Put a Bounty on Putin's Head

Holy fuck you’re such a retard, Synthia, you can’t even recognize that 1989 preceded 1990.
yo, counselor mcwelsh? tell the class how 1989 and 1990 were different, with regard to bush being president.
Did you even bother to read the Wiki entry in full? This is a unit in the low hundreds with 10-20% adhering to neo Nazi views. There is only one individual in the Ukrainian parliament that holds such views. Nazism is NOT a widely supported ideology among Ukrainians that is Putin’s Big Lie to justify this mass murder of Russian conscript soldiers and Ukrainian soldiers AND civilians.

FYI there are more white nationalist neo Nazi adherents in the ranks of the US military and in the US Congress and in the US population than in Ukraine.
Well. .. . considering that the US had been arming and training this unit? You might not be so far off. But, let's try to keep in mind, that the wiki is edited by spooks, when it comes to issues of foreign policy, and is often times, not very reliable.

The simple fact is, Putin, the Russian government, and the Russian State, do not view the majority of the people of Ukraine as its enemy, so are not engaging in a scorched Earth military assault. They have not used cyber attacks to stop the electric power, or cut off water. They have not jammed communications, they have not bombed critical infrastructure.

Western media has propagandized their audience into believing it is some, "heroic," defense, and the the Russian military is bumbling and half=assed, but, much like the Americans fought much of Vietnam with limited rules of engagement. . . much of what is going on here, is probably, an attempt to hunt down and crush the Azof Battalion which was harassing the ethnic Russians in the Donbas Region.

It is also an attempt to disarm Ukraine of the weapons which NATO and the West has been arming it through the MAP program, which has been on going, for several years.

No, the Russians have trapped their main forces in a 40 mile convoy. We are going to see massive Javelin attacks which will render them useless. Worst military move in a very long time.

The Russians have control of the air which means low chance of being shot up.
No it won't. Sure it might end the current battle, but a lot of people in Russia probably love and respect the guy and that will only piss them off. Not only that, but Russia is a communist country and somebody else will just take over and they will only try to attack again as long as that old fool is still in the white house. It would only solve one problem, but it would soon create others in the process.
Put a bounty on the head of whoever takes over.
And so on.
Might soon run out of heads, methinks.

Isn't that what Israel did with the leaders of Hamas...turned the guy in the wheel chair into 'swiss cheese', then the next guy etc?
Lady in the old NYT forums told me "Dead terrorists do not kill anyone".
Dead Russians do not kill anyone either.
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No they don't. Air defenses are still active.

Their air defenses are small to start with and Russian Helos are all over the place it isn't getting the upper hand at all.

Here is the comparison between Ukraine and Russia


Russia #2 in the world for Airpower 4,173

Ukraine #31 for Airpower with just 318 total

Overwhelming advantage!
The Russian advance has been so poorly executed so far that one begins to wonder if the military leaders aren’t sabotaging the effort on purpose. Definitely many of the conscripts didn’t know they were going to be attacking Ukraine the way they are, that evidence is clear. Now reporters are also indicating that the condition of many of the weapons and transport vehicles in the convoy approaching Kyiv is poor, with numerous vehicles breaking down and Russian soldiers scrambling to fix them roadside. The Russian federation military is looking poorly indeed.
Their air defenses are small to start with and Russian Helos are all over the place it isn't getting the upper hand at all.

Here is the comparison between Ukraine and Russia


Russia #2 in the world for Airpower 4,173

Ukraine #31 for Airpower with just 318 total

Overwhelming advantage!
So explain why the Russian Army can't drive their forces into Keiv.
Russian mafia loses enough money, Putin will go out a window.
Exactly. The Russian ruble is crashing. The Russian stock market is crashing.

However, the Russian mafia probably has all their money in crypto and Trump properties.
I'm thinking $50 million would do the trick. His own generals will do away with him and this war will end overnight.
Not a good idea.
Assassinating or hiring the assassination of political figures opens a door that even the least civilized nations want to keep closed.

Keep the pressure on.
Supply Ukraine as needed.
Provide military support as needed.
Force Putin back to Russia where his people will deal with him.

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