Protests, Then and Now - Note the Difference


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
My generation protested against racism and a war the government was not serious about.




This generation protesting for terrorism:



Note that today young people are cowards hiding behind masks. They don’t want their name linked to what they stand for. Total cowards.
You're conveniently forgetting a few things OP.

Remember how the government sniped a few protesters at the college back during your era?

And also how the reason for the masks today is due to the threat of doxxing by the Establishment that has already been recently carried out.

Just a couple of things to consider.
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Smart kids

With facial recognition technology, doxing, and AI, it is, indeed a different world.

We don't live in a nation ruled by laws anymore, a democratic republic, where your rights are guaranteed by the rule of law, we live in an authoritarian technocratic corporatacracy, where our lives are ruled by AI cloud computing, and unofficial social credit systems and a digital image and posting history that never dies, and becomes part of your permanent record.

You are no longer allowed to participate in civil society, and have a sovereign political opinion one way or the other, which our founders intended, with out it being used against you by global investment monopolies, connected to faceless, nameless ruling global oligarchs.

You would look up to cowards.
And you? Are an idiot and a fool if you don't understand what this is really about. . .

This year? Americans are protesting an issue you just happen to disagree with. The next? They might be shutting down the banking accounts of Truckers, or throwing election protesters in prison, just for being on the ground of the Capitol, because they were unaware some subversive took down a piece of tape roping off a no crossing line where they weren't supposed to be.

You partisanship is making you lose your vision of what rights Americans are supposed to have, so corporate overlords can rob you of your god given sovereignty.

This is bigger than just one issue.
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My generation protested against racism and a war the government was not serious about.

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This generation protesting for terrorism:
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Note that today young people are cowards hiding behind masks. They don’t want their name linked to what they stand for. Total cowards.
The demaklan voters were cowards back then too, they were white hoods

Hated Jews then too.

The dem base hasn’t changed much
You're forgetting a few things OP.

Remember how the government sniped a few protesters at the college?

And also how the reason for the masks today is due to The threat of doxxing by the establishment that has already been recently carried out.

Just a couple of things to consider.
I remember my generation was worried about this issue, and we would have folks that were tasked with carrying pocket mirrors, to keep flashing the cameras of the establishment with sunshine to screw up their documention.

. . . that is no longer a possibility.

Too many cameras.
I remember my generation was worried about this issue, and we would have folks that were tasked with carrying pocket mirrors, to keep flashing the cameras of the establishment with sunshine to screw up their documention.

. . . that is no longer a possibility.

Too many cameras.
This issue is bigger than partisanship.

I'm fighting people on my side and your side.

Good to see your side starting to do the same.

It's not about left and right, it's about right and wrong.

And what Israel is doing right now is definitely wrong.

With facial recognition technology, doxing, and AI, it is, indeed a different world.

We don't live in a nation ruled by laws anymore, a democratic republic, where your rights are guaranteed by the rule of law, we live in an authoritarian technocratic corporatacracy, where our lives are ruled by AI cloud computing, and unofficial social credit systems and a digital image and posting history that never dies, and becomes part of your permanent record.

You are no longer allowed to participate in civil society, and have a sovereign political opinion one way or the other, which our founders intended, with out it being used against you by global investment monopolies, connected to faceless, nameless ruling global oligarchs.

And you? Are an idiot and a fool if you don't understand what this is really about. . .

This year? Americans are protesting an issue you just happen to disagree with. The next? They might be shutting down the banking accounts of Truckers, or throwing election protesters in prison, just for being on the ground of the Capitol, because they were unaware some subversive took down a piece of tape roping off a no crossing line where they weren't supposed to be.

You partisanship is making you lose your vision of what rights Americans are supposed to have, so corporate overlords can rob you of your god given sovereignty.

This is bigger than just one issue.
Yeah, those stupid twits when asked "What River", like good little Marxists, they say they dont know. When asked "What sea", again they say they dont know. Today morons of lower education deserve all the ridicule they are going to get when AI does identify them even with masks on, just because Marxists who hate Jews, stirred up the hornets nests and many of those kids could get hurt. I think a class action lawsuit is in order if those kids do end up hurt...Class action lawsuit against the DNC.
And what Israel is doing right now is definitely wrong.

While I do agree, Israel has done a lot of things which are excessive, and I do condemn, much of what they are doing, they have no choice to do.

Hamas is defeated, they need to surrender. Why don't they just surrender?

Israel doesn't have much choice, do they? Why doesn't Hamas just surrender?
While I do agree, Israel has done a lot of things which are excessive, and I do condemn, much of what they are doing, they have no choice to do.

Hamas is defeated, they need to surrender. Why don't they just surrender?

Israel doesn't have much choice, do they? Why doesn't Hamas just surrender?
HAMAS the terrorists still supposedly have American and Israeli hostages. Why dont the HAMAS give them up and then Israel would stop? Because HAMAS is lower than animals, and would rather strap a bomb on children and women to blow them up at a department store.

Palestine voted for HAMAS to be their government, when 9/11 happened Palestine danced in the streets. When 10/7 again Palestine danced in the street.

While I do agree, Israel has done a lot of things which are excessive, and I do condemn, much of what they are doing, they have no choice to do.

Hamas is defeated, they need to surrender. Why don't they just surrender?

Israel doesn't have much choice, do they? Why doesn't Hamas just surrender?
They definitely have a choice, they've been had choices, and they've consistently made the wrong ones.

Contrary to popular belief, all this didn't begin on October 7th, it began way before.

With facial recognition technology, doxing, and AI, it is, indeed a different world.

We don't live in a nation ruled by laws anymore, a democratic republic, where your rights are guaranteed by the rule of law, we live in an authoritarian technocratic corporatacracy, where our lives are ruled by AI cloud computing, and unofficial social credit systems and a digital image and posting history that never dies, and becomes part of your permanent record.

You are no longer allowed to participate in civil society, and have a sovereign political opinion one way or the other, which our founders intended, with out it being used against you by global investment monopolies, connected to faceless, nameless ruling global oligarchs.

And you? Are an idiot and a fool if you don't understand what this is really about. . .

This year? Americans are protesting an issue you just happen to disagree with. The next? They might be shutting down the banking accounts of Truckers, or throwing election protesters in prison, just for being on the ground of the Capitol, because they were unaware some subversive took down a piece of tape roping off a no crossing line where they weren't supposed to be.

You partisanship is making you lose your vision of what rights Americans are supposed to have, so corporate overlords can rob you of your god given sovereignty.

This is bigger than just one issue.
Sorry, protesting for NAZI doctrines has always been off my list.
Tell us why it’s on yours.
Sorry, protesting for NAZI doctrines has always been off my list.
Tell us why it’s on yours.
I don't support illegal encampments. I don't support folks threatening others, or preventing others doing their business, going to class, etc. I don't support folks calling for violence... Naturally, if exercising one's freedom and liberty, treads upon the freedom and liberty of others? Well, that is not appropriate. . . but? Otherwise?


Everyone should have their say.

I am an American. I support folk's rights to gather and call for redress of the government, no matter what their politics. If they are pro-Zionist? Fine. If they are Pro-facist/Nazi, w/e. If they are Klan marchers with tiki torch burning racists, shouting, "blood & soil?" So be it.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[4]"

I am sorry you have decided to turn into an Anti-American, authoritarian piece of garbage, just because you don't like someone's politics or point of view.

For all I care? They can burn old glory, and scream "Death to America."

For I know? This is the only nation in the world that would tolerate that kind of crap, and it is. . . the reason, we are the best nation in the world, because of it. This is the last bastion of liberty and freedom because of it.
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