Proud day for America: Homeless only exist if you can see them.

I agree with you, except that many of those alkies and druggies are self medicating, due to mental health issues. There is a certain number that it is due to bad choices, but many are due to things outside their control.
Sadly, we don't have proper help for the mentally ill here in the US anymore, and that is what many of the homeless suffer from.
Mostly druggies and hard core alkies. They aren't victims, they made bad choices in life. enabling them is the worst thing you can do. For those too insane for the street, the street is the last place they need to be. States need to step up but we need to get over the idea that it's wrong to institutionalize people.
I agree with you, except that many of those alkies and druggies are self medicating, due to mental health issues. There is a certain number that it is due to bad choices, but many are due to things outside their control.
They are probably all self medicating and their mental health issues are not unrelated. I don't buy the victim hood argument except for maybe a small percent that need to be in a locked home. Lots of them just don't want to work. Some panhandlers don't do too bad with income. One guy called Medved's show and talked about how he made about 10k a year.
If you can panhandle 10k a year, you can work.
You guys are framing this all wrong.
This is a private citizen wanting to feed the poor all from his own resources.
What the city doesn't like is he is not doing it out in the middle of nowhere away from everything - basically where the homeless are not even at.
500 feet - you guys realize how far that is? IN A CITY??
Can't be within 500 feet of ANY where is that supposed to be in a large city??? Where can you set yourself up and NOT be almost two football fields from ANY residence??
If a private citizen, using his own resources, wants to feed whoever he likes - he should be able to do so.
Many states pass laws against the homeless, and just dump their problems on other states - including picking up the homeless and just dumping them on the border of another state. Maryland is one of the states that has to clean up other state's messes.
Surely goes against what the bible preaches. Helping the poor is now bad? Feeding those less fortunate is bad? Hmmm find that in the bible.
They need to step it up and make loitering illegal too. If you enable bums you will get more bums. I don't blame them for wanting the pee soaked bums somewhere else.

Or maybe the other way around. If you feed the homeless and they are full and energetic, they will have the ability to further themselves.
This has happened in West Palm Beach as well, and Dallas. I know there are cities in Ca and Wa doing the same.

it angers me.
What is embarrassing? The city passed ordinances, he violated them.

You didn't read the article fully.
He has tried to abide by the laws over and over so the city keeps passing new ordinances to make it basically impossible for him to do it.
This time they passed an ordinance that says he must also supply a bathroom.
The context/back story is this guy wants to feed them where they are - which just happens to be be in populated areas (imagine that)...and the city does not want him to feed them outdoors - better to feed them where people can't see it.
It is ridiculous.
Progressive nutbags live their lives in a wallow of anger.

Too bad. When you feed people, they will congregate, and the community doesn't want a bunch of criminal, filthy, mentally ill, drugged up people congregating in areas where they are living with their children. If he wants to feed them, he needs to get a building with bathrooms, and do it right.

Any idiot knows that when you feed the wildlife, you multiply it. Stop feeding them, and they will forage for their own.
Ridiculous to try and help's as if there were some religion that said to do that or something.
Yep, clearly citizens wanting to put an end to suffering on the streets are 'criminals', god forbid the homeless getting jobs or getting back on their feet. ;)

You don't end suffering by ringing a dinner bell.
The charity helps train the homeless, and hopefully give them life skills so they can find a job.
So does Salvation Army.

You can't do those things effectively without a building to do them in. Just congregating in public places is just congregating in public places. And nobody wants a bunch of drugged up, mentally ill, filthy, criminal, and dangerous people congregating in their neighborhoods or where they hang out in their spare time.
500 feet - you guys realize how far that is? IN A CITY??
Can't be within 500 feet of ANY where is that supposed to be in a large city??? Where can you set yourself up and NOT be almost two football fields from ANY residence??
Dude come on what are you talking about here.

Most cities have plenty of areas zoned for commercial/industrial that aren't within 500 feet of any residence, that is less than 1/10th of a mile. My city has a similar population density to Ft. Lauderdale I can think of plenty of places without any residences within 500 ft, in fact the dude in the article said the one condition he couldn't meet was the portable toilets requirement.

If a private citizen, using his own resources, wants to feed whoever he likes - he should be able to do so.
Then the citizens need to overturn this ordinance or vote the bastards out.
At the end of the video, the guy with the camera hints that they are next to a park. The city really should put bathrooms in far more parks than there are now.
Do you know what those people do to bathrooms? What they use them for?

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