Public Disrespect For The President

This President stuck his finger in the face of another world leader and the defense of his behavior by the left was instantaneous.

But a State's Governor points at his face during a face-to-face meeting, and the cacophony from the left is instantaneous outrage.

This President takes VERY many vacations and golf breaks, and the left is silent.

President Bush took some vacations at his ranch (clearing brush) and the left derided him for failure to attend to the Job.

President Bush walks away from a staged meeting but goes to a fake door (mugs for the camera a bit) and the left derides him as an assclown chimp.

President Obama flubs basic head-of-state protocol time and time and again, and the left pounces to his defense against any snide comments.

The fact of the matter is: Bill Maher is a glaringly obvious transparent hypocrite. He knows it, too; so he turned it around and tried to pass it off as a joke. :doubt:

It amazes me that folks on the left take Bill Maher's alleged (but actually witless) "humor" as intelligent political commentary.
Maher is a never was.
obama deserves no respect only the worst derision. Because of his conduct, he has demeaned the office making it also unworthy of respect.

It is certainly not only Americans that have a new found disrespect for the president, the man and the office. It is world wide. The nation is now disrespected. The most graphic exhibition of disrespect comes from Iran who pointedly put obama in his place by sending this "child" a toy replica of the drone they confiscated.

Democrats are worried because a woman shook her finger in his face. I guess Jan Brewer is more worthy of respect.

They say a fool and his gold are soon parted. I'll settle for this fool being parted from the nation's gold.

the disrespect for the President started before Obama......

I still stand that it started under Clinton.....they hated him with a passion...
Yeah, everyone adored Nixon. ;)
This President stuck his finger in the face of another world leader and the defense of his behavior by the left was instantaneous.

But a State's Governor points at his face during a face-to-face meeting, and the cacophony from the left is instantaneous outrage.

This President takes VERY many vacations and golf breaks, and the left is silent.

President Bush took some vacations at his ranch (clearing brush) and the left derided him for failure to attend to the Job.

President Bush walks away from a staged meeting but goes to a fake door (mugs for the camera a bit) and the left derides him as an assclown chimp.

President Obama flubs basic head-of-state protocol time and time and again, and the left pounces to his defense against any snide comments.

The fact of the matter is: Bill Maher is a glaringly obvious transparent hypocrite. He knows it, too; so he turned it around and tried to pass it off as a joke. :doubt:

It amazes me that folks on the left take Bill Maher's alleged (but actually witless) "humor" as intelligent political commentary.
Maher is a never was.

200+ posts later belies that opinion...
Link? I'll be happy to admit that I was wrong, just need to see what you're referring to.
Obama Calls His Critics "Enemies"

Although, he did say later that he shouldn't have said that. Only after hearing about it ... a lot.

No President who cares more for the country than the party should have ever even had that thought enter their mind, let alone say it, let alone say it in public.

Thanks for the link, but not surprising you stretched the truth here a bit. Was what he said smart? Probably not, but to act like he said, "anyone who doesn't vote for me is the enemy" is a nice stretch. A for effort though. What he was referring to are people who are the enemy of immigration reform, not enemy of a person. Slight difference.

More of that fake outrage I see.

many Latinos walked away from that thinking Republicans are their enemies......its the spin the Activist put on it.....and thats all that matters.....
the disrespect for the President started before Obama......

I still stand that it started under Clinton.....they hated him with a passion...
Yeah, everyone adored Nixon. ;)

Interesting. I thought it was really only during/after Watergate people went him, but I maintain it was nothing like Clinton, Bush II or Obama have endured. I would also argue that the vitriole against Bush II was worse than Clinton, and that towards Obama has been worse than against Bush II...
I respect the Office.

I respect the man.

I don't respect the man in the office. He is incompetent.

I still stand that it started under Clinton.....they hated him with a passion...
Yeah, everyone adored Nixon. ;)

Interesting. I thought it was really only during/after Watergate people went him, but I maintain it was nothing like Clinton, Bush II or Obama have endured. I would also argue that the vitriole against Bush II was worse than Clinton, and that towards Obama has been worse than against Bush II...[/QUOTE]

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Obama Calls His Critics "Enemies"

Although, he did say later that he shouldn't have said that. Only after hearing about it ... a lot.

No President who cares more for the country than the party should have ever even had that thought enter their mind, let alone say it, let alone say it in public.

Thanks for the link, but not surprising you stretched the truth here a bit. Was what he said smart? Probably not, but to act like he said, "anyone who doesn't vote for me is the enemy" is a nice stretch. A for effort though. What he was referring to are people who are the enemy of immigration reform, not enemy of a person. Slight difference.

More of that fake outrage I see.

many Latinos walked away from that thinking Republicans are their enemies......its the spin the Activist put on it.....and thats all that matters.....
And, Obama knows that. He knew (and I give him his due) that what he said was very, very wrong.

He did show us all that as a POTUS, party is more important than country.

Well, he confirmed it, would be more accurate.
This President stuck his finger in the face of another world leader and the defense of his behavior by the left was instantaneous.

But a State's Governor points at his face during a face-to-face meeting, and the cacophony from the left is instantaneous outrage.

This President takes VERY many vacations and golf breaks, and the left is silent.

President Bush took some vacations at his ranch (clearing brush) and the left derided him for failure to attend to the Job.

President Bush walks away from a staged meeting but goes to a fake door (mugs for the camera a bit) and the left derides him as an assclown chimp.

President Obama flubs basic head-of-state protocol time and time and again, and the left pounces to his defense against any snide comments.

The fact of the matter is: Bill Maher is a glaringly obvious transparent hypocrite. He knows it, too; so he turned it around and tried to pass it off as a joke. :doubt:

It amazes me that folks on the left take Bill Maher's alleged (but actually witless) "humor" as intelligent political commentary.
Maher is a never was.

200+ posts later belies that opinion...
I restate my position.

One of the requirements for being a partisan is a very, very short memory.

THEIR guy is being attacked FAR MORE than any OTHER guy in that position, EVER. Bull.

Of course, the Democrats are running with the race card when it comes to Obama, which is predictable. Maybe they weren't paying attention to the vicious things said about Bush.

When I point that out, the response is, "yeah, well, that's different, because Bush DESERVED it". Which is precisely what a partisan apologist could be expected to say.

Both ends, so silly!

The difference between Clinton, Bush, even Nixon and obama is that Clinton, Bush and Nixon never hated the people as much as obama does. They never intentionally wanted to bring the nation to ruin. As human beings, Clinton, Bush, Nixon or predecessor except for Carter, may have made bad decisions, may have just been wrong, but never with the specific intention of bringing harm to the nation or its people. obama does have that intention.
Not only did Bush have it worse because he had a hostile media also.

Obama has had a damn cake walk compared.

If I see another article by the lapdog media about how Obama gave a speech in front of hundreds of adoring supporters...I'll lose my cookies.
Yeah, everyone adored Nixon. ;)

Interesting. I thought it was really only during/after Watergate people went him, but I maintain it was nothing like Clinton, Bush II or Obama have endured. I would also argue that the vitriole against Bush II was worse than Clinton, and that towards Obama has been worse than against Bush II...[/QUOTE]


Only a true partisan hack would say otherwise...thank you for proving a point...
So many Pub dupe/haters are just bad citizens....they no longer CARE about the truth and can't carry on a civil political discussion. Newt started this BS "talking points" crappe that has destroyed their chances of winning this year.Thank god for no drama Obama...CHANGE THE CHANNEL and get a grip.

The recovery is proceeding and accelerating (BREAKING NEWS for dittoheads), despite "crises" like the debt ceiling BS fiasco that set things back several months and resulted in a credit rating drop caused TOTALLY by Pub no compromise, "un-American" (TIME) GOP/Tea Party tactics...if you care where the inflation came from....:cuckoo::evil::lol:

and a citizen like you who badmouthed our troops in Vietnam is a good one i suppose......fuck off and die Frankie....
I still stand that it started under Clinton.....they hated him with a passion...
Yeah, everyone adored Nixon. ;)

Interesting. I thought it was really only during/after Watergate people went him, but I maintain it was nothing like Clinton, Bush II or Obama have endured. I would also argue that the vitriole against Bush II was worse than Clinton, and that towards Obama has been worse than against Bush II...
Yeah, for Nixon, it hit after Watergate blew.

As to the rest, I would say the vitriol toward GWB is about the same as that toward BHO, but what has me wanting to say BHO has it a touch less is the folks that I can only describe as doe-eyed groupies (like Beatlemaniacs). I didn't see any of that stuff ever before. Ever.

That's something new to me. Maybe Kennedy had that sort of crap, but I wasn't around to see it.

So, if I HAD to say it, Obama has it better than Bush by a nose.
I honestly like Obama. I sincerely think he's a good man, father, family man.

Running this country is where he has his head up his ass.
i agree with ya .....i just think the guy is a piss poor leader.....

I used to agree that he was a good man. Now, not so much. Anyone who promotes the idea that other Americans are 'the enemy' purely for holding a different political view is not a 'good man', he is a dishonest, partisan piece of shit.

that's being a piss poor leader.....
O'Reilly should let Obama say his piece on Fox News without interruption (you can always put it on mute or change the channel for a bit), that is probably public disrespect to the extreme, but Obama has a lot to be criticized for, he's a nice person, but not a good President.

That would depend whether he was doing an interview and asking directed questions to enlighten his audience, or whether he was providing a stump for Obama to deliver yet another endless campaign speech from.
Wouldn't it makes sense to actually check-it-out???????


[ame=]NFL on FOX: O'Reilly interviews Obama - YouTube[/ame]


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