Proud Boys Getting Manhandled, Arrested - LOL!

You are right. They should not be assaulted or arrested for peacefully protesting. But the moment one of these freaks steps foot in a public street, i had better see the entire lot of them gassed and shot at with pepper balls and rubber bullets. The moment they don't all, to a man, willingly.comply with every police order, they better all get batons to the face and tear gas canisters shot into their eye sockets. If not, there will be some explaining to do.

The cops in that footage didn't seem to have much patience for them.
They are seditionist terrorists who need a beatdown and a lil prison time.

All of them need to get beaten up and thrown in prison? Why?
Did you not read his post? There are seditious terrorists and need a beatdown. It's the only way they learn.

But I would neither lead nor recommend such beatdown effort though it is rather a fantasy - Not so much the violence part, but somehow we're gonna need to slowly deprogram these knuckle-dragging Trumplodytes and maybe teach them something about US and world history.

*If I was serious about the beatdown - that would be my conversion to Fascism, and God knows we have too many of those knuckleheads in this country as it is.

Hope they beat the fuck outta these traitorous turds on Wednesday! :D

Why do you want them to get beat up?

They are seditionist terrorists who need a beatdown and a lil prison time.
The only terrorist are Antifa and BLM
They’re Isis without the weapons

Not what the FBI and DHS are telling us junior. The greatest threat to America right now are extreme right wing domestic terrorists.

"Within the domestic terrorism bucket, the category as a whole, racially motivated violent extremism is, I think, the biggest bucket within that larger group. And within the racially motivated violent extremist bucket, people subscribing to some kind of white supremacist-type ideology is certainly the biggest chunk of that." -Chris Wray
Not what the FBI and DHS are telling us junior. The greatest threat to America right now are extreme right wing domestic terrorists.

There are a lot of right wingers using violent suggestive language. Their lack of self-awareness would be funny if I wasn't worried about black churches and government buildings getting blown up by some militia lunatic.
Son, if you're "left wing" - Then I'm the Dalai Lama ;-)

You just can't grapple with somebody that actually has a consistent set of morals. I take our freedoms very seriously and would never seek to mitigate them for anybody. You on the other hand seem to be one more inconsistent and hypocritical partisan hack. It says a lot that you can't imagine me being left wing simply because I defended the rights of right wing protesters. I'm not a lying, two-faced authoritarian like most of the rest of you.
They are the REAL "He-man Women Haters' Club"....:heehee:

It's part of their creed. They would never take in a guy who believes that women are their equal.

The Proud Boys is a far-right, neo-fascist and male-only political organization that promotes and engages in political violence in the United States and Canada.[1] The group originated in the far-right Taki's Magazine in 2016 under the leadership of Vice Media co-founder and former commentator Gavin McInnes, taking its name from the song "Proud of Your Boy" from the 2011 Disney musical Aladdin.[2] Although the Proud Boys emerged as part of the alt-right, McInnes distanced himself from this movement in early 2017, saying the Proud Boys was "alt-light" while the alt-right's focus was race.[3] The re-branding effort intensified following the white supremacist Unite the Right rally.[4] Since early 2019, Enrique Tarrio, who identifies as Afro-Cuban, has been the chairman of the Proud Boys.[5]

The group believes men and Western culture are under siege, their views having elements of the white genocide conspiracy theory.[6] Members have participated in multiple racist events and events centered around anti-antifa, anti-left, and anti-socialist violence; expelled member Jason Kessler organized the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville.[7] The Proud Boys glorifies violence, and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has called the group an "alt-right fight club."[8][9] The organization has been described as a hate group by NPR's The Takeaway and the SPLC.[10] The ADL has described the Proud Boys as "extremist conservative" and "alt lite", "overtly Islamophobic and misogynistic", "transphobic and anti-immigration ", "all too willing to embrace racists, antisemites and bigots of all kinds", and notes the group's promotion and use of violence as a core tactic.[11]

In late November 2018, an internal memo from the Clark County Sheriff's Office showed that the FBI had designated the Proud Boys an extremist group, but it later clarified that only certain members were extremist threats with ties to white nationalism.[12][13] In 2019, two Proud Boys were sentenced to four years in prison for attempted gang assault, attempted assault and other charges for a 2018 New York incident where they attacked individuals who prosecutors said were members of antifa.[14] The Proud Boys organization has been banned by Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.[15]
Son, if you're "left wing" - Then I'm the Dalai Lama ;-)

You just can't grapple with somebody that actually has a consistent set of morals. I take our freedoms very seriously and would never seek to mitigate them for anybody. You on the other hand seem to be one more inconsistent and hypocritical partisan hack. It says a lot that you can't imagine me being left wing simply because I defended the rights of right wing protesters.

Listen "lefty" - If the Proud boys engage in violence and intimidation on Wednesday and refuse to follow police instructions, there may be beatdowns in order. Violence seems to be the only thing most of them understand.
Listen "lefty" - If the Proud boys engage in violence and intimidation on Wednesday and refuse to follow police instructions, there may be beatdowns in order. Violence seems to be the only thing most of them understand.

Imagine for a moment that I really am left wing like I said. I'm not sure what motivation I could have for lying, but whatever, let's imagine. How much of an ignorant asshole do you think you'd appear to be from my perspective when you insist that I'm not left wing simply because I universally stand up for our freedoms?

By the way, in your previous posts you never said your public beat down of right wingers was dependent on them being violent or not. You wanted them attacked in the street and jailed for sedition, or did you forget? You wanted to do that because you don't like what they stand for.
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Listen "lefty" - If the Proud boys engage in violence and intimidation on Wednesday and refuse to follow police instructions, there may be beatdowns in order. Violence seems to be the only thing most of them understand.

Imagine for a moment that I really am left wing like I said. I'm not sure what motivation I could have for lying, but whatever, let's imagine. How much of an ignorant asshole do you think you'd appear to be from my perspective when you insist that I'm not left wing simply because I universally stand up for our freedoms?

By the way, in your previous posts you never said your public beat down of right wingers was dependent on them being violent or not. You wanted them attacked in the street and jailed for sedition, or did you forget? You wanted to do that because you don't like what they stand for.

Now you're just wasting my time

These whiny fake tough guys get . . . upset . . . when the police order them to move back.


Sound up!

I hear they've been crying lately over a Proud Girls group.

Yea, I read an article they don't recognize the right wing proud girls and told them their place was having babies, cooking and cleaning, didn't go over well with the woman that is an MMA fighter. Looked like she could kick the shit out of all them.

It would be ground and pound time! :D

Hitting back, the cage fighter branded them "crybaby P**ker Boys" and boasted “I am tougher than 99% of you alleged men", reports the Daily Beast.
Trouble is said to have flared when the martial artist - who has previously marched alongside the Proud Boys - set up a transphobic Telegram channel called Proud Girls USA.​
Within hours, the ProudBoysUSA channel had labelled it a “ridiculous” idea telling its members not to “ride our coattails.”​
They then declared: “Want to support us? Get married, have babies, and take care of your family.”​
A later post on the Oklahoma Proud Boys channel made similar sexist comments.​
It read: "This is a men's club. If you're not in a relationship with a Proud Boy, at worst, you're a groupie."​
Not what the FBI and DHS are telling us junior. The greatest threat to America right now are extreme right wing domestic terrorists.

There are a lot of right wingers using violent suggestive language. Their lack of self-awareness would be funny if I wasn't worried about black churches and government buildings getting blown up by some militia lunatic.

Militias are 99% far right wing Trump supporters. You have much to learn.
Hope they beat the fuck outta these traitorous turds on Wednesday! :D

Why do you want them to get beat up?

They are seditionist terrorists who need a beatdown and a lil prison time.
The only terrorist are Antifa and BLM
They’re Isis without the weapons

Not what the FBI and DHS are telling us junior. The greatest threat to America right now are extreme right wing domestic terrorists.

"Within the domestic terrorism bucket, the category as a whole, racially motivated violent extremism is, I think, the biggest bucket within that larger group. And within the racially motivated violent extremist bucket, people subscribing to some kind of white supremacist-type ideology is certainly the biggest chunk of that." -Chris Wray
You revel in Prog riots. While not getting your hands dirty. Non Prog riots are non existent. If the Non Progs show up in D.C. in a peaceful manner, it will not mean anything. Pure violence would be needed to send a message. Destruction of most government buildings would be needed. That is not going to happen at this point.

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