Prove massive systemic white racism is real.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
13% of America is black, but it seems 90% focus of the media and government programs is on blacks. Police defunding? Why? because 13% of the populace creates 35% of the crime rate and that justifies this focus on blacks?
13% of America is black, but it seems 90% focus of the media and government programs is on blacks.

OK. Name them.

Name all these companies and programs and investments that is just flooding to black people and black areas. Go on give me a good laugh.
I see a huge number of crimes committed by a tiny minority blaming it on white racism. They victimize whites (and each other) aplenty and then call it "racism" for noticing... then they want special treatment because we notice Blacks are assholes and then call it a "culture".
13% of America is black, but it seems 90% focus of the media and government programs is on blacks.

OK. Name them.

Name all these companies and programs and investments that is just flooding to black people and black areas. Go on give me a good laugh.
Why would companies invest when blacks burn down businesses in their areas every ten years or so?

You morons burnt down businesses all summer and fall because some overdosing thug died while committing a crime. You fell for the fable that the cop was “racist”, and all cops are racist.

Blacks are given every opportunity to get scholarships and benefits that aren’t there for whites. Ever hear of Affirmation Action? Yea, so don’t play dumb about not getting any advantages handed to you.

Keep complaining how terrible white America is to you, as if white people owe you anything or should hand you more than you’ve already been given. You have the freedom to move to any other country. Go to Canada. Go to the Dominican Republic or Africa if you hate whites so much. But of course you won’t. Because you know that America, a nation founded and built by white Europeans is a better place.
Why is it it that calling out endemic self destructive nature of poor black culture is ....what it is. Poor diets, poor life style choices like drugs, gang violence is a way larger threat to blacks than white cops or racism and that is endemic to poor black culture and far larger issue than white racism ever. But its ignored. Admit it.
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Why would companies invest when blacks burn down businesses in their areas every ten years or so?

So what should blk ppl have done to stop systematic racism within USA the police force ?

You morons burnt down businesses all summer and fall because some overdosing thug died while committing a crime. You fell for the fable that the cop was “racist”, and all cops are racist.

And that's you white people's fault.

All they had to do is arrest the other cops and charge all of them with first degree murder of Floyd . It’s that simple but white supremacy hates taking L’s so they rather let the country burn than charge those cops.

Further proof that you can’t put a price tag on white supremacy. They will destroy the world before they give it up. For them there is no purpose to life without white supremacy and privilege.

Burn it all down as far as I'm concerned. They're all insured. Plus black people don't own any of it so it's not our businesses to ransack in the first place.

Also most of the looting was done by whites.

Many whites like the guy below, painted their faces Black and then looted stores, and tore things up. I'm sure these are the same types doing the killings in Chicago


White people are not in any moral position to accuse black people of looting or ransacking anything when white people have ransacked and looted the world

I don't really care if you don't like the way this was done. But we have highlighted an issue that would not have been highlighted otherwise.

Blacks are given every opportunity to get scholarships and benefits that aren’t there for whites. Ever hear of Affirmation Action? Yea, so don’t play dumb about not getting any advantages handed to you.

What AA really is.


Keep complaining how terrible white America is to you, as if white people owe you anything or should hand you more than you’ve already been given. You have the freedom to move to any other country. Go to Canada. Go to the Dominican Republic or Africa if you hate whites so much. But of course you won’t. Because you know that America, a nation founded and built by white Europeans is a better place.

Black Americans are not going anywhere. This is our country. We were here b4 whites. And we built this country from the ground up. We have fought in every war. This is our country.
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I find that funny you as a white person has the nerve to talk about black people rioting when last month white supremacists attacked the seat of government, and openly threatened to kill lawmakers (4 ppl actually die)

O and by the way this one of your soooooo oppressed white people who attended the riots.

$20,550 on the low end, $39,950 on the high end, is what Jenna Ryan paid to charter a private jet to fly from Dallas to DC to participate in a murderous, terrorist, insurrection on the US Capitol.


Life must be so hard for her

But she went to the capitol buildings to joing other white people who did this



And guess what ?

No tear gas.
No water canons.
No flash bangs.
No snipers.
No dogs.
No tanks.
No drones.
No militarised police.


No one beating white society over the head for looting.
No one blaming white parents.
No one blaming white groups like Green day for affecting white people.


The USA spends almost a trillion dollars annually on defense but a bunch of white supremacists are able to take over the US capitol building by simply kicking open the front door?

Really ?

Police of all sorts are active members of the white supremacist/Nazi far right and it should be obvious from all of the information presented that the Capitol Police were intentionally unprepared to defend the Capitol against this violent insurrection.

Clearly not all of the Capitol Police abdicated their duty to defend democracy and Congress, but this insurrection could never have happened the way it did without the higher ups in the Capitol police letting it happen.

Where as we get this

13% of America is black, but it seems 90% focus of the media and government programs is on blacks. Police defunding? Why? because 13% of the populace creates 35% of the crime rate and that justifies this focus on blacks?
What type of evidence (and be specific) is acceptable to you as "proof"?
13% of America is black, but it seems 90% focus of the media and government programs is on blacks. Police defunding? Why? because 13% of the populace creates 35% of the crime rate and that justifies this focus on blacks?
Interesting fact here, if you add 90% and 13%, you get 103% which was Hitler's favorite number.

Even more shocking, if you subtract 35% from 103%, you wind up with the number of how many first formed the KKK.

There, I proved it.

You're welcome.
Whites, people of European ancestry, are the least racist people anywhere. Overwhelmingly they invite and allow people from all over the planet to move to their countries. And these people are happy to move to said white country because the system of government, application of the laws, and work opportunities are better than where they are coming from. Now how smart is it to allow all of these people into your country...................?

I find that funny you as a white person has the nerve to talk about black people rioting when last month white supremacists attacked the seat of government, and openly threatened to kill lawmakers (4 ppl actually die)

O and by the way this one of your soooooo oppressed white people who attended the riots.

$20,550 on the low end, $39,950 on the high end, is what Jenna Ryan paid to charter a private jet to fly from Dallas to DC to participate in a murderous, terrorist, insurrection on the US Capitol.


Life must be so hard for her

But she went to the capitol buildings to joing other white people who did this



And guess what ?

No tear gas.
No water canons.
No flash bangs.
No snipers.
No dogs.
No tanks.
No drones.
No militarised police.


No one beating white society over the head for looting.
No one blaming white parents.
No one blaming white groups like Green day for affecting white people.


The USA spends almost a trillion dollars annually on defense but a bunch of white supremacists are able to take over the US capitol building by simply kicking open the front door?

Really ?

Police of all sorts are active members of the white supremacist/Nazi far right and it should be obvious from all of the information presented that the Capitol Police were intentionally unprepared to defend the Capitol against this violent insurrection.

Clearly not all of the Capitol Police abdicated their duty to defend democracy and Congress, but this insurrection could never have happened the way it did without the higher ups in the Capitol police letting it happen.

Where as we get this

Yes moron, see the difference between that and BLM riots? That was an actual mostly peaceful protest. The people on the steps of the Capitol, did they burn the place down?

No, there were six broken windows. The people that died were the protesters. The Dems own and run DC, their police chief was ordered by Dems to allow it to happen. They refused backup and the National Guard. It was a setup to make Trump supporters look bad. Dems were hoping they would storm the building with guns and execute cops and Congressmen. Neither happened. The most they did was wave flags around and stand around taking selfies.
All they had to do is arrest the other cops and charge all of them with first degree murder of Floyd . It’s that simple but white supremacy hates taking L’s so they rather let the country burn than charge those cops.
Well they did arrest the cops. There is still no evidence it was “murder”, since it is clear he overdosed on drugs. Your Saint Fentanyl Floyd was screaming he couldn’t breathe when he was wondering around drugged out of his mind. But don’t let the facts stop you from spreading lies that he was “murdered”, and that the officer was “racist” even though there is zero proof of that as well.
Also most of the looting was done by whites.
Yes those are called Antifa faggots, all fellow Biden voters like yourself. They raise their hands for BLM and are doing everything they can to appease black people.
Black Americans are not going anywhere. This is our country. We were here b4 whites. And we built this country from the ground up. We have fought in every war. This is our country.
Have to love your revisionist history. There weren’t any blacks here before whites. The white people that built this county initially were colonists from England. They were kind enough to allow blacks in their society because they felt sorry for them. Sure, Westernized blacks could contribute to society, but Africans were incapable of creating their own modern nations with laws and building an African empire.
So here you are, an African speaking a white mans language, the beneficiary of a white education, using technology created by white people. You have been given all this White Privilege, yet complain about “racism”. What other culture on the planet would do these things for other people? The answer is they never have. Other nations and races are always considered “enemies” or at the very least outsiders. Africans never built a nation welcoming white people. The Chinese never built a nation welcoming blacks or whites. The Japanese used to execute any foreigner that showed up on their shores. But for some reason White British colonists in America were supposed to build a nation for Africans instead of one just for themselves?
No, there were six broken windows. The people that died were the protesters.

How do white cops not shoot a mob of violent white supremacists armed with weapons trying to kill them but ‘fear for their lives’ and shoot unarmed Black people running from them? Make it make sense.

Because make no mistake. White people went to the Capitol on Jan. 6 to assassinate Vice President Mike Pence, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and others.

They came with a gallows and noose, ready to seize Pence, Pelosi and other lawmakers, police and journalists, among others. "Murder the Media" was scratched on a door.

Once they broke into (or should I say allowed to break in) the Capitol, they tweeted"Get the firing squads ready. Pence goes FIRST."

They're planning their next attack on the government and they're not doing it in secret, but telling journalists, writing on Internet webpages and forums right out in the open that they want a second Civil War.

And you want to sh*t about blk ppl ?

The Dems own and run DC, their police chief was ordered by Dems to allow it to happen. They refused backup and the National Guard. It was a setup to make Trump supporters look bad.

They allowed it to happen.

When Black people protest in front of a Target in Minneapolis, police arm themselves for war.

This is what we get.



When White people storm government buildings they are met with selfies and a meager police force.

The system of law enforcement simply does not see white people as a threat, even when those white people are literally threatening to overthrow the existing political and legal order from which those cops derive their power.

Cops are the ultimate example of the system, right? So trying to overthrow that, you would THINK, would be seen by law enforcement as a threat to them. Why? We all know why

Dems were hoping they would storm the building with guns and execute cops and Congressmen. Neither happened.

Listen to one of your own people. Say it best.

The most they did was wave flags around and stand around taking selfies.

Really ?

Everyone know if they had been blk ? They'd have been shot but that's the mentality of white entitlement, which led them to think they could do what they wanted with zero consequence.

Put another way, Black folks doing this wouldn't have been shot bc Black folks would have KNOWN they couldn't have done this shit. And Black folks wouldn't have felt the level of entitlement to just try and overthrow the damned government like that

And that's deep bcoz there are plenty of times Black folks would have LOVED to overthrow the government and stage a coup for Black lives and freedom and democracy for all. All the way from the beginning of the country.

But only white folk carry that mentality of entitlement that leads u to say, "let's just set off the revolution now...surely everything will be fine..." Black folks know even peaceful protest is met with violence (100s of videos over the summer show it), let alone this shit..

Matter of fact if a group of Black people had been ADVERTISING a pending coup for a month, the Capitol steps would have been covered w/Capitol cops, DC police, National Guard, DHS, BOP, etc...

None of the Black folk would have been shot bc none would have been able to get near the building. Law enforcement would have responded en masse. And this reveals an important truth about the SYSTEM of law enforcement, rather than just individual cop biases...
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If the police started killing unarmed white kids and teens at the same rate they do blks ?
They do kill whites more than blacks. In whole numbers as well as “per capita”.

So there goes that stupid argument.
How do white cops not shoot a mob of violent white supremacists armed with weapons trying to kill them but ‘fear for their lives’ and shoot unarmed Black people running from them? Make it make sense.

Hey asshole, what happened when the Black Panthers invaded the California capitol building armed with guns? Oh yea, none were shot. And they were armed.

Black Americans are not going anywhere. This is our country. We were here b4 whites. And we built this country from the ground up. We have fought in every war. This is our country.

“Black Americans are not going anywhere. This is our country. We were here b4 whites. And we built this country from the ground up. We have fought in every war. This is our country.”

Native Americans might disagree with you and argue they were here first.
I see a huge number of crimes committed by a tiny minority blaming it on white racism. They victimize whites (and each other) aplenty and then call it "racism" for noticing... then they want special treatment because we notice Blacks are assholes and then call it a "culture".
You don't see a huge number of jack shit but crimes committed by whites. You want proof of racism?

Read your own threads and posts.
Black Americans are not going anywhere. This is our country. We were here b4 whites. And we built this country from the ground up. We have fought in every war. This is our country.
Have to love your revisionist history. There weren’t any blacks here before whites. The white people that built this county initially were colonists from England. They were kind enough to allow blacks in their society because they felt sorry for them. Sure, Westernized blacks could contribute to society, but Africans were incapable of creating their own modern nations with laws and building an African empire.
So here you are, an African speaking a white mans language, the beneficiary of a white education, using technology created by white people. You have been given all this White Privilege, yet complain about “racism”. What other culture on the planet would do these things for other people? The answer is they never have. Other nations and races are always considered “enemies” or at the very least outsiders. Africans never built a nation welcoming white people. The Chinese never built a nation welcoming blacks or whites. The Japanese used to execute any foreigner that showed up on their shores. But for some reason White British colonists in America were supposed to build a nation for Africans instead of one just for themselves?
You are incorrect.

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