Zone1 Protestants never tell you which Church in the world goes back in time to the Resurrection

This is why your organization is a liar. You don't seek the truth of Scripture. The previous verse about the great crowd is people, but because the verse in Revelation 19 doesn't fit your Watchtower doctrine you have to lie. That's why the Watchtower is a heretical organization. The Watchtower taught the great crowd is in heaven until 1935, then it changed because they were trapped. Just like you are.
We believe Jesus over the twistings of men-Why wont you?
John 17:3-This means eternal life, their knowing you( Father) THE ONLY TRUE GOD and knowing the one whom you sent forth Jesus Christ--Paul teaches the same-1Cor 8:6-There is one God to all the Father.
That is the true gospel you throw away and condemn to believe the twisting's of men out of altered translations.
The Father also has a God, The Son, Hebrews chapter one. They're both God. You can deny it, but Scripture is a higher authority than the Watchtower. Once you accept Scripture over the Watchtower you will no longer be confused.
The Father doesn't have a God, Even in your altered translations it never teaches that.
Of course, JW's believe that means that Yeshua cannot be God. What they (you) fail to realize is that Yeshua is God/man and has taken on a relationally secondary role to the Father, which does not diminish His divinity. He was there in the beginning with God, before anything was created that was created. He thought it was fine to be equal with God, which means He is God or a blasphemer. He commands us to pray in His name, no other.

He certainly is not just an angel.
Heb 1:4--He has become( means he was equal) better than the angels after given the name Jesus.
Now you're just babbling. There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that Yeshua is Michael. Remember, and I won't let you forget, that He LOWERED himself to become man. You can't escape that.
He is Michael. It is Jesus standing up as Gods appointed king in the last days for Gods chosen-Daniel 12:1
But then when all is back to perfection( new earth, new heavens) Jesus must hand the kingdom back to his God and Father and subject himself( 1Cor 15:24-28) = forever.
Impossible, He created everything that was created. You have to literally add something that's not there in order to claim He was created.
The FIRSTBORN of all creation=created direct, first and last=the only begotten son.
Heb 1:4--He has become( means he was equal) better than the angels after given the name Jesus.
Let's see what else that passage says:

8 But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.
9 Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.
10 And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands:

They are equal.
Why, its common knowledge, Catholicism translated to the Latin vulgate in the 300,s by Jerome. It was the only bible allowed until the 1300,s.
No, you have to link to a credible source that says the King James translators did NOT have access to manuscripts written in the original languages. Don't try to get around it by saying, "It's common knowledge", because it isn't.
The FIRSTBORN of all creation=created direct, first and last=the only begotten son.
Firstborn is a rank, not a literal declaration of birth order. David, for example, was declared the firstborn of his family, though he was the youngest son. All things were created by Him that were created. Come on, you know this.
He is Michael. It is Jesus standing up as Gods appointed king in the last days for Gods chosen-Daniel 12:1
That just says Michael will stand up to oppose the "vile person" described in the previous chapter, not that he is Yeshua. We already know Michael is an archangel, not Yeshua. And where does it name Michael as God's appointed king?
But then when all is back to perfection( new earth, new heavens) Jesus must hand the kingdom back to his God and Father and subject himself( 1Cor 15:24-28) = forever.
We've already established that Yeshua has taken a secondary role to the Father. I do that with my boss, but we're both equal human beings.

I will not let you forget or ignore that He first LOWERED and HUMBLED Himself to become one of us yet didn't think anything wrong with being equal to God. You refuse to deal with that.
Heb 1:4--He has become( means he was equal) better than the angels after given the name Jesus.
And I will continue driving this home until you deal with it. He first lowered Himself to become one of us, then was elevated after He fulfilled His duty here on earth. Why do you continue ignoring that?
The Father doesn't have a God, Even in your altered translations it never teaches that.
Yet God commands angels to worship Yeshua:

6 And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him.
7 And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire.
8 But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.

Oh, dear, it DOES say He calls Yeshua God.

Oh, and it is your "translation" that is altered. This one is a real translation.
We believe Jesus over the twistings of men-Why wont you?
John 17:3-This means eternal life, their knowing you( Father) THE ONLY TRUE GOD and knowing the one whom you sent forth Jesus Christ--Paul teaches the same-1Cor 8:6-There is one God to all the Father.
That is the true gospel you throw away and condemn to believe the twisting's of men out of altered translations.
You don't know who Jesus is.
Hebrews 1:4--He has become( means he was equal to them) better than the angels after being given the name Jesus.
Read verse 8 in any translation. Your fake bible says that "God is your throne". Your fakes deliberately altered Scripture. God isn't a throne. God has a throne, but because the Scripture says Jesus is God, your cult changed Scripture. I would't want to be in their shoes.

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