Protecting Europe's Energy Security Act of 2019

You said everyone should murder all politicians, all refugees and every member of NGO's, who help refugees. You anti-christian background is the Nazi-ideology. You try to reduce every possible problem to a violent solution. So my rationalty says very clear it is the best is to arrest you, until you are free from drugs and able to start to think. Then you will have perhaps a very little chance to start to live, undead.
All mad immigration fanatics should be charged with complicity in every criminal case foreigners create.
Isn´t that a great and peaceful solution, mad immigration fanatic?

I don't have any idea what you like to say with this words. What you say is far from the logic we Germans are using, when we speak about real problems with each other. You are not a German. It seems to me you live in a kind of theatre world, where an invisible audience of demons is controling you - and you never experienced reality.Your job seems to be to be the son of your Nazi father. And in this way you attack my belief that exeryone is child of god - ¿are you? - and is able to find a way to him and to grow in his love . Looks not like you have any chance to find the way to god. Keeps the question, why you are here on this planet at all. I don't see any sense in anything what you say. My compassion is with the men of a worst case scenario, who will have to kill you one day, before you and your criminal Nazi gang are able to open the box of Pandora again.
Of course you have no idea. You would use Nordsream to pump foreigners into Germany, anyway, mad immigration fanatic.

You should really stop to use drugs.

You mad immigration fanatics have opened the box of Pandora.

You know not about me what you say about me here. I never discussed with you about the theme immigration.

While they don´t fill the holes on the labor market, crime goes up.

The people are more interested in the theme "crimes" - but this means not more crimes happen.

Rational people would have corrected the policy.

Which policy? You are just simple playing the game "Die Gurke is eine länglich grüne Frucht. Sie besteht zu 99 Prozent aus Wasser" (~="The cucumber is a long green fruit. It contains 99% water") You learned to answer always with the same stupid nonsense to every serios problem and/or question.

This is why you are mad immigration fanatics, dangerous anti-German racists.

You are without any doubt a criminal Nazi. And you are without any doubt not familiar with Germans nor with the real life in Germany. And I guess you underestimate your own criminal energy. You are nothing else than a member of a terror organisation - like Islamistst. You condemn yourselve with every single of your totally disqualified murderous verbal attacks against all politicians, refugees and everyone, who helps refugees.

Here the German law "§130 StGB" for you. Your criminal verbal murderous hate messages here in this forum mean you will have to be punished by this law in Germany with a minimum of 3 month prison up to a maximum of 5 years prison.

(1) Wer in einer Weise, die geeignet ist, den öffentlichen Frieden zu stören,

1. gegen eine nationale, rassische, religiöse oder durch ihre ethnische Herkunft bestimmte Gruppe, gegen Teile der Bevölkerung oder gegen einen Einzelnen wegen seiner Zugehörigkeit zu einer vorbezeichneten Gruppe oder zu einem Teil der Bevölkerung zum Hass aufstachelt, zu Gewalt- oder Willkürmaßnahmen auffordert oder

2. die Menschenwürde anderer dadurch angreift, dass er eine vorbezeichnete Gruppe, Teile der Bevölkerung oder einen Einzelnen wegen seiner Zugehörigkeit zu einer vorbezeichneten Gruppe oder zu einem Teil der Bevölkerung beschimpft, böswillig verächtlich macht oder verleumdet,

wird mit Freiheitsstrafe von drei Monaten bis zu fünf Jahren bestraft.

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You said everyone should murder all politicians, all refugees and every member of NGO's, who help refugees. You anti-christian background is the Nazi-ideology. You try to reduce every possible problem to a violent solution. So my rationalty says very clear it is the best is to arrest you, until you are free from drugs and able to start to think. Then you will have perhaps a very little chance to start to live, undead.
All mad immigration fanatics should be charged with complicity in every criminal case foreigners create.
Isn´t that a great and peaceful solution, mad immigration fanatic?

I don't have any idea what you like to say with this words. What you say is far from the logic we Germans are using, when we speak about real problems with each other. You are not a German. It seems to me you live in a kind of theatre world, where an invisible audience of demons is controling you - and you never experienced reality.Your job seems to be to be the son of your Nazi father. And in this way you attack my belief that exeryone is child of god - ¿are you? - and is able to find a way to him and to grow in his love . Looks not like you have any chance to find the way to god. Keeps the question, why you are here on this planet at all. I don't see any sense in anything what you say. My compassion is with the men of a worst case scenario, who will have to kill you one day, before you and your criminal Nazi gang are able to open the box of Pandora again.
Of course you have no idea. You would use Nordsream to pump foreigners into Germany, anyway, mad immigration fanatic.

You should really stop to use drugs.

You mad immigration fanatics have opened the box of Pandora.

You know not about me what you say about me here. I never discussed with you about the theme immigration.

While they don´t fill the holes on the labor market, crime goes up.

The people are more interested in the theme "crimes" - but this means not more crimes happen.

Rational people would have corrected the policy.

Which policy? You are just simple playing the game "Die Gurke is eine länglich grüne Frucht. Sie besteht zu 99 Prozent aus Wasser" (~="The cucumber is a long green fruit. It contains 99% water") You learned to answer always with the same stupid nonsense to every serios problem and/or question.

This is why you are mad immigration fanatics, dangerous anti-German racists.

You are without any doubt a criminal Nazi. And you are without any doubt not familiar with Germans nor with the real life in Germany. And I guess you underestimate your own criminal energy. You are nothing else than a member of a terror organisation - like Islamistst. You condemn yourselve with every single of your totally disqualified murderous verbal attacks against all politicians, refugees and everyone, who helps refugees.

Here the German law "§130 StGB" for you. Your criminal verbal murderous hate messages here in this forum mean you will have to be punished by this law in Germany with a minimum of 3 month prison up to a maximum of 5 years prison.

(1) Wer in einer Weise, die geeignet ist, den öffentlichen Frieden zu stören,

1. gegen eine nationale, rassische, religiöse oder durch ihre ethnische Herkunft bestimmte Gruppe, gegen Teile der Bevölkerung oder gegen einen Einzelnen wegen seiner Zugehörigkeit zu einer vorbezeichneten Gruppe oder zu einem Teil der Bevölkerung zum Hass aufstachelt, zu Gewalt- oder Willkürmaßnahmen auffordert oder

2. die Menschenwürde anderer dadurch angreift, dass er eine vorbezeichnete Gruppe, Teile der Bevölkerung oder einen Einzelnen wegen seiner Zugehörigkeit zu einer vorbezeichneten Gruppe oder zu einem Teil der Bevölkerung beschimpft, böswillig verächtlich macht oder verleumdet,

wird mit Freiheitsstrafe von drei Monaten bis zu fünf Jahren bestraft.

Heavy crimes are up.

These are the official numbers published by the BKA (similar to FBI):
- Refugees make up only 2 % of the population in Germany but are responsible for 10 % of all heavy crimes.
- Foreigners make up only 15 % of the population but they are responsible for 30,5 % of all violations (violations of immigration laws are not included)
- Only 15 % of the violence against refugees is committed by Germans.
BKA-Lagebild: Gewalt von Zuwanderern gegen Deutsche nimmt zu - WELT
You said everyone should murder all politicians, all refugees and every member of NGO's, who help refugees. You anti-christian background is the Nazi-ideology. You try to reduce every possible problem to a violent solution. So my rationalty says very clear it is the best is to arrest you, until you are free from drugs and able to start to think. Then you will have perhaps a very little chance to start to live, undead.
All mad immigration fanatics should be charged with complicity in every criminal case foreigners create.
Isn´t that a great and peaceful solution, mad immigration fanatic?

I don't have any idea what you like to say with this words. What you say is far from the logic we Germans are using, when we speak about real problems with each other. You are not a German. It seems to me you live in a kind of theatre world, where an invisible audience of demons is controling you - and you never experienced reality.Your job seems to be to be the son of your Nazi father. And in this way you attack my belief that exeryone is child of god - ¿are you? - and is able to find a way to him and to grow in his love . Looks not like you have any chance to find the way to god. Keeps the question, why you are here on this planet at all. I don't see any sense in anything what you say. My compassion is with the men of a worst case scenario, who will have to kill you one day, before you and your criminal Nazi gang are able to open the box of Pandora again.
Of course you have no idea. You would use Nordsream to pump foreigners into Germany, anyway, mad immigration fanatic.

You should really stop to use drugs.

You mad immigration fanatics have opened the box of Pandora.

You know not about me what you say about me here. I never discussed with you about the theme immigration.

While they don´t fill the holes on the labor market, crime goes up.

The people are more interested in the theme "crimes" - but this means not more crimes happen.

Rational people would have corrected the policy.

Which policy? You are just simple playing the game "Die Gurke is eine länglich grüne Frucht. Sie besteht zu 99 Prozent aus Wasser" (~="The cucumber is a long green fruit. It contains 99% water") You learned to answer always with the same stupid nonsense to every serios problem and/or question.

This is why you are mad immigration fanatics, dangerous anti-German racists.

You are without any doubt a criminal Nazi. And you are without any doubt not familiar with Germans nor with the real life in Germany. And I guess you underestimate your own criminal energy. You are nothing else than a member of a terror organisation - like Islamistst. You condemn yourselve with every single of your totally disqualified murderous verbal attacks against all politicians, refugees and everyone, who helps refugees.

Here the German law "§130 StGB" for you. Your criminal verbal murderous hate messages here in this forum mean you will have to be punished by this law in Germany with a minimum of 3 month prison up to a maximum of 5 years prison.

(1) Wer in einer Weise, die geeignet ist, den öffentlichen Frieden zu stören,

1. gegen eine nationale, rassische, religiöse oder durch ihre ethnische Herkunft bestimmte Gruppe, gegen Teile der Bevölkerung oder gegen einen Einzelnen wegen seiner Zugehörigkeit zu einer vorbezeichneten Gruppe oder zu einem Teil der Bevölkerung zum Hass aufstachelt, zu Gewalt- oder Willkürmaßnahmen auffordert oder

2. die Menschenwürde anderer dadurch angreift, dass er eine vorbezeichnete Gruppe, Teile der Bevölkerung oder einen Einzelnen wegen seiner Zugehörigkeit zu einer vorbezeichneten Gruppe oder zu einem Teil der Bevölkerung beschimpft, böswillig verächtlich macht oder verleumdet,

wird mit Freiheitsstrafe von drei Monaten bis zu fünf Jahren bestraft.

Heavy crimes are up.

These are the official numbers published by the BKA (similar to FBI):
- Refugees make up only 2 % of the population in Germany but are responsible for 10 % of all heavy crimes.
- Foreigners make up only 15 % of the population but they are responsible for 30,5 % of all violations (violations of immigration laws are not included)
- Only 15 % of the violence against refugees is committed by Germans.
BKA-Lagebild: Gewalt von Zuwanderern gegen Deutsche nimmt zu - WELT

You are a criminal Nazi propagating hate messages and murderous plans. You break German laws.

Could be by the way interesting to read this article - if you are able to do so. From the 230 victims of violent deeds are for example about 80 (1/3; 6 killed, 75 injured) from a terror attack of the year 2016, which were counted this year. I remember one of the most strange things in context with this terror attack was it, that an employee of a German secret service had brought this murderer to Berlin, so he was able to make this crime there.

But if Germans should really do less crimes than other people, what it looks like in this statistics, then I expect in general nothing else from Germans.

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You said everyone should murder all politicians, all refugees and every member of NGO's, who help refugees. You anti-christian background is the Nazi-ideology. You try to reduce every possible problem to a violent solution. So my rationalty says very clear it is the best is to arrest you, until you are free from drugs and able to start to think. Then you will have perhaps a very little chance to start to live, undead.
All mad immigration fanatics should be charged with complicity in every criminal case foreigners create.
Isn´t that a great and peaceful solution, mad immigration fanatic?

I don't have any idea what you like to say with this words. What you say is far from the logic we Germans are using, when we speak about real problems with each other. You are not a German. It seems to me you live in a kind of theatre world, where an invisible audience of demons is controling you - and you never experienced reality.Your job seems to be to be the son of your Nazi father. And in this way you attack my belief that exeryone is child of god - ¿are you? - and is able to find a way to him and to grow in his love . Looks not like you have any chance to find the way to god. Keeps the question, why you are here on this planet at all. I don't see any sense in anything what you say. My compassion is with the men of a worst case scenario, who will have to kill you one day, before you and your criminal Nazi gang are able to open the box of Pandora again.
Of course you have no idea. You would use Nordsream to pump foreigners into Germany, anyway, mad immigration fanatic.

You should really stop to use drugs.

You mad immigration fanatics have opened the box of Pandora.

You know not about me what you say about me here. I never discussed with you about the theme immigration.

While they don´t fill the holes on the labor market, crime goes up.

The people are more interested in the theme "crimes" - but this means not more crimes happen.

Rational people would have corrected the policy.

Which policy? You are just simple playing the game "Die Gurke is eine länglich grüne Frucht. Sie besteht zu 99 Prozent aus Wasser" (~="The cucumber is a long green fruit. It contains 99% water") You learned to answer always with the same stupid nonsense to every serios problem and/or question.

This is why you are mad immigration fanatics, dangerous anti-German racists.

You are without any doubt a criminal Nazi. And you are without any doubt not familiar with Germans nor with the real life in Germany. And I guess you underestimate your own criminal energy. You are nothing else than a member of a terror organisation - like Islamistst. You condemn yourselve with every single of your totally disqualified murderous verbal attacks against all politicians, refugees and everyone, who helps refugees.

Here the German law "§130 StGB" for you. Your criminal verbal murderous hate messages here in this forum mean you will have to be punished by this law in Germany with a minimum of 3 month prison up to a maximum of 5 years prison.

(1) Wer in einer Weise, die geeignet ist, den öffentlichen Frieden zu stören,

1. gegen eine nationale, rassische, religiöse oder durch ihre ethnische Herkunft bestimmte Gruppe, gegen Teile der Bevölkerung oder gegen einen Einzelnen wegen seiner Zugehörigkeit zu einer vorbezeichneten Gruppe oder zu einem Teil der Bevölkerung zum Hass aufstachelt, zu Gewalt- oder Willkürmaßnahmen auffordert oder

2. die Menschenwürde anderer dadurch angreift, dass er eine vorbezeichnete Gruppe, Teile der Bevölkerung oder einen Einzelnen wegen seiner Zugehörigkeit zu einer vorbezeichneten Gruppe oder zu einem Teil der Bevölkerung beschimpft, böswillig verächtlich macht oder verleumdet,

wird mit Freiheitsstrafe von drei Monaten bis zu fünf Jahren bestraft.

Heavy crimes are up.

These are the official numbers published by the BKA (similar to FBI):
- Refugees make up only 2 % of the population in Germany but are responsible for 10 % of all heavy crimes.
- Foreigners make up only 15 % of the population but they are responsible for 30,5 % of all violations (violations of immigration laws are not included)
- Only 15 % of the violence against refugees is committed by Germans.
BKA-Lagebild: Gewalt von Zuwanderern gegen Deutsche nimmt zu - WELT

You are a criminal Nazi propagating hate messages and murderous plans. You break German laws.

Don´t distract. I am a good citizen, not previously convicted. You mad immigration fanatics violate our immigration laws constantly.
You said everyone should murder all politicians, all refugees and every member of NGO's, who help refugees. You anti-christian background is the Nazi-ideology. You try to reduce every possible problem to a violent solution. So my rationalty says very clear it is the best is to arrest you, until you are free from drugs and able to start to think. Then you will have perhaps a very little chance to start to live, undead.
All mad immigration fanatics should be charged with complicity in every criminal case foreigners create.
Isn´t that a great and peaceful solution, mad immigration fanatic?

I don't have any idea what you like to say with this words. What you say is far from the logic we Germans are using, when we speak about real problems with each other. You are not a German. It seems to me you live in a kind of theatre world, where an invisible audience of demons is controling you - and you never experienced reality.Your job seems to be to be the son of your Nazi father. And in this way you attack my belief that exeryone is child of god - ¿are you? - and is able to find a way to him and to grow in his love . Looks not like you have any chance to find the way to god. Keeps the question, why you are here on this planet at all. I don't see any sense in anything what you say. My compassion is with the men of a worst case scenario, who will have to kill you one day, before you and your criminal Nazi gang are able to open the box of Pandora again.
Of course you have no idea. You would use Nordsream to pump foreigners into Germany, anyway, mad immigration fanatic.

You should really stop to use drugs.

You mad immigration fanatics have opened the box of Pandora.

You know not about me what you say about me here. I never discussed with you about the theme immigration.

While they don´t fill the holes on the labor market, crime goes up.

The people are more interested in the theme "crimes" - but this means not more crimes happen.

Rational people would have corrected the policy.

Which policy? You are just simple playing the game "Die Gurke is eine länglich grüne Frucht. Sie besteht zu 99 Prozent aus Wasser" (~="The cucumber is a long green fruit. It contains 99% water") You learned to answer always with the same stupid nonsense to every serios problem and/or question.

This is why you are mad immigration fanatics, dangerous anti-German racists.

You are without any doubt a criminal Nazi. And you are without any doubt not familiar with Germans nor with the real life in Germany. And I guess you underestimate your own criminal energy. You are nothing else than a member of a terror organisation - like Islamistst. You condemn yourselve with every single of your totally disqualified murderous verbal attacks against all politicians, refugees and everyone, who helps refugees.

Here the German law "§130 StGB" for you. Your criminal verbal murderous hate messages here in this forum mean you will have to be punished by this law in Germany with a minimum of 3 month prison up to a maximum of 5 years prison.

(1) Wer in einer Weise, die geeignet ist, den öffentlichen Frieden zu stören,

1. gegen eine nationale, rassische, religiöse oder durch ihre ethnische Herkunft bestimmte Gruppe, gegen Teile der Bevölkerung oder gegen einen Einzelnen wegen seiner Zugehörigkeit zu einer vorbezeichneten Gruppe oder zu einem Teil der Bevölkerung zum Hass aufstachelt, zu Gewalt- oder Willkürmaßnahmen auffordert oder

2. die Menschenwürde anderer dadurch angreift, dass er eine vorbezeichnete Gruppe, Teile der Bevölkerung oder einen Einzelnen wegen seiner Zugehörigkeit zu einer vorbezeichneten Gruppe oder zu einem Teil der Bevölkerung beschimpft, böswillig verächtlich macht oder verleumdet,

wird mit Freiheitsstrafe von drei Monaten bis zu fünf Jahren bestraft.

Heavy crimes are up.

These are the official numbers published by the BKA (similar to FBI):
- Refugees make up only 2 % of the population in Germany but are responsible for 10 % of all heavy crimes.
- Foreigners make up only 15 % of the population but they are responsible for 30,5 % of all violations (violations of immigration laws are not included)
- Only 15 % of the violence against refugees is committed by Germans.
BKA-Lagebild: Gewalt von Zuwanderern gegen Deutsche nimmt zu - WELT

You are a criminal Nazi propagating hate messages and murderous plans. You break German laws.

Don´t distract. I am a good citizen,

You know Germany? You know what a citizen is? Astonishing! And since when is the propagation of mass-murder "good"? Did you ask god about this problem? It's said, soon he will come to Earth. In a manger. Crazy, isn't it?

not previously convicted. You mad immigration fanatics violate our immigration laws constantly.

Are you sure no one stole your brain?


The law passed both chambers.

As a part of the military household of the USA, when I see it right. The congressmen of the USA are idiots. And you are happy about, because you think this will help the Nazi movements, which are supported from the USA all over Germany and in Europe, - and they will grow and become more powerful now. We will see what will happen - but whatever this will be - it will for sure not be good for the USA and not be good for Germany. You wan, Nazi.
In your irrational hatred you forgot to read the OP. I strongly oppose any interference, especially when it aims at weakening our energy supply under the name of protecting it.
Our it is German? Or you are speaking on behalf of all Europeans?
See it this way:
Where ever the Russian gas is coming from come, it inevitably will go through another country. Why can´t it be Germany? Germany is not independent but there are worse puppet states that would not hesitate to use the gas as leverage.
And when there is no Russian gas but American (that would land in Poland), that would create a true independence, while the Russian gas has been reliably delivered even in the darkest hours of the Cold War.
I see. And those puppet states are the ones who don't applaud deepening cooperation between Germany and Russia in energy sector, I suppose.

The law passed both chambers.

As a part of the military household of the USA, when I see it right. The congressmen of the USA are idiots. And you are happy about, because you think this will help the Nazi movements, which are supported from the USA all over Germany and in Europe, - and they will grow and become more powerful now. We will see what will happen - but whatever this will be - it will for sure not be good for the USA and not be good for Germany. You wan, Nazi.
In your irrational hatred you forgot to read the OP. I strongly oppose any interference, especially when it aims at weakening our energy supply under the name of protecting it.
Our it is German? Or you are speaking on behalf of all Europeans?
See it this way:
Where ever the Russian gas is coming from come, it inevitably will go through another country. Why can´t it be Germany? Germany is not independent but there are worse puppet states that would not hesitate to use the gas as leverage.
And when there is no Russian gas but American (that would land in Poland), that would create a true independence, while the Russian gas has been reliably delivered even in the darkest hours of the Cold War.
I see. And those puppet states are the ones who don't applaud deepening cooperation between Germany and Russia in energy sector, I suppose.

The German - Soviet Credit Agreement part 2 AKA Nord Stream.

The law passed both chambers.

As a part of the military household of the USA, when I see it right. The congressmen of the USA are idiots. And you are happy about, because you think this will help the Nazi movements, which are supported from the USA all over Germany and in Europe, - and they will grow and become more powerful now. We will see what will happen - but whatever this will be - it will for sure not be good for the USA and not be good for Germany. You wan, Nazi.
In your irrational hatred you forgot to read the OP. I strongly oppose any interference, especially when it aims at weakening our energy supply under the name of protecting it.
Our it is German? Or you are speaking on behalf of all Europeans?
See it this way:
Where ever the Russian gas is coming from come, it inevitably will go through another country. Why can´t it be Germany? Germany is not independent but there are worse puppet states that would not hesitate to use the gas as leverage.
And when there is no Russian gas but American (that would land in Poland), that would create a true independence, while the Russian gas has been reliably delivered even in the darkest hours of the Cold War.
I see. And those puppet states are the ones who don't applaud deepening cooperation between Germany and Russia in energy sector, I suppose.
We have global free trade. This is Russian-German business, nothing else.
As a part of the military household of the USA, when I see it right. The congressmen of the USA are idiots. And you are happy about, because you think this will help the Nazi movements, which are supported from the USA all over Germany and in Europe, - and they will grow and become more powerful now. We will see what will happen - but whatever this will be - it will for sure not be good for the USA and not be good for Germany. You wan, Nazi.
In your irrational hatred you forgot to read the OP. I strongly oppose any interference, especially when it aims at weakening our energy supply under the name of protecting it.
Our it is German? Or you are speaking on behalf of all Europeans?
See it this way:
Where ever the Russian gas is coming from come, it inevitably will go through another country. Why can´t it be Germany? Germany is not independent but there are worse puppet states that would not hesitate to use the gas as leverage.
And when there is no Russian gas but American (that would land in Poland), that would create a true independence, while the Russian gas has been reliably delivered even in the darkest hours of the Cold War.
I see. And those puppet states are the ones who don't applaud deepening cooperation between Germany and Russia in energy sector, I suppose.
We have global free trade. This is Russian-German business, nothing else.
Yes, I agree with that.

But as I said before deep cooperation between Germany and Russia isn't in interest of some East European countries. And not only European. So, it is understandable that they will try to thwart this as much as possible.
In your irrational hatred you forgot to read the OP. I strongly oppose any interference, especially when it aims at weakening our energy supply under the name of protecting it.
Our it is German? Or you are speaking on behalf of all Europeans?
See it this way:
Where ever the Russian gas is coming from come, it inevitably will go through another country. Why can´t it be Germany? Germany is not independent but there are worse puppet states that would not hesitate to use the gas as leverage.
And when there is no Russian gas but American (that would land in Poland), that would create a true independence, while the Russian gas has been reliably delivered even in the darkest hours of the Cold War.
I see. And those puppet states are the ones who don't applaud deepening cooperation between Germany and Russia in energy sector, I suppose.
We have global free trade. This is Russian-German business, nothing else.
Yes, I agree with that.

But as I said before deep cooperation between Germany and Russia isn't in interest of some East European countries. And not only European. So, it is understandable that they will try to thwart this as much as possible.
It is not in their interest because they don´t earn a single cent with the Nordstream pipelines.

Russia and Ukraine are about to renew a gas transit contract which is valid for five years.
Our it is German? Or you are speaking on behalf of all Europeans?
See it this way:
Where ever the Russian gas is coming from come, it inevitably will go through another country. Why can´t it be Germany? Germany is not independent but there are worse puppet states that would not hesitate to use the gas as leverage.
And when there is no Russian gas but American (that would land in Poland), that would create a true independence, while the Russian gas has been reliably delivered even in the darkest hours of the Cold War.
I see. And those puppet states are the ones who don't applaud deepening cooperation between Germany and Russia in energy sector, I suppose.
We have global free trade. This is Russian-German business, nothing else.
Yes, I agree with that.

But as I said before deep cooperation between Germany and Russia isn't in interest of some East European countries. And not only European. So, it is understandable that they will try to thwart this as much as possible.
It is not in their interest because they don´t earn a single cent with the Nordstream pipelines.
The NS2 is a political project in the first turn.

The Act also targets the Turkish Stream, btw. Another pipeline for protecting European energy security. Through Turkey. How wise.
See it this way:
Where ever the Russian gas is coming from come, it inevitably will go through another country. Why can´t it be Germany? Germany is not independent but there are worse puppet states that would not hesitate to use the gas as leverage.
And when there is no Russian gas but American (that would land in Poland), that would create a true independence, while the Russian gas has been reliably delivered even in the darkest hours of the Cold War.
I see. And those puppet states are the ones who don't applaud deepening cooperation between Germany and Russia in energy sector, I suppose.
We have global free trade. This is Russian-German business, nothing else.
Yes, I agree with that.

But as I said before deep cooperation between Germany and Russia isn't in interest of some East European countries. And not only European. So, it is understandable that they will try to thwart this as much as possible.
It is not in their interest because they don´t earn a single cent with the Nordstream pipelines.
The NS2 is a political project in the first turn.

The Act also targets the Turkish Stream, btw. Another pipeline for protecting European energy security. Through Turkey. How wise.
Yes I know. It is in the OP. If the US refuses to understand our needs, they are not an ally, period.
I see. And those puppet states are the ones who don't applaud deepening cooperation between Germany and Russia in energy sector, I suppose.
We have global free trade. This is Russian-German business, nothing else.
Yes, I agree with that.

But as I said before deep cooperation between Germany and Russia isn't in interest of some East European countries. And not only European. So, it is understandable that they will try to thwart this as much as possible.
It is not in their interest because they don´t earn a single cent with the Nordstream pipelines.
The NS2 is a political project in the first turn.

The Act also targets the Turkish Stream, btw. Another pipeline for protecting European energy security. Through Turkey. How wise.
Yes I know. It is in the OP. If the US refuses to understand our needs, they are not an ally, period.
What is your needs? The existing pipeline through Ukraine and Slovakia 3-4 times exceeds NS2 in capacity. Is that not enough for you?
We have global free trade. This is Russian-German business, nothing else.
Yes, I agree with that.

But as I said before deep cooperation between Germany and Russia isn't in interest of some East European countries. And not only European. So, it is understandable that they will try to thwart this as much as possible.
It is not in their interest because they don´t earn a single cent with the Nordstream pipelines.
The NS2 is a political project in the first turn.

The Act also targets the Turkish Stream, btw. Another pipeline for protecting European energy security. Through Turkey. How wise.
Yes I know. It is in the OP. If the US refuses to understand our needs, they are not an ally, period.
What is your needs? The existing pipeline through Ukraine and Slovakia 3-4 times exceeds NS2 in capacity. Is that not enough for you?
It is simply a very bad idea to accept a dependence on these unstable governments. Unacceptable.
Yes, I agree with that.

But as I said before deep cooperation between Germany and Russia isn't in interest of some East European countries. And not only European. So, it is understandable that they will try to thwart this as much as possible.
It is not in their interest because they don´t earn a single cent with the Nordstream pipelines.
The NS2 is a political project in the first turn.

The Act also targets the Turkish Stream, btw. Another pipeline for protecting European energy security. Through Turkey. How wise.
Yes I know. It is in the OP. If the US refuses to understand our needs, they are not an ally, period.
What is your needs? The existing pipeline through Ukraine and Slovakia 3-4 times exceeds NS2 in capacity. Is that not enough for you?
It is simply a very bad idea to accept a dependence on these unstable governments. Unacceptable.
These unstable governments proposed a trilateral consortium long ago, which would be in charge of the gas transit.
It is not in their interest because they don´t earn a single cent with the Nordstream pipelines.
The NS2 is a political project in the first turn.

The Act also targets the Turkish Stream, btw. Another pipeline for protecting European energy security. Through Turkey. How wise.
Yes I know. It is in the OP. If the US refuses to understand our needs, they are not an ally, period.
What is your needs? The existing pipeline through Ukraine and Slovakia 3-4 times exceeds NS2 in capacity. Is that not enough for you?
It is simply a very bad idea to accept a dependence on these unstable governments. Unacceptable.
These unstable governments proposed a trilateral consortium long ago, which would be in charge of the gas transit.
You don´t need to worry. Ukraine is getting a new gas transit contract as we speak. All get their share.
The NS2 is a political project in the first turn.

The Act also targets the Turkish Stream, btw. Another pipeline for protecting European energy security. Through Turkey. How wise.
Yes I know. It is in the OP. If the US refuses to understand our needs, they are not an ally, period.
What is your needs? The existing pipeline through Ukraine and Slovakia 3-4 times exceeds NS2 in capacity. Is that not enough for you?
It is simply a very bad idea to accept a dependence on these unstable governments. Unacceptable.
These unstable governments proposed a trilateral consortium long ago, which would be in charge of the gas transit.
You don´t need to worry. Ukraine is getting a new gas transit contract as we speak. All get their share.
Yes, I know. It is not about worrines, btw. We discuss various international themes here. What else are we supposed to do on a political forum, right?

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