Public Disrespect For The President

Here it is. The GOP can't attack Obama on his record so they will go back to their tired old playbook. And by the way. For those of you who say the media, especially MSNBC is liberal. A liberal media would not promote the lies of Franklin Graham. Just like Fox News doesn't let Randi Rhodes or Thom Hartmann on their shows.

Evangelist Franklin Graham called President Barack Obama's religious views into question on Tuesday, stating that he does not know for sure if Obama is a Christian.

Graham, who is the son of Billy Graham and the CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that Obama "has said he's a Christian, so I just have to assume that he is."

"All I know is I'm a sinner, and God has forgiven me of my sins... you have to ask every person," he said about whether he could say for sure that Obama is indeed of the Christian faith.

However, when asked about GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum's religion, Graham gave a much more concrete answer.

"I think so," Graham said when asked if he believes Santorum is a Christian. "His values are so clear on moral issues. No question about it... I think he's a man of faith."
Here it is. The GOP can't attack Obama on his record so they will go back to their tired old playbook. And by the way. For those of you who say the media, especially MSNBC is liberal. A liberal media would not promote the lies of Franklin Graham. Just like Fox News doesn't let Randi Rhodes or Thom Hartmann on their shows.

Evangelist Franklin Graham called President Barack Obama's religious views into question on Tuesday, stating that he does not know for sure if Obama is a Christian.

Graham, who is the son of Billy Graham and the CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that Obama "has said he's a Christian, so I just have to assume that he is."

"All I know is I'm a sinner, and God has forgiven me of my sins... you have to ask every person," he said about whether he could say for sure that Obama is indeed of the Christian faith.

However, when asked about GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum's religion, Graham gave a much more concrete answer.

"I think so," Graham said when asked if he believes Santorum is a Christian. "His values are so clear on moral issues. No question about it... I think he's a man of faith."

cry us a river...
obama's so called "christian FAITH" is as phony as he is..The majority of the people see it, so deal with it.
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Of course you're not a mindless hack..

Shall we talk about birthers?

So you can't come up with ANYONE calling to kill Obama?

Or those who reiterate the Hussein part of his name?

Well damn, guess that worse that Kerry joking that he would go to Washington and murder Bush.

Or those who call him Osama?

Oh, no hate there....


Oh year, real parallel there, sparky...
Dr. chump says "Raygun" so he winz teh internetz!

But he's not a partisan hack or anything. oh noze. Not him.

Dunno. Thought Ford and Nixon were Ok presidents. In fact, except for a certain mishap, Nixon was doing a crack up job despite being slightly paranoid. Thought Eisenhower was good, and Bush I was Ok, but not spectacular.

Now, you were alluding to me being a partisan hack? .....

Yes. Tell us all again about "Raygun." That was all persuasive and shit.

Of course you're not a mindless hack..

Shall we talk about birthers?

So you can't come up with ANYONE calling to kill Obama?

Or those who reiterate the Hussein part of his name?

Well damn, guess that worse that Kerry joking that he would go to Washington and murder Bush.

Or those who call him Osama?

Oh, no hate there....

Oh year, real parallel there, sparky...

Oh, I get it. Your examples are worse than, how intriguing and insightful......

Oh, you win that little battle. Feel better now? Is Widdle Uncensored doing his little happy dance?

Because some people called for Bush's death, then any criticisms of Obama pale in comparison, right? :cuckoo:
obama deserves no respect only the worst derision. Because of his conduct, he has demeaned the office making it also unworthy of respect.

It is certainly not only Americans that have a new found disrespect for the president, the man and the office. It is world wide. The nation is now disrespected. The most graphic exhibition of disrespect comes from Iran who pointedly put obama in his place by sending this "child" a toy replica of the drone they confiscated.

Democrats are worried because a woman shook her finger in his face. I guess Jan Brewer is more worthy of respect.

They say a fool and his gold are soon parted. I'll settle for this fool being parted from the nation's gold.

the disrespect for the President started before Obama......

I still stand that it started under Clinton.....they hated him with a passion...
You confuse hate with disrespect. clinton blew his respect, or was that Monica
For me the issue is complicated. Many liberals acted like whining, snot nosed, little ***** when "W" was in office. The foul things they said and did were far beyond the pale. It was truly outrageous, ugly and shrill. It really made me very angry at the time.

Us on the left are noticing as the economy improves and leaves the right with nothing bad to say about Obama professionally, they are switching to attacking him personally. Just the other day some televanglist questioned whether or not Obama was a Christian. He said, "But I know Santorum is a Christian".

So as Obama does a good job, expect the GOP to go negative on a personal level. The Birther's will come back soon too I'm sure.

Yes he has done a great job, but he's a muslim and wasn't born in America, maybe.

Bobo after the little discussion we had about California and how wrong you were there,im beginning to think your a cheap imitation of the REAL SealyBobo......what have you done with him?.....:eusa_eh:
the disrespect for the President started before Obama......

I still stand that it started under Clinton.....they hated him with a passion...
You confuse hate with disrespect. clinton blew his respect, or was that Monica

Nah, they hated him with a passion. And when I say 'they', I mean the GoP as opposed to the conservative public. Newt couldn't stand him.

I will say this for Clinton, though. It was he who appointed a special prosecutor to initially investigate Whitewater that led to his impeachment. Wonder why Bush wouldn't allow the same over the WMD's....hhhhmmmmm
I'm a small busines owner and an employee of another company as well. Hard worker, familyman, own my home which I keep up nicely, try to live within my means. The President doesn't seem to respect me at all. Why am I suppose to respect him?
Um, no.
Are you (and vicariously CG) saying that Newt and Rick S and Mitt etc aren't ratcheting up 'hate' towards him?

that's called Politics Doc.....when the President stirs up something about a group of fellow citizens against another group, that's called being a shitty leader.....

Am I missing something here? Don't they ALL do that??

i dont remember Clinton and the guys before him calling the other party the Enemy in front of a certain group of people.....if someone has a link to that....i would like to see it.....
So many Pub dupe/haters are just bad citizens....they no longer CARE about the truth and can't carry on a civil political discussion. Newt started this BS "talking points" crappe that has destroyed their chances of winning this year.Thank god for no drama Obama...CHANGE THE CHANNEL and get a grip.

The recovery is proceeding and accelerating (BREAKING NEWS for dittoheads), despite "crises" like the debt ceiling BS fiasco that set things back several months and resulted in a credit rating drop caused TOTALLY by Pub no compromise, "un-American" (TIME) GOP/Tea Party tactics...if you care where the inflation came from....:cuckoo::evil::lol:

Change the channel for GOD'S sake, twerp. Get yourself some new material and maybe someone will take you seriously. (probably not)

Doesn't sound to me like he watches Fox....

it doesn't seem like he watches any other Station either,except the one in his head.....for a self professed Phd. the guy sure does not express himself to well....
For me the issue is complicated. Many liberals acted like whining, snot nosed, little ***** when "W" was in office. The foul things they said and did were far beyond the pale. It was truly outrageous, ugly and shrill. It really made me very angry at the time.

Now we have "O" in office and some conservatives are doing the very same things they found repugnant just a few years ago. I must admit I do not feel as angry , one does become numb to it all, but still, I know it is wrong.

Funny how people's memories are selective. I remember the vitriole started when Clinton had the gall to beat Bush Snr...

Talking about whinging, whining, snot nosed little ***** - conservatives have it down to a fine art form...

.....And, St. Bill.....

:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:
obama AND the democrats are all frauds.

IF they really considered the republicans enemies of the state, they would order the immediate arrests of all republicans including presidential candidates. Starting with presidential candidates.

They have voter registration lists. obama is proud of his street army. Get it going.
and of course all those wonderful "Republicans" like Newt are not frauds.....right?....
Some of the political cartoons of the day were pretty nasty...

Some regarding Lincoln HERE
The jokes were cruel also; example:

Ma, Ma, where's my Pa? Gone to the White House ha, ha, ha.
About Grover Cleveland, who had an illegitimate child.
Dorothy Parker upon learning Calvin Coolidge had died: "How can they tell"?
About Taft, after he rode a horse: "How is the poor horse"?"

"President Taft proposes to abandon horses for reasons that the gentleman well knows: he does not wish to violate the law against cruelty to animals"

"Taft is a polite man, he once gave up his chair so three ladies could be seated".
Attacks on the American President go far back...this isn't a new phenom we's we see them almost on demand now...
Former Treasury Secretaries fared pretty poorly way back when, too.

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