Public Disrespect For The President

you know, that's a really good question. i don't know if he assumed a lot of personal risk. i presume it would have depended on what payback they could have wrought. what it did entail was huge professional risk. had he failed, he'd have been jimmy carter and the failed iran hostage rescue.

you know that's true.

There were risks and considerations. But that doesn't really change the fact that the risk to his personal safety was not significantly made much worse by virtue of that call.

See my prior post.

I'm not detracting from his decision at all. I applaud it.

And I am very happy that because of his decision to authorize the strike, bin Laden is moldering at the bottom of the ocean feeding the crabs.
Agreed, though he has not done jack for the economy.....
Once you're old-enough to start working-for-a-living.....and, able to digest the'll be better-equipped to make such evaluations.

The office is worthy of our highest respect. The current occupant doesn't respect the office. He doesn't respect this Nation. He doesn't respect the people he's supposed to represent. His "self-respect" is nacissistic in the extreme.
Bill Maher actually admits committing the same offenses he's accusing others of, just his offenses were directed at a "conservative", white president. The rest are all racists.

Hey Gallant, you left out a few words. You musta been tired. Fixed it for you..

The office is worthy of our highest respect. The current occupant doesn't respect how us neocon whackjobs think the office should be run. He doesn't respect this Nation. He doesn't respect the conservative neocon people he's supposed to represent (even though they are not his constituency). His "self-respect" is seen by neocon whackjobs as nacissistic in the extreme even though the last president had an ego the size of Jupiter..
Bill Maher actually admits committing the same offenses he's accusing others of, just his offenses were directed at a "conservative", white president. The rest are all racists.
It is President Obama.

The worst President in our history.

So you're saying "Barry Da Fairy" is disrespectful?

Well, he IS the worst President in the last hundred years, that's for sure.

Not even close. I could name three in the past 100 years that were worse without even trying - Raygun, Bush II, Hoover...

You guys are partisan hacks
It is President Obama.

The worst President in our history.

So you're saying "Barry Da Fairy" is disrespectful?

Well, he IS the worst President in the last hundred years, that's for sure.

Not even close. I could name three in the past 100 years that were worse without even trying - Raygun, Bush II, Hoover...

You guys are partisan hacks

Dr. chump says "Raygun" so he winz teh internetz!

But he's not a partisan hack or anything. oh noze. Not him.
It is President Obama.

The worst President in our history.

So you're saying "Barry Da Fairy" is disrespectful?

Well, he IS the worst President in the last hundred years, that's for sure.

Not even close. I could name three in the past 100 years that were worse without even trying - Raygun, Bush II, Hoover...

You guys are partisan hacks

Well...refering to him as Raygun..

and not including Carter...

well...sort of defines YOU as a partisan hack.

But whatever.
So you're saying "Barry Da Fairy" is disrespectful?

Well, he IS the worst President in the last hundred years, that's for sure.

Not even close. I could name three in the past 100 years that were worse without even trying - Raygun, Bush II, Hoover...

You guys are partisan hacks

Well...refering to him as Raygun..

and not including Carter...

well...sort of defines YOU as a partisan hack.

But whatever.

I don't have an opinion on Carter. He's more of a 'so what?' president...
Anyone who deliberately ratchets up 'hate' towards his opposition to create issues so that he can address those issues is scum...

you just described many politicians, from both sides of the isle, for my entire lifetime. why is it that one side thinks their stuff doesn't stink? and then turns around and thinks that the stuff they do is justified. it's like watching redskins and cowboys fans.
Not even close. I could name three in the past 100 years that were worse without even trying - Raygun, Bush II, Hoover...

You guys are partisan hacks

Well...refering to him as Raygun..

and not including Carter...

well...sort of defines YOU as a partisan hack.

But whatever.

I don't have an opinion on Carter. He's more of a 'so what?' president...

Partisan hack's post is partisan.

If it weren't for President Obama, President Carter would BE the worst President in history.
Not even close. I could name three in the past 100 years that were worse without even trying - Raygun, Bush II, Hoover...

You guys are partisan hacks

Well...refering to him as Raygun..

and not including Carter...

well...sort of defines YOU as a partisan hack.

But whatever.

I don't have an opinion on Carter. He's more of a 'so what?' president...


Gas shortage like we have never seen
Iran Hostage ordeal for a year
Prime rate at 20%

And he is a "so what" president to you?

Thats what makes you a partisan hack.
So you're saying "Barry Da Fairy" is disrespectful?

Well, he IS the worst President in the last hundred years, that's for sure.

Not even close. I could name three in the past 100 years that were worse without even trying - Raygun, Bush II, Hoover...

You guys are partisan hacks

Dr. chump says "Raygun" so he winz teh internetz!

But he's not a partisan hack or anything. oh noze. Not him.

Dunno. Thought Ford and Nixon were Ok presidents. In fact, except for a certain mishap, Nixon was doing a crack up job despite being slightly paranoid. Thought Eisenhower was good, and Bush I was Ok, but not spectacular.

Now, you were alluding to me being a partisan hack? .....
So many Pub dupe/haters are just bad citizens....they no longer CARE about the truth and can't carry on a civil political discussion. Newt started this BS "talking points" crappe that has destroyed their chances of winning this year.Thank god for no drama Obama...CHANGE THE CHANNEL and get a grip.

The recovery is proceeding and accelerating (BREAKING NEWS for dittoheads), despite "crises" like the debt ceiling BS fiasco that set things back several months and resulted in a credit rating drop caused TOTALLY by Pub no compromise, "un-American" (TIME) GOP/Tea Party tactics...if you care where the inflation came from....:cuckoo::evil::lol:
Not even close. I could name three in the past 100 years that were worse without even trying - Raygun, Bush II, Hoover...

You guys are partisan hacks

Dr. chump says "Raygun" so he winz teh internetz!

But he's not a partisan hack or anything. oh noze. Not him.

Dunno. Thought Ford and Nixon were Ok presidents. In fact, except for a certain mishap, Nixon was doing a crack up job despite being slightly paranoid. Thought Eisenhower was good, and Bush I was Ok, but not spectacular.

Now, you were alluding to me being a partisan hack? .....

Yes. Tell us all again about "Raygun." That was all persuasive and shit.
Not even close. I could name three in the past 100 years that were worse without even trying - Raygun, Bush II, Hoover...

You guys are partisan hacks

Dr. chump says "Raygun" so he winz teh internetz!

But he's not a partisan hack or anything. oh noze. Not him.

Dunno. Thought Ford and Nixon were Ok presidents. In fact, except for a certain mishap, Nixon was doing a crack up job despite being slightly paranoid. Thought Eisenhower was good, and Bush I was Ok, but not spectacular.

Now, you were alluding to me being a partisan hack? .....


Because only a partisan hack would refer to reagan as Raygun and refer to carter as a "so what" president
Well...refering to him as Raygun..

and not including Carter...

well...sort of defines YOU as a partisan hack.

But whatever.

I don't have an opinion on Carter. He's more of a 'so what?' president...


Gas shortage like we have never seen
Iran Hostage ordeal for a year
Prime rate at 20%

And he is a "so what" president to you?

Thats what makes you a partisan hack.

Yeah, because, you know, the president decides gas prices and he runs OPEC, which in turn leads to interest rate hikes. Yeah, it's all down to the president... You don't even know how your own political system works. That makes you a moron.

And yeah, he also controlled the Iranian that's his fault too... :cuckoo:

So for consistency's sake, you blame Bush for 9-11, right?
Dr. chump says "Raygun" so he winz teh internetz!

But he's not a partisan hack or anything. oh noze. Not him.

Dunno. Thought Ford and Nixon were Ok presidents. In fact, except for a certain mishap, Nixon was doing a crack up job despite being slightly paranoid. Thought Eisenhower was good, and Bush I was Ok, but not spectacular.

Now, you were alluding to me being a partisan hack? .....


Because only a partisan hack would refer to reagan as Raygun and refer to carter as a "so what" president

I refer to Raygun as Raygun because he was the second worst president in my lifetime, and I thought I'd never see the likes again, until the worst was sworn in in Jan 2001....

And if Santorum gets the GoP nod, you might have gotten a trifecta, but as I have already stated (and I saw on Fox last night), if he does you can kiss goodbye to the female, independent and even moderate conservative vote.

Hey, I can't help it if the right, in the past 15 years, has put forward morons as candidates - Bush II, Palin, Quayle? Please give me the Dem equivalents. You may hate Obama and thought Clinton was a womanising Show Pony, but you can't criticise their intellect. Well, you can, but it is a vacuous argument because your facts wouldn't stack up. You don't become a Rhodes Scholar on a whim, nor do you become the top dog at the Harvard Law Review by chance...

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