Proud to be an American? Not so much anymore.

But until they stormed the Capitol, they were outside while Congress was inside. So without going into the Capitol, how were they to make their voices heard?
They were let in and after that the trouble started
Stormed is more fakery
This was one of the most funny stories of world war 2 and shows only one thing: Germany never had been a real threat for the USA.

Sinking some 500 vessels off the shores of the U.S. and killing some 5000 Americans is "nothing" and just a "funny story?"

Fuck you. I mean that with all the respect you deserve.
Really well
95% had no incident and 5% got mixed up with the Pelosi plants melee.

"Pelosi plants melee"

I agree 100%.

But of course understanding and appreciation for what the Founders created in this once great nation is going down because it is not being taught in the schools nor is it being affirmed by a partisan dishonest media. The MSM mostly gives talking heads a forum to tear down the traditions that made this country great but mostly denies a forum to anybody promoting the vision and concepts the Founders built it on.

Tear down historical monuments that reflect anything or anybody who is not 100% PC or woke in today's society.

Promote Columbus as a monster and omit any positives in what he did. Promote the pilgrims as invaders. Put all the responsibility of slavery on white Americans and ignore that it was established here by the British and that it was black Africans who captured and sold the slaves to the British and a few other countries.

Promote CRT beginning very early to ensure white people feel guilty about all of their heritage and black people will feel victimized and allow the government to dismantle more of traditional society.

Destroying our traditions, culture, history, and basic concepts of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness is essential to install a Marxist society. It's a wonder that more people aren't ashamed of their country as evil and terrible as the left paints it.

Uh, here's the thing about history.

If you feel good reading a history book, you aren't reading history, you are reading propaganda.

Columbus was a monster. The pilgrims were invaders. Slavery was enshrined into our constitution by the very same men who promoted that "all men are created equal".

As an academic researcher and an organizer around my Native ancestry, I have researched the business ventures that Columbus led. His first order of business was to send four sailing ships back to Europe, loaded to capacity with 550 Natives that were auctioned off in Mediterranean markets.

Less known is that Columbus and his men raped, abducted, traded, and sold for sex Indigenous women and girls. According to Columbus’s notes, men “seized about five women each as their concubines, while others marauded across the island in search of villages with gold.”

Columbus wrote about the Taino, the first Indigenous people he encountered. “A hundred castellanoes [Spanish coin] are as easily obtained for a woman as for a farm … there are plenty of dealers who go about looking for girls. Those from nine to ten [years old] are now in demand.”

Makes you see that Columbus Day parade in a whole new light, doesn't it?
Find ANY democrat running for ANY public office who doesn't use the word "fight" a dozen times in every speech.

If fight was the only term he used, you might have a point.

But as is your MO, you do not.
They were let in and after that the trouble started
Stormed is more fakery

No, I don’t expect Republicans to pick someone far left.

Pick a reasonable Republican. (Someone other than Trump)

Let’s review.
Reagan was Hitler
Bush was Hitler
Trump was Hitler.

There’s no candidate you leftists would think is reasonable. Your grooming won’t allow it.

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