Pub machine tells you NOTHING. Here! and change the channel...

Funny, the mandate was constitutional when the lying greedy Pubswine were pretending they were for that

Wrong. Now you are just becoming a parody of lame self.

Oh, it's wrong because your lame azz says so LOL! See what Newt, Dole, Heritage, Romney, etcetcetcetc have said for 20 years, dingbat LOL

You're terminally ignorant, brainwashed, and intellectually lazy...a dupe.

Nothing is either Constitutional or unConstitutional based upon strong assertion.

You aren't the sharpest Crayola in the 64 pack, are you?
Talk about change the channel. Everything I read says this is B.S.

Please move to Cuba.

Then everything you read is Pub Propaganda- I'm stunned...

ent Protection and Affordable Care Act - Wikipedia, the free ...
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), informally referred to as
Obamacare, is a United States federal statute signed into law by President ... - Cached - SimilarThe Health Care Law & You |
The Affordable Care Act provides new coverage options and tools you need to
make informed choices about your health. Learn more at

The Health Care Law & You | - Cached - SimilarRead the Law |
The Affordable Care Act puts in place comprehensive health reforms that
enhance the quality of health care for all Americans. Read the law at HealthCare.
gov to ...

Read the Law | - Cached - SimilarTimeline of the Affordable Care Act |
What's Changing and When. ... Use this timeline to learn about what's changing
and when. Changes to note: 50% discount for name-brand drugs in the ...

Timeline of the Affordable Care Act | - Cached - SimilarWhat is the Affordable Care Act? | Health Care and You
The Affordable Care Act is a health care law that aims to improve our current
health care system by increasing access to health coverage for Americans and ...

What is the Affordable Care Act? | Health Care and You - Cached - SimilarOfficial Sources Agree: The Affordable Care Act Reduces the Deficit ...
Apr 9, 2012 ... Today, we are reading about another brand of “new math” in describing how the
Affordable Care Act will affect our nation's Federal budget ... - Cached - Similar


How about YourNoseUpObamasAss.Com ?

Wikipedia? My computers hates doing links, but I don't think you know the difference between serious sources and RW ranters...
You do understand there is no such thing as free or guaranteed don't you? Someone is picking up the bill for that so called free stuff and anything that is Government run can altered or taken away outright.
They already ARE, in the most expensive way possible.

1. Affordable Care Act Topics Page -
Collection of all coverage of Affordable Care Act, including
articles, videos, photos, and quotes. - Cached - Similar

1. {The Affordable Care Act:
The new health-care law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,
includes several key consumer benefits that can help alleviate some of these
problems. - Cached - Similar

1. Health Care Reform Law Fact Sheets - Affordable Care Act, New ...
Information on what the new health care law means for specific populations.
Health Care Reform Law Fact Sheets - Affordable Care Act, New Health Care Law, Medicare, Small Business - AARP - Cached - Similar
Jeebus, the dupes know NOTHING. You're ALREADY paying for freeloaders, in the most expensive way possible for the whole system. ER care instead of family doctor, preventive care, transparent competition, low cost clinics, care guidelines against malpractice, etc etc.

Luckily, Kennedy is neither bought off like the worst 4 Supremes EVER, nor brainwashed ignorami like the dupes...
Jeebus, the dupes know NOTHING. You're ALREADY paying for freeloaders, in the most expensive way possible for the whole system. ER care instead of family doctor, preventive care, transparent competition, low cost clinics, care guidelines against malpractice, etc etc.

Luckily, Kennedy is neither bought off like the worst 4 Supremes EVER, nor brainwashed ignorami like the dupes...

Saved to my hard drive for purposes of rubbing your nose in it in a couple months.

Would be the most popular gov't program ever, which makes you horrible misled....LOL- ther you go in the book...
Your post really are a waste of time and space as I read them I am reminded of the saying better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
Most popular gov't program wherever they have it...but the dupes are too smart for that LOL! ...Arrrgghh...
Your post really are a waste of time and space as I read them I am reminded of the saying better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

Fact free dupe argument...very impressive.

You do understand Obama is making health insurance affordable AND guaranteed (CAN"T cut you off).Free Medicaid for up to 140% of poverty line ($14k single, 28K family of four, then subsidized up to 88k family of four? CHEAPER THAN THIS GD PUB MESS WE HAVE NOW.? I didn't think so....

Health costs doubled just under worries...idiocy.
Funny, the mandate was constitutional when the lying greedy Pubswine were pretending they were for dumb can you get, dupes?

Just because a few might have liked it, doesnt mean you are not full of shit, because you are.

You are not even bright enough to understand the divide within the party.

Shut up, you guys ran all other idealologies out of your party.
You mean the bought off thieves and greedy millionnaires vs the red neck whackos and the bible thumpers? So I DO! LOL!!
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You do understand Obama is making health insurance affordable AND guaranteed (CAN"T cut you off).Free Medicaid for up to 140% of poverty line ($14k single, 28K family of four, then subsidized up to 88k family of four? CHEAPER THAN THIS GD PUB MESS WE HAVE NOW.? I didn't think so....
Your post really are a waste of time and space as I read them I am reminded of the saying better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

Fact free dupe argument...very impressive.

You do understand Obama is making health insurance affordable AND guaranteed (CAN"T cut you off).Free Medicaid for up to 140% of poverty line ($14k single, 28K family of four, then subsidized up to 88k family of four? CHEAPER THAN THIS GD PUB MESS WE HAVE NOW.? I didn't think so....

Health costs doubled just under worries...idiocy.

Now you are spamming and using democratic talking points.

The term affordable is all relative. Please tell us what that means to someone who wants to pay for no health insurance but would rather buy health care on an as needed basis.

BBQ Left Wing grease (and a lot of it)
Despite what the Pub Propaganda machine has brainwashed into you, it's constitutional, and Kennedy is NOT bought off. Health Care will continue to cost 15% more every year until this is implemented.

The corrupt Pubs' bought off minions have a hundred ways of tricking your ignorant azzes LOL. a tidal wave of BIG LIE.

You do understand Obama is making health insurance affordable AND guaranteed (CAN"T cut you off).Free Medicaid for up to 140% of poverty line ($14k single, 28K family of four, then subsidized up to 88k family of four? CHEAPER THAN THIS GD PUB MESS WE HAVE NOW.? I didn't think so....

Jesus your a fucking moron.

Guaranteed?? Sure at someone elses expense.

Affordable?? Highly doubfull. Somene else will be paying higher premiums to make sure all those folks that can't afford their own insurance get covered.

You can bet those premiums will be through the roof. Can't treat folks with pre existing conditons such as Cancer, Heart and other problems for free. They can't pay for it so those that can will. The only way that Sounds like a hell of a deal to me if if I'm one of the folks who couldn't afford my own HC.

Not so great for those of us paying the bills.

If this is such a great idea then YOU and all like minded pay for it. The rest of us would just as soon not have to pay someone elses bills.
You do understand Obama is making health insurance affordable AND guaranteed (CAN"T cut you off).Free Medicaid for up to 140% of poverty line ($14k single, 28K family of four, then subsidized up to 88k family of four? CHEAPER THAN THIS GD PUB MESS WE HAVE NOW.? I didn't think so....

FRee Medicaid?? You really are a liberal idiot aren't you?

Nothing is free moron. Other people pay for all of it. Subsidies are also other peoples tax dollars,

If this is your idea of a great idea then you really need to pack your ditti bag and move to Cuba. Uncle Fidel would welcome an idiot like you every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

Fucking Moron.
It's free for the people who get it, MORON, and the CBO says it's cheaper than ER care we have now, and a Helluva lot smarter- ever heard of preventive medicine. Keeps people off Welfare to get medicaid like now. You know NOTHING but Rush/Beck/Pub talking points.

Health care costs DOUBLED under Booosh and this will get a handle on that, finally. We're up to 18% of GDP while ALL other modern countries are under 10% and live longer- Stupid Pub dupe asshole. LOL! Will save a trillion over 20 years, 900k lives, and 15 million bankruptcies, stupid.

Give me some more bought off Pub doubletalk and idiotic insults.
Someone else still has to pay for it moron.

That someone would be anyone who already has insurance. We will be paying HIGHER premiums to make up the differnce.

You can't possibly be this dumb. Or can you??

God your a fucking idiot.
It works great everywhere else , costs half as much, approval rates run 85-90%- but the dupes know better- LOL.

Stupid Asshole- read something...
It's free for the people who get it, MORON, and the CBO says it's cheaper than ER care we have now, and a Helluva lot smarter- ever heard of preventive medicine. Keeps people off Welfare to get medicaid like now. You know NOTHING but Rush/Beck/Pub talking points.

Health care costs DOUBLED under Booosh and this will get a handle on that, finally. We're up to 18% of GDP while ALL other modern countries are under 10% and live longer- Stupid Pub dupe asshole. LOL! Will save a trillion over 20 years, 900k lives, and 15 million bankruptcies, stupid.

Give me some more bought off Pub doubletalk and idiotic insults.

The CBO has already proved it can't predict things right. They keep revising their revisions. :badgrin::badgrin:

Who cares how much of GDP we spend ? And all those other countries report things differently.

You truly are an idiot. All this has been debunked. No proof whatsover it will prove anything. And don't post another are to braindead to realize they certain are not going to post anything that does not suppor Obamacare.

Who is talking to you ? Bernies Sanders LOL


Move to Cuba. They don't get Fox News there.

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