contribution.

The amount of money he used to pay off the women exceeded the $2,700 limit on personal contributions.

All caught up now?

Paying off hos is NOT a campaign contribution. Such a transaction would be covered as attorney-client privilege even if it was!

Has your side ever investigated how Obama attended college as a foreign student despite being a US citizen?
Wrong again.

President Trump’s checks repaying Michael Cohen for hush money, explained
Cohen has pled guilty. He's going to prison for it.

So it was a crime. No amount of willfully blind denial on the part of the Trumptards will ever change that fact.

All the parroting submissive cucks have is whatever bullshit is in their mouth which their masters put there.
So there's a violation of campaign finance law, obstruction of a federal investigation, obstruction of a congressional investigation, and......


All of which adds up to less than 1% of the rules Obama broke. Your side is laughable. Whatever rules/laws your side broke never matters. Trivial stuff like this adds to the clear truth that the Left's hypocrisy is galactic....
Cohen has pled guilty



Cohen was another corrupt attorney in NY who was ABOVE THE LAW until it was convenient to raid his office in an attempt to get something on Trump.... and you still got nothing.

Notice the date on that check from Individual 1's personal bank account to Michael Cohen? It was written while the Orange Messiah was prez. It's part of Cohen's compensation for paying off Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal. It represents the commission of a felony.
"Federal prosecutors said on Friday that President Trump directed illegal payments to ward off a potential sex scandal that threatened his chances of winning the White House in 2016, putting the weight of the Justice Department behind accusations previously made by his former lawyer.

The lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, had said that as the election neared, Mr. Trump directed payments to two women who claimed they had affairs with Mr. Trump. But in a new memo arguing for a prison term for Mr. Cohen, prosecutors in Manhattan said he “acted in coordination and at the direction of” an unnamed individual, clearly referring to Mr. Trump."
Prosecutors Say Trump Directed Illegal Payments During Campaign

The commission of that felony is in addition to the felony of conspiring to violate campaign finance law. The crime for which "Individual 1," known to Trumpette's as the Groper-in-Chief, was named as an unindicted co-conspirator.
Looks about as FAKE as obama's forged certificate of birth.
"The checks don’t change the basic facts at issue in the hush money scandal. Cohen pleaded guilty last year to violating campaign finance law by paying off Daniels shortly before the election. And we’ve known for quite some time that Trump reimbursed Cohen for this afterward.

But the big unanswered question is whether prosecutors in the US Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York hope to pursue the hush money case further — by implicating the Trump Organization or even the president himself.

According to legal and campaign finance experts, the checks themselves don’t prove a crime. But they could be one piece of evidence in a potential case against Trump."

The question asked in the article is answered now. The NY AG is pursuing the case. But, Team Trump has taken the matter to court claiming Trump can not be investigated for any crime he may have committed. That's right, not just the claim legal authorities can't prosecute him, that he can't even be investigated.

Assuming you are even remotely correct, investigate him for what? Paying off someone to shut up is NOT illegal in any way. As you can see, the money came from HIS account, so how are campaign funds involved?
Michael Cohen paid off Trump's hookers with $280,000 of his own money. He paid them off so you dumb rubes wouldn't know about them, thereby helping Trump get elected. Therefore, they are a campaign contribution.

The amount of money he used to pay off the women exceeded the $2,700 limit on personal contributions.

All caught up now?

Paying off hos is NOT a campaign contribution. Such a transaction would be covered as attorney-client privilege even if it was!

Has your side ever investigated how Obama attended college as a foreign student despite being a US citizen?
Wrong again.

President Trump’s checks repaying Michael Cohen for hush money, explained

First Line:
"The checks themselves don’t prove a crime, but they could be one piece of evidence in a potential case against Trump."

Notice the date on that check from Individual 1's personal bank account to Michael Cohen? It was written while the Orange Messiah was prez. It's part of Cohen's compensation for paying off Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal. It represents the commission of a felony.
"Federal prosecutors said on Friday that President Trump directed illegal payments to ward off a potential sex scandal that threatened his chances of winning the White House in 2016, putting the weight of the Justice Department behind accusations previously made by his former lawyer.

The lawyer, Michael D. Cohen, had said that as the election neared, Mr. Trump directed payments to two women who claimed they had affairs with Mr. Trump. But in a new memo arguing for a prison term for Mr. Cohen, prosecutors in Manhattan said he “acted in coordination and at the direction of” an unnamed individual, clearly referring to Mr. Trump."
Prosecutors Say Trump Directed Illegal Payments During Campaign

The commission of that felony is in addition to the felony of conspiring to violate campaign finance law. The crime for which "Individual 1," known to Trumpette's as the Groper-in-Chief, was named as an unindicted co-conspirator.


Watching the snowflakes beat their heads against the same wall - debunked claims - over and over again never gets old. Someone should keep a running tally of how many times they are going to bring up all the same accusations over and over.

From the link I just provided:

In August 2015, the Chairman and Chief Executive of Corporation-1, a media company that owns, among other things, a popular tabloid magazine (“Chairman-1” and “Magazine-1,” respectively”), in coordination with COHEN and one or more members of the campaign, offered to help deal with negative stories about Individual-1’s relationships with women by, among other things, assisting the campaign in identifying such stories so they could be purchased and their publication avoided. Chairman-1 agreed to keep COHEN apprised of any such negative stories.
He has committed so many crimes

that you cannot even name ONE.....


Trump is clean, which is why your side had to ABUSE ITS POWER and "weaponize" Homeland Security to "spy" on his campaign and set him up with Manafort and Page....

You got NOTHING on Donald Trump, and that's what pisses you off the most.....
So there's a violation of campaign finance law, obstruction of a federal investigation, obstruction of a congressional investigation, and.......

Trump’s Hold on Ukrainian Military Aid was Illegal

‘Let me make something 100% clear’: FEC chair lays down the law on foreign help

.........just off the top of my head.
Why doesn’t the house know that? You sure? Link the article

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