protests spreading from memphis all over us

53 people who had dirt on her and Billy die and many from suicide? Others blasted away while walking down the streets? The corruption of the Government at the highest levels of Democrat run Presidencies, Congress, Governors, State Legislators, AG's, FBI and so on allows this to go on. Today is like the days of Noah wicked and evil. These are the days that Jesus talked about in Matthew chapter 24, 38-39. But, I'm communicating with one of those who are like in the days of Noah. You can't see what is right before you.

Yee haw....................a Christian conservative conspiracy theorist. Why am I not surprised?
Yet he's correct. When blacks prove they can follow the law, then I will respect them. Some I do. I know some that are fine upstanding people. The ones that aren't too bad. Same with whites or any other race.
they cant even follow the law when their cops. will be real hard for blacks to be cops now after this incodent.
Well the put white cop on leave for now with pay and fired three emts . two black one white. they waited to dang long to render aid to the dude. sad.
Still waiting on those links for the Clintons having 53 people killed.
Why would you think there are any? Wake up brainless! The reason why they have never been charged is because they are part of the ruling class of wealthy and dangerous Democrats-Liberals. 40 people that were close to Hillary just don't get up and kill themselves.
In post 28 you said this, claiming that Hillary had 53 people killed.................

They do? What about the 53 people Hillary has had killed as a liberal???
So, what conservative says they love police killing citizens?

Now in this post, you are saying that there is no evidence she had them killed?

Why would you think there are any? Wake up brainless! The reason why they have never been charged is because they are part of the ruling class of wealthy and dangerous Democrats-Liberals. 40 people that were close to Hillary just don't get up and kill themselves.

Which is it? Did she have 53 people killed (as per your original claim), or didn't she?

Or..............are you just another bullshit spewing colon jouster who loves to throw out accusations without anything to back it up? I'm guessing you are.
In post 28 you said this, claiming that Hillary had 53 people killed.................

Now in this post, you are saying that there is no evidence she had them killed?

Which is it? Did she have 53 people killed (as per your original claim), or didn't she?

Or..............are you just another bullshit spewing colon jouster who loves to throw out accusations without anything to back it up? I'm guessing you are.
She had them killed. Yep! But, you just look the other way like all other good little commies
Well the put white cop on leave for now with pay and fired three emts . two black one white. they waited to dang long to render aid to the dude. sad.
Who are you fooling, you are enjoying this. It gives you a chance to attack black and give the cops a pass by telling us that the cops were black, so that makes it alright.
Well. If nothing else, it's a great preview of things to come when sht really goes to hell in a hand basket actoss the board. And that day is coming sooner than many might contend.

Stay outta the cities is all I'll say about it...
The BLM riots convinced many younger people who would have made great cops to look for employment elsewhere.

Who wants a fairly low paying job where your life is always on the line and the people you are risking your life to protect are throwing bricks and fireworks at you. In the big blue cities the local government stands behind you — way behind you. Make a mistake you will end up in prison. You are better off to let a black bad guy take the first shot at you rather than be wrong and mistake his wallet to be a gun when he whips it out. Hopefully he is your typical thug who can’t hit the broadside of a barn.

So the big cities have to hire someone and all to often the people they can find to hire are the people who enjoy being bullies and will misuse their power. The big cities end up a vicious circle. They hire cops that turn out bad and that makes it harder to hire good people so they hire more even worse candidates.

One of my grandsons was interested in becoming a cop but I convinced him to join the Navy.

But now crime is skyrocketing and the police that remain on the job have turned more reactive than proactive. I wonder if it is even possible to turn things around and make the streets as safe as they were two decades ago.
The BLM riots convinced many younger people who would have made great cops to look for employment elsewhere.

Who wants a fairly low paying job where your life is always on the line and the people you are risking your life to protect are throwing bricks and fireworks at you. In the big blue cities the local government stands behind you — way behind you. Make a mistake you will end up in prison. You are better off to let a black bad guy take the first shot at you rather than be wrong and mistake his wallet to be a gun when he whips it out. Hopefully he is your typical thug who can’t hit the broadside of a barn.

So the big cities have to hire someone and all to often the people they can find to hire are the people who enjoy being bullies and will misuse their power. The big cities end up a vicious circle. They hire cops that turn out bad and that makes it harder to hire good people so they hire more even worse candidates.

One of my grandsons was interested in becoming a cop but I convinced him to join the Navy.

But now crime is skyrocketing and the police that remain on the job have turned more reactive than proactive. I wonder if it is even possible to turn things around and make the streets as safe as they were two decades ago.
blm riots showed how bad blacks are. made them look worse.

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