Protest at the Inaurguration

Is it legal to protest at the inaurguration?

  • yes

    Votes: 18 90.0%
  • no

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • don't know

    Votes: 1 5.0%

  • Total voters
Does anyone know if it's legal to protest at a Presidential inauguration? I know there's no specific law against it, but will the police/Secret Service arrest you if you hold up a placard saying "Biden swindled the election," that he's not the legitimate president?

There is nothing stopping you from declaring to the world how stupid you are.

It is a Conservatives right
Yeah, because Republicans are the ones who are stupid:

Does anyone know if it's legal to protest at a Presidential inauguration? I know there's no specific law against it, but will the police/Secret Service arrest you if you hold up a placard saying "Biden swindled the election," that he's not the legitimate president?

Probably anyone who does what you suggest will be taken into custody (not arrested) and be taken to a secure place to determine if the person was a threat to the President-Elect. S/He could possibly be charged with enticing a riot.

Enticing a riot? You are special kind of moron, aren't you?
Does anyone know if it's legal to protest at a Presidential inauguration? I know there's no specific law against it, but will the police/Secret Service arrest you if you hold up a placard saying "Biden swindled the election," that he's not the legitimate president?
You definitely will not be able to take your weapons unless you are planning to lose it, spend jail time and get on a list with DHS and the other alphabet agencies, so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only. Probably be a waste of travel expense.
Does anyone know if it's legal to protest at a Presidential inauguration? I know there's no specific law against it, but will the police/Secret Service arrest you if you hold up a placard saying "Biden swindled the election," that he's not the legitimate president?
Think of it, it could be the largest inauguration crowd ever but all in protest.
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I was at Obama’s Inauguration and there were snipers dressed in black on all the rooftops of the mall.

Given bripat9643s posts to date, I would not be surprised if one of them winged him
Does anyone know if it's legal to protest at a Presidential inauguration? I know there's no specific law against it, but will the police/Secret Service arrest you if you hold up a placard saying "Biden swindled the election," that he's not the legitimate president?

The DC police will setup ridiculous rules shunting any protest as far from the inauguration as possible. They will use COVID regulations as an excuse, and will suppress any deviation from said rules with far more ruthlessness than they did against the protesters at Trump's inauguration.

This will be despite the far more passive mindset that will be shown by the right wing protesters.
What if you just attend the inauguration and then hold up a sign saying Biden's election is a swindle once the ceremonies begin? Can they kick you out? Can they arrest you?

Why not bring your "guns" that you have been boasting about? Wave them about with your Loser sign and see if the Secret Service notices. You are quite a man....with your "guns."
Only an idiot would believe the Secret Service would allow that, your fucking moron

Remember! Bring your guns and make sure the Secret Service sees them. You will be a HERO for the trump Regime.
Does anyone know if it's legal to protest at a Presidential inauguration? I know there's no specific law against it, but will the police/Secret Service arrest you if you hold up a placard saying "Biden swindled the election," that he's not the legitimate president?
You definitely will not be able to take your weapons unless you are planning to lose it, spend jail time and get on a list with DHS and the other alphabet agencies, so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only. Probably be a waste of travel expense.

Who is talking about bringing weapons? DC's laws prevent that without the Secret Service being involved.
Does anyone know if it's legal to protest at a Presidential inauguration? I know there's no specific law against it, but will the police/Secret Service arrest you if you hold up a placard saying "Biden swindled the election," that he's not the legitimate president?

The DC police will setup ridiculous rules shunting any protest as far from the inauguration as possible. They will use COVID regulations as an excuse, and will suppress any deviation from said rules with far more ruthlessness than they did against the protesters at Trump's inauguration.

This will be despite the far more passive mindset that will be shown by the right wing protesters.
What if you just attend the inauguration and then hold up a sign saying Biden's election is a swindle once the ceremonies begin? Can they kick you out? Can they arrest you?

Why not bring your "guns" that you have been boasting about? Wave them about with your Loser sign and see if the Secret Service notices. You are quite a man....with your "guns."
Only an idiot would believe the Secret Service would allow that, your fucking moron

Remember! Bring your guns and make sure the Secret Service sees them. You will be a HERO for the trump Regime.

Again, the only ones talking about weapons are lefty twats like you.

The 2016 protesters brought plenty of improvised weapons when they trashed DC during Trump's inauguration and tried to prevent people from attending.

But you were probably OK with that.
Does anyone know if it's legal to protest at a Presidential inauguration? I know there's no specific law against it, but will the police/Secret Service arrest you if you hold up a placard saying "Biden swindled the election," that he's not the legitimate president?
Such is the reprehensible right's contempt for the will of the people, our democratic institutions, and the peaceful transfer of power.
Does anyone know if it's legal to protest at a Presidential inauguration? I know there's no specific law against it, but will the police/Secret Service arrest you if you hold up a placard saying "Biden swindled the election," that he's not the legitimate president?
You definitely will not be able to take your weapons unless you are planning to lose it, spend jail time and get on a list with DHS and the other alphabet agencies, so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only. Probably be a waste of travel expense.

Who is talking about bringing weapons? DC's laws prevent that without the Secret Service being involved.
Bringing weapons to protests is all the rage now with the right wing trump cult these days. It makes them feel good. Was just making sure the Britpat finger flinging kid was aware, it would be a bad idea.
Does anyone know if it's legal to protest at a Presidential inauguration? I know there's no specific law against it, but will the police/Secret Service arrest you if you hold up a placard saying "Biden swindled the election," that he's not the legitimate president?
You definitely will not be able to take your weapons unless you are planning to lose it, spend jail time and get on a list with DHS and the other alphabet agencies, so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only. Probably be a waste of travel expense.

Who is talking about bringing weapons? DC's laws prevent that without the Secret Service being involved.
Bringing weapons to protests is all the rage now with the right wing trump cult these days. It makes them feel good. Was just making sure the Britpat finger flinging kid was aware, it would be a bad idea.

He never brought it up, you just tried to equate bringing a sign saying Biden sucks to bringing an uzi.

Dishonest as usual from you.
Does anyone know if it's legal to protest at a Presidential inauguration? I know there's no specific law against it, but will the police/Secret Service arrest you if you hold up a placard saying "Biden swindled the election," that he's not the legitimate president?
You definitely will not be able to take your weapons unless you are planning to lose it, spend jail time and get on a list with DHS and the other alphabet agencies, so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only. Probably be a waste of travel expense.
I never intended to take a weapon, douchebag.
Does anyone know if it's legal to protest at a Presidential inauguration? I know there's no specific law against it, but will the police/Secret Service arrest you if you hold up a placard saying "Biden swindled the election," that he's not the legitimate president?
You definitely will not be able to take your weapons unless you are planning to lose it, spend jail time and get on a list with DHS and the other alphabet agencies, so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only. Probably be a waste of travel expense.

Who is talking about bringing weapons? DC's laws prevent that without the Secret Service being involved.
Bringing weapons to protests is all the rage now with the right wing trump cult these days. It makes them feel good. Was just making sure the Britpat finger flinging kid was aware, it would be a bad idea.
Since most protests turn into riots with people getting killed, bringing a weapon to defend yourself only makes sense. Those Antifa scum always bring weapons. When did you ever whine about that?
Does anyone know if it's legal to protest at a Presidential inauguration? I know there's no specific law against it, but will the police/Secret Service arrest you if you hold up a placard saying "Biden swindled the election," that he's not the legitimate president?
You definitely will not be able to take your weapons unless you are planning to lose it, spend jail time and get on a list with DHS and the other alphabet agencies, so protesting there would just be signs and rude crap only. Probably be a waste of travel expense.
I never intended to take a weapon, douchebag.
That's good. Have fun then and protest your butt off there. Peaceful protest is your right.
Does anyone know if it's legal to protest at a Presidential inauguration? I know there's no specific law against it, but will the police/Secret Service arrest you if you hold up a placard saying "Biden swindled the election," that he's not the legitimate president?
Will you be protesting that soon-to-be President Biden's Inauguration crowd will be way bigger that trump's was in 2017?
Does anyone know if it's legal to protest at a Presidential inauguration? I know there's no specific law against it, but will the police/Secret Service arrest you if you hold up a placard saying "Biden swindled the election," that he's not the legitimate president?

The DC police will setup ridiculous rules shunting any protest as far from the inauguration as possible. They will use COVID regulations as an excuse, and will suppress any deviation from said rules with far more ruthlessness than they did against the protesters at Trump's inauguration.

This will be despite the far more passive mindset that will be shown by the right wing protesters.
What if you just attend the inauguration and then hold up a sign saying Biden's election is a swindle once the ceremonies begin? Can they kick you out? Can they arrest you? plan on attracting the laugh and point crowd with that?
Does anyone know if it's legal to protest at a Presidential inauguration? I know there's no specific law against it, but will the police/Secret Service arrest you if you hold up a placard saying "Biden swindled the election," that he's not the legitimate president?

The DC police will setup ridiculous rules shunting any protest as far from the inauguration as possible. They will use COVID regulations as an excuse, and will suppress any deviation from said rules with far more ruthlessness than they did against the protesters at Trump's inauguration.

This will be despite the far more passive mindset that will be shown by the right wing protesters.
In that case, I think no Republicans should attend. No Senators, no Congressmen, no Trump administration officials.
That would certain make it a more pleasant occasion.
Does anyone know if it's legal to protest at a Presidential inauguration? I know there's no specific law against it, but will the police/Secret Service arrest you if you hold up a placard saying "Biden swindled the election," that he's not the legitimate president?

The DC police will setup ridiculous rules shunting any protest as far from the inauguration as possible. They will use COVID regulations as an excuse, and will suppress any deviation from said rules with far more ruthlessness than they did against the protesters at Trump's inauguration.

This will be despite the far more passive mindset that will be shown by the right wing protesters.

I marched in the protest of Nixon's second inauguration, which occurred in a more civilized era. The DC police and Capitol Police have a specific set of rules for setting up an inauguration to ensure security, including street closings, metal detectors, and more, which govern every presidential inauguration, regardless of the political party of the person being sworn in. Any protest probably will have to have a permit and will be confined to a certain area and march route. No protest is allowed to come anywhere close to the ceremonies. As there were when trump was inaugurated, there probably will be some arrests of those who get out of hand. A large police presence is guaranteed. I don't know what adjustments will be made to the routine because of the pandemic. or whether there will be the usual parade with the newly sworn president walking the route.

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