protests spreading from memphis all over us

You are probably a coward who has never done nothing, but ride off the coat of those who have. I am always attacking the racism and mistreatment of black folks in this country.
I am a coward to the extent that I prefer to let the enemy die instead of me

In your case whites are the enemy and you have to tell lies to get sympathy
You should honor your great-grandfather

Its only because of him that you grew up in America instead of Senegal or the Congo

Between the two of us I’m the only one with a reason to regret slavery

REALLY?!?!?!?!?!?? Are you saying that black people in America should be grateful to their ancestors who were made into slaves, because it gave them the opportunity to be born in America vs. Africa? That is about the stupidest twisting of history that I've seen in a very long time. You probably think that they should also be grateful to the slave traders that brought their ancestors over here in the first place because they gave them free passage to America. How deep is your level of stupidity? It appears to be on par with the depth of the Marianas Trench, if not deeper.

Ignorant white people. What makes you think there aren't any black people in America who wouldn't love to live in Africa?
Who’s stopping them?

No sane person WANTS to live in Africa unless a search for raw materials takes them there
Who’s stopping them?

No sane person WANTS to live in Africa unless a search for raw materials takes them there

You've obviously never been on the African continent based on your ignorant statement. I'd offer up that the only thing you know about Africa is what you've seen on Mutual of Omaha or some other documentary series, but, you're obviously too stupid to watch something like that. Me? I've been there, a couple of times, courtesy of Uncle Sam and the U.S. Navy.
You've obviously never been on the African continent based on your ignorant statement. I'd offer up that the only thing you know about Africa is what you've seen on Mutual of Omaha or some other documentary series, but, you're obviously too stupid to watch something like that. Me? I've been there, a couple of times, courtesy of Uncle Sam and the U.S. Navy.
African big game hunting never interested me

And other tan exploiting raw materials, hunting is the only reason to go there
.... and you wonder why folks call you a ignorant, racist POS.
Yet he's correct. When blacks prove they can follow the law, then I will respect them. Some I do. I know some that are fine upstanding people. The ones that aren't too bad. Same with whites or any other race.
Really? She had 53 people killed? Got anything to back up your bullshit?
53 people who had dirt on her and Billy die and many from suicide? Others blasted away while walking down the streets? The corruption of the Government at the highest levels of Democrat run Presidencies, Congress, Governors, State Legislators, AG's, FBI and so on allows this to go on. Today is like the days of Noah wicked and evil. These are the days that Jesus talked about in Matthew chapter 24, 38-39. But, I'm communicating with one of those who are like in the days of Noah. You can't see what is right before you.

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