Proud Boys verdict makes claims J6 was less than an Insurrection difficult to defend

MAGA is going to have a hard time denying J6 was an Insurrection with this verdict of sedition. But MAGA lies with they will try.
No they won't. They are not reality based.:cool:

MAGA is going to have a hard time denying J6 was an Insurrection with this verdict of sedition. But MAGA lies with they will try.
Of course it was an insurrection...a FAILED insurrection.
The pro-Trump narrative has been successful mostly because of Trump himself, and the thing that sets Trump above the rest is his skill on the mic. Mass media and social media let that mic reach the whole nation, but he's a classic demagogue. He told all these people who felt angry, excluded, frustrated, or afraid that he was one of them, and he would save them, and they followed him. A tale as old as time.

But they do extraordinarily poorly in court, when they have to prove their assertions with reliable evidence. Judges and courts threw out or ruled against more than fifty attempts to prove election tampering were thrown out or ruled against. Juries return results at least as definite: A grand jury indicted him in New York; a criminal jury found his organization guilty of fraud; a conga line of his lieutenants keep catching guilty verdicts; the RNC has had to spend millions to defend him; and now there's these guys. They seem to lose every case, which does not bode well for the five investigations going on into him at the moment.

Maybe I could buy a "It must have been the tainted jury" argument when it happens once, or possibly twice. But every time?

At some point, Trump supporters need to face the obvious alternative: That stuff isn't true, they've been fed a long, elaborate line of bullshit, and those people actually did those things.

MAGA is going to have a hard time denying J6 was an Insurrection with this verdict of sedition. But MAGA lies with they will try.
A justice system that does something like that is the disgrace.
You'd do extrordinarily poor in court too, if the jury pool from which you draw is 95% against your POv.
That's exactly what I'm talking about. You could make that case about DC, but pro-Trumpers have lost every case they touch, in jurisdictions all across the country.

A rational person would at least have to consider that maybe the problem is not the DC jury pool.
The pro-Trump narrative has been successful mostly because of Trump himself, and the thing that sets Trump above the rest is his skill on the mic. Mass media and social media let that mic reach the whole nation, but he's a classic demagogue. He told all these people who felt angry, excluded, frustrated, or afraid that he was one of them, and he would save them, and they followed him. A tale as old as time.

But they do extraordinarily poorly in court, when they have to prove their assertions with reliable evidence. Judges and courts threw out or ruled against more than fifty attempts to prove election tampering were thrown out or ruled against. Juries return results at least as definite: A grand jury indicted him in New York; a criminal jury found his organization guilty of fraud; a conga line of his lieutenants keep catching guilty verdicts; the RNC has had to spend millions to defend him; and now there's these guys. They seem to lose every case, which does not bode well for the five investigations going on into him at the moment.

Maybe I could buy a "It must have been the tainted jury" argument when it happens once, or possibly twice. But every time?

At some point, Trump supporters need to face the obvious alternative: That stuff isn't true, they've been fed a long, elaborate line of bullshit, and those people actually did those things.
Well said...I base me continued hope on the justice system in the Country. It grinds along slowly and with extreme patience, but it eventually gets to the point where those who committed crimes have to answer. I have always thought that trump has committed multiple crimes, but he has always used the seemingly lethargic nature of our justice system to avoid responsibility. I am hopeful that his day of reconning is coming. There are so many investigations and legal cases out there, that I cannot see how at least a few of them don't come to fruition. That is my hope.

Bottom line, trump is no more than a Mafia Boss who has skillfully used the legal system to avoid answering for his crimes. I can only hope that his days avoiding justice are growing short.
It was an insurrection.

It was a rightwing domestic terrorist attack.

And it was a coup attempt to overthrow a lawfully elected government.

For which insurgents have been convicted of seditious conspiracy.

September 29th, 2020...

Donald Trump: "Proud Boys! Stand back and stand by!! ... somebody’s got to do something about antifa and the left ..."

Proud Boys: "Standing by, sir!"

January 6th, 2001...


Trump is an enemy of America.
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For which insurgents have been convicted of seditious conspiracy.

September 29th, 2020...​
Donald Trump: "Proud Boys! Stand back and stand by!! ... somebody’s got to do something about antifa and the left ..."
Proud Boys: "Standing by, sir!"

January 6th, 2001...​

Trump is an enemy of America.
It is obvious that trump was part of the Seditious effort. As a matter of fact, he is the reason the Proud Boys came to DC. But now he and MAGA deny they had anything to do with J6....cowards and liars.
do you know how jury selection works?

both sides get to pick jurors or reject them.

Only a limited amount for no cause, and if the pool is 200 frothing dems and maybe 3 normal people the PROSECUTION gets to reject a limited number for no cause as well.
It is obvious that trump was part of the Seditious effort. As a matter of fact, he is the reason the Proud Boys came to DC. But now he and MAGA deny they had anything to do with J6....cowards and liars.

What a sad wibble fantasy world you live in.

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