Proud day for America: Homeless only exist if you can see them.

You're a liar, or you've never been to a park where there are homeless people.
You're a liar, or you've never been to a park where there are homeless people.

Yes, I cannot remember a homeless person using the bathroom, but I am sure there were some around.

If they feed the homeless like that at a park, most of them are not going to hang around long after they eat. So they use the bathroom and dirty it some. People cannot live with that?

But you tell me. What are they going to do in the bathroom that you don't like?
"The city says the restrooms were being continually vandalized by homeless people, so it decided to close the restrooms."
City locks bathrooms due to vandalism KHON2

"As one may imagine, the parks department often has trouble with vandalism and product waste in public restrooms, particularly when it comes to the homeless population in the urban areas."
Deterring Vandalism NYC Department of Parks and Recreation Taking Charge

"The restrooms have been locked for a couple of weeks due to vandalism and property damage inside the station at Pilot Knob Road and Yankee Doodle Road. Selvig said somebody had been putting rocks down the toilet, which led to plumbing problems, and that a homeless person may have been using them for shelter."

Homeless may have been behind vandalism at Eagan Transit Station The Drive
They crap on the floors, they put rocks down the toilet, they steal the plumbing, they shoot up inside the bathrooms and leave their needles behind, they sleep in the bathrooms, they hang out in the bathrooms. They piss on the walls, they get blood on the floor, they lurk in doorways, they steal the toilet paper.
I've been to public restrooms where a PIMP was parked and his hooker was working in front of the men's bathroom, and inside the bathrooms as well.
Sadly, we don't have proper help for the mentally ill here in the US anymore, and that is what many of the homeless suffer from.
Mostly druggies and hard core alkies. They aren't victims, they made bad choices in life. enabling them is the worst thing you can do. For those too insane for the street, the street is the last place they need to be. States need to step up but we need to get over the idea that it's wrong to institutionalize people.

They tried wholesale institutionalization, and it didn't work.
Actually, it did work.

Our homeless population SKYROCKETED when we booted them out of the institutions, which is where they belong.
They crap on the floors, they put rocks down the toilet, they steal the plumbing, they shoot up inside the bathrooms and leave their needles behind, they sleep in the bathrooms, they hang out in the bathrooms. They piss on the walls, they get blood on the floor, they lurk in doorways, they steal the toilet paper.

There are bathrooms in parks in poor areas of the inner city, and you say this happens there. How much that happens I don't know. We aren't talking about rundown areas though.
I'm not. The places where I've seen this are in state parks and in city parks of small towns.
Hardly the issue.
I think if common citizens want to give food which would be otherwise going to waste to the homeless, I hardly think where these people go to use the toilet is a major issue.
Now look, I am not one of these people who thinks homeless people should have the run of public areas to annoy harangue or in the extreme terrorize others, but for crying out loud, if private citizens using private resources want to help out of pure humanity, no one should stop them.
Depends on the scale. If giving out freebies draws big enough crowds then you will indeed attract/concentrate the associated problems to that area.

The more different groups hand out meals means more availability and smaller crowds. Severe restrictions and outlawing it means fewer places and concentrates those taking advantage.
What utter hogwash.

Here's something I've heard about a million times and it's true. If you are that bothered by man's inhumanity to man, then YOU, personally, need to take action. Whining about how nobody else is nice enough avails nothing.

I have worked with this population ALL MY ADULT LIFE. I do my share, and always have, to help them. I get in the trenches with them, and always have. And I absolutely understand and respect the LAW, and appreciate the right of people who say "We do not want a feeding station in our public parks". It's not INHUMANE. It's a matter of protecting what you have, including your children, from people who are not respecters of persons, or property. People pay for and develop parks out of their own pockets for the sake of the people who live there, so those people can enjoy those places. They do not pay for and develop them as holding cells for criminal, drugged out and insane people who pose a physical threat to anyone who doesn't have a full armed escort, and who, above and beyond that, destroy the facilities and spread disease.

The people who have determined that they don't want to use their public parks for the homeless to congregate have decided to help those people in OTHER ways. They have decided that this is not the way to best help them, and they HAVE THAT RIGHT.

The people causing the problems at this point aren't the homeless themselves. It's the assholes who think that the community should foot the bill for their own idealogy. Tough beans. If you are that committed to helping them, then find a legal way to do it.
They tried wholesale institutionalization, and it didn't work.
I don't know about wholesale but it did work for those put out of harm's way. Reagan got the feds out of it but the states need to pick up the slack. Public safety should be a priority.
These days the school shootings are primarily the result of the assumption that crazy people aren't a menace to society.
It worked for those with severe illnesses, but what about those that could deal with being free?
Then they should find someone to support them or find a job (I know, that's harsh). Many need meds and can function on them but many don't take them so maybe a testing mechanism of some sort. They ran many businesses out of downtown here, that doesn't help anybody.

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