Public Disrespect For The President

Again, NO. But at least he allowed our military to kill the man who ordered the 9/11 attack. Obama approved the mission; the question is: WHY DIDN'T BUSH TAKE OUT OSAMA INSTEAD OF SADDAM? How many casualties were there when Obama ok'd the end of bin Laden? And The Hunt For The Man Who Threatened Poppy"?

When/Where did you serve? I see you're critical of those who haven't.
You are gonna jump on this one: Courts have ruled military families serve also. My father was career Navy.
He retired when I was 11; I asked to join the Navy, he replied "You're kidding, you don't the coordination, strength, or flexibility, you are going to college". I'm 5'1" 108 lbs. Once I was accepted at Harvard, though my mother noted the $8,000 I'd earned in scholarships would get me through a couple years at UF, if I lived at home (35 miles away), my father said "HARVARD, if we have to live in a ditch". I obeyed. My sister is a disabled Vet, Army.

NOW JUMP. (I lived at Mayport Naval Station for two years). So no, I never served.

So your Father was a patriot. Congrats.

What's you lame-dick excuse?

You never served? Good. Then get off GW Bush's ass and STFU.

Short of that - enlist, asswipe. We need the cannon fodder for all the wars this Chickenhawk-In-Chump has raging.
Dr. chump says "Raygun" so he winz teh internetz!

But he's not a partisan hack or anything. oh noze. Not him.

Dunno. Thought Ford and Nixon were Ok presidents. In fact, except for a certain mishap, Nixon was doing a crack up job despite being slightly paranoid. Thought Eisenhower was good, and Bush I was Ok, but not spectacular.

Now, you were alluding to me being a partisan hack? .....

Yes. Tell us all again about "Raygun." That was all persuasive and shit.

Which part about Raygun? That he started taking the lid off financial regs that led to 2008? How he almost destroyed your middle class? How for at least the final two years of his presidency he had alzeihmers (that's really looking out for the American people, right?). How he tried to destroy the unions - just ask the air traffic controllers about that one....

Dunno how old you are, but I remember him being vilified as a tosser during his presidency, yet the past five years have seen the history books rewritten to make him out to be some sort of saint that ended the Cold War. pffftttt.

Oh, and lets not forget the irony of the neocon whackos clapping hands and doing the happy dance when he bombed Libya in 1985. Marry that with the reaction Obama got when he did similar last year....
Politicians used to have respect for each other, there is no getting around the fact some need to grow up and act like adults.
At least Scott Walker does not act like a 4th grader.

that was when the Country was its the party or themselves.....
When/Where did you serve? I see you're critical of those who haven't.
You are gonna jump on this one: Courts have ruled military families serve also. My father was career Navy.
He retired when I was 11; I asked to join the Navy, he replied "You're kidding, you don't the coordination, strength, or flexibility, you are going to college". I'm 5'1" 108 lbs. Once I was accepted at Harvard, though my mother noted the $8,000 I'd earned in scholarships would get me through a couple years at UF, if I lived at home (35 miles away), my father said "HARVARD, if we have to live in a ditch". I obeyed. My sister is a disabled Vet, Army.

NOW JUMP. (I lived at Mayport Naval Station for two years). So no, I never served.

So your Father was a patriot. Congrats.

What's you lame-dick excuse?

You never served? Good. Then get off GW Bush's ass and STFU.

Short of that - enlist, asswipe. We need the cannon fodder for all the wars this Chickenhawk-In-Chump has raging.

Oh, I forgot. Your spethil because you served...oh, what a man! What a real stand up guy!

I honestly like Obama. I sincerely think he's a good man, father, family man.

Running this country is where he has his head up his ass.
i agree with ya .....i just think the guy is a piss poor leader.....

I used to agree that he was a good man. Now, not so much. Anyone who promotes the idea that other Americans are 'the enemy' purely for holding a different political view is not a 'good man', he is a dishonest, partisan piece of shit.
I honestly like Obama. I sincerely think he's a good man, father, family man.

Running this country is where he has his head up his ass.
i agree with ya .....i just think the guy is a piss poor leader.....

I agree. He need(ed/s) to be more decisive, even if it is unpopular. He does come across as weak in that department...
Politicians used to have respect for each other, there is no getting around the fact some need to grow up and act like adults.
At least Scott Walker does not act like a 4th grader.

I'm rather liking this..

Because the next time there's a republican in office..he can be heckled or whatever.

Maybe even impeached.

That would be a first.

comes with the job Sallow.....the only "leaders" who dont allow that are Dictators....
I respect the office. The man is a bit questionable.

I agree about the office. I question your term 'a bit'. Anyone who deliberately ratchets up 'hate' towards his opposition to create issues so that he can address those issues is scum and does not deserve the honor of leading the country. Fuck him.

Then that is a great big "fuck him" to all past presidents and politicans.

well most of them anyway.....
I honestly like Obama. I sincerely think he's a good man, father, family man.

Running this country is where he has his head up his ass.
i agree with ya .....i just think the guy is a piss poor leader.....

George W. Bush runs this country into the ground (as actual events have proven), and some people still see him as having been a good president. Obama brings America back from the precipice, and conservatives see him as 'a piss poor leader'.

Frankly, I'm not inclined to take people or their judgment seriously if those are the kinds of conclusions they reach based on how events have unfolded.
Maher is the most disrespectful person to anyone Republican, so seeing him whine now is quite the joke.

I still can't believe people pay to see that hateful person..

oh well
Nice analogy. :lol:

Yes it was - I will have to remember that next time some Liberal tries to lump a Chickenhawk like Obama in with actual servicemembers.
CHICKEN HAWK? You mean like Dick "I had other priorities than MILITARY service" Cheney? Both he & baby Bush DODGED Vietnam, at least Clinton gave UP an EARNED exemption when he protested. The Bush boy & Cheney made sure they were NEVER eligible.

how do you EARN an exemption by protesting?....
Maher is the most disrespectful person to anyone Republican, so seeing him whine now is quite the joke.

I still can't believe people pay to see that hateful person..

oh well

He's funny as hell and doesn't take himself to seriously. The only ones who do are conservatives...shrug...

Figures you would ENJOY this.

Low-brow: Bill Maher says Sarah Palin is a ‘dumb twat’

Read more: Bill Maher | Sarah Palin is a 'dumb twat' | The Daily Caller
When President Obama authorized the Navy SEALS to "take out" Osama bin Laden, was he assuming a whole lot of personal risk?
No, the Seals did. why Bush let him live on can only be attributed to his love of the Saudis. Bush kissing the Saudi King after 9/11/01 was DISGUSTING.

So what is your justification for Clinton's decision not to have Osama killed? During his term, US service personnel literally had Osama in the crosshairs - literally. They had eyes on the man. They had a perfect opportunity to take him out... and, had Clinton had the balls (which may have been distracted by interns).... 9-11 would never have happened.

If we are apportioning blame.... Blame Clinton. The President Who Blinked - and that blink cost thousands of people their lives.

Maher is the most disrespectful person to anyone Republican, so seeing him whine now is quite the joke.

I still can't believe people pay to see that hateful person..

oh well

He's funny as hell and doesn't take himself to seriously. The only ones who do are conservatives...shrug...

Figures you would ENJOY this.

Low-brow: Bill Maher says Sarah Palin is a ‘dumb twat’

Read more: Bill Maher | Sarah Palin is a 'dumb twat' | The Daily Caller

Well, besides being right, he started out as a stand up comedian so no surprises there...
For me the issue is complicated. Many liberals acted like whining, snot nosed, little ***** when "W" was in office. The foul things they said and did were far beyond the pale. It was truly outrageous, ugly and shrill. It really made me very angry at the time.

Now we have "O" in office and some conservatives are doing the very same things they found repugnant just a few years ago. I must admit I do not feel as angry , one does become numb to it all, but still, I know it is wrong.

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