Protesters topple Confederate monument on UNC campus

One has to remember that the resurgence of the KKK, "Birth of A Nation" and segregation was perpetrated and re-created by Progressive Democrats led by Woodrow Wilson.

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I really don't know how you could forget the Civil War here. It's where the war was fought. It's where the dead still rest. If anyone wants to forget the Civil War and the cost that was paid, they are going to have to bring a backhoe and plow up a shitload of land to get rid of the reminders.
Oh. Bitter clinging. Right.
I really don't know how you could forget the Civil War here. It's where the war was fought. It's where the dead still rest. If anyone wants to forget the Civil War and the cost that was paid, they are going to have to bring a backhoe and plow up a shitload of land to get rid of the reminders.
Oh. Bitter clinging. Right.

No one was bitter, till you lefties started shit.
No one was bitter, till you lefties started shit.
Yeah, right.

We have blood in the dirt here in the South, that will forever stand as a testament to what happened and why.
Oh. What happened and why?

Try Wikipedia if you have to catch up. There are more comprehensive places to look, but that'll get you started. After a little research, if you want to get the real since of what I meant, come visit, glad to have ya.
Hmm..., of course you're referring to the JC laws passed by Democrats and Wilson's segregation of our military. Surely the glorification to those that fought for this nation has always included all races of men except for when Democrat racism raises it's ugly head time after time.
Fair enough, Crackers were Democrats then, they're Republican now but still up to the same tricks, suppressing the vote, etc etc. Crackers will Cracker.
I really don't know how you could forget the Civil War here. It's where the war was fought. It's where the dead still rest. If anyone wants to forget the Civil War and the cost that was paid, they are going to have to bring a backhoe and plow up a shitload of land to get rid of the reminders.
Oh. Bitter clinging. Right.

You can be bitter about it all you want. I know where the graves are and have taken care of them from time to time when required. When I do, it's not out of bitterness.
One has to remember that the resurgence of the KKK, "Birth of A Nation" and segregation was perpetrated and re-created by Progressive Democrats led by Woodrow Wilson.

Hmm..., of course you're referring to the JC laws passed by Democrats and Wilson's segregation of our military. Surely the glorification to those that fought for this nation has always included all races of men except for when Democrat racism raises it's ugly head time after time.
Fair enough, Crackers were Democrats then, they're Republican now but still up to the same tricks, suppressing the vote, etc etc. Crackers will Cracker.

Your racism is disgusting. And in error.

Times have changed. Stop living in the past. The South changed. It is not a rural backwater anymore. Not by a long shot.
Times have changed. Stop living in the past. The South changed.
Yeah, right.

Georgia candidates decry plan to close voting sites in mostly black county

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A plan to close most polling places in a predominantly black Georgia county ahead of November’s elections is drawing opposition from the state’s gubernatorial candidates and voting rights activists, who deem it blatant voter suppression.
Protesters topple Confederate monument on UNC campus
08/20/18 10:20 PM EDT --- Protesters on the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill campus on Monday night brought down a controversial monument dedicated to Confederate soldiers, according to media reports. The fate of monuments honoring Confederate soldiers have become a hot-button issue in the wake of last year's violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va.

I don’t seem to see any white supremacy in the world today. What I'm seeing is an awful lot of black supremacy and racism and Marxist Socialist terrorism in America. Seems the vandals are now setting the rules. Can the Cheka be close behind?
No one can change history by toppling statues. It shows mental impotence. You gain your rightful place in the world by building not destroying.
I doubt the average Southern foot soldier owned slaves. They were called and served in both the North and the South. Will the memorial to the Black soldiers that served in the 1st Kansas Colored Volunteers. also be toppled soon?
Should we be looking forward to seeing the Memorials to those that served in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam also destroyed by the terrorists that mask themselves like the KKK?
These KNOW Traitors to the United States of America Anti-American still today.
AKA DOPers should put up many Saddam/Bin Laden statues.
As that's how sick they are
Try Wikipedia if you have to catch up.
I wanted your version, I already have my version.

If you want a dissertation on the Civil War, there are people far more qualified than myself to read. I don't have a version, just the facts where they lay. Those facts aren't mine and they belong to everyone. If you have a specific question you want answered, then ask it (I'm not going to waste my time attempting to answer an open ended question for your amusement). If you want to know anything I may know that you cannot find in an easily accessible book, come on down and stop by any of the battle parks.

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