Public Disrespect For The President

When President Obama authorized the Navy SEALS to "take out" Osama bin Laden, was he assuming a whole lot of personal risk?

When you're standing on the fairway of a golf course talking on a cell phone, I guess you could be hit by a stray golf ball.
Again, NO. But at least he allowed our military to kill the man who ordered the 9/11 attack. Obama approved the mission; the question is: WHY DIDN'T BUSH TAKE OUT OSAMA INSTEAD OF SADDAM? How many casualties were there when Obama ok'd the end of bin Laden? And The Hunt For The Man Who Threatened Poppy"?

When/Where did you serve? I see you're critical of those who haven't.
When President Obama authorized the Navy SEALS to "take out" Osama bin Laden, was he assuming a whole lot of personal risk?

you know, that's a really good question. i don't know if he assumed a lot of personal risk. i presume it would have depended on what payback they could have wrought. what it did entail was huge professional risk. had he failed, he'd have been jimmy carter and the failed iran hostage rescue.

you know that's true.

There were risks and considerations. But that doesn't really change the fact that the risk to his personal safety was not significantly made much worse by virtue of that call.

See my prior post.

I'm not detracting from his decision at all. I applaud it.

And I am very happy that because of his decision to authorize the strike, bin Laden is moldering at the bottom of the ocean feeding the crabs.
Agreed, though he has not done jack for the economy, Obama approved the end of Osama, and our assistance with the end of Kaddafi.
Bush on Saddam:


Of course he did NOT mean at any personal risk to himself.
I have no respect for Bush the Lesser but still respected the office. Like it or not, he let Osama live on to arrange the invasion of Iraq.

When President Obama authorized the Navy SEALS to "take out" Osama bin Laden, was he assuming a whole lot of personal risk?
No, the Seals did. why Bush let him live on can only be attributed to his love of the Saudis. Bush kissing the Saudi King after 9/11/01 was DISGUSTING.

So what is your justification for Clinton's decision not to have Osama killed? During his term, US service personnel literally had Osama in the crosshairs - literally. They had eyes on the man. They had a perfect opportunity to take him out... and, had Clinton had the balls (which may have been distracted by interns).... 9-11 would never have happened.

If we are apportioning blame.... Blame Clinton. The President Who Blinked - and that blink cost thousands of people their lives.
When President Obama authorized the Navy SEALS to "take out" Osama bin Laden, was he assuming a whole lot of personal risk?

When you're standing on the fairway of a golf course talking on a cell phone, I guess you could be hit by a stray golf ball.
Again, NO. But at least he allowed our military to kill the man who ordered the 9/11 attack. Obama approved the mission; the question is: WHY DIDN'T BUSH TAKE OUT OSAMA INSTEAD OF SADDAM? How many casualties were there when Obama ok'd the end of bin Laden? And The Hunt For The Man Who Threatened Poppy"?

Bush did not feel it appropriate to compromise the airspace of an with nuclear weapons...and one we need in our back pocket...and one we are NOW having uissues with since we compromised their airspace to kill ONE LOUSY MAN.

Who, by the way, has easily been replaced by another lunatic.
Did killing bin Laden end the GWOT?



So Bush was right that Osama wasn't that important any more

Well, kiss my grits
Nice analogy. :lol:

Yes it was - I will have to remember that next time some Liberal tries to lump a Chickenhawk like Obama in with actual servicemembers.
CHICKEN HAWK? You mean like Dick "I had other priorities than MILITARY service" Cheney? Both he & baby Bush DODGED Vietnam, at least Clinton gave UP an EARNED exemption when he protested. The Bush boy & Cheney made sure they were NEVER eligible.

So, when were you officially declared insane?
Nice analogy. :lol:

Yes it was - I will have to remember that next time some Liberal tries to lump a Chickenhawk like Obama in with actual servicemembers.
CHICKEN HAWK? You mean like Dick "I had other priorities than MILITARY service" Cheney? Both he & baby Bush DODGED Vietnam, at least Clinton gave UP an EARNED exemption when he protested. The Bush boy & Cheney made sure they were NEVER eligible.


5 deferments

Suck my cock
you know, that's a really good question. i don't know if he assumed a lot of personal risk. i presume it would have depended on what payback they could have wrought. what it did entail was huge professional risk. had he failed, he'd have been jimmy carter and the failed iran hostage rescue.

you know that's true.

There were risks and considerations. But that doesn't really change the fact that the risk to his personal safety was not significantly made much worse by virtue of that call.

See my prior post.

I'm not detracting from his decision at all. I applaud it.

And I am very happy that because of his decision to authorize the strike, bin Laden is moldering at the bottom of the ocean feeding the crabs.
Agreed, though he has not done jack for the economy, Obama approved the end of Osama, and our assistance with the end of Kaddafi.

As President he has been a huge flop.

But even though I remain highly critical of him and his policies, I have to give the guy his due. He DID have the gumption to authorize the SEALS' action against bin Laden. Likewise, he ok'd the termination of al-Awlaki. And although it may prove to be a tragically mixed bag, he did have a hand in the termination of that scumbag Kaddafy-dick.
saying that obama got bin laden is like saying that richard nixon landed on the moon.

Public Disrespect For The President

Yo Vern, read

Article I, Section 9, Clause 8:

No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States
: and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.

'nuff said
When you're standing on the fairway of a golf course talking on a cell phone, I guess you could be hit by a stray golf ball.
Again, NO. But at least he allowed our military to kill the man who ordered the 9/11 attack. Obama approved the mission; the question is: WHY DIDN'T BUSH TAKE OUT OSAMA INSTEAD OF SADDAM? How many casualties were there when Obama ok'd the end of bin Laden? And The Hunt For The Man Who Threatened Poppy"?

When/Where did you serve? I see you're critical of those who haven't.
You are gonna jump on this one: Courts have ruled military families serve also. My father was career Navy.
He retired when I was 11; I asked to join the Navy, he replied "You're kidding, you don't the coordination, strength, or flexibility, you are going to college". I'm 5'1" 108 lbs. Once I was accepted at Harvard, though my mother noted the $8,000 I'd earned in scholarships would get me through a couple years at UF, if I lived at home (35 miles away), my father said "HARVARD, if we have to live in a ditch". I obeyed. My sister is a disabled Vet, Army.

NOW JUMP. (I lived at Mayport Naval Station for two years). So no, I never served.
I view this whole incident.....and, I'm thinkin' Obama sees it the same way.....much like allowing free-speech for everyone....even The Klan.

Ignorant/ill-mannered people should be allowed all the "rope" they can manage, so everyone (else) knows which whack-jobs to watch-out-for. Most people had (already) figured she has a "few screws, loose"......

[ame=]Fox News Hides Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer's Debate Meltdown? - YouTube[/ame]

......and I can't help but think Obama got a big laugh outta allowing her to convince everyone-else of it!!
When President Obama authorized the Navy SEALS to "take out" Osama bin Laden, was he assuming a whole lot of personal risk?
No, the Seals did. why Bush let him live on can only be attributed to his love of the Saudis. Bush kissing the Saudi King after 9/11/01 was DISGUSTING.

So what is your justification for Clinton's decision not to have Osama killed? During his term, US service personnel literally had Osama in the crosshairs - literally. They had eyes on the man. They had a perfect opportunity to take him out... and, had Clinton had the balls (which may have been distracted by interns).... 9-11 would never have happened.

If we are apportioning blame.... Blame Clinton. The President Who Blinked - and that blink cost thousands of people their lives.
CG, that story has been told again & again. What source is there? I do NOT think highly of Clinton, but The Monica Show distracted the US from many things. We can go all the way back to Reagan and his support for the people who turned INTO the Taliban, but the attack was on Bush's watch. Rice on ONE of the warnings:

RICE: I believe the title was, "Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States."

What did Bush do? Stop the monitoring of suspected al Qaeda members in the US; Clinton began that program.

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