Public Correctly Blaming Republicans for Shutdown


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2012
Indianapolis, Indiana
3 polls.

ABC/Washington Post:
Trump & GOP: 48
Democrats: 28
ABC News | Under Maintenance

Trump or GOP: 47
Democrats: 31
CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Trump or GOP: 53
Democrats: 34
QU Poll Release Detail

Ouch. That really must sting the Trumpflakes. They've failed their masters. Look at them here, making thread after thread crying about Democrats, like good party apparatchiks. After all, if there's something conservatives do well, it's marching in lockstep to the commands of TheParty.

And the public isn't buying it. Our nutty conservative MSM is even shilling overtime trying to blame the Democrats, and the public isn't buying it. If the crazy conservative MSM can't even save the Republicans, what hope do they have?
Well, I am correctly blaming MEXICO for it.

That shithole is so shitty that millions of Mexicans have to flee and cross our boarder.

DACA for full-blown WAR with Mexico, paid for by Mexico and all their natural resources.
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There are like a half dozen threads on this but with that sad polls are utterly useless
Wingnuts will find a way to blame someone else somehow. Just like the Bush Recession was to blame on the Community Reinvestment Act, passed decades ago. It somehow lay dormant through the years, then unleashed its pernicious effects on the economy, leading voters to unjustifiable blame the GOP. Wingtards can excuse any problem they cause.
Newsflash, we don't run a country with polls. Hillary couldn't even run a campaign with them.
Wingnuts will find a way to blame someone else somehow. Just like the Bush Recession was to blame on the Community Reinvestment Act, passed decades ago. It somehow lay dormant through the years, then unleashed its pernicious effects on the economy, leading voters to unjustifiable blame the GOP. Wingtards can excuse any problem they cause.

I remember you whack jobs screaming BBBBBBBUUUTTTT BOOOOOOOSH!!!!! At every turn
3 polls.

ABC/Washington Post:
Trump & GOP: 48
Democrats: 28
ABC News | Under Maintenance

Trump or GOP: 47
Democrats: 31
CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Trump or GOP: 53
Democrats: 34
QU Poll Release Detail

Ouch. That really must sting the Trumpflakes. They've failed their masters. Look at them here, making thread after thread crying about Democrats, like good party apparatchiks. After all, if there's something conservatives do well, it's marching in lockstep to the commands of TheParty.

And the public isn't buying it. Our nutty conservative MSM is even shilling overtime trying to blame the Democrats, and the public isn't buying it. If the crazy conservative MSM can't even save the Republicans, what hope do they have?
And the poll sez: "Hillary Clinton by a landslide"

What most of the public isn't buying is ANY bullshit from the proven liar media. lol!
Wingnuts will find a way to blame someone else somehow. Just like the Bush Recession was to blame on the Community Reinvestment Act, passed decades ago. It somehow lay dormant through the years, then unleashed its pernicious effects on the economy, leading voters to unjustifiable blame the GOP. Wingtards can excuse any problem they cause.

I remember you whack jobs screaming BBBBBBBUUUTTTT BOOOOOOOSH!!!!! At every turn

I remember that too. Obama inherited two flopped wars and a GOP-caused recession. Bush's Presidency was an unmitigated disaster.
Wingnuts will find a way to blame someone else somehow. Just like the Bush Recession was to blame on the Community Reinvestment Act, passed decades ago. It somehow lay dormant through the years, then unleashed its pernicious effects on the economy, leading voters to unjustifiable blame the GOP. Wingtards can excuse any problem they cause.

I remember you whack jobs screaming BBBBBBBUUUTTTT BOOOOOOOSH!!!!! At every turn

I remember that too. Obama inherited two flopped wars and a GOP-caused recession. Bush's Presidency was an unmitigated disaster.

Yeah OK velvet cheese....LOL
Wingnuts will find a way to blame someone else somehow. Just like the Bush Recession was to blame on the Community Reinvestment Act, passed decades ago. It somehow lay dormant through the years, then unleashed its pernicious effects on the economy, leading voters to unjustifiable blame the GOP. Wingtards can excuse any problem they cause.

I remember you whack jobs screaming BBBBBBBUUUTTTT BOOOOOOOSH!!!!! At every turn

I remember that too. Obama inherited two flopped wars and a GOP-caused recession. Bush's Presidency was an unmitigated disaster.
Keep it up go!

I am not sure why polls matter here.

It seem that people would be very interested in leadership...not statistics.

Washington is devoid of any kind of real leader.
I remember that too. Obama inherited two flopped wars and a GOP-caused recession. Bush's Presidency was an unmitigated disaster.

Did Obama ever even find the restroom in the White House? Talk about a waste of eight years.
So, Trumpflakes just got hit with a dose of reality, and the result is as expected. Meltdown, deflection, butthurt, denial, and hysteria.

Thanks for acting like that, Trumpflakes. Your denial of reality and bad behavior makes our job much easier. We're going to ream you for this at the ballot box, and you're helping us do it.
Wingnuts will find a way to blame someone else somehow. Just like the Bush Recession was to blame on the Community Reinvestment Act, passed decades ago. It somehow lay dormant through the years, then unleashed its pernicious effects on the economy, leading voters to unjustifiable blame the GOP. Wingtards can excuse any problem they cause.

I remember you whack jobs screaming BBBBBBBUUUTTTT BOOOOOOOSH!!!!! At every turn

I remember that too. Obama inherited two flopped wars and a GOP-caused recession. Bush's Presidency was an unmitigated disaster.

And we are supposed to believe someone who cannot spell Velveeta?
I am not sure why polls matter here.

It seem that people would be very interested in leadership...not statistics.

Washington is devoid of any kind of real leader.
Trump is a real leader. That's why we are having so many problems in Washington. The scum are resisting change that we need and voted for. After 2018 hopefully it will be better once the filthy libs get what they deserve.
Wingnuts will find a way to blame someone else somehow. Just like the Bush Recession was to blame on the Community Reinvestment Act, passed decades ago. It somehow lay dormant through the years, then unleashed its pernicious effects on the economy, leading voters to unjustifiable blame the GOP. Wingtards can excuse any problem they cause.

I remember you whack jobs screaming BBBBBBBUUUTTTT BOOOOOOOSH!!!!! At every turn

I remember that too. Obama inherited two flopped wars and a GOP-caused recession. Bush's Presidency was an unmitigated disaster.
velvta you're here too Long time no see
3 polls.

ABC/Washington Post:
Trump & GOP: 48
Democrats: 28
ABC News | Under Maintenance

Trump or GOP: 47
Democrats: 31
CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Trump or GOP: 53
Democrats: 34
QU Poll Release Detail

Ouch. That really must sting the Trumpflakes. They've failed their masters. Look at them here, making thread after thread crying about Democrats, like good party apparatchiks. After all, if there's something conservatives do well, it's marching in lockstep to the commands of TheParty.

And the public isn't buying it. Our nutty conservative MSM is even shilling overtime trying to blame the Democrats, and the public isn't buying it. If the crazy conservative MSM can't even save the Republicans, what hope do they have?
And the poll sez: "Hillary Clinton by a landslide"

What most of the public isn't buying is ANY bullshit from the proven liar media. lol!

No, it said she'd win the popular vote...and she did. She got more votes than any white man in history. Polls reflected that.
So, Trumpflakes just got hit with a dose of reality, and the result is as expected. Meltdown, deflection, butthurt, denial, and hysteria.

Thanks for acting like that, Trumpflakes. Your denial of reality and bad behavior makes our job much easier. We're going to ream you for this at the ballot box, and you're helping us do it.

Polls are not reality

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