Zone1 Protestants never tell you which Church in the world goes back in time to the Resurrection

Still no assertion from a protestant that their church goes back 20 centuries

Well, at least no one is lying... (of course I don't have time to rread all posts)
My church certainly does, because I am in fellowship with Jesus Christ and His followers, and we all find that the name on the door is irrelevant to that basic truth. All who put their faith in Him, acknowledge Him as Lord and believe He is raised from the dead are one in Him, and quite frankly, saying, "My group is better than your group because reasons and feelz" are NOT coming from the Father of us all. He seeks to unite, not divide, and I would not like to be found opposing Him. Stop and think for a moment about where this urge of yours is coming from before continuing on with it.
My church certainly does, because I am in fellowship with Jesus Christ and His followers, and we all find that the name on the door is irrelevant to that basic truth. All who put their faith in Him, acknowledge Him as Lord and believe He is raised from the dead are one in Him, and quite frankly, saying, "My group is better than your group because reasons and feelz" are NOT coming from the Father of us all. He seeks to unite, not divide, and I would not like to be found opposing Him. Stop and think for a moment about where this urge of yours is coming from before continuing on with it.
sorry, that doesn't work with someone who knows that Jesus


"I will build My Church," He said, "and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it."

Yes, I know... you will say that all believers form His Church. In a certain sense that is true. But God is not the author of confusion. If one church or so called church tells you one thing about Christ and another tells you something totally the opposite (and this is what we have today, some 65,000 "churches," all teaching different things.. )

well, there you go


Why so much confusion when God and His Christ are not at all confused?
sorry, that doesn't work with someone who knows that Jesus


"I will build My Church," He said, "and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it."

Yes, I know... you will say that all believers form His Church. In a certain sense that is true. But God is not the author of confusion. If one church or so called church tells you one thing about Christ and another tells you something totally the opposite (and this is what we have today, some 65,000 "churches," all teaching different things.. )

well, there you go


Why so much confusion when God and His Christ are not at all confused?
What am I telling you about Christ that is totally the opposite of what you are saying? Do you not also say that, in order to be saved, one must confess with their mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in their heart that God raised Him from the dead? God is not confused, at all. Man, OTOH, layers all kinds of things on top of the simple message of the Gospel, because it IS simple, and man thinks there has to be more involved than that. He adds layers of bureaucracy, commands and actions that are not from Jesus and things like that. And, as long as they are not anti-Biblical, they are not a problem until they get in the way of spreading the Gospel, then they need to be discarded. We are commanded to make disciples of all nations, and if we insist that someone in a completely different culture than ours has to assimilate into ours and do things our way instead of simply believing on Jesus as the Word commands, we have failed. That's why Jesus' Church DOES extend far beyond the arbitrary boundaries of denominations, and YOU CANNOT KEEP THEM AWAY FROM GOD. There will be millions before God's throne who never heard the word Catholic and wouldn't care if they did. YOU ARE NOT THE CARETAKER OF TRUTH. The Word is available to all, and God gets very excited when ANY turn to Him. I would not want to even think to get between God and a penitent sinner. "Oh, sorry, you can't be a Christian because you don't go to a Catholic Church". Balderdash! You'd better be looking over your shoulder for lightning bolts if you say something like that.

In fact, all denominations need to be shaken up by a thorough review of the Scriptures every generation to test, are we adding things that Jesus did not? Are we ignoring things He said are important? Are the ways our ancestors applied the Scriptures to their lives relevant to today, and if not, how should they be applied today? I get it that you think your denomination has it all figured out and has it all together, but you're in for a big surprise when you get to heaven and rub shoulders with Baptists, Methodists, Mennonites, and yes, Lutherans. At the same time, you'll see that a lot of people who claimed to be Catholic are not there, because God did not know them, and they did not know God. You see, you don't get to tell people they can't come in because the name on their Church door wasn't Catholic.
What am I telling you about Christ that is totally the opposite of what you are saying? Do you not also say that, in order to be saved, one must confess with their mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in their heart that God raised Him from the dead? God is not confused, at all. Man, OTOH, layers all kinds of things on top of the simple message of the Gospel, because it IS simple, and man thinks there has to be more involved than that. He adds layers of bureaucracy, commands and actions that are not from Jesus and things like that.
i read this far

I don't know what you are talking about, really. I am not talking about adding layers of bureaucracy.

What I say is that Jesus told us to do many things, not just believe. Even the demons believe and tremble.. James 2:12

Belief is NOTHING. . belief by itself

Jesus said that if you love Him, you will ... What?

Keep his commandments. That means DOING things... like being kind when you don't feel like it.. loving when you feel like hating. That is work sometimes. Then there is taking care of the needy. Today in the Mass readings from Isaiah 58 it says that God tells the people

something like this

You call this a fast?

Then God says what a real fast is to Him: feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless

Most people seem to despise the homeless, even so called Christians don't like them... There are people on Fox News who claim to be Christian but never have a thing good to say about the homeless, act like every single one of them is a drug addict criminal or something...
i read this far

I don't know what you are talking about, really. I am not talking about adding layers of bureaucracy.

What I say is that Jesus told us to do many things, not just believe. Even the demons believe and tremble.. James 2:12

Belief is NOTHING. . belief by itself

Jesus said that if you love Him, you will ... What?

Keep his commandments. That means DOING things... like being kind when you don't feel like it.. loving when you feel like hating. That is work sometimes. Then there is taking care of the needy. Today in the Mass readings from Isaiah 58 it says that God tells the people

something like this

You call this a fast?

Then God says what a real fast is to Him: feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless

Most people seem to despise the homeless, even so called Christians don't like them... There are people on Fox News who claim to be Christian but never have a thing good to say about the homeless, act like every single one of them is a drug addict criminal or something...
I've addressed this with you before. You know what the Scripture says, it says salvation itself is very simple and only requires faith. We are commanded to do good works after salvation that demonstrate we are saved and that spread God's love to mankind, absolutely, but you can do good works your entire life and not be saved. In fact, God will say, "Away from me", and "I never knew you" to many who will say they did all kinds of wonderful things, even miracles, in His name, but were not saved through faith. It also says that our best intentions and good works are as filthy rags to God, so no, they won't save you. They are a necessary, natural, and expected RESULT of being saved, not the cause of salvation.

You might as well try to swim from California to Hawaii. Some would make it a few yards off the beach before they drowned, others might make it a mile out into the ocean, and a handful might make it 30 or 40 miles, but everyone will drown before making it to Hawaii. Meanwhile, Jesus is standing by on a cruise ship, saying, "Grab a rope, believe I'll save you and we'll take a cruise to Hawaii".

Oh, and I don't care who is on FOX News. They have no impact on my life.
I've addressed this with you before. You know what the Scripture says, it says salvation itself is very simple and only requires faith.
sorry, but I don't find that in the Bible.

Everyone wants to act like being saved is a simple one liner you say to Jesus and then voila.. you're in

Well, the canonized saints say VERY very few make it to Heaven. \

Don't want to believe them? What about Jesus who said that the road is Narrow and there are FEW who find it?

Salvation is an ongoing process that lasts until the day you drop dead
Okay, have you even READ that whole chapter? If you did, you would realize, from the very first verse:

1. Doth not wisdom cry? and understanding put forth her voice?
2 She standeth in the top of high places, by the way in the places of the paths.
3 She crieth at the gates, at the entry of the city, at the coming in at the doors.
4 Unto you, O men, I call; and my voice is to the sons of man.

Now, show us where you think that wisdom and understanding are Yeshua Himself.

1. Where does it say the "son of man" is a created being? Yeshua had two titles, "son of man", which refers to His humanity. As such he had a human body with human limitations. He also had the title, "son of God", which refers to His divinity. His earthly body was created, but you don't even try to claim He didn't exist before it was.
2. What Daniel was witnessing is obviously Yeshua's triumphant return to the Father after His resurrection, when He was given back the glory and authority He had set aside. Once again, and I will keep driving this point home, He lowered Himself to become one of us, then was returned to His glory after fulfilling His duty on earth.

Actually, He voluntarily takes on a secondary role. I am a human being in all ways equal to my boss, but I voluntarily take on a subservient role to him in the workplace. That doesn't make me any less of a human than him, it doesn't make me a lesser being, I merely, and VOLUNTARILY, grant him authority to make decisions and assign tasks. Try this, go to a construction site and tell the workers there that they are lower beings and worth less than their manager. Tell us how it went from the ICU.

Why do you continue to ignore this?
1Cor 1:30--Jesus became wisdom.
Its fact--Jesus( Michael) was the one beside God during the creation process= Gods master worker.
I know your bible says-Possessed me as the beginning of your way( creation) But produced me is correct, Possessed makes no sense. God possessed wisdom long before the creation began.
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Yes the #1 commandment-means another who gets worship. Because Jesus is called-god and so is satan. Jehovah is God, the only true God. Thus Jesus does not get worship. He gets obeisance.
Which is why it was such a miracle that He raised Himself from the dead. No one stood outside His tomb and commanded Him to come out, He simply rose and walked out. The angels rolled the stone away so people could come in and verify that He was gone.
Eccl 9:10--The dead can do 0.
You're starting to remind me of a robot in a sci-fi movie that has been confronted with an impossible riddle or logic that completely invalidates its entire understanding and starts spewing random things it's been taught, desperately trying to restore its reality that can no longer be true. Do you not realize that your last line of defense, that you've reached multiple times now, has become "error filled trinity translation"? Basically, that's a grown-up's version of "Nuh-uh, is not!".
Then you explain to all why Gods name has been removed against his will in your translations? Try explaining it to God.
There's not a word of Scripture that identifies Michael as Jesus. That's a JW invention.
Others prior to the JW religion clearly see that Michael is Jesus. 1Thess 4:16--Is it Jesus' voice? Or does Michael loan Jesus his voice?
The dead can do nothing--Eccl 9:10
You can't cancel scripture with scripture. Obviously Eccl 9:10 isn't talking about resurrection. Did Jesus say He would resurrect Himself or not? Try being honest. Your own Bible says Jesus will resurrect Himself. You're confused again.
Yes the #1 commandment-means another who gets worship. Because Jesus is called-god and so is satan. Jehovah is God, the only true God. Thus Jesus does not get worship. He gets obeisance.
So Jesus is a false god, huh.

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