"protecting" And "serving"

Toddler disfigured by grenade that SWAT team threw in his crib smiles as he leaves hospital a month after suffering horrific injuries
  • Bounkham Phonesavanh, who is 19 months old, was seriously injured when the grenade went off in his playpen on May 28
  • The Wisconsin family had been staying with a sister-in-law in Atlanta, Georgia, after their house had burned down
  • Baby Bou Bou, as he is known, was seriously injured and was rushed to hospital where doctors placed him in a medically induced coma
  • Most photographs of the baby's burns are too graphic to show
  • Police said a multijurisdictional drug unit issued a warrant and organized the SWAT operation
  • Phonesavanh says no drugs were found in the raid, and the man they were looking for doesn't live at the address
  • The boy no longer needs a ventilator to breath and injuries to his lips and mouth have been repaired
  • Doctors don't know if he has suffered permanent brain damage

Read more: Toddler disfigured by police grenade thrown in crib leaves hospital a month later Daily Mail Online
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Couple on television today. Have more than one million dollars in hospital and Doctor's Bills.
Have filed a lawsuit because the Police Dept states that if they were to pay for the Baby's injuries, it would violate state law against "gratuities".

Doctors have evaluated the baby and do not believe that he suffered any permanent Brain damage.
[QUOTit ="Jarlaxle, post: 10200189, member: 39447"]
Video shows Massachusetts detective attacking prisoner completely unprovoked and then two of his fellow cops join in instead of stopping him. Then they all lie about it.

Taunton detective with history of excessive force claims caught on video attacking man - The Bay State Examiner

Again...all you do is bitch about the bad apples. Even 10, 000 stories of bad cops...only comprises 1% of the 1, 000, 000 cops out there.

How about tell us how to keep bad apples from getting in? Im sure the military and clergy would be interested in how also since even they cant keep criminals from their ranks.

Im sure youll offer some idealistic, rhetorical answer as to how.

Stop covering for them. The "blue wall" NEEDS to be torn down!

What are you doing to do it? Again..rhetorical, idealistic answers dont do shit.

The problem with the blue wall is that it will require other cops speaking up against their own. It is not the public you should be screaming at. Scream at the cops who stand silently by and allow their fellow officers to commit horrendous acts.
Thats a tiny % of them. Despite what you brainwashed idiots think. In fact...over the last five decades...police corruption has dwindled incredibly to very small % levels.[/QUOTE]

The corruption may be dwindling, but the blue wall still stands. And that is all about cops not standing up against other cops.

They call it a "code". It is actually being an accessory to the crime.
Dont Taz Me post: 10205395 said:
Phenix City, AL police officer pepper sprays a 17 year old kid at a high school football despite doing nothing wrong.

This is What a High School Football Game Looks Like In a Police State The Free Thought Project
Must be a sad angry existence you live...doing little more than trolling the internet for bad apple cop stories.

All these bad apple examples of what the police are really like must upset you terribly. :lol:
Saw video. Cant see if he bumped him or not. But even if be did "nudge" him that was a bit much. Bye bye bad apple. Hes gone.

Although...look at the kids hands. Looks like hes making fists.

He is doing that to keep his balance, because the cop is pushing him all over creation.
The problem with the blue wall is that it will require other cops speaking up against their own. It is not the public you should be screaming at. Scream at the cops who stand silently by and allow their fellow officers to commit horrendous acts.
Thats a tiny % of them. Despite what you brainwashed idiots think. In fact...over the last five decades...police corruption has dwindled incredibly to very small % levels.

You are a part of the blue wall.
Saw video. Cant see if he bumped him or not. But even if be did "nudge" him that was a bit much. Bye bye bad apple. Hes gone.

Although...look at the kids hands. Looks like hes making fists.

Newsflash for you, but people jump around and cheer at football games. I've been nudged and bumped by people plenty of times at sporting events.
Law officers in the United States make about 12 million arrests per year. The public reasonably expects suspects will make it through the process alive. Brandon Ellingson of Clive did not. The young man drowned while in the custody of the Missouri Highway Patrol.

A trooper suspected the Iowan was intoxicated while he was operating a boat at Lake of the Ozarks, a popular Midwest vacation destination. The trooper handcuffed Ellingson’s wrists behind his back and then pulled a life jacket over his head. The trooper was transporting him on a police boat to administer a sobriety test elsewhere when Ellingson fell overboard. When his body was recovered the next day, there was no life jacket.

Since a handcuffed man cannot put on or take off a life jacket, it is clear the trooper did not properly secure one on Ellingson. The Iowan also had been left sitting on an elevated boat chair with no way to brace himself as the boat crossed the lake.

The arresting officer blamed inadequate training for his handling of the Ellingson arrest. But a Missouri Highway Patrol supervisor, Sgt. Randy Henry, told a Missouri Legislature hearing Tuesday: “It is obvious that the training that occurred before May 31, 2014 was deficient. That is not an excuse for poor judgment.”

Compounding the tragedy is the fact that no one has been held responsible. A six-member coroner’s jury took less than 8 minutes to determine that the death was an accident. Though a special prosecutor acknowledged the jury had not heard from several witnesses, she quickly decided that no criminal charges would be filed against the officer.

Justice For Brandon Ellingson

In that particular instance, tell me what crime you think was committed? I'm not saying the officer did everything right, I'm asking what crime did he commit?

The perfect crime...

if he knew what he was doing and giving the man a scare on purpose.
[QUOTit ="Jarlaxle, post: 10200189, member: 39447"]
Video shows Massachusetts detective attacking prisoner completely unprovoked and then two of his fellow cops join in instead of stopping him. Then they all lie about it.

Taunton detective with history of excessive force claims caught on video attacking man - The Bay State Examiner

Again...all you do is bitch about the bad apples. Even 10, 000 stories of bad cops...only comprises 1% of the 1, 000, 000 cops out there.

How about tell us how to keep bad apples from getting in? Im sure the military and clergy would be interested in how also since even they cant keep criminals from their ranks.

Im sure youll offer some idealistic, rhetorical answer as to how.

Stop covering for them. The "blue wall" NEEDS to be torn down!

What are you doing to do it? Again..rhetorical, idealistic answers dont do shit.

The problem with the blue wall is that it will require other cops speaking up against their own. It is not the public you should be screaming at. Scream at the cops who stand silently by and allow their fellow officers to commit horrendous acts.
Thats a tiny % of them. Despite what you brainwashed idiots think. In fact...over the last five decades...police corruption has dwindled incredibly to very small % levels.

The corruption may be dwindling, but the blue wall still stands. And that is all about cops not standing up against other cops.

They call it a "code". It is actually being an accessory to the crime.[/QUOTE]

That's not how it's meant to be The "code" is supposed to mean defending innocent cops when they are wrongly accused, which some of the examples in this thread have been of
Cops covering up a murder because it was committed by a fellow cop. I'm shocked I tell you, just shocked.

Tom Fallis arrested for wife Ashley s murder following three year campaign Daily Mail Online

It takes a lot of really bad cops to get away with such a cover up. It shows how expansive the corruption is and how quickly they turn. No way they could not have known considering it is impossible to kill yourself with a bullet in the back of the head.

A former Colorado jail officer has been arrested and charged with murdering his wife, three years after local detectives allegedly covered up evidence of his crime and ruled her death a suicide - even though she was shot in the back of the head.
Cops covering up a murder because it was committed by a fellow cop. I'm shocked I tell you, just shocked.

Tom Fallis arrested for wife Ashley s murder following three year campaign Daily Mail Online

It takes a lot of really bad cops to get away with such a cover up. It shows how expansive the corruption is and how quickly they turn. No way they could not have known considering it is impossible to kill yourself with a bullet in the back of the head.

A former Colorado jail officer has been arrested and charged with murdering his wife, three years after local detectives allegedly covered up evidence of his crime and ruled her death a suicide - even though she was shot in the back of the head.

It isn't impossible. Merely unlikely
Dont Taz Me post: 10205395 said:
Phenix City, AL police officer pepper sprays a 17 year old kid at a high school football despite doing nothing wrong.

This is What a High School Football Game Looks Like In a Police State The Free Thought Project
Must be a sad angry existence you live...doing little more than trolling the internet for bad apple cop stories.

All these bad apple examples of what the police are really like must upset you terribly. :lol:

Doesnt bother me at all. Bad apples are inevitable. Other groups who take an oath of high moral standards. ..military and clergy...have them too. Any human organization will.

Ive served as a cop. 8 years in Atlanta. I know the reality and how small a % the corrupt are.

You retards only know what you read on facebook and see on TV and Hollywood. You wwon't ever know the reality because you live in a bubble of ignorance and safety...provided by the men and women who take that oath in the military and police.

It is what it is. The oath takers will see the realities of the world. The rest will think what they see on twitter and Facebook is the whole truth.
Cops covering up a murder because it was committed by a fellow cop. I'm shocked I tell you, just shocked.

Tom Fallis arrested for wife Ashley s murder following three year campaign Daily Mail Online

It takes a lot of really bad cops to get away with such a cover up. It shows how expansive the corruption is and how quickly they turn. No way they could not have known considering it is impossible to kill yourself with a bullet in the back of the head.

A former Colorado jail officer has been arrested and charged with murdering his wife, three years after local detectives allegedly covered up evidence of his crime and ruled her death a suicide - even though she was shot in the back of the head.

It isn't impossible. Merely unlikely

It depends on the trajectory, but of course, it is unlikely the coroner made the test in support of the cops.
Its the medias wet dream to smear cops. They will always edit and narrate only the worst possible image for cops. And dipshits like Dont Tase Me buy into it.

And none in the media are not bitterly concerned their reporting will lead the police to target them?
Its power envy. DontTazeMeBro isnt ignorant. He knows other groups with very high standards. ..like the military or religious clergy...also have criminals and bad apples in their groups. But cops have power. Specifically power inside our borders and THAT is what angers him. He sees shit he hates and cant do anything. .or wont do anything. .about it. He envies the power and hates those who have it. Otherwise hed start threads of others who took a noble oath and broke it- like military criminals or clergy or even just cheating spouses.

Because he is consistent DTMB "envies the power." :lol:
An article this morning on the growing police state

This is why I don’t trust my local police department

About a year ago, I moved to St. Paul, Minn. for grad school. It’s been great living here, but I must say, I’m worried about my dog’s safety. My worry doesn’t stem from concerns about traffic, crime, or environmental hazards.

No, I’m worried because of the Saint Paul Police Department.

In July, there was a story about a family whose two dogs were executed by police during a no-knock raid for marijuana possession in a St. Paul neighborhood just a few miles from my house. The family says one dog was shot as he fled in fear; the raid, meanwhile, produced minimal evidence to feed the hungry maw of the trillion-dollar failure that is the war on drugs.

“All of a sudden, we see the dogs thrown out like pieces of meat, like they were nothing,” said a neighbor of the family whose dogs were shot. “We teared up because they are like family to us. Those dogs are real good dogs.”

This isn’t an isolated incident for the SPPD. Just a few years ago, the Saint Paul Police killed another family dog…and forced handcuffed children to sit next to its bleeding corpse for more than an hour while they ransacked the home.

The kicker? The raid wasn’t even in the right house!

This is why I don t trust my local police department Rare
You appear to have a high awareness of these police incidents.Almost as though you mine for them. If that is how you occupy yourself, fine.
Your anti law enforcement bias has left you sort of an outcast.
I state this because you take no time in mining for stories which depict the good things done by law enforcement.
You don't like cops. And you probably would be a person who'd start a battle over a simple traffic stop.
Mistaken identity while rare DOES happen...
I will concede that these so called "no knock" raids are looking like bad policy.
At least to the extent that non violent suspects should not be subject to them.
I've stated my view. There is no need for you to respond

Actually, no, I don't look for them and that's the sad part. They just show up in my news feeds. That's how common the problem is becoming.

All the stories you post all are only telling one side of the story. They all just fit the narrative that you buy into.

When the police raid the wrong house, and kill the innocent people inside, how many sides can there possibly be?
An article this morning on the growing police state

This is why I don’t trust my local police department

About a year ago, I moved to St. Paul, Minn. for grad school. It’s been great living here, but I must say, I’m worried about my dog’s safety. My worry doesn’t stem from concerns about traffic, crime, or environmental hazards.

No, I’m worried because of the Saint Paul Police Department.

In July, there was a story about a family whose two dogs were executed by police during a no-knock raid for marijuana possession in a St. Paul neighborhood just a few miles from my house. The family says one dog was shot as he fled in fear; the raid, meanwhile, produced minimal evidence to feed the hungry maw of the trillion-dollar failure that is the war on drugs.

“All of a sudden, we see the dogs thrown out like pieces of meat, like they were nothing,” said a neighbor of the family whose dogs were shot. “We teared up because they are like family to us. Those dogs are real good dogs.”

This isn’t an isolated incident for the SPPD. Just a few years ago, the Saint Paul Police killed another family dog…and forced handcuffed children to sit next to its bleeding corpse for more than an hour while they ransacked the home.

The kicker? The raid wasn’t even in the right house!

This is why I don t trust my local police department Rare
You appear to have a high awareness of these police incidents.Almost as though you mine for them. If that is how you occupy yourself, fine.
Your anti law enforcement bias has left you sort of an outcast.
I state this because you take no time in mining for stories which depict the good things done by law enforcement.
You don't like cops. And you probably would be a person who'd start a battle over a simple traffic stop.
Mistaken identity while rare DOES happen...
I will concede that these so called "no knock" raids are looking like bad policy.
At least to the extent that non violent suspects should not be subject to them.
I've stated my view. There is no need for you to respond

Actually, no, I don't look for them and that's the sad part. They just show up in my news feeds. That's how common the problem is becoming.

All the stories you post all are only telling one side of the story. They all just fit the narrative that you buy into.

Its the medias wet dream to smear cops. They will always edit and narrate only the worst possible image for cops. And dipshits like Dont Tase Me buy into it.

Given...sometimes the story is accurate and sometimes it is indeed a corrupt or criminal or just dumb cop. PDs hire from the general public and like ANY group of humans there are bad ones.

Tell me...if the military and clergy cant keep corrupt and criminal members from getting in...how does someone expect police to?

Its power envy. DontTazeMeBro isnt ignorant. He knows other groups with very high standards. ..like the military or religious clergy...also have criminals and bad apples in their groups. But cops have power. Specifically power inside our borders and THAT is what angers him. He sees shit he hates and cant do anything. .or wont do anything. .about it. He envies the power and hates those who have it. Otherwise hed start threads of others who took a noble oath and broke it- like military criminals or clergy or even just cheating spouses.

Please show us how the media is smearing cops when the cops raid the wrong fucking house and then proceed to MURDER the innocent people inside that WRONG FUCKING HOUSE!

It ain't rocket science idiot. It's checking your facts to make sure you're doing the right thing at the right house.
Dont Taz Me post: 10205395 said:
Phenix City, AL police officer pepper sprays a 17 year old kid at a high school football despite doing nothing wrong.

This is What a High School Football Game Looks Like In a Police State The Free Thought Project
Must be a sad angry existence you live...doing little more than trolling the internet for bad apple cop stories.

What's sad is you don't have to troll the internet to look for them. They are so commonplace that they are reported on ALL THE TIME. DTMB is merely posting the more egregious ones.
Dont Taz Me post: 10205395 said:
Phenix City, AL police officer pepper sprays a 17 year old kid at a high school football despite doing nothing wrong.

This is What a High School Football Game Looks Like In a Police State The Free Thought Project
Must be a sad angry existence you live...doing little more than trolling the internet for bad apple cop stories.

All these bad apple examples of what the police are really like must upset you terribly. :lol:

You retards only know what you read on facebook and see on TV and Hollywood. You wwon't ever know the reality because you live in a bubble of ignorance and safety...provided by the men and women who take that oath in the military and police.

You don't give your audience much credit. :eusa_eh:
Dont Taz Me post: 10205395 said:
Phenix City, AL police officer pepper sprays a 17 year old kid at a high school football despite doing nothing wrong.

This is What a High School Football Game Looks Like In a Police State The Free Thought Project
Must be a sad angry existence you live...doing little more than trolling the internet for bad apple cop stories.

All these bad apple examples of what the police are really like must upset you terribly. :lol:

You retards only know what you read on facebook and see on TV and Hollywood. You wwon't ever know the reality because you live in a bubble of ignorance and safety...provided by the men and women who take that oath in the military and police.

You don't give your audience much credit. :eusa_eh:

Bucs is the typical moron who thinks because he has, or in his case had, a badge they are somehow "better" than the civilians. What's funny is regular people kill more than twice as many bad guys (and in their cases they truly are bad, no wrong house assaults in these cases) than cops do....every year.

I remember I went to a CHP pursuit driving school with a sheriffs captain friend of mine, and the CHP instructors were looking down their noses at me until my captain friend mentioned that I had a racing license that allowed me to race cars that the CHP instructors wouldn't even be allowed to sit in. That got their attention. What was funny is they let me drive one of the "fleeing" cars because they wanted to show me up and they couldn't catch me! Needles to say I wasn't invited back.

I did get to meet the CHP armorer though, and he and I are very good friends to this day.

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