Public Disrespect For The President

Oh, well, we have to agree to disagree on that...

Yeah, but you're a mindless hack.

Show me ANY call to kill Obama?

You can't. You of the left approved death threats against Bush, praised them.

The level of vile hatred spewed by you against Bush is beyond ANYTHING seen in the last hundred years. Nothing thrown at your Messiah® is even in the same universe.

Of course you're not a mindless hack..

Shall we talk about birthers?
Or those who reiterate the Hussein part of his name?
Or those who call him Osama?

Oh, no hate there....
Obama is a U.S. Navy Seal now?
I didn't even think the limp-wrist knew how to operate a BB gun, nevermind personally take out Osama Bin Laden.
Watching baby Bush "tend" cattle in a pristine shirt, manicured nails, shiny new boots, without a drop of sweat on him was as funny as Dukakis in the tank.

The Bush boy is TERRIFIED of horses, remember?
Obama is a U.S. Navy Seal now?
I didn't even think the limp-wrist knew how to operate a BB gun, nevermind personally take out Osama Bin Laden.
Watching baby Bush "tend" cattle in a pristine shirt, manicured nails, shiny new boots, without a drop of sweat on him was as funny as Dukakis in the tank.


Your rhetoric and reality do not correspond.

Sorry but American political history didn't start with Bush.......... Ya need to go a little further back...... Okay, a lot further back........ :eusa_whistle:
Some of the political cartoons of the day were pretty nasty...

Some regarding Lincoln HERE
The jokes were cruel also; example:

Ma, Ma, where's my Pa? Gone to the White House ha, ha, ha.
About Grover Cleveland, who had an illegitimate child.
Dorothy Parker upon learning Calvin Coolidge had died: "How can they tell"?
About Taft, after he rode a horse: "How is the poor horse"?"

"President Taft proposes to abandon horses for reasons that the gentleman well knows: he does not wish to violate the law against cruelty to animals"

"Taft is a polite man, he once gave up his chair so three ladies could be seated".
Attacks on the American President go far back...this isn't a new phenom we's we see them almost on demand now...
No one currently serving as president of this country is doing this, but you would know this if you weren't a partisan hack.

oh really?.....he told a Latino audience that the Republicans are your "enemies" that not steering the pot a little?....

Um, no.
Are you (and vicariously CG) saying that Newt and Rick S and Mitt etc aren't ratcheting up 'hate' towards him?

that's called Politics Doc.....when the President stirs up something about a group of fellow citizens against another group, that's called being a shitty leader.....
Never capitalize his name, it's obama.

Never capitalize the white house as long as he's in office.

It is President Obama.

The worst President in our history.

For me it's President obama. See how that works? I have no issue with you giving him the respect the office commands. I can't. However, I don't mangle his name other than the lower case letters. I don't use his middle name and I don't claim to hate him.
Us on the left are noticing as the economy improves and leaves the right with nothing bad to say about Obama professionally, they are switching to attacking him personally. Just the other day some televanglist questioned whether or not Obama was a Christian. He said, "But I know Santorum is a Christian".

So as Obama does a good job, expect the GOP to go negative on a personal level. The Birther's will come back soon too I'm sure.

Yes he has done a great job, but he's a muslim and wasn't born in America, maybe.
oh really?.....he told a Latino audience that the Republicans are your "enemies" that not steering the pot a little?....

Um, no.
Are you (and vicariously CG) saying that Newt and Rick S and Mitt etc aren't ratcheting up 'hate' towards him?

that's called Politics Doc.....when the President stirs up something about a group of fellow citizens against another group, that's called being a shitty leader.....
But when you have a vendetta agains t a nation for perceived wrongs and launch a war on the people using divide and conquer tactics? That is called Obama.

What's wrong with blaming Bush for the Democrat Congress' push to spend more money than we had with a high war debt?

Obama was in the Senate that passed a lot of that 4 trillion he is pinning on Bush.

Obama voted for every spending bill set before Congress, whether it passed or not.

He is now making up for it, except he spent more than Bush thanks to Nancy Pelosi in 3 years, and because he tried to put the U.S. Government on the board of banks telling bank owners what to do, Obama will not be re elected because the boards of directors voted themselves huge bonus checks for Christmas right after getting billions in bailout from Obama.

Can you say quid pro quo?

They used to put politicians in jail for tapping the people they granted huge loans to for large political campaign contributions.

Now the courts just yawn when you bring a political official on the carpet for his mischief.

Those people expropriating taxpayers' money to benefit their own friends and families should recuse themselves from office forever for being crooks.

It's the American people's money. They're making themselves and their families millions while families that pay taxes rake and scrape to put kids through school.

Out with Obama and the most corrupt minority party former speaker of the house who ever lived.
When/Where did you serve? I see you're critical of those who haven't.
You are gonna jump on this one: Courts have ruled military families serve also. My father was career Navy.
He retired when I was 11; I asked to join the Navy, he replied "You're kidding, you don't the coordination, strength, or flexibility, you are going to college". I'm 5'1" 108 lbs. Once I was accepted at Harvard, though my mother noted the $8,000 I'd earned in scholarships would get me through a couple years at UF, if I lived at home (35 miles away), my father said "HARVARD, if we have to live in a ditch". I obeyed. My sister is a disabled Vet, Army.

NOW JUMP. (I lived at Mayport Naval Station for two years). So no, I never served.

You are the one that should jump. You attack bush for not serving.
You then claim membership in a military familiy. Did you know, and forget, Bush senior was in the military?

.....Who BAILED.....

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Us on the left are noticing as the economy improves and leaves the right with nothing bad to say about Obama professionally, they are switching to attacking him personally. Just the other day some televanglist questioned whether or not Obama was a Christian. He said, "But I know Santorum is a Christian".

So as Obama does a good job, expect the GOP to go negative on a personal level. The Birther's will come back soon too I'm sure.

Yes he has done a great job, but he's a muslim and wasn't born in America, maybe.

And your alls threads on here about Republican candidates have been just SWEET and nothing of the sorts attacking them PERSONALLY..

and how you loving that 3.50 gallon of gas and that 6.00 dollars for a pound of bacon? but hey, you on the LEFT say the economy is improving...somewhere in la la land I suppose it is.
oh really?.....he told a Latino audience that the Republicans are your "enemies" that not steering the pot a little?....

Um, no.
Are you (and vicariously CG) saying that Newt and Rick S and Mitt etc aren't ratcheting up 'hate' towards him?

that's called Politics Doc.....when the President stirs up something about a group of fellow citizens against another group, that's called being a shitty leader.....

Am I missing something here? Don't they ALL do that??
So many Pub dupe/haters are just bad citizens....they no longer CARE about the truth and can't carry on a civil political discussion. Newt started this BS "talking points" crappe that has destroyed their chances of winning this year.Thank god for no drama Obama...CHANGE THE CHANNEL and get a grip.

The recovery is proceeding and accelerating (BREAKING NEWS for dittoheads), despite "crises" like the debt ceiling BS fiasco that set things back several months and resulted in a credit rating drop caused TOTALLY by Pub no compromise, "un-American" (TIME) GOP/Tea Party tactics...if you care where the inflation came from....:cuckoo::evil::lol:

Change the channel for GOD'S sake, twerp. Get yourself some new material and maybe someone will take you seriously. (probably not)
Up until three and a half years ago, Mrs. Obama didn't respect the whole country. Seems kind of petty to give this too much consideration.
So many Pub dupe/haters are just bad citizens....they no longer CARE about the truth and can't carry on a civil political discussion. Newt started this BS "talking points" crappe that has destroyed their chances of winning this year.Thank god for no drama Obama...CHANGE THE CHANNEL and get a grip.

The recovery is proceeding and accelerating (BREAKING NEWS for dittoheads), despite "crises" like the debt ceiling BS fiasco that set things back several months and resulted in a credit rating drop caused TOTALLY by Pub no compromise, "un-American" (TIME) GOP/Tea Party tactics...if you care where the inflation came from....:cuckoo::evil::lol:

Change the channel for GOD'S sake, twerp. Get yourself some new material and maybe someone will take you seriously. (probably not)

Doesn't sound to me like he watches Fox....
obama AND the democrats are all frauds.

IF they really considered the republicans enemies of the state, they would order the immediate arrests of all republicans including presidential candidates. Starting with presidential candidates.

They have voter registration lists. obama is proud of his street army. Get it going.
CHICKEN HAWK? You mean like Dick "I had other priorities than MILITARY service" Cheney? Both he & baby Bush DODGED Vietnam, at least Clinton gave UP an EARNED exemption when he protested. The Bush boy & Cheney made sure they were NEVER eligible.


5 deferments

Suck my cock
True, though Biden was fours older than Bush II; Biden was also ruled ineligible in a later attempt at service:

A month after undergoing a physical exam in April 1968, Biden received a Selective Service classification of 1-Y, meaning he was available for service only in the event of national emergency. …

My father was 41 and served however, so neither Bush, Cheney or Biden get any sympathy from me. Nor does Clinton though I can respect his giving up an exemption that guys like Bush FOUGHT for.

Clinton did not give up an exemption. He got deferred and then skipped the Country after telling the Col that got him deferred he was not going to honor the commitment. Where do you people come up with this shit?

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