PSY( Gangam style star) will perform at the WH but did you know ..

But for some reason..can't really figure it out..America was responsible for the deaths of nearly 2.8 million Koreans..

I think that hurt nation would have a little bit of a reason to be pissed.

Do you think that if you repeat that ignorant nonsense often enough someone will buy it, Swallow?
Seriously in Korea with gannam style he made 60 grand. Here in America, he's made millions. Now he sees America as good. Please forgive him cuz he didn't know he could make so much bank here.

Fuck Korea now.

You might have made a good point if you hadn't included all that nonsense with it.

Not really.

The song is huge, everywhere. That's other than S Korea and the US.

It might not be reasonable for some of you to keep suggesting that he was begging the US for notoriety, when really it's corporate music and listeners in the US that want a piece of the action.

Read the post again slowly and maybe you'll understand it this time.
You might have made a good point if you hadn't included all that nonsense with it.

Not really.

The song is huge, everywhere. That's other than S Korea and the US.

It might not be reasonable for some of you to keep suggesting that he was begging the US for notoriety, when really it's corporate music and listeners in the US that want a piece of the action.

Read the post again slowly and maybe you'll understand it this time.

I assumed you were being serious and that seemed to be the only thing that's even conceivable as a possibility.
I'm just shocked the right is now admitting we've tortured captives.
Since the shitgbag rapper thinks he has talent, I have a new rap to help restart his career in the USA:

Me dog eater fum Sow Koooo REA.
You Americans are my panacea.
You makey me forget me grandma.
She ass raped by Japanese long tima.

(insert stupid music backtrack)

Me likey North Kooo REA leadership.
They goin to launch a new spaceyship.
The Chinese are so down too.
I like suckey the dick of Foo Foo.

Repeat and rinse rap song for 5 minutes.

That was really, really NOT funny. You'd do yourself a favor by deleting that post.

I agree.
Seriously, dude, what the fuck? Take your racist ass somewhere else. What are you, 12?

Bear in mind that in two years at the outside no one will even remember who this guy is.

Not in the States anyway. He'll probably remain popular in S.K. though.

Have you read the lyrics in question?

I read them. You know what it reminds me of?

To the police I'm sayin fuck you punk
Readin my rights and shit, it's all junk
Pullin out a silly club, so you stand
With a fake assed badge and a gun in your hand

But take off the gun so you can see what's up
And we'll go at it punk, I'ma fuck you up

To me he isn't necessarily anti-American. It's possible that he only apologized because it was good for his career. However, it's as likely that he has matured and has honestly had a change of heart. I'll leave it until I hear more about what servicemen think about his statement and his apology.

My last word for now is that I think (a) some on the left are being rather glib about this and disingenuous to suggest it's not something which should be considered and (b) many on the left are hypocrites because they don't accept apologies from people on the right for things much more innocent than that.

I'm willing to believe that, like he said, he was younger and angry. Hell, my mom hasn't lived in Korea in years and she was pissed enough to hear about two SK citizens being killed that she had high anti-American sentiments for a while.

Seriously in Korea with gannam style he made 60 grand. Here in America, he's made millions. Now he sees America as good. Please forgive him cuz he didn't know he could make so much bank here.

Fuck Korea now.

You're an idiot.
Also it's Gangnam Style asshat.

PSY performed the song written by other people 10 years ago.

But for some reason..can't really figure it out..America was responsible for the deaths of nearly 2.8 million Koreans.

They invade us?
They threaten us?
They serve us bad kimchi?


You let us in why we participated in a ridiculously bloody war.

Because if some nation..for almost no reason..caused that kind of destruction to another.

I think that hurt nation would have a little bit of a reason to be pissed.

You're kinda wrong here. America helped South Korea fight off Chinese and North Korean invaders, they didn't kill South Koreans.
You're kinda wrong here. America helped South Korea fight off Chinese and North Korean invaders, they didn't kill South Koreans.

No I'm not.

After world war II the "victors" divided up the world. This is after the "victors" had made promises to places like Korea they would have their own countries. We got the south, the Soviets got the North in Korea. The North Koreans had a different idea..they wanted foreigners out.

They attacked and got their asses royally slaughtered by the US. So much so that the Chinese invaded fearing they were next. After the war Korea basically went back to the where it was before the war and formed 2 nasty little dictatorships. The US was able to pump more money into their puppets and eventually the South became prosperous. They also got sick of it's dictator and became more Democratic.

It didn't work out the same for the North. Their patrons weren't as wealthy and boy howdy, North Korea is cold and rocky.
Reading the posts in this thread, is like every other. The mindless can't stay on track. Nobody is saying that Psy doesn't have the rigt to voice his opinion, just like nobody said that Muslims don't have the right to build a Mosque near ground zero. The point is.... and read it slowly.... Building a Mosque near ground zero is not the right thing to do. Psy performing for the president is not the right thing to do.

I can only imagine the mainstream media outcry if George Bush had some rapper perform at the white house who recorded a song about anything half as controversial. But the MSM will give Obama a pass on just about anything and everything.
Reading the posts in this thread, is like every other. The mindless can't stay on track. Nobody is saying that Psy doesn't have the rigt to voice his opinion, just like nobody said that Muslims don't have the right to build a Mosque near ground zero. The point is.... and read it slowly.... Building a Mosque near ground zero is not the right thing to do. Psy performing for the president is not the right thing to do.

I can only imagine the mainstream media outcry if George Bush had some rapper perform at the white house who recorded a song about anything half as controversial. But the MSM will give Obama a pass on just about anything and everything.


George W. Bush..took over Arbusto..and company started by Salim Bin Laden..the brother of Osama Bin Laden.

Jeb Bush advocated for the asylum of Orlando Bosch, a cuban terrorist that blew up over 70 people in an airplane.

Spare us.
To come back to the point of this thread, it's stupid to insinuate that anyone that disagrees with the actions of some troops, and vocalizes such disagreements, is therefore anti-American.

It's the same crap Liberals heard over and over again from 2002 to 2008.
"Calling for troops AND their families to be tortured and killed" =/= "disagreement".

Can liberals go two minutes without redefining words?

Doesn't look like.
Reading the posts in this thread, is like every other. The mindless can't stay on track. Nobody is saying that Psy doesn't have the rigt to voice his opinion, just like nobody said that Muslims don't have the right to build a Mosque near ground zero. The point is.... and read it slowly.... Building a Mosque near ground zero is not the right thing to do. Psy performing for the president is not the right thing to do.

I can only imagine the mainstream media outcry if George Bush had some rapper perform at the white house who recorded a song about anything half as controversial. But the MSM will give Obama a pass on just about anything and everything.

I will just add that the Catholic Church building a church anywhere after all those kids were molested by priests is not the right thing to do.


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