Proud Boys Civil War

You are a troll. And not very smart.
Media portrayal: the Proud boys have millions of followers with direct influence and power in the GOP

Reality: The proud boys are a mere hundreds of extremists that no one in the GOP or conservatism overall listens To, and few even know who they are besides hearing about it in leftist MSM headlines
Stand back and stand by.
Not at all. Don't flatter yourself. Your posts are drool.
And that? The fact that your only characterization of my content, is the use of derogatory language of a noun, Americans only use as synonymous with oral secretions, i.e. saliva, never in the context of trying to discredit, or call something, "nonsense?" Is clear, even to your fellow liberals. Even Joe Biden would be able to see through your game. He might call what I post. . .


Yeah, even if you can't give me a logical rebut? I can accept that, and believe you aren't a foreign subversive, but no, anyone born here doesn't call written statements or oral arguments . . . "drool," that is crap. Even crap, or bullshit. Where that hell do you come from, it isn't this nation. You are the foreign troll.

And you never have a good response to my, "drool," just name calling and character attacks.

GTFO with that. It isn't acceptable, it only shows you as the weak cowardly subversive that you are.
>>The Canadian government officially designated the Proud Boys as a terror organization on Wednesday, ranking the group alongside al Qaeda and Boko Haram.

The move to designate the Proud Boys ― a violent, pro-Trump street gang full of extremists and white nationalists ― as a criminal entity was already under consideration before the deadly siege on the U.S. Capitol last month. Federal authorities have implicated several Proud Boys in the planning and execution of the siege.

The group’s ties to Canada include the fact that its founder, Gavin McInnes, is a Canadian citizen, although it is more active in the United States.<<

When will the US condemn those idiots as a terrorist group? Maybe the US Gov won't have to after they kill each other and/or end up in prison.

thank goodness the Candians got these boys

And that? The fact that your only characterization of my content, is the use of derogatory language of a noun, Americans only use as synonymous with oral secretions, i.e. saliva, never in the context of trying to discredit, or call something, "nonsense?" Is clear, even to your fellow liberals. Even Joe Biden would be able to see through your game. He might call what I post. . .


Yeah, even if you can't give me a logical rebut? I can accept that, and believe you aren't a foreign subversive, but no, anyone born here doesn't call written statements or oral arguments . . . "drool," that is crap. Even crap, or bullshit. Where that hell do you come from, it isn't this nation. You are the foreign troll.

And you never have a good response to my, "drool," just name calling and character attacks.

GTFO with that. It isn't acceptable, it only shows you as the weak cowardly subversive that you are.
Now look who is triggered. What is your affection of the proud boys all about?
Now look who is triggered. What is your affection of the proud boys all about?

I don't care, I really don't.

What I care about, is folks coming on here, trying to divide and rule the real Americans on this board.

You look as silly as folks coming on here trying to gas-light the forum into believing that this "Q" is a real thing, or that it was ever anything but an elaborate psyop.

I have just proved, that Proud Boys are a British intelligence entrapment psyop, and, well, most intelligent folks, by now, know that the Oath Keepers, are the DNI's version of the same.

The FBI has their own too, or didn't you know? Their name is Patriot Front.

All of these agencies are getting into this fake domestic terror game. They create some cheese, hoping to get a rat or two. They only get the stupid ones though.

No, I am only having fun exposing you, for the fraud that you are.
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Now who would have thought that the FBI wasn't doing their job? Apparently the Proud Boys found out. The hard way.

"According to a report from the Daily Beast, the founder of the Proud Boys, who has been keeping his distance from the right-wing group, headed to Las Vegas weeks ago for a meet-up of members and attempted to put down a civil war in the organization that is reportedly coming apart at the seams after revelations that one key leader was an FBI informant"

"With Gavin McInnes later describing it as the "weirdest experience of my life," the report by Will Sommer states the group is still "bitterly divided" into two camps (the "Nationals" and "Standard") with McInnes himself noting on his radio show: "Both sides say that the other side is racist and tolerates pedophiles.”

"According to the report, the Proud Boys are reeling after criminal indictments and finger-pointing in what McInnes labeled a “massive civil war” between members"

Did they join up with Captain Crunch to take over the world?
Fuckin' homoerotic faggots. That your Marxist ass thinks they're a threat to you gives me pleasure, because you're going to be done just when you think your commie ass is getting started with your bullshit. No. You know what is the biggest threat to your type? Real Americans. Americans with .270s that hunt every year and you have no clue as to how that goes down or how freakin much more of them there are than "Proud Boys".
Or worse yet for your traitorous intentions: A cracker like me that don't need no gun or nothin'. ;)

I could stick my finger right up into your skull and scramble your brains around if I wanted to. You should be scared. You're fucking up.
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Are you a grown man with a successful Career?
What is your Job?
I've Stated multiple times that I'm a Public School Math Teacher.
What is pi r squared? I wanna see what the public is getting for their money with you. Especially since I've had some kickass math teachers.
What is pi r squared? I wanna see what the public is getting for their money with you. Especially since I've had some kickass math teachers.
Area of a circle is A=πr^2

Why are you NOT able to use Special Characters, like pi = π

How about you tell me about basic 10th Grade Geometry, Which I taught to 8th Graders, which is the Law of Cosines.

You up..... Law of Cosines..... Basic 10th grade Geometry.
What is pi r squared? I wanna see what the public is getting for their money with you. Especially since I've had some kickass math teachers.
Since you had some 'kick ass math teachers', and you reached 10th grade, you should be able to acknowledge the LOC (Law of Cosines) and you should be able to PROVE the theorem.

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