proud racist's

Top 10 Racist African-Americans

August 27, 2013 By Matthew Vadum


Sadly, racism is very much alive in America — among influential black Americans.

It was very much on display Saturday at the Lincoln Memorial where prominent black activists gathered a few days ahead of the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic “I have a dream” speech in order to advance their careers by pretending to care about the state of race relations in the nation today.

Instead of simply using the opportunity to honor the work of his father in a dignified way, King’s son, Martin Luther King III, cheapened it by attempting to stir up racial hatred. He said the Trayvon Martin killing last year, ruled by a jury to be a justifiable homicide in which race played no role, shows that America is a deeply racist country.


Here is Frontpage’s Top 10 List:

1) Al Sharpton.
Provocateur and make-believe civil rights leader.

2) Barack Obama.
U.S. president who rarely fails to inject race into a political fight, no matter how inappropriate.


3) Michelle Obama.
First Lady who only stopped being ashamed of her country when it began to support her husband.


4) Eric Holder.
U.S. attorney general, who hates conservatives and doesn’t believe in enforcing civil rights laws when white people are victims.


5) Oprah Winfrey.
Billionaire media entrepreneur, beloved by her largely white following, but who can’t stop resenting white people.


6) James Cone.
Founder of black liberation theology.


7) Martin Luther King III.
One of the leaders of a civil rights movement that long ago outlived its usefulness.


8) Cornel West.
Best-selling author and superstar professor whose image manages to outshine his dreary intellectual mediocrity.


9) Louis Farrakhan.
Leader of a hateful Islamic cult.


10) Alice Walker.
Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist and bleeding heart who adores cop killers and Fidel Castro.


These 10 public figures for the most part do not suffer any consequences for their racism or their cynical use of race for political purposes.

If Martin Luther King were alive today, would he defend these 10 people and everything they do?

Top 10 Racist African-Americans | FrontPage Magazine
Good list, pretty accurate. I'll bet Maxine Waters is disappointed she didn't make the list.

all these bastards that generalized whites as racist and hateful because a man defended himself from a thug.

These people won't report on all the black on white murder that's occurring....They will do everything in their power to paint whites as RACIST and everything to paint blacks as NON-racist.
Top 10 Racist African-Americans

August 27, 2013 By Matthew Vadum


Sadly, racism is very much alive in America — among influential black Americans.

It was very much on display Saturday at the Lincoln Memorial where prominent black activists gathered a few days ahead of the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic “I have a dream” speech in order to advance their careers by pretending to care about the state of race relations in the nation today.

Instead of simply using the opportunity to honor the work of his father in a dignified way, King’s son, Martin Luther King III, cheapened it by attempting to stir up racial hatred. He said the Trayvon Martin killing last year, ruled by a jury to be a justifiable homicide in which race played no role, shows that America is a deeply racist country.


Here is Frontpage’s Top 10 List:

1) Al Sharpton.
Provocateur and make-believe civil rights leader.

2) Barack Obama.
U.S. president who rarely fails to inject race into a political fight, no matter how inappropriate.


3) Michelle Obama.
First Lady who only stopped being ashamed of her country when it began to support her husband.


4) Eric Holder.
U.S. attorney general, who hates conservatives and doesn’t believe in enforcing civil rights laws when white people are victims.


5) Oprah Winfrey.
Billionaire media entrepreneur, beloved by her largely white following, but who can’t stop resenting white people.


6) James Cone.
Founder of black liberation theology.


7) Martin Luther King III.
One of the leaders of a civil rights movement that long ago outlived its usefulness.


8) Cornel West.
Best-selling author and superstar professor whose image manages to outshine his dreary intellectual mediocrity.


9) Louis Farrakhan.
Leader of a hateful Islamic cult.


10) Alice Walker.
Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist and bleeding heart who adores cop killers and Fidel Castro.


These 10 public figures for the most part do not suffer any consequences for their racism or their cynical use of race for political purposes.

If Martin Luther King were alive today, would he defend these 10 people and everything they do?

Top 10 Racist African-Americans | FrontPage Magazine

How, exactly, are any of these people, "racist?"

You folks really really really really..don't know what the word means.
Top 10 Racist African-Americans

August 27, 2013 By Matthew Vadum


Sadly, racism is very much alive in America — among influential black Americans.

It was very much on display Saturday at the Lincoln Memorial where prominent black activists gathered a few days ahead of the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic “I have a dream” speech in order to advance their careers by pretending to care about the state of race relations in the nation today.

Instead of simply using the opportunity to honor the work of his father in a dignified way, King’s son, Martin Luther King III, cheapened it by attempting to stir up racial hatred. He said the Trayvon Martin killing last year, ruled by a jury to be a justifiable homicide in which race played no role, shows that America is a deeply racist country.


Here is Frontpage’s Top 10 List:

1) Al Sharpton.
Provocateur and make-believe civil rights leader.

2) Barack Obama.
U.S. president who rarely fails to inject race into a political fight, no matter how inappropriate.


3) Michelle Obama.
First Lady who only stopped being ashamed of her country when it began to support her husband.


4) Eric Holder.
U.S. attorney general, who hates conservatives and doesn’t believe in enforcing civil rights laws when white people are victims.


5) Oprah Winfrey.
Billionaire media entrepreneur, beloved by her largely white following, but who can’t stop resenting white people.


6) James Cone.
Founder of black liberation theology.


7) Martin Luther King III.
One of the leaders of a civil rights movement that long ago outlived its usefulness.


8) Cornel West.
Best-selling author and superstar professor whose image manages to outshine his dreary intellectual mediocrity.


9) Louis Farrakhan.
Leader of a hateful Islamic cult.


10) Alice Walker.
Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist and bleeding heart who adores cop killers and Fidel Castro.


These 10 public figures for the most part do not suffer any consequences for their racism or their cynical use of race for political purposes.

If Martin Luther King were alive today, would he defend these 10 people and everything they do?

Top 10 Racist African-Americans | FrontPage Magazine

How, exactly, are any of these people, "racist?"

You folks really really really really..don't know what the word means.

it was explained in the article, try reading if you can
Top 10 Racist African-Americans

August 27, 2013 By Matthew Vadum


Sadly, racism is very much alive in America — among influential black Americans.

It was very much on display Saturday at the Lincoln Memorial where prominent black activists gathered a few days ahead of the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic “I have a dream” speech in order to advance their careers by pretending to care about the state of race relations in the nation today.

Instead of simply using the opportunity to honor the work of his father in a dignified way, King’s son, Martin Luther King III, cheapened it by attempting to stir up racial hatred. He said the Trayvon Martin killing last year, ruled by a jury to be a justifiable homicide in which race played no role, shows that America is a deeply racist country.


Here is Frontpage’s Top 10 List:

1) Al Sharpton.
Provocateur and make-believe civil rights leader.

2) Barack Obama.
U.S. president who rarely fails to inject race into a political fight, no matter how inappropriate.


3) Michelle Obama.
First Lady who only stopped being ashamed of her country when it began to support her husband.


4) Eric Holder.
U.S. attorney general, who hates conservatives and doesn’t believe in enforcing civil rights laws when white people are victims.


5) Oprah Winfrey.
Billionaire media entrepreneur, beloved by her largely white following, but who can’t stop resenting white people.


6) James Cone.
Founder of black liberation theology.


7) Martin Luther King III.
One of the leaders of a civil rights movement that long ago outlived its usefulness.


8) Cornel West.
Best-selling author and superstar professor whose image manages to outshine his dreary intellectual mediocrity.


9) Louis Farrakhan.
Leader of a hateful Islamic cult.


10) Alice Walker.
Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist and bleeding heart who adores cop killers and Fidel Castro.


These 10 public figures for the most part do not suffer any consequences for their racism or their cynical use of race for political purposes.

If Martin Luther King were alive today, would he defend these 10 people and everything they do?

Top 10 Racist African-Americans | FrontPage Magazine

How, exactly, are any of these people, "racist?"

You folks really really really really..don't know what the word means.

it was explained in the article, try reading if you can

Swallow don't read, he/she/it only looks at pics...:lol:
Top 10 Racist African-Americans

August 27, 2013 By Matthew Vadum


Sadly, racism is very much alive in America — among influential black Americans.

It was very much on display Saturday at the Lincoln Memorial where prominent black activists gathered a few days ahead of the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic “I have a dream” speech in order to advance their careers by pretending to care about the state of race relations in the nation today.

Instead of simply using the opportunity to honor the work of his father in a dignified way, King’s son, Martin Luther King III, cheapened it by attempting to stir up racial hatred. He said the Trayvon Martin killing last year, ruled by a jury to be a justifiable homicide in which race played no role, shows that America is a deeply racist country.


Here is Frontpage’s Top 10 List:

1) Al Sharpton.
Provocateur and make-believe civil rights leader.

2) Barack Obama.
U.S. president who rarely fails to inject race into a political fight, no matter how inappropriate.


3) Michelle Obama.
First Lady who only stopped being ashamed of her country when it began to support her husband.


4) Eric Holder.
U.S. attorney general, who hates conservatives and doesn’t believe in enforcing civil rights laws when white people are victims.


5) Oprah Winfrey.
Billionaire media entrepreneur, beloved by her largely white following, but who can’t stop resenting white people.


6) James Cone.
Founder of black liberation theology.


7) Martin Luther King III.
One of the leaders of a civil rights movement that long ago outlived its usefulness.


8) Cornel West.
Best-selling author and superstar professor whose image manages to outshine his dreary intellectual mediocrity.


9) Louis Farrakhan.
Leader of a hateful Islamic cult.


10) Alice Walker.
Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist and bleeding heart who adores cop killers and Fidel Castro.


These 10 public figures for the most part do not suffer any consequences for their racism or their cynical use of race for political purposes.

If Martin Luther King were alive today, would he defend these 10 people and everything they do?

Top 10 Racist African-Americans | FrontPage Magazine

Wow. More racist diarrhea from one of the board's top racists and bigots. Frontpage magazine must be required reading over at
Could not be further from the truth even if you weren't a Nazi.
Top 10 Racist African-Americans

August 27, 2013 By Matthew Vadum


Sadly, racism is very much alive in America — among influential black Americans.

It was very much on display Saturday at the Lincoln Memorial where prominent black activists gathered a few days ahead of the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic “I have a dream” speech in order to advance their careers by pretending to care about the state of race relations in the nation today.

Instead of simply using the opportunity to honor the work of his father in a dignified way, King’s son, Martin Luther King III, cheapened it by attempting to stir up racial hatred. He said the Trayvon Martin killing last year, ruled by a jury to be a justifiable homicide in which race played no role, shows that America is a deeply racist country.


Here is Frontpage’s Top 10 List:

1) Al Sharpton.
Provocateur and make-believe civil rights leader.

2) Barack Obama.
U.S. president who rarely fails to inject race into a political fight, no matter how inappropriate.


3) Michelle Obama.
First Lady who only stopped being ashamed of her country when it began to support her husband.


4) Eric Holder.
U.S. attorney general, who hates conservatives and doesn’t believe in enforcing civil rights laws when white people are victims.


5) Oprah Winfrey.
Billionaire media entrepreneur, beloved by her largely white following, but who can’t stop resenting white people.


6) James Cone.
Founder of black liberation theology.


7) Martin Luther King III.
One of the leaders of a civil rights movement that long ago outlived its usefulness.


8) Cornel West.
Best-selling author and superstar professor whose image manages to outshine his dreary intellectual mediocrity.


9) Louis Farrakhan.
Leader of a hateful Islamic cult.


10) Alice Walker.
Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist and bleeding heart who adores cop killers and Fidel Castro.


These 10 public figures for the most part do not suffer any consequences for their racism or their cynical use of race for political purposes.

If Martin Luther King were alive today, would he defend these 10 people and everything they do?

Top 10 Racist African-Americans | FrontPage Magazine

How, exactly, are any of these people, "racist?"

You folks really really really really..don't know what the word means.
In the mind of the racist white, "racism" means pointing out racism, and actual racism means business as usual...nothing to see here.
Why are people fighting to say the offensive things that professional comedians are paid to say?

That's like fighting to do dumb shat from tv fiction and novels.

Snap out of it!
Top 10 Racist African-Americans

August 27, 2013 By Matthew Vadum


Sadly, racism is very much alive in America — among influential black Americans.

It was very much on display Saturday at the Lincoln Memorial where prominent black activists gathered a few days ahead of the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic “I have a dream” speech in order to advance their careers by pretending to care about the state of race relations in the nation today.

Instead of simply using the opportunity to honor the work of his father in a dignified way, King’s son, Martin Luther King III, cheapened it by attempting to stir up racial hatred. He said the Trayvon Martin killing last year, ruled by a jury to be a justifiable homicide in which race played no role, shows that America is a deeply racist country.


Here is Frontpage’s Top 10 List:

1) Al Sharpton.
Provocateur and make-believe civil rights leader.

2) Barack Obama.
U.S. president who rarely fails to inject race into a political fight, no matter how inappropriate.


3) Michelle Obama.
First Lady who only stopped being ashamed of her country when it began to support her husband.


4) Eric Holder.
U.S. attorney general, who hates conservatives and doesn’t believe in enforcing civil rights laws when white people are victims.


5) Oprah Winfrey.
Billionaire media entrepreneur, beloved by her largely white following, but who can’t stop resenting white people.


6) James Cone.
Founder of black liberation theology.


7) Martin Luther King III.
One of the leaders of a civil rights movement that long ago outlived its usefulness.


8) Cornel West.
Best-selling author and superstar professor whose image manages to outshine his dreary intellectual mediocrity.


9) Louis Farrakhan.
Leader of a hateful Islamic cult.


10) Alice Walker.
Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist and bleeding heart who adores cop killers and Fidel Castro.


These 10 public figures for the most part do not suffer any consequences for their racism or their cynical use of race for political purposes.

If Martin Luther King were alive today, would he defend these 10 people and everything they do?

Top 10 Racist African-Americans | FrontPage Magazine

How, exactly, are any of these people, "racist?"

You folks really really really really..don't know what the word means.
In the mind of the racist white, "racism" means pointing out racism, and actual racism means business as usual...nothing to see here.

When did you, swallow and poet get out of jail...:eusa_shifty:


3 4 1...:lol:

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