Proud Boys Civil War

What is pi r squared? I wanna see what the public is getting for their money with you. Especially since I've had some kickass math teachers.
Where you at The Duke ?????????

I know....... you can't accept a Math Challenge!
BLM / Black Bloc / ANTIFA / CPUSA Street rabble burn & loot and lay waste to dozens & dozens of cities and take over 6 square blocks of a large Pacific Northwest City’s Downtown Area ( holding almost 5 blocks for months ) and the Proud Boys are a terrorist group 😆
Bump for effect
What do the ‘proud’ boys have to be ‘proud’ about – they’re treasonous domestic terrorists who seek to destroy America; they’re hateful racists and bigots.

They should be ashamed, not ‘proud.’

The name is a joke based on a child without a father embarassing himself. It is not about them being actually "proud" of anything.
Area of a circle is A=πr^2

Why are you NOT able to use Special Characters, like pi = π

How about you tell me about basic 10th Grade Geometry, Which I taught to 8th Graders, which is the Law of Cosines.

You up..... Law of Cosines..... Basic 10th grade Geometry.

And yet you're too stupid to understand basic statistics. Amazing.

The numbers you're so proud of, say there is a 99.999999% chance that cheating occurred in the 2020 election

There is only a one part in a million chance that it didn't.

That is what the MATH says.
Now who would have thought that the FBI wasn't doing their job? Apparently the Proud Boys found out. The hard way.

"According to a report from the Daily Beast, the founder of the Proud Boys, who has been keeping his distance from the right-wing group, headed to Las Vegas weeks ago for a meet-up of members and attempted to put down a civil war in the organization that is reportedly coming apart at the seams after revelations that one key leader was an FBI informant"

"With Gavin McInnes later describing it as the "weirdest experience of my life," the report by Will Sommer states the group is still "bitterly divided" into two camps (the "Nationals" and "Standard") with McInnes himself noting on his radio show: "Both sides say that the other side is racist and tolerates pedophiles.”

"According to the report, the Proud Boys are reeling after criminal indictments and finger-pointing in what McInnes labeled a “massive civil war” between members"

Well, that was bound to become a problem with the right wing....

They can't keep track of the types of mis-information they put out so you end up with some factions actually believing some of the bullshit another faction puts out.
What do the ‘proud’ boys have to be ‘proud’ about – they’re treasonous domestic terrorists who seek to destroy America; they’re hateful racists and bigots.

They should be ashamed, not ‘proud.’
Area of a circle is A=πr^2

Why are you NOT able to use Special Characters, like pi = π

How about you tell me about basic 10th Grade Geometry, Which I taught to 8th Graders, which is the Law of Cosines.

You up..... Law of Cosines..... Basic 10th grade Geometry.
a squared + b squared = c squared.

I use triangulation regularly in real life.

I also aced geometry. Yeah, I'm not character mapping any symbols, that's a pain in the ass.

What do all the angles of a triangle add up to?
There's another one.
Oh? Who is that MacDaddy? Who is this other one?! I wanna hear you say it! (IF you will)

That there is such total bullshit. That's misusing government power right there. Seditious conspiracy? Proud Boys? Really?

What a fucking Clown World we live in today. That's some A-grade assclown bullshit right there. It's OK; It just shows how leftists/Democrats have overplayed their hand.

Them motherfuckers are rolling with a pair of dueces when we have a Royal Straight Flush.
That there is such total bullshit. That's misusing government power right there. Seditious conspiracy? Proud Boys? Really?

What a fucking Clown World we live in today. That's some A-grade assclown bullshit right there. It's OK; It just shows how leftists/Democrats have overplayed their hand.

Them motherfuckers are rolling with a pair of dueces when we have a Royal Straight Flush.
Very well said!

29 days.


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