Proud Boys Getting Manhandled, Arrested - LOL!

I'm just reacting the way the right does.


"As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy."
You are right. They should not be assaulted or arrested for peacefully protesting. But the moment one of these freaks steps foot in a public street, i had better see the entire lot of them gassed and shot at with pepper balls and rubber bullets. The moment they don't all, to a man, willingly.comply with every police order, they better all get batons to the face and tear gas canisters shot into their eye sockets. If not, there will be some explaining to do.
These whiny fake tough guys get . . . upset . . . when the police order them to move back.

So they're behaving like ANTIFA. What's surprising about that? They're all rabble rousers.
What's funny is that these Fascists thought the police would just be on their side and let them do whatever they wanted.
Whats cool is... when they found out the cops werent on their side, they didnt attack them. Go figure.
Well, because they're pussies and cowards at heart.
^ There you have it folks! Lefties believe youre a pussy if you dont attack cops. :cuckoo:
Your meltdown is fun!
You think me pointing out your violent rhetoric is a "melt down"? Why dont democrats ever actually understand the words that they use? :cuckoo:
These whiny fake tough guys get . . . upset . . . when the police order them to move back.

So they're behaving like ANTIFA. What's surprising about that? They're all rabble rousers.
What's funny is that these Fascists thought the police would just be on their side and let them do whatever they wanted.
Whats cool is... when they found out the cops werent on their side, they didnt attack them. Go figure.
Well, because they're pussies and cowards at heart.
^ There you have it folks! Lefties believe youre a pussy if you dont attack cops. :cuckoo:
Your meltdown is fun!
You think me pointing out your violent rhetoric is a "melt down"? Why dont democrats ever actually understand the words that they use? :cuckoo:
What's my violent rhetoric, the LOL in the OP title, or my frequent use of
to indicate my glee at Proud boy pussies getting manhandled?
These whiny fake tough guys get . . . upset . . . when the police order them to move back.

So they're behaving like ANTIFA. What's surprising about that? They're all rabble rousers.
What's funny is that these Fascists thought the police would just be on their side and let them do whatever they wanted.
Whats cool is... when they found out the cops werent on their side, they didnt attack them. Go figure.
Well, because they're pussies and cowards at heart.
^ There you have it folks! Lefties believe youre a pussy if you dont attack cops. :cuckoo:
Your meltdown is fun!
You think me pointing out your violent rhetoric is a "melt down"? Why dont democrats ever actually understand the words that they use? :cuckoo:
What's my violent rhetoric, the LOL in the OP title, or my frequent use of
to indicate my glee at Proud boy pussies getting manhandled?
You said that they were pussies for not attacking the cops. Why are you so confused over something that you literally just said?
Hope they beat the fuck outta these traitorous turds on Wednesday! :D

Why do you want them to get beat up?

They are seditionist terrorists who need a beatdown and a lil prison time.
This quote is exactly the reason there is talk of a civil war. Love is a complete dumbass and his views are Hitler like. But this is America and he has the right to be a dumbass celebrating blm and their terrorist acts.
There's no talk of a civil war, dumbass.
With the rhetoric of love, yes there is and a dido won't protect you.
Yep, thats's how they do. Find a guy half their size and throw a 3rd-grader-form punch. None of these people know how to fight. If that other guy had an ounce of training, the proud sissy in that gif would still be asleep on the sidewalk.
Zero punch recoil
Drops his left to his hip bone
Zero stance

Don’t even need to go over that arm punch mechanics
These whiny fake tough guys get . . . upset . . . when the police order them to move back.


Sound up!

I hear they've been crying lately over a Proud Girls group.

Yea, I read an article they don't recognize the right wing proud girls and told them their place was having babies, cooking and cleaning, didn't go over well with the woman that is an MMA fighter. Looked like she could kick the shit out of all them.
We did not have a free and fair election. That is the purpose of voiding the phony result
Blue Lives Matter? Patriotic Americans?

Punks and dirtbags.

They nothing more than different than ANTIFA.

No different from ANTIFA? When have you EVER seen the Proud Boys go to a left wing rally and attack people? The Proud Boys go to right wing rallies where they defend people from the constant ANTIFA attacks. The Proud Boys only exist because Left wingers kept violently assaulting right wingers at these rallies.

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