Pub machine tells you NOTHING. Here! and change the channel...

It works great everywhere else , costs half as much, approval rates run 85-90%- but the dupes know better- LOL.

Stupid Asshole- read something...

Most people (85%) in this country like their health insurance too. Means nothing. Still needs to be reformed.

Canadians love their health care. But when push comes to shove, they will be here in the U.S.....they still wouldn't change it though and I don't blame them. All systems have weaknesses (and ours does to).

Quit with the DailyKos fartlists and get some real information.

Someone else still has to pay for it moron.

That someone would be anyone who already has insurance. We will be paying HIGHER premiums to make up the differnce.

You can't possibly be this dumb. Or can you??

God your a fucking idiot.

Yes he is.....

FREE HEALTHCARE....well for 47% of people who don't pay federal taxes that might be the case.

What about those who don't want it. He never addresses that loss of liberty or money. They'll just love it.

Can you believe the quality of pissbrains the left turns out ?
It's free for the people who get it, MORON, and the CBO says it's cheaper than ER care we have now, and a Helluva lot smarter- ever heard of preventive medicine. Keeps people off Welfare to get medicaid like now. You know NOTHING but Rush/Beck/Pub talking points.

Health care costs DOUBLED under Booosh and this will get a handle on that, finally. We're up to 18% of GDP while ALL other modern countries are under 10% and live longer- Stupid Pub dupe asshole. LOL! Will save a trillion over 20 years, 900k lives, and 15 million bankruptcies, stupid.

Give me some more bought off Pub doubletalk and idiotic insults.

The CBO has already proved it can't predict things right. They keep revising their revisions. :badgrin::badgrin:

Who cares how much of GDP we spend ? And all those other countries report things differently.

You truly are an idiot. All this has been debunked. No proof whatsover it will prove anything. And don't post another are to braindead to realize they certain are not going to post anything that does not suppor Obamacare.

Who is talking to you ? Bernies Sanders LOL


Move to Cuba. They don't get Fox News there.

I've already suggested he move to Cuba. Its the perfect place for brain dead liberals.

Nothing is free but that moron doesn't seem to realize that fact. Welfare and Medicaid are payed for with tax money. Other peoples hardearned money.

I guess he doesn't mind paying higher premiums to support those that couldn't get HC for whatever reason.

Social Justice. Ain't it grand? Of course its all funded with other peoples money.

Moron is the word for him all right. Moron plus.
Jeebus the dupes have no clue. 85-90% approve their SYSTEMS in everyother modern country. Here it's 35%, and our greatest worry. Read something, fools LOL!

1. Affordable Care Act Topics Page -
Collection of all coverage of Affordable Care Act, including
articles, videos, photos, and quotes. - Cached - Similar

1. {The Affordable Care Act:
The new health-care law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,
includes several key consumer benefits that can help alleviate some of these
problems. - Cached - Similar

1. Health Care Reform Law Fact Sheets - Affordable Care Act, New ...
Information on what the new health care law means for specific populations.
Health Care Reform Law Fact Sheets - Affordable Care Act, New Health Care Law, Medicare, Small Business - AARP - Cached - Similar
You're ALREADY paying for the freeloaders, just in the most expensive way possible, ER Care-ER care instead of family doctor, preventive care, transparent competition, low cost clinics, care guidelines against malpractice, etc etc. Also the reason Medicaid/care are so expensive- no brakes on the whole system...

Luckily, Kennedy is neither bought off like the worst 4 Supremes EVER, nor brainwashed ignorami like the dupes...
You're ALREADY paying for the freeloaders, just in the most expensive way possible, ER Care-ER care instead of family doctor, preventive care, transparent competition, low cost clinics, care guidelines against malpractice, etc etc. Also the reason Medicaid/care are so expensive- no brakes on the whole system...

Luckily, Kennedy is neither bought off like the worst 4 Supremes EVER, nor brainwashed ignorami like the dupes...

You've never made sense once, not even by accident
Stupid insults and idiotic Pub talking points- Total tools of the greedy mega rich Pubs/corporations. Huhhuhhuh...LOL! Typical dupe OP:

Quote: Originally Posted by JRK Obama’s whopper of a claim on tax cuts - The Washington Post2nd largest tax break for working class, right behind JFK. Even the Post agreed that BHO lie was to big this time

That's not the Washington Post, you lying POS, that's a BLOG by some RW JACKASS. LIAR. Actually another MORON PUB DUPE. Change the channel, hoping for your recovery, fool.
Jeebus the dupes have no clue. 85-90% approve their SYSTEMS in everyother modern country. Here it's 35%, and our greatest worry. Read something, fools LOL!

1. Affordable Care Act Topics Page -
Collection of all coverage of Affordable Care Act, including
articles, videos, photos, and quotes. - Cached - Similar

1. {The Affordable Care Act:
The new health-care law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,
includes several key consumer benefits that can help alleviate some of these
problems. - Cached - Similar

1. Health Care Reform Law Fact Sheets - Affordable Care Act, New ...
Information on what the new health care law means for specific populations.
Health Care Reform Law Fact Sheets - Affordable Care Act, New Health Care Law, Medicare, Small Business - AARP - Cached - Similar

Same stupid propaganda sites.

Please move to Cuba.

I am sure they will give you a job telling the pesants what a great health care program they have. Hopefully, you'll come off more convincing than you do here.
And Consumer Reorts, AARP, and USA Today are propaganda sites....RW idiocy...
The mandate is not constitutional. It sets a dangerous precedent for the government to demand that we buy anything it deems necessary. SS is bad enough.
Quite ( oh, Fox, they're not even TRYINGto not be politicak propaganda...)

Mandate- Kennedy seems to think health care is unique. Everyone needs it, not taking care of yourself and hitting the ER is freeloading.
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And Consumer Reorts, AARP, and USA Today are propaganda sites....RW idiocy...

Yes, why would I ever think AARP had any kind of agenda.

They've only been wrong on just about every major issue.

So far, their record is nearly perfect. If it means making young people pay the way for old people...they are 100% behind it.

If you were any more stupid, we'd be living in alternate universe.
too bad you can't recognize the major culprit with an agenda and a big lie, the GOP...DUPE.
Arguing that more govt will save us all money with lovely new programs while Bush spent 4t and O has spent 5t with a national debt of 15t while paying monthly interest of 40B.........

Truly Priceless
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