Public Disrespect For The President

All this fuss about a finger. :eusa_hand:

Yeah, everyone adored Nixon. ;)

Interesting. I thought it was really only during/after Watergate people went him, but I maintain it was nothing like Clinton, Bush II or Obama have endured. I would also argue that the vitriole against Bush II was worse than Clinton, and that towards Obama has been worse than against Bush II...
Yeah, for Nixon, it hit after Watergate blew.

As to the rest, I would say the vitriol toward GWB is about the same as that toward BHO, but what has me wanting to say BHO has it a touch less is the folks that I can only describe as doe-eyed groupies (like Beatlemaniacs). I didn't see any of that stuff ever before. Ever.

That's something new to me. Maybe Kennedy had that sort of crap, but I wasn't around to see it.

So, if I HAD to say it, Obama has it better than Bush by a nose.

Oh, well, we have to agree to disagree on that...

I see no let up against Obama, even when he does right. Remember Bush had a huge ground swell of support after 9-11. Some righties gave begrudging kudos to Obama for killing OBL, but not much else. I don't see any adoration at all down here, even when watching CNN...shrug,.,...
Democrats are haters




[ame=""]An indoctrinated little kid wants to kill Bush[/ame]
The little kid was likely indoctrinated public school system, parents or both.
I agree about the office. I question your term 'a bit'. Anyone who deliberately ratchets up 'hate' towards his opposition to create issues so that he can address those issues is scum and does not deserve the honor of leading the country. Fuck him.

No one currently serving as president of this country is doing this, but you would know this if you weren't a partisan hack.
Bullshit. Obama called me and every other person who won't vote for him 'the enemy'.

I honestly like Obama. I sincerely think he's a good man, father, family man.

Running this country is where he has his head up his ass.
i agree with ya .....i just think the guy is a piss poor leader.....

George W. Bush runs this country into the ground (as actual events have proven), and some people still see him as having been a good president. Obama brings America back from the precipice, and conservatives see him as 'a piss poor leader'.

Frankly, I'm not inclined to take people or their judgment seriously if those are the kinds of conclusions they reach based on how events have unfolded.

well i dont see Bush as a good leader.....and if you think Obama brought us back from the Precipice then we should be getting more united.....i dont see that.....the reason i dont think he is a good leader.....i feel your giving the guy way to much credence....but that's because your a kinda clouds your judgement...
Obama's apologists have been looking for offense since 2007 at least.

If you look hard enough for something, you're probably going to see it.
I'm laughing my ass off over Maher. He can dish it out then turns around and WHINES like a wittle baby..

what a puss.:lol:
This President stuck his finger in the face of another world leader and the defense of his behavior by the left was instantaneous.

But a State's Governor points at his face during a face-to-face meeting, and the cacophony from the left is instantaneous outrage.

This President takes VERY many vacations and golf breaks, and the left is silent.

President Bush took some vacations at his ranch (clearing brush) and the left derided him for failure to attend to the Job.

President Bush walks away from a staged meeting but goes to a fake door (mugs for the camera a bit) and the left derides him as an assclown chimp.

President Obama flubs basic head-of-state protocol time and time and again, and the left pounces to his defense against any snide comments.

The fact of the matter is: Bill Maher is a glaringly obvious transparent hypocrite. He knows it, too; so he turned it around and tried to pass it off as a joke. :doubt:

It amazes me that folks on the left take Bill Maher's alleged (but actually witless) "humor" as intelligent political commentary.

Bill Maher is a mediocre shock jock. His political "wit" depends heavily on crude jokes about conservatives that invariably end in adolescent characterization of others.

[ame=]Bill Maher on elites - YouTube[/ame]

Oh, well, we have to agree to disagree on that...

Yeah, but you're a mindless hack.


Show me ANY call to kill Obama?

You can't. You of the left approved death threats against Bush, praised them.

The level of vile hatred spewed by you against Bush is beyond ANYTHING seen in the last hundred years. Nothing thrown at your Messiah® is even in the same universe.


I see no let up against Obama, even when he does right. Remember Bush had a huge ground swell of support after 9-11. Some righties gave begrudging kudos to Obama for killing OBL, but not much else. I don't see any adoration at all down here, even when watching CNN...shrug,.,...

Yeah, you leftists were just peachy to Bush.

Oh, well, we have to agree to disagree on that...

Yeah, but you're a mindless hack.


Show me ANY call to kill Obama?

You can't. You of the left approved death threats against Bush, praised them.

The level of vile hatred spewed by you against Bush is beyond ANYTHING seen in the last hundred years. Nothing thrown at your Messiah® is even in the same universe.


I see no let up against Obama, even when he does right. Remember Bush had a huge ground swell of support after 9-11. Some righties gave begrudging kudos to Obama for killing OBL, but not much else. I don't see any adoration at all down here, even when watching CNN...shrug,.,...

Yeah, you leftists were just peachy to Bush.


Remember this?

Bush assassination film defended

No one currently serving as president of this country is doing this, but you would know this if you weren't a partisan hack.
Bush started a war based on lies, let a city be destroyed (NO) and CONs hate Obama? He isn't much but thousands have not died so he could PLAY soldier, prance around on a flight deck, and save 375 million from the twenty year NOLA restoration project in his budget sent to Congress. Congress upped the amount, but there was still a shortfall*
*The ACE budget called for around 550 million for the levee restoration project during the first Bush II years. Bush II denied the full requests, in 2002, 2003, 2004. We'll never know if the levees would have failed had the work been on schedule. GHWB & Clinton fully funded the ACE requests in their budgets.

And Katrina hit NO as a Cat. 3, not five.

Bush did nto start a war based on lies. That is partisdan rhetoric.

[ame=]WMD LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld etc. - THE ULTIMATE CLIP - YouTube[/ame]

Everyone on the left was utterly respectful to Bush during his.... you know, I can't even manage to say it sarcastically.

Sorry but American political history didn't start with Bush.......... Ya need to go a little further back...... Okay, a lot further back........ :eusa_whistle:
Some of the political cartoons of the day were pretty nasty...

Some regarding Lincoln HERE
The jokes were cruel also; example:

Ma, Ma, where's my Pa? Gone to the White House ha, ha, ha.
About Grover Cleveland, who had an illegitimate child.
Dorothy Parker upon learning Calvin Coolidge had died: "How can they tell"?
About Taft, after he rode a horse: "How is the poor horse"?"

"President Taft proposes to abandon horses for reasons that the gentleman well knows: he does not wish to violate the law against cruelty to animals"

"Taft is a polite man, he once gave up his chair so three ladies could be seated".

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