Put me down as one of the disgusted

American Bison and beaver hunted nearly to extinction so some assholes could have fancy hats and pelts. Left the meat to rot.

And it took a serious wildlife management program to even attempt to bring them back. Hunting of other species is a big part of overall management plans, via fees and commerce created by the hunts.
American Bison and beaver hunted nearly to extinction so some assholes could have fancy hats and pelts. Left the meat to rot.

And it took a serious wildlife management program to even attempt to bring them back. Hunting of other species is a big part of overall management plans, via fees and commerce created by the hunts.
Yeah like man kind nearly killed off every freaking wolf on the continent too.

And management plans are bringing those back as well.
The whole point is they would not need bringing back if you would leave them alone. They manage fine without your management.

Unless you plan to start wiping out people, then things cannot go back to the way they were. Proper game and wildlife management is necessary.
If people like her father and this little girl need to kill something why don't they just show up at a local slaughterhouse and use a bolt gun to kill cattle for slaughter, or stay and learn how to use a knife to slaughter them. That people like this need to go find beautiful 'trophies' to kill is what is most telling about them.

A hundred years ago a father teaching a child how to hunt so the family could eat out on the prairie was appropriate. Now it is just ego and disregard for life.
Because that dosen't make a good photo op. Look at me! I shot a big old bad giraffe. Ain't I swell?
Why? legal responsible hunters cull herds and provide meat for locals.

They are not hunting to extinction, just those that can and should be targeted.

that's true for deer.....giraffe don't need to be culled.

Why Giraffes are in Danger of Extinction

If the hunt is limited to animals that are either incapable of breeding, or are an issue when it comes to the health of the herd (overly aggressive) then why is it so bad if the Game management plan can make a few tens of thousands of dollars off of it for the better of the entire herd (or even other, more endangered species)?

why do you think that's what happened here?

because that's the only way one can usually get a valid big game permit for animals that are either endangered, or close to it. Also, if you read the link, that is what the family stated when asked about the hunt.

no. what happens is rich people pay a lot of money and animals are hunted which shouldn't be hunted.

what is "usual" has nothing to do with these things.
If people like her father and this little girl need to kill something why don't they just show up at a local slaughterhouse and use a bolt gun to kill cattle for slaughter, or stay and learn how to use a knife to slaughter them. That people like this need to go find beautiful 'trophies' to kill is what is most telling about them.

A hundred years ago a father teaching a child how to hunt so the family could eat out on the prairie was appropriate. Now it is just ego and disregard for life.

Why, because it puts your panties in a bunch? If you don't like doing it fine, stop being one of those assholes who thinks everyone has to like what they like, do what they do, and think like they do.

People like this want to HUNT, not just kill something locked in a cage.
Why? legal responsible hunters cull herds and provide meat for locals.

They are not hunting to extinction, just those that can and should be targeted.

that's true for deer.....giraffe don't need to be culled.

Why Giraffes are in Danger of Extinction

If the hunt is limited to animals that are either incapable of breeding, or are an issue when it comes to the health of the herd (overly aggressive) then why is it so bad if the Game management plan can make a few tens of thousands of dollars off of it for the better of the entire herd (or even other, more endangered species)?

why do you think that's what happened here?

because that's the only way one can usually get a valid big game permit for animals that are either endangered, or close to it. Also, if you read the link, that is what the family stated when asked about the hunt.

no. what happens is rich people pay a lot of money and animals are hunted which shouldn't be hunted.

what is "usual" has nothing to do with these things.

Yes, they pay a lot of money, and that money goes into game management organizations that look out for the entire group of animals in an area. Thus they breed more of them, and yes, some of the ones get shot by hunters for the funding, but again, its the ones either past breeding prime, or ones that are harming the overall group/herd.

And without these "rich people", the locals wouldn't give a rats ass about the animals, and they would die due to poaching.
Hunting animals is literally one of the oldest of human activities, we have been doing it since the dawn of our species. The desire to hunt is ingrained in us through thousands of years of evolution, especially in men. It is unusual for a 12-year-old girl to want to hunt, but there is nothing wrong with it, anymore than there's something wrong with anything else the human species does to survive, or used to do to survive. So long as the animals are not hunted to extinction, it is perfectly natural to want to hunt, and people who condemn hunting are condemning part of what makes us human.
Murder is what humans have always done too, so I guess you condone murder!
Well, I say Humans have a capacity to change. If you must hunt to eat do it. But, trophy hunting is pure bullshit.
Murder is what humans have always done too, so I guess you condone murder!
Well, I say Humans have a capacity to change. If you must hunt to eat do it. But, trophy hunting is pure bullshit.

Then don't do it. Hunting is not Murder, just like a wolf killing a deer is not murder.
I play Dungeons & Dragons, so I know what it's like to have idiots who don't know what they're talking about condemn what you do for fun. So, I'm going to ignore the idiots, and hunters should too.
Murder is what humans have always done too, so I guess you condone murder!
Well, I say Humans have a capacity to change. If you must hunt to eat do it. But, trophy hunting is pure bullshit.

Then don't do it. Hunting is not Murder, just like a wolf killing a deer is not murder.
Read this slowily black somebody said humans hunt because they have always done so, I said humans have done murder from the beginning. So do you condone murder because it is something humans have always done? Humans used to hunt because they needed food, they do it now for the pure joy of watching a beautiful animal die at their hands. The trophy hunting is pure bullshit. Humans have a capacity to change. They don't always need to kill animals just because they can. Now that's my opinion and I am sticking to it.
Somebody plays dungeons and dragons and we are supposed to be impressed? OMG!
Murder is what humans have always done too, so I guess you condone murder!
Well, I say Humans have a capacity to change. If you must hunt to eat do it. But, trophy hunting is pure bullshit.

Then don't do it. Hunting is not Murder, just like a wolf killing a deer is not murder.
Read this slowily black somebody said humans hunt because they have always done so, I said humans have done murder from the beginning. So do you condone murder because it is something humans have always done? Humans used to hunt because they needed food, they do it now for the pure joy of watching a beautiful animal die at their hands. The trophy hunting is pure bullshit. Humans have a capacity to change. They don't always need to kill animals just because they can. Now that's my opinion and I am sticking to it.

Murder has always been punished, unlike hunting. And Murder is the unlawful killing of another person. We punish unlawful hunting as well.

And you opinion if implemented would lead to the extinction of the very species you think you are protecting, but hey, being an unyielding idiot is easier than actually trying to reason something out, so keep running with that.
I play Dungeons & Dragons, so I know what it's like to have idiots who don't know what they're talking about condemn what you do for fun. So, I'm going to ignore the idiots, and hunters should too.

We had a born again Aunt in my family, you couldn't bring up D&D in front of her or she would go apeshit.
I play Dungeons & Dragons, so I know what it's like to have idiots who don't know what they're talking about condemn what you do for fun. So, I'm going to ignore the idiots, and hunters should too.

We had a born again Aunt in my family, you couldn't bring up D&D in front of her or she would go apeshit.
Name any hobby or sport, and there's SOME group of assholes organizing to try to stop it. The best policy is to ignore these obnoxious BUSYBODIES. WillowTree, no one cares what you think about hunting, you are a spaz.

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