Zone1 Protestants never tell you which Church in the world goes back in time to the Resurrection

There you go again. When Scripture disagrees with you, then you say the Scripture is wrong. That's called lying.
error filled trinity translation has Israelites bowing in worship to Jesus in error as well. They knew 100% that the Messiah has a God( Psalm 45:7) and that God does not have a God. Thus were expecting Gods king to come=Obeisance is the correct usage of the Greek word Proskenaue for Gods appointed king. Catholicism put worship to fit their false council teaching of God being a trinity. He isn't. He is Jehovah a single being God= the Father= Jesus' God just like ours-John 20:17
I never said Jesus was Gabriel, you are making it up.
Read the entire verse. If Michael is Jesus, why isn't Gabriel Jesus? Gabriel blows the trumpet. That's why JWs only quote part of the verse.
error filled trinity translation has Israelites bowing in worship to Jesus in error as well. They knew 100% that the Messiah has a God( Psalm 45:7) and that God does not have a God. Thus were expecting Gods king to come=Obeisance is the correct usage of the Greek word Proskenaue for Gods appointed king. Catholicism put worship to fit their false council teaching of God being a trinity. He isn't. He is Jehovah a single being God= the Father= Jesus' God just like ours-John 20:17
You better look up that Greek word. It means obeisance AND worship.
Yes verse 9 shows Jesus has a God.
Only the Father knows the day and hour= no equality. (John 5:30-Jesus can do 0 of his own initiative.
Read verse 8 again, then again, then again. Literally, they are both God to each other, equal.
Prov 8:22-25 shows he was created.
Okay, have you even READ that whole chapter? If you did, you would realize, from the very first verse:

1. Doth not wisdom cry? and understanding put forth her voice?
2 She standeth in the top of high places, by the way in the places of the paths.
3 She crieth at the gates, at the entry of the city, at the coming in at the doors.
4 Unto you, O men, I call; and my voice is to the sons of man.

Now, show us where you think that wisdom and understanding are Yeshua Himself.

Daniel 7:13-15--one like the son of man( a created being) was appointed to be king of Gods kingdom.

1. Where does it say the "son of man" is a created being? Yeshua had two titles, "son of man", which refers to His humanity. As such he had a human body with human limitations. He also had the title, "son of God", which refers to His divinity. His earthly body was created, but you don't even try to claim He didn't exist before it was.
2. What Daniel was witnessing is obviously Yeshua's triumphant return to the Father after His resurrection, when He was given back the glory and authority He had set aside. Once again, and I will keep driving this point home, He lowered Himself to become one of us, then was returned to His glory after fulfilling His duty on earth.

1Cor 15:24-28--But after all is made back to perfection= new earth, new heavens) Jesus must hand the kingdom back to his God and Father and subject himself) = forever.
God is in subjection to none.
Actually, He voluntarily takes on a secondary role. I am a human being in all ways equal to my boss, but I voluntarily take on a subservient role to him in the workplace. That doesn't make me any less of a human than him, it doesn't make me a lesser being, I merely, and VOLUNTARILY, grant him authority to make decisions and assign tasks. Try this, go to a construction site and tell the workers there that they are lower beings and worth less than their manager. Tell us how it went from the ICU.

Why do you continue to ignore this?
Dan 7:13-15--One like the son of man= (a created being) was appointed to be king of Gods kingdom.
One LIKE the Son of Man. As I've said, Yeshua had both titles, "Son of Man" and "Son of God", which defines His God/Man nature. He was both God and Man at the same time. Again, and you have to acknowledge this, He lowered Himself to become one of us, then was restored to His previous glory. You can only ignore, but cannot escape that.
No he commands them to do obeisance to his appointed king. The same exact Greek word( Proskenaue) for worship to God is obeisance to a king, honor to a judge, plus 2 other meanings. Obeisance is correct for one who has a God.
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
1Thess 4:16--Please tell us all, is this Jesus' voice or did Michael loan him his voice?
Uh, dude, have you never seen anyone be introduced by someone else? The celebrity, the dignitary, the guest of honor does not introduce himself. This is ridiculous. He's coming down out of heaven, being introduced to the world by the archangel.
Mine had holy spirit behind them.
Gods own chosen scholars on earth in Jesus day were blind as bats living in darkness. They hated their own Messiah.
Those scholars you say hated Yeshua died violent deaths for Him.
There is only 1 detail to prove truth--John 17:3--The one who sent Jesus= Father=THE ONLY TRUE GOD. We all must choose who we believe.
Dude, you simply will not take the blinders off, and you myopically focus on ONE verse to the exclusion of all the others. First, you do realize, don't you, that the verse delineations were not in the original texts? They were put in the English versions later. That means that if you're trying to actually understand what the writer is telling you, you have to read all the verses around the one you're focused on. If you do that, you QUICKLY realize that Yeshua was:

1. Speaking as a human.
2. Had LOWERED Himself (there it is again) to become a human.
3. Was acknowledging the Father as the true God, as demanded by the Law.
4. Did not consider it in any way wrong to be EQUAL WITH GOD (you keep ignoring that one too, but it's there).

Note finally this verse, just two after the one you seem to believe is all there is in the chapter.

5 And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.

OBVIOUSLY, He was going to be RETURNED to His previous position and glory that He had WITH the Father from BEFORE anything was created. Remember how I keep reminding you over and over again that He LOWERED Himself to become one of us? There's part of the proof of that.

Now, can you comprehend that you do not tell an entire story by chopping it into little pieces and only talking about one sentence? I could pull one sentence out of "Tom Sawyer" with no context or cultural understanding, and you'd shriek bloody murder about how racist it was.
No you are twisting what is said by Jesus. FACT-Jesus was dead. The dead can do 0.
Which is why it was such a miracle that He raised Himself from the dead. No one stood outside His tomb and commanded Him to come out, He simply rose and walked out. The angels rolled the stone away so people could come in and verify that He was gone.
error filled trinity translation has Israelites bowing in worship to Jesus in error as well. They knew 100% that the Messiah has a God( Psalm 45:7) and that God does not have a God. Thus were expecting Gods king to come=Obeisance is the correct usage of the Greek word Proskenaue for Gods appointed king. Catholicism put worship to fit their false council teaching of God being a trinity. He isn't. He is Jehovah a single being God= the Father= Jesus' God just like ours-John 20:17
You're starting to remind me of a robot in a sci-fi movie that has been confronted with an impossible riddle or logic that completely invalidates its entire understanding and starts spewing random things it's been taught, desperately trying to restore its reality that can no longer be true. Do you not realize that your last line of defense, that you've reached multiple times now, has become "error filled trinity translation"? Basically, that's a grown-up's version of "Nuh-uh, is not!".
What Scripture says Jesus is Michael.

It doesn't.

Who was Michael in the book of Daniel?

According to Legends of the Jews, archangel Michael was the chief of a band of angels who questioned God's decision to create man on Earth. The entire band of angels, except for Michael, was then consumed by fire.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki
Michael (archangel) - Wikipedia
Still no assertion from a protestant that their church goes back 20 centuries

Well, at least no one is lying... (of course I don't have time to rread all posts)

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