Public Disrespect For The President

Did killing bin Laden end the GWOT?



So Bush was right that Osama wasn't that important any more.

Yeah, right.....we heard.....we heard.....

[ame=]Truth about Halliburton and Dick Cheney - YouTube[/ame]

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I honestly like Obama. I sincerely think he's a good man, father, family man.

Running this country is where he has his head up his ass.

We didn't elect him to be our daddy, although he seems to think it so. And he may be a good husband in at least one way, given the way he's fucking the shit out of this country and all it's people.
Running this country is where he has his head up his ass.
I term it "in over his head".

ok.....i can go with that.....
Yes it was - I will have to remember that next time some Liberal tries to lump a Chickenhawk like Obama in with actual servicemembers.
CHICKEN HAWK? You mean like Dick "I had other priorities than MILITARY service" Cheney? Both he & baby Bush DODGED Vietnam, at least Clinton gave UP an EARNED exemption when he protested. The Bush boy & Cheney made sure they were NEVER eligible.


5 deferments

No, the Seals did. why Bush let him live on can only be attributed to his love of the Saudis. Bush kissing the Saudi King after 9/11/01 was DISGUSTING.

So what is your justification for Clinton's decision not to have Osama killed? During his term, US service personnel literally had Osama in the crosshairs - literally. They had eyes on the man. They had a perfect opportunity to take him out... and, had Clinton had the balls (which may have been distracted by interns).... 9-11 would never have happened.

If we are apportioning blame.... Blame Clinton. The President Who Blinked - and that blink cost thousands of people their lives.

Pubs complained the whole time- he was just "wagging the dog". So itwasn't surprising...and OBL was never really in the "cross hairs"...
But still, in over his HEAD. A loss with domestic policies. So who can replace him and get the economy back on track? I read this forum to see who the best Republican is, but see a lot of dirt about all four.

that's guy....Rufus T.Firefly...."if your for it,he is against it"......:eusa_angel:
Agreed, though he has not done jack for the economy, Obama approved the end of Osama, and our assistance with the end of Kaddafi.

As President he has been a huge flop.

But even though I remain highly critical of him and his policies, I have to give the guy his due. He DID have the gumption to authorize the SEALS' action against bin Laden. Likewise, he ok'd the termination of al-Awlaki. And although it may prove to be a tragically mixed bag, he did have a hand in the termination of that scumbag Kaddafy-dick.
But still, in over his HEAD. A loss with domestic policies. So who can replace him and get the economy back on track? I read this forum to see who the best Republican is, but see a lot of dirt about all four.

You're going to keep seeing a lot of dirt on them.
Hell, an angel from heaven could come down to run for the presidency
and the media would dig up the dirt.
For me the issue is complicated. Many liberals acted like whining, snot nosed, little ***** when "W" was in office. The foul things they said and did were far beyond the pale. It was truly outrageous, ugly and shrill. It really made me very angry at the time.

Now we have "O" in office and some conservatives are doing the very same things they found repugnant just a few years ago. I must admit I do not feel as angry , one does become numb to it all, but still, I know it is wrong.

Funny how people's memories are selective. I remember the vitriole started when Clinton had the gall to beat Bush Snr...

Talking about whinging, whining, snot nosed little ***** - conservatives have it down to a fine art form...
obama deserves no respect only the worst derision. Because of his conduct, he has demeaned the office making it also unworthy of respect.

It is certainly not only Americans that have a new found disrespect for the president, the man and the office. It is world wide. The nation is now disrespected. The most graphic exhibition of disrespect comes from Iran who pointedly put obama in his place by sending this "child" a toy replica of the drone they confiscated.

Democrats are worried because a woman shook her finger in his face. I guess Jan Brewer is more worthy of respect.

They say a fool and his gold are soon parted. I'll settle for this fool being parted from the nation's gold.

the disrespect for the President started before Obama......
obama deserves no respect only the worst derision. Because of his conduct, he has demeaned the office making it also unworthy of respect.

It is certainly not only Americans that have a new found disrespect for the president, the man and the office. It is world wide. The nation is now disrespected. The most graphic exhibition of disrespect comes from Iran who pointedly put obama in his place by sending this "child" a toy replica of the drone they confiscated.

Democrats are worried because a woman shook her finger in his face. I guess Jan Brewer is more worthy of respect.

They say a fool and his gold are soon parted. I'll settle for this fool being parted from the nation's gold.

the disrespect for the President started before Obama......

I still stand that it started under Clinton.....they hated him with a passion...
As President he has been a huge flop.

But even though I remain highly critical of him and his policies, I have to give the guy his due. He DID have the gumption to authorize the SEALS' action against bin Laden. Likewise, he ok'd the termination of al-Awlaki. And although it may prove to be a tragically mixed bag, he did have a hand in the termination of that scumbag Kaddafy-dick.
But still, in over his HEAD. A loss with domestic policies. So who can replace him and get the economy back on track? I read this forum to see who the best Republican is, but see a lot of dirt about all four.

You're going to keep seeing a lot of dirt on them.
Hell, an angel from heaven could come down to run for the presidency
and the media would dig up the dirt.
First they'd renew thier denial that God and angels never existed...:eusa_whistle:
Public Disrespect For The President

Like this has never happened before........ :rolleyes:

Everyone on the left was utterly respectful to Bush during his.... you know, I can't even manage to say it sarcastically.

Sorry but American political history didn't start with Bush.......... Ya need to go a little further back...... Okay, a lot further back........ :eusa_whistle:
I respect the office. The man is a bit questionable.

I agree about the office. I question your term 'a bit'. Anyone who deliberately ratchets up 'hate' towards his opposition to create issues so that he can address those issues is scum and does not deserve the honor of leading the country. Fuck him.

No one currently serving as president of this country is doing this, but you would know this if you weren't a partisan hack.

oh really?.....he told a Latino audience that the Republicans are your "enemies" that not steering the pot a little?....
Obama gets more respect than Bush got!

[ame=""]Obama gets more respect than Bush got![/ame]
I agree about the office. I question your term 'a bit'. Anyone who deliberately ratchets up 'hate' towards his opposition to create issues so that he can address those issues is scum and does not deserve the honor of leading the country. Fuck him.

No one currently serving as president of this country is doing this, but you would know this if you weren't a partisan hack.

oh really?.....he told a Latino audience that the Republicans are your "enemies" that not steering the pot a little?....

Um, no.
Are you (and vicariously CG) saying that Newt and Rick S and Mitt etc aren't ratcheting up 'hate' towards him?
Public Disrespect For The President

Like this has never happened before........ :rolleyes:

Everyone on the left was utterly respectful to Bush during his.... you know, I can't even manage to say it sarcastically.

Sorry but American political history didn't start with Bush.......... Ya need to go a little further back...... Okay, a lot further back........ :eusa_whistle:
Some of the political cartoons of the day were pretty nasty...

Some regarding Lincoln HERE
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You're a millionaire? Didn't realize that. If not, then I think we've now stretched the whole "he's ratcheting up the hate" thing a bit far, no?

Like I originally said, he's not doing what that partisan hack CG said. He may be guilty of lesser infractions but thats not what I was responding to.

how is she a hack if she has told both sides to go fuck themselves?....

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