Pugabe is a bigger threat to Europes existence than Isis


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
100% agree the this thesis , i say bomb Muscovite ulus with Iran oil- gas sanctions !

"Putin is a gifted tactician, but not a strategic thinker. There is no reason to believe he intervened in Syria in order to aggravate the European refugee crisis. Indeed, his intervention was a strategic blunder because it embroiled him in a conflict with Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, which has hurt the interests of both.

But once Putin saw the opportunity to hasten the EU’s disintegration, he seized it. He has obfuscated his actions by talking of cooperating against a common enemy, Isis. He has followed a similar approach in Ukraine, signing the Minsk agreement but failing to carry out its provisions.

It is hard to understand why US and EU leaders take Putin at his word rather than judging him by his behaviour. The only explanation I can find is that democratic politicians seek to reassure their publics by painting a more favourable picture than reality justifies. ....
sis (and al-Qaida before it) has recognised the achilles heel of western civilisation – the fear of death – and learned how to exploit it. By arousing latent Islamophobia in the west and inducing the public and governments to treat Muslims with suspicion, it hopes to convince young Muslims that there is no alternative to terrorism. Once this strategy is understood, there is a simple antidote: refuse to behave the way your enemies want you to.

The threat emanating from Putin’s Russia will be difficult to counter. Failure to recognise it will make the task even more difficult.


100% agree the this thesis , i say bomb Muscovite ulus with Iran oil- gas sanctions !

"Putin is a gifted tactician, but not a strategic thinker. There is no reason to believe he intervened in Syria in order to aggravate the European refugee crisis. Indeed, his intervention was a strategic blunder because it embroiled him in a conflict with Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, which has hurt the interests of both.

But once Putin saw the opportunity to hasten the EU’s disintegration, he seized it. He has obfuscated his actions by talking of cooperating against a common enemy, Isis. He has followed a similar approach in Ukraine, signing the Minsk agreement but failing to carry out its provisions.

It is hard to understand why US and EU leaders take Putin at his word rather than judging him by his behaviour. The only explanation I can find is that democratic politicians seek to reassure their publics by painting a more favourable picture than reality justifies. ....
sis (and al-Qaida before it) has recognised the achilles heel of western civilisation – the fear of death – and learned how to exploit it. By arousing latent Islamophobia in the west and inducing the public and governments to treat Muslims with suspicion, it hopes to convince young Muslims that there is no alternative to terrorism. Once this strategy is understood, there is a simple antidote: refuse to behave the way your enemies want you to.

The threat emanating from Putin’s Russia will be difficult to counter. Failure to recognise it will make the task even more difficult.


Fuck putin, he is not our main concern. I hate to admit it but china being trouble is the one thing trump got right. Our national strategic goals was to bring china int the middle east conflct and spend thier treasures there. Unfotunately the vaccum we left for china was filled by putin. Not what we expected but hey, you know why the good lord gave us plans dont ya. Now we are here and a target is suffering, not the right target but that is some times how traps work.
"Pugabe is a bigger threat to Europes existence than Isis"

Thanks to "Pugabe" even a fly is a bigger threat to Europe. Spackwin.
100% agree the this thesis , i say bomb Muscovite ulus with Iran oil- gas sanctions !

"Putin is a gifted tactician, but not a strategic thinker. There is no reason to believe he intervened in Syria in order to aggravate the European refugee crisis. Indeed, his intervention was a strategic blunder because it embroiled him in a conflict with Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, which has hurt the interests of both.

But once Putin saw the opportunity to hasten the EU’s disintegration, he seized it. He has obfuscated his actions by talking of cooperating against a common enemy, Isis. He has followed a similar approach in Ukraine, signing the Minsk agreement but failing to carry out its provisions.

It is hard to understand why US and EU leaders take Putin at his word rather than judging him by his behaviour. The only explanation I can find is that democratic politicians seek to reassure their publics by painting a more favourable picture than reality justifies. ....
sis (and al-Qaida before it) has recognised the achilles heel of western civilisation – the fear of death – and learned how to exploit it. By arousing latent Islamophobia in the west and inducing the public and governments to treat Muslims with suspicion, it hopes to convince young Muslims that there is no alternative to terrorism. Once this strategy is understood, there is a simple antidote: refuse to behave the way your enemies want you to.

The threat emanating from Putin’s Russia will be difficult to counter. Failure to recognise it will make the task even more difficult.


Fuck putin, he is not our main concern. I hate to admit it but china being trouble is the one thing trump got right. Our national strategic goals was to bring china int the middle east conflct and spend thier treasures there. Unfotunately the vaccum we left for china was filled by putin. Not what we expected but hey, you know why the good lord gave us plans dont ya. Now we are here and a target is suffering, not the right target but that is some times how traps work.
many good points.

but do you agree that Muscovy (other names juchi ulus, golden horde , russia, tartary ) as a primitive mongol empire always is choosing to use hardpower , meanwhile " China " (state created only in 1910) prefers to use soft-power?
"Pugabe is a bigger threat to Europes existence than Isis"

Thanks to "Pugabe" even a fly is a bigger threat to Europe. Spackwin.

The Russian Military Forum: Russia's Hybrid War Campaign: Implications for Ukraine and Beyond
100% agree the this thesis , i say bomb Muscovite ulus with Iran oil- gas sanctions !

"Putin is a gifted tactician, but not a strategic thinker. There is no reason to believe he intervened in Syria in order to aggravate the European refugee crisis. Indeed, his intervention was a strategic blunder because it embroiled him in a conflict with Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, which has hurt the interests of both.

But once Putin saw the opportunity to hasten the EU’s disintegration, he seized it. He has obfuscated his actions by talking of cooperating against a common enemy, Isis. He has followed a similar approach in Ukraine, signing the Minsk agreement but failing to carry out its provisions.

It is hard to understand why US and EU leaders take Putin at his word rather than judging him by his behaviour. The only explanation I can find is that democratic politicians seek to reassure their publics by painting a more favourable picture than reality justifies. ....
sis (and al-Qaida before it) has recognised the achilles heel of western civilisation – the fear of death – and learned how to exploit it. By arousing latent Islamophobia in the west and inducing the public and governments to treat Muslims with suspicion, it hopes to convince young Muslims that there is no alternative to terrorism. Once this strategy is understood, there is a simple antidote: refuse to behave the way your enemies want you to.

The threat emanating from Putin’s Russia will be difficult to counter. Failure to recognise it will make the task even more difficult.


Fuck putin, he is not our main concern. I hate to admit it but china being trouble is the one thing trump got right. Our national strategic goals was to bring china int the middle east conflct and spend thier treasures there. Unfotunately the vaccum we left for china was filled by putin. Not what we expected but hey, you know why the good lord gave us plans dont ya. Now we are here and a target is suffering, not the right target but that is some times how traps work.
many good points.

but do you agree that Muscovy (other names juchi ulus, golden horde , russia, tartary ) as a primitive mongol empire always is choosing to use hardpower , meanwhile " China " (state created only in 1910) prefers to use soft-power?
ya, they are scum bags no doubt, just wated to focus on them next. I guess I do not realy care this shit aint my job any more it is some one eleses problem now. I am having a good day today. I am finally going to take some good folk out to fish and have some fun for a change. This virus thing has prevented me from filling boats. It will continue but today some one decided they would drop the money on my favorite boat to take out. 53 foot boat to take five people out on it. There will not be a bad seat in the house and if they are willing to rent something I normally put 25 to 30 people on, I may be in for a realy good tip!!!!!!! Hell ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am setting up for three diferent types of fish that way if we limit we switch poles and go after a new fish. No way that boat comes in one minute early I do not care what the weather is like. Better be men on that boat because if they wanna go back earkly they are swimming.
100% agree the this thesis , i say bomb Muscovite ulus with Iran oil- gas sanctions !

"Putin is a gifted tactician, but not a strategic thinker. There is no reason to believe he intervened in Syria in order to aggravate the European refugee crisis. Indeed, his intervention was a strategic blunder because it embroiled him in a conflict with Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, which has hurt the interests of both.

But once Putin saw the opportunity to hasten the EU’s disintegration, he seized it. He has obfuscated his actions by talking of cooperating against a common enemy, Isis. He has followed a similar approach in Ukraine, signing the Minsk agreement but failing to carry out its provisions.

It is hard to understand why US and EU leaders take Putin at his word rather than judging him by his behaviour. The only explanation I can find is that democratic politicians seek to reassure their publics by painting a more favourable picture than reality justifies. ....
sis (and al-Qaida before it) has recognised the achilles heel of western civilisation – the fear of death – and learned how to exploit it. By arousing latent Islamophobia in the west and inducing the public and governments to treat Muslims with suspicion, it hopes to convince young Muslims that there is no alternative to terrorism. Once this strategy is understood, there is a simple antidote: refuse to behave the way your enemies want you to.

The threat emanating from Putin’s Russia will be difficult to counter. Failure to recognise it will make the task even more difficult.


Fuck putin, he is not our main concern. I hate to admit it but china being trouble is the one thing trump got right. Our national strategic goals was to bring china int the middle east conflct and spend thier treasures there. Unfotunately the vaccum we left for china was filled by putin. Not what we expected but hey, you know why the good lord gave us plans dont ya. Now we are here and a target is suffering, not the right target but that is some times how traps work.
many good points.

but do you agree that Muscovy (other names juchi ulus, golden horde , russia, tartary ) as a primitive mongol empire always is choosing to use hardpower , meanwhile " China " (state created only in 1910) prefers to use soft-power?
Comparing with Jewish Cossacks, may be...

100% agree the this thesis , i say bomb Muscovite ulus with Iran oil- gas sanctions !

"Putin is a gifted tactician, but not a strategic thinker. There is no reason to believe he intervened in Syria in order to aggravate the European refugee crisis. Indeed, his intervention was a strategic blunder because it embroiled him in a conflict with Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, which has hurt the interests of both.

But once Putin saw the opportunity to hasten the EU’s disintegration, he seized it. He has obfuscated his actions by talking of cooperating against a common enemy, Isis. He has followed a similar approach in Ukraine, signing the Minsk agreement but failing to carry out its provisions.

It is hard to understand why US and EU leaders take Putin at his word rather than judging him by his behaviour. The only explanation I can find is that democratic politicians seek to reassure their publics by painting a more favourable picture than reality justifies. ....
sis (and al-Qaida before it) has recognised the achilles heel of western civilisation – the fear of death – and learned how to exploit it. By arousing latent Islamophobia in the west and inducing the public and governments to treat Muslims with suspicion, it hopes to convince young Muslims that there is no alternative to terrorism. Once this strategy is understood, there is a simple antidote: refuse to behave the way your enemies want you to.

The threat emanating from Putin’s Russia will be difficult to counter. Failure to recognise it will make the task even more difficult.


Fuck putin, he is not our main concern. I hate to admit it but china being trouble is the one thing trump got right. Our national strategic goals was to bring china int the middle east conflct and spend thier treasures there. Unfotunately the vaccum we left for china was filled by putin. Not what we expected but hey, you know why the good lord gave us plans dont ya. Now we are here and a target is suffering, not the right target but that is some times how traps work.
many good points.

but do you agree that Muscovy (other names juchi ulus, golden horde , russia, tartary ) as a primitive mongol empire always is choosing to use hardpower , meanwhile " China " (state created only in 1910) prefers to use soft-power?
Comparing with Jewish Cossacks, may be...

Jewish Cossacks... Sounds like a terrestial fish.
100% agree the this thesis , i say bomb Muscovite ulus with Iran oil- gas sanctions !

"Putin is a gifted tactician, but not a strategic thinker. There is no reason to believe he intervened in Syria in order to aggravate the European refugee crisis. Indeed, his intervention was a strategic blunder because it embroiled him in a conflict with Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, which has hurt the interests of both.

But once Putin saw the opportunity to hasten the EU’s disintegration, he seized it. He has obfuscated his actions by talking of cooperating against a common enemy, Isis. He has followed a similar approach in Ukraine, signing the Minsk agreement but failing to carry out its provisions.

It is hard to understand why US and EU leaders take Putin at his word rather than judging him by his behaviour. The only explanation I can find is that democratic politicians seek to reassure their publics by painting a more favourable picture than reality justifies. ....
sis (and al-Qaida before it) has recognised the achilles heel of western civilisation – the fear of death – and learned how to exploit it. By arousing latent Islamophobia in the west and inducing the public and governments to treat Muslims with suspicion, it hopes to convince young Muslims that there is no alternative to terrorism. Once this strategy is understood, there is a simple antidote: refuse to behave the way your enemies want you to.

The threat emanating from Putin’s Russia will be difficult to counter. Failure to recognise it will make the task even more difficult.


Fuck putin, he is not our main concern. I hate to admit it but china being trouble is the one thing trump got right. Our national strategic goals was to bring china int the middle east conflct and spend thier treasures there. Unfotunately the vaccum we left for china was filled by putin. Not what we expected but hey, you know why the good lord gave us plans dont ya. Now we are here and a target is suffering, not the right target but that is some times how traps work.
many good points.

but do you agree that Muscovy (other names juchi ulus, golden horde , russia, tartary ) as a primitive mongol empire always is choosing to use hardpower , meanwhile " China " (state created only in 1910) prefers to use soft-power?
Comparing with Jewish Cossacks, may be...

Jewish Cossacks... Sounds like a terrestial fish.

maskali are trolling here Jews, who are cowards according juchi ulus racial stereotypes
100% agree the this thesis , i say bomb Muscovite ulus with Iran oil- gas sanctions !

"Putin is a gifted tactician, but not a strategic thinker. There is no reason to believe he intervened in Syria in order to aggravate the European refugee crisis. Indeed, his intervention was a strategic blunder because it embroiled him in a conflict with Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, which has hurt the interests of both.

But once Putin saw the opportunity to hasten the EU’s disintegration, he seized it. He has obfuscated his actions by talking of cooperating against a common enemy, Isis. He has followed a similar approach in Ukraine, signing the Minsk agreement but failing to carry out its provisions.

It is hard to understand why US and EU leaders take Putin at his word rather than judging him by his behaviour. The only explanation I can find is that democratic politicians seek to reassure their publics by painting a more favourable picture than reality justifies. ....
sis (and al-Qaida before it) has recognised the achilles heel of western civilisation – the fear of death – and learned how to exploit it. By arousing latent Islamophobia in the west and inducing the public and governments to treat Muslims with suspicion, it hopes to convince young Muslims that there is no alternative to terrorism. Once this strategy is understood, there is a simple antidote: refuse to behave the way your enemies want you to.

The threat emanating from Putin’s Russia will be difficult to counter. Failure to recognise it will make the task even more difficult.


Fuck putin, he is not our main concern. I hate to admit it but china being trouble is the one thing trump got right. Our national strategic goals was to bring china int the middle east conflct and spend thier treasures there. Unfotunately the vaccum we left for china was filled by putin. Not what we expected but hey, you know why the good lord gave us plans dont ya. Now we are here and a target is suffering, not the right target but that is some times how traps work.
many good points.

but do you agree that Muscovy (other names juchi ulus, golden horde , russia, tartary ) as a primitive mongol empire always is choosing to use hardpower , meanwhile " China " (state created only in 1910) prefers to use soft-power?
Comparing with Jewish Cossacks, may be...

Jewish Cossacks... Sounds like a terrestial fish.

maskali are trolling here Jews, who are cowards according juchi ulus racial stereotypes

Yes, I know. I watched the clip.

Nevertheless, concerning a war my bet would be on the Jews.
100% agree the this thesis , i say bomb Muscovite ulus with Iran oil- gas sanctions !

"Putin is a gifted tactician, but not a strategic thinker. There is no reason to believe he intervened in Syria in order to aggravate the European refugee crisis. Indeed, his intervention was a strategic blunder because it embroiled him in a conflict with Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, which has hurt the interests of both.

But once Putin saw the opportunity to hasten the EU’s disintegration, he seized it. He has obfuscated his actions by talking of cooperating against a common enemy, Isis. He has followed a similar approach in Ukraine, signing the Minsk agreement but failing to carry out its provisions.

It is hard to understand why US and EU leaders take Putin at his word rather than judging him by his behaviour. The only explanation I can find is that democratic politicians seek to reassure their publics by painting a more favourable picture than reality justifies. ....
sis (and al-Qaida before it) has recognised the achilles heel of western civilisation – the fear of death – and learned how to exploit it. By arousing latent Islamophobia in the west and inducing the public and governments to treat Muslims with suspicion, it hopes to convince young Muslims that there is no alternative to terrorism. Once this strategy is understood, there is a simple antidote: refuse to behave the way your enemies want you to.

The threat emanating from Putin’s Russia will be difficult to counter. Failure to recognise it will make the task even more difficult.


Fuck putin, he is not our main concern. I hate to admit it but china being trouble is the one thing trump got right. Our national strategic goals was to bring china int the middle east conflct and spend thier treasures there. Unfotunately the vaccum we left for china was filled by putin. Not what we expected but hey, you know why the good lord gave us plans dont ya. Now we are here and a target is suffering, not the right target but that is some times how traps work.
many good points.

but do you agree that Muscovy (other names juchi ulus, golden horde , russia, tartary ) as a primitive mongol empire always is choosing to use hardpower , meanwhile " China " (state created only in 1910) prefers to use soft-power?
Comparing with Jewish Cossacks, may be...

Jewish Cossacks... Sounds like a terrestial fish.

Actually, some of "Ukrainian" nationalists claims that the word "Cossack" is a form of the word "Hazarian", and "Hazarians" were Jews. Both those statements highly likely are wrong, but nobody cares.
From another hand, current alliance between significant part of Jewish community and Neo-Nazi Radicals is anti-natural in the same way.

But nobody pretend that an ideology must be logical.
Last edited:
100% agree the this thesis , i say bomb Muscovite ulus with Iran oil- gas sanctions !

"Putin is a gifted tactician, but not a strategic thinker. There is no reason to believe he intervened in Syria in order to aggravate the European refugee crisis. Indeed, his intervention was a strategic blunder because it embroiled him in a conflict with Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, which has hurt the interests of both.

But once Putin saw the opportunity to hasten the EU’s disintegration, he seized it. He has obfuscated his actions by talking of cooperating against a common enemy, Isis. He has followed a similar approach in Ukraine, signing the Minsk agreement but failing to carry out its provisions.

It is hard to understand why US and EU leaders take Putin at his word rather than judging him by his behaviour. The only explanation I can find is that democratic politicians seek to reassure their publics by painting a more favourable picture than reality justifies. ....
sis (and al-Qaida before it) has recognised the achilles heel of western civilisation – the fear of death – and learned how to exploit it. By arousing latent Islamophobia in the west and inducing the public and governments to treat Muslims with suspicion, it hopes to convince young Muslims that there is no alternative to terrorism. Once this strategy is understood, there is a simple antidote: refuse to behave the way your enemies want you to.

The threat emanating from Putin’s Russia will be difficult to counter. Failure to recognise it will make the task even more difficult.


Fuck putin, he is not our main concern. I hate to admit it but china being trouble is the one thing trump got right. Our national strategic goals was to bring china int the middle east conflct and spend thier treasures there. Unfotunately the vaccum we left for china was filled by putin. Not what we expected but hey, you know why the good lord gave us plans dont ya. Now we are here and a target is suffering, not the right target but that is some times how traps work.
many good points.

but do you agree that Muscovy (other names juchi ulus, golden horde , russia, tartary ) as a primitive mongol empire always is choosing to use hardpower , meanwhile " China " (state created only in 1910) prefers to use soft-power?
Comparing with Jewish Cossacks, may be...

Jewish Cossacks... Sounds like a terrestial fish.

maskali are trolling here Jews, who are cowards according juchi ulus racial stereotypes

Actually, Khazarian Khaganate was crushed by Russians long before Mongolian Invasion.
100% agree the this thesis , i say bomb Muscovite ulus with Iran oil- gas sanctions !

"Putin is a gifted tactician, but not a strategic thinker. There is no reason to believe he intervened in Syria in order to aggravate the European refugee crisis. Indeed, his intervention was a strategic blunder because it embroiled him in a conflict with Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, which has hurt the interests of both.

But once Putin saw the opportunity to hasten the EU’s disintegration, he seized it. He has obfuscated his actions by talking of cooperating against a common enemy, Isis. He has followed a similar approach in Ukraine, signing the Minsk agreement but failing to carry out its provisions.

It is hard to understand why US and EU leaders take Putin at his word rather than judging him by his behaviour. The only explanation I can find is that democratic politicians seek to reassure their publics by painting a more favourable picture than reality justifies. ....
sis (and al-Qaida before it) has recognised the achilles heel of western civilisation – the fear of death – and learned how to exploit it. By arousing latent Islamophobia in the west and inducing the public and governments to treat Muslims with suspicion, it hopes to convince young Muslims that there is no alternative to terrorism. Once this strategy is understood, there is a simple antidote: refuse to behave the way your enemies want you to.

The threat emanating from Putin’s Russia will be difficult to counter. Failure to recognise it will make the task even more difficult.


Fuck putin, he is not our main concern. I hate to admit it but china being trouble is the one thing trump got right. Our national strategic goals was to bring china int the middle east conflct and spend thier treasures there. Unfotunately the vaccum we left for china was filled by putin. Not what we expected but hey, you know why the good lord gave us plans dont ya. Now we are here and a target is suffering, not the right target but that is some times how traps work.
many good points.

but do you agree that Muscovy (other names juchi ulus, golden horde , russia, tartary ) as a primitive mongol empire always is choosing to use hardpower , meanwhile " China " (state created only in 1910) prefers to use soft-power?
Comparing with Jewish Cossacks, may be...

Jewish Cossacks... Sounds like a terrestial fish.

Actually, some of "Ukrainian" nationalists claims that the word "Cossack" is a form of the word "Hazarian", and "Hazarians" were Jews. Both those statements highly likely are wrong, but nobody cares.
From another hand, current alliance between significant part of Jewish community and Neo-Nazi Radicals is anti-natural in the same way.
View attachment 335563

But nobody pretend that ideology must be logical.

This alliance exists only in the heads of people fed up by Russian fake news media. This leads to two mutually illogical conclusions - that so called coup was organized by Jews and the country is led by them now; and 'the coup' was organized by Ukrainian nationalists (or as they prefer neo-Nazis).

This collision can't be solved by a Russian brain, so they don't even try, and just reiterate one statement or the other depending of context.
100% agree the this thesis , i say bomb Muscovite ulus with Iran oil- gas sanctions !

"Putin is a gifted tactician, but not a strategic thinker. There is no reason to believe he intervened in Syria in order to aggravate the European refugee crisis. Indeed, his intervention was a strategic blunder because it embroiled him in a conflict with Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, which has hurt the interests of both.

But once Putin saw the opportunity to hasten the EU’s disintegration, he seized it. He has obfuscated his actions by talking of cooperating against a common enemy, Isis. He has followed a similar approach in Ukraine, signing the Minsk agreement but failing to carry out its provisions.

It is hard to understand why US and EU leaders take Putin at his word rather than judging him by his behaviour. The only explanation I can find is that democratic politicians seek to reassure their publics by painting a more favourable picture than reality justifies. ....
sis (and al-Qaida before it) has recognised the achilles heel of western civilisation – the fear of death – and learned how to exploit it. By arousing latent Islamophobia in the west and inducing the public and governments to treat Muslims with suspicion, it hopes to convince young Muslims that there is no alternative to terrorism. Once this strategy is understood, there is a simple antidote: refuse to behave the way your enemies want you to.

The threat emanating from Putin’s Russia will be difficult to counter. Failure to recognise it will make the task even more difficult.


Fuck putin, he is not our main concern. I hate to admit it but china being trouble is the one thing trump got right. Our national strategic goals was to bring china int the middle east conflct and spend thier treasures there. Unfotunately the vaccum we left for china was filled by putin. Not what we expected but hey, you know why the good lord gave us plans dont ya. Now we are here and a target is suffering, not the right target but that is some times how traps work.
many good points.

but do you agree that Muscovy (other names juchi ulus, golden horde , russia, tartary ) as a primitive mongol empire always is choosing to use hardpower , meanwhile " China " (state created only in 1910) prefers to use soft-power?
Comparing with Jewish Cossacks, may be...

Jewish Cossacks... Sounds like a terrestial fish.

Actually, some of "Ukrainian" nationalists claims that the word "Cossack" is a form of the word "Hazarian", and "Hazarians" were Jews. Both those statements highly likely are wrong, but nobody cares.
From another hand, current alliance between significant part of Jewish community and Neo-Nazi Radicals is anti-natural in the same way.
View attachment 335563

But nobody pretend that ideology must be logical.

This alliance exists only in the heads of people fed up by Russian fake news media. This leads to two mutually illogical conclusions - that so called coup was organized by Jews and the country is led by them now; and 'the coup' was organized by Ukrainian nationalists (or as they prefer neo-Nazis).

This collision can't be solved by a Russian brain, so they don't even try, and just reiterate one statement or the other depending of context.

Zelenskiy is a Jew, and representative of Kolomoiskiy (and Habbad cult) , and Ukrainian nationalists were a cannon fodder on Maidan and in Donbass conflict. It's just a plain facts. A word "Jidobanderovetz" (Jude-Banderlog) was invented in Ukraine.
Actually Ukraine is a failed state, controlled by many different foreign forces (from Turkey to Russia and the USA). Those forces play their games, but no one is really interested in the "total victory".
Habbad, Soros, US Int, Russians (Capitalists, Commies, Liberals, Panslavics, Orthodox Fanatics), Turks (Panturkists and Pan Islamists), Poles, Hungarians and many others... They play their games, but don't raise bets. Many alliances are temporary and innatural.
100% agree the this thesis , i say bomb Muscovite ulus with Iran oil- gas sanctions !

"Putin is a gifted tactician, but not a strategic thinker. There is no reason to believe he intervened in Syria in order to aggravate the European refugee crisis. Indeed, his intervention was a strategic blunder because it embroiled him in a conflict with Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, which has hurt the interests of both.

But once Putin saw the opportunity to hasten the EU’s disintegration, he seized it. He has obfuscated his actions by talking of cooperating against a common enemy, Isis. He has followed a similar approach in Ukraine, signing the Minsk agreement but failing to carry out its provisions.

It is hard to understand why US and EU leaders take Putin at his word rather than judging him by his behaviour. The only explanation I can find is that democratic politicians seek to reassure their publics by painting a more favourable picture than reality justifies. ....
sis (and al-Qaida before it) has recognised the achilles heel of western civilisation – the fear of death – and learned how to exploit it. By arousing latent Islamophobia in the west and inducing the public and governments to treat Muslims with suspicion, it hopes to convince young Muslims that there is no alternative to terrorism. Once this strategy is understood, there is a simple antidote: refuse to behave the way your enemies want you to.

The threat emanating from Putin’s Russia will be difficult to counter. Failure to recognise it will make the task even more difficult.


100% agree the this thesis , i say bomb Muscovite ulus with Iran oil- gas sanctions !

"Putin is a gifted tactician, but not a strategic thinker. There is no reason to believe he intervened in Syria in order to aggravate the European refugee crisis. Indeed, his intervention was a strategic blunder because it embroiled him in a conflict with Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, which has hurt the interests of both.

But once Putin saw the opportunity to hasten the EU’s disintegration, he seized it. He has obfuscated his actions by talking of cooperating against a common enemy, Isis. He has followed a similar approach in Ukraine, signing the Minsk agreement but failing to carry out its provisions.

It is hard to understand why US and EU leaders take Putin at his word rather than judging him by his behaviour. The only explanation I can find is that democratic politicians seek to reassure their publics by painting a more favourable picture than reality justifies. ....
sis (and al-Qaida before it) has recognised the achilles heel of western civilisation – the fear of death – and learned how to exploit it. By arousing latent Islamophobia in the west and inducing the public and governments to treat Muslims with suspicion, it hopes to convince young Muslims that there is no alternative to terrorism. Once this strategy is understood, there is a simple antidote: refuse to behave the way your enemies want you to.

The threat emanating from Putin’s Russia will be difficult to counter. Failure to recognise it will make the task even more difficult.


Fuck putin, he is not our main concern. I hate to admit it but china being trouble is the one thing trump got right. Our national strategic goals was to bring china int the middle east conflct and spend thier treasures there. Unfotunately the vaccum we left for china was filled by putin. Not what we expected but hey, you know why the good lord gave us plans dont ya. Now we are here and a target is suffering, not the right target but that is some times how traps work.
many good points.

but do you agree that Muscovy (other names juchi ulus, golden horde , russia, tartary ) as a primitive mongol empire always is choosing to use hardpower , meanwhile " China " (state created only in 1910) prefers to use soft-power?
Comparing with Jewish Cossacks, may be...

Jewish Cossacks... Sounds like a terrestial fish.

Actually, some of "Ukrainian" nationalists claims that the word "Cossack" is a form of the word "Hazarian", and "Hazarians" were Jews. Both those statements highly likely are wrong, but nobody cares.
From another hand, current alliance between significant part of Jewish community and Neo-Nazi Radicals is anti-natural in the same way.
View attachment 335563

But nobody pretend that ideology must be logical.

This alliance exists only in the heads of people fed up by Russian fake news media. This leads to two mutually illogical conclusions - that so called coup was organized by Jews and the country is led by them now; and 'the coup' was organized by Ukrainian nationalists (or as they prefer neo-Nazis).

This collision can't be solved by a Russian brain, so they don't even try, and just reiterate one statement or the other depending of context.

Zelenskiy is a Jew, and representative of Kolomoiskiy (and Habbad cult) , and Ukrainian nationalists were a cannon fodder on Maidan and in Donbass conflict. It's just a plain facts. A word "Jidobanderovetz" (Jude-Banderlog) was invented in Ukraine.
Actually Ukraine is a failed state, controlled by many different foreign forces (from Turkey to Russia and the USA). Those forces play their games, but no one is really interested in the "total victory".
Habbad, Soros, US Int, Russians (Capitalists, Commies, Liberals, Panslavics, Orthodox Fanatics), Turks (Panturkists and Pan Islamists), Poles, Hungarians and many others... They play their games, but don't raise bets. Many alliances are temporary and innatural.

Ukraine badly needs following:

1. Fundamental Baptism as the state religion
2. Death punishment for corruption
3. Guys like Ron Paul as president
4. A total prohibition for former KGB agents and KPSU members to run any office
5 New constitution
100% agree the this thesis , i say bomb Muscovite ulus with Iran oil- gas sanctions !

"Putin is a gifted tactician, but not a strategic thinker. There is no reason to believe he intervened in Syria in order to aggravate the European refugee crisis. Indeed, his intervention was a strategic blunder because it embroiled him in a conflict with Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, which has hurt the interests of both.

But once Putin saw the opportunity to hasten the EU’s disintegration, he seized it. He has obfuscated his actions by talking of cooperating against a common enemy, Isis. He has followed a similar approach in Ukraine, signing the Minsk agreement but failing to carry out its provisions.

It is hard to understand why US and EU leaders take Putin at his word rather than judging him by his behaviour. The only explanation I can find is that democratic politicians seek to reassure their publics by painting a more favourable picture than reality justifies. ....
sis (and al-Qaida before it) has recognised the achilles heel of western civilisation – the fear of death – and learned how to exploit it. By arousing latent Islamophobia in the west and inducing the public and governments to treat Muslims with suspicion, it hopes to convince young Muslims that there is no alternative to terrorism. Once this strategy is understood, there is a simple antidote: refuse to behave the way your enemies want you to.

The threat emanating from Putin’s Russia will be difficult to counter. Failure to recognise it will make the task even more difficult.


Fuck putin, he is not our main concern. I hate to admit it but china being trouble is the one thing trump got right. Our national strategic goals was to bring china int the middle east conflct and spend thier treasures there. Unfotunately the vaccum we left for china was filled by putin. Not what we expected but hey, you know why the good lord gave us plans dont ya. Now we are here and a target is suffering, not the right target but that is some times how traps work.
many good points.

but do you agree that Muscovy (other names juchi ulus, golden horde , russia, tartary ) as a primitive mongol empire always is choosing to use hardpower , meanwhile " China " (state created only in 1910) prefers to use soft-power?
Comparing with Jewish Cossacks, may be...

Jewish Cossacks... Sounds like a terrestial fish.

maskali are trolling here Jews, who are cowards according juchi ulus racial stereotypes

Actually, Khazarian Khaganate was crushed by Russians long before Mongolian Invasion.

The Khazarian Khaganate crushes the world now by its Fake Corona virus
100% agree the this thesis , i say bomb Muscovite ulus with Iran oil- gas sanctions !

"Putin is a gifted tactician, but not a strategic thinker. There is no reason to believe he intervened in Syria in order to aggravate the European refugee crisis. Indeed, his intervention was a strategic blunder because it embroiled him in a conflict with Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, which has hurt the interests of both.

But once Putin saw the opportunity to hasten the EU’s disintegration, he seized it. He has obfuscated his actions by talking of cooperating against a common enemy, Isis. He has followed a similar approach in Ukraine, signing the Minsk agreement but failing to carry out its provisions.

It is hard to understand why US and EU leaders take Putin at his word rather than judging him by his behaviour. The only explanation I can find is that democratic politicians seek to reassure their publics by painting a more favourable picture than reality justifies. ....
sis (and al-Qaida before it) has recognised the achilles heel of western civilisation – the fear of death – and learned how to exploit it. By arousing latent Islamophobia in the west and inducing the public and governments to treat Muslims with suspicion, it hopes to convince young Muslims that there is no alternative to terrorism. Once this strategy is understood, there is a simple antidote: refuse to behave the way your enemies want you to.

The threat emanating from Putin’s Russia will be difficult to counter. Failure to recognise it will make the task even more difficult.


Fuck putin, he is not our main concern. I hate to admit it but china being trouble is the one thing trump got right. Our national strategic goals was to bring china int the middle east conflct and spend thier treasures there. Unfotunately the vaccum we left for china was filled by putin. Not what we expected but hey, you know why the good lord gave us plans dont ya. Now we are here and a target is suffering, not the right target but that is some times how traps work.
many good points.

but do you agree that Muscovy (other names juchi ulus, golden horde , russia, tartary ) as a primitive mongol empire always is choosing to use hardpower , meanwhile " China " (state created only in 1910) prefers to use soft-power?
Comparing with Jewish Cossacks, may be...

Jewish Cossacks... Sounds like a terrestial fish.

maskali are trolling here Jews, who are cowards according juchi ulus racial stereotypes

Who except you likes still Jews?
Which nation?
100% agree the this thesis , i say bomb Muscovite ulus with Iran oil- gas sanctions !

"Putin is a gifted tactician, but not a strategic thinker. There is no reason to believe he intervened in Syria in order to aggravate the European refugee crisis. Indeed, his intervention was a strategic blunder because it embroiled him in a conflict with Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, which has hurt the interests of both.

But once Putin saw the opportunity to hasten the EU’s disintegration, he seized it. He has obfuscated his actions by talking of cooperating against a common enemy, Isis. He has followed a similar approach in Ukraine, signing the Minsk agreement but failing to carry out its provisions.

It is hard to understand why US and EU leaders take Putin at his word rather than judging him by his behaviour. The only explanation I can find is that democratic politicians seek to reassure their publics by painting a more favourable picture than reality justifies. ....
sis (and al-Qaida before it) has recognised the achilles heel of western civilisation – the fear of death – and learned how to exploit it. By arousing latent Islamophobia in the west and inducing the public and governments to treat Muslims with suspicion, it hopes to convince young Muslims that there is no alternative to terrorism. Once this strategy is understood, there is a simple antidote: refuse to behave the way your enemies want you to.

The threat emanating from Putin’s Russia will be difficult to counter. Failure to recognise it will make the task even more difficult.


Fuck putin, he is not our main concern. I hate to admit it but china being trouble is the one thing trump got right. Our national strategic goals was to bring china int the middle east conflct and spend thier treasures there. Unfotunately the vaccum we left for china was filled by putin. Not what we expected but hey, you know why the good lord gave us plans dont ya. Now we are here and a target is suffering, not the right target but that is some times how traps work.
many good points.

but do you agree that Muscovy (other names juchi ulus, golden horde , russia, tartary ) as a primitive mongol empire always is choosing to use hardpower , meanwhile " China " (state created only in 1910) prefers to use soft-power?
Comparing with Jewish Cossacks, may be...

Jewish Cossacks... Sounds like a terrestial fish.

Actually, some of "Ukrainian" nationalists claims that the word "Cossack" is a form of the word "Hazarian", and "Hazarians" were Jews. Both those statements highly likely are wrong, but nobody cares.
From another hand, current alliance between significant part of Jewish community and Neo-Nazi Radicals is anti-natural in the same way.
View attachment 335563

But nobody pretend that ideology must be logical.

This alliance exists only in the heads of people fed up by Russian fake news media. This leads to two mutually illogical conclusions - that so called coup was organized by Jews and the country is led by them now; and 'the coup' was organized by Ukrainian nationalists (or as they prefer neo-Nazis).

This collision can't be solved by a Russian brain, so they don't even try, and just reiterate one statement or the other depending of context.

Zelenskiy is a Jew, and representative of Kolomoiskiy (and Habbad cult) , and Ukrainian nationalists were a cannon fodder on Maidan and in Donbass conflict. It's just a plain facts. A word "Jidobanderovetz" (Jude-Banderlog) was invented in Ukraine.
Actually Ukraine is a failed state, controlled by many different foreign forces (from Turkey to Russia and the USA). Those forces play their games, but no one is really interested in the "total victory".
Habbad, Soros, US Int, Russians (Capitalists, Commies, Liberals, Panslavics, Orthodox Fanatics), Turks (Panturkists and Pan Islamists), Poles, Hungarians and many others... They play their games, but don't raise bets. Many alliances are temporary and innatural.

Ukraine badly needs following:

1. Fundamental Baptism as the state religion
2. Death punishment for corruption
3. Guys like Ron Paul as president
4. A total prohibition for former KGB agents and KPSU members to run any office
5 New constitution

Territory needs nothing, and Ukrainians don't need anything from this list.

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