Proud Boys Getting Manhandled, Arrested - LOL!

Militias are 99% far right wing Trump supporters. You have much to learn.

Where did I imply otherwise? I was agreeing with you, clown. I think it's less about me having things to learn and more about you not understanding what I'm saying. Maybe you should pay more attention and take me at my word.
You are right. They should not be assaulted or arrested for peacefully protesting. But the moment one of these freaks steps foot in a public street, i had better see the entire lot of them gassed and shot at with pepper balls and rubber bullets. The moment they don't all, to a man, willingly.comply with every police order, they better all get batons to the face and tear gas canisters shot into their eye sockets. If not, there will be some explaining to do.

The cops in that footage didn't seem to have much patience for them.
Well thank goodness the proud sissies didn't kneel, or the gas and rubber bullets would really start flying.
Well thank goodness the proud sissies didn't kneel, or the gas and rubber bullets would really start flying.

I understand your frustration, and you get serious respect from me for agreeing with what I said earlier. Being consistent and true is always harder than being an angry hypocrite.
Oh look how quaint - The Chubby, Bearded Terrorist Boys going to forgo the yellow and dress up just like AntiFa ...
What could possibly go wrong?

Oh look how quaint - The Chubby, Bearded Terrorist Boys going to forgo the yellow and dress up just like AntiFa ...
What could possibly go wrong?

Chubby or not I don't think I'd want to fight anybody in that picture.

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