Pure speculation time: When does Jeb Bush officially withdraw from the race?


Liability Reincarnate!
Feb 18, 2013
I know it's just idle speculation.

That's ok.

Just curious if there's a consensus here.

In anticipation of the happy day when Jeb Bush officially terminates his candidacy to become the GOP's presidential nominee, I wonder when the GOP loyalists (and the conservatives, which is not the same thing ) here at USMB are expecting Jeb to announce that he's out?

I'm thinking at his current rate of fail, he won't last another three months. Or maybe that's just wishful thinking.

But Jeb kind of sucked at the last debate (on the moderator fail CNBC) and Jebby got hammered by Rubio's rejoinder to the pathetic scripted effort with which Jeb tried to smear Rubio.

I can't see the main stream GOP RINO establishment putting up with the Jeb flop candidacy much longer.
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Maybe he should rely on hindsight like his brother was supposed to do :lol:
Very soon. He won't get a bump from this latest debate because he sucked and he's already publically saying basically "fuck this and fuck y'all". I don't think it will be much longer before he bails.
Just as soon as someone points out to him he's got a fork stickin' outta his back.
Under Pressure After Debate, Bush Insists He's Not Dead Yet

"Look, there are two types of politicians," Bush said. "There are talkers and there are doers. I wish I could talk as well as some of the people on the stage — the big personalities on the stage. But I'm a doer."

Bush has already signaled that New Hampshire is THE most critical state for him. In fact he's shifted resources there, including extra staff from his headquarters in Miami.

"It's do-or-die for Jeb in New Hampshire," said University of New Hampshire professor Dante Scala, who cautions that many a candidate has been declared out of it prematurely. "Jeb Bush does need to give people a reason to believe. And he's doing the grass-roots work here in New Hampshire, and he's up on the air all the time. The fact that he hasn't gotten a boost here yet has to be concerning."

Bush, meanwhile, spoke to Fox news Thursday afternoon from New Hampshire. He was asked if his campaign is terminal.

"I'm gonna work hard to be able to earn people's support," Bush said. "I knew this would be a long journey, but to suggest that the campaign is terminal? C'mon."

Under Pressure After Debate, Bush Insists He's Not Dead Yet
New Hampshire the live free or die state is not really suited to a Bush type candidate so he's finished if that's the case.
It is true that some politicians who had been given up for (politically) dead in the early part of some past campaigns have managed to come back.

And, as we know, Jeb is supported by the donor class of RINO Establishment Republicans who might get persuaded to double down to prop Jeb up.

But, wishful thinking or not, I cannot help but see how lousy Jeb was at the last debate. Seriously. His pre-planned ("spontaneous" but obviously orchestrated) attack on Rubio allowed Rubio to publicly bitch slap ol' Jebby, instead. Jeb failed and THEN Rubio won by a wide margin in their little head to head.

And while others (like Cruz and Christie) proceeded to take the left wing Democrat shill moderators to task, Jeb was more than a dollar short and is STILL late in objecting to the silly vapid moderation of these GOP debates. Barring something pretty remarkable (miraculous) Jeb has shown his true colors. He doesn't have it. Shrillary would wreck Jeb if they ended up in the General Election as their respective Parties' standard bearers.

I believe Jeb needs to shut it down and get the fuck out. And I can't wait. The sooner the better.
"The fact that he hasn't gotten a boost here yet has to be concerning."

he hasn't got a boost yet because NH will ultimately choose Hillary IMHO


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